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/lit/ - Literature

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16022169 No.16022169 [Reply] [Original]

Is there any genre that is not yet discovered yet? The last one was cyberpunk.
>maybe /lit/ can invent a new genre

>> No.16022174

Kat is shit you fucking simp.

>> No.16022182

You're not going to believe this, but a new genre just came to my mind after I read your post. I'll publish my novel in a year and then tell /lit/ all about it.

>> No.16022184

Isekai but YA western books

>> No.16022186
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has anyone written Kat erotica yet? I feel like thats really obvious but I don't think I've read any

>> No.16022197
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it's like asking if htere's new colors. ther are but they arent visible to the naked eye. and that what they look like scientifically are basically mash ups of colors we know. for instance pic related is an entirely different color to the more sphereical advanced eyesight.

>> No.16022222

Just post her goddamn feet already

>> No.16022224

>maybe /lit/ can invent a new genre
They tried that, it was called Burgerpunk and it lasted less than a month.

>> No.16022227

So you watch Kat for her content and not for masturbatory value, huh?

>> No.16022293

what is burger punk?

>> No.16022318
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You might think it's something really interesting and fleshed-out, but all we have is this single image
that's right, there is absolutely nothing else but multiple (failed) attempts at somehow trying to make a description of america out of that

>> No.16022337

write a whole book consisting only of conversation between people that don't know each other, like we do here on 4chan. i will call it schizofunk

>> No.16022340

There were some charts made of burgerpunk lit and an attempted collection of short stories written by anons but can't remember if that latter project ever got off the ground. I remember a lot of fighting between butthurt amerimutts and europoors over who could best write and understand the genre.

>> No.16022359

im pretty sure everything has been thought of. try to come up with some new race and it just becomes an altered version of elves or dwarves or orcs. It is quite literally impossible to come up with something totally new and original

>> No.16022366

the Eloi were a sort of original idea

>> No.16022369
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that's what happens when a "cool" idea comes first instead of an actually good book

>> No.16022486

maybe a bit like harmony korine movies, the beach bum / spring breakers. try to make high art out of the white trash commercialism

>> No.16022549

>sissyfied classics
>collection of tweets and critical analysis as primers on topical subjects
>real people's mundane diaries stolen from google docs and published without their permission, breaking free from the mould of semi-autobiographical diaries designed to be read by others
>panpsychic stream of consciousness
>dynamic ebooks that utilise your social-media feed to alter a second person story
>islamic sci-fi
do NOT steal

>> No.16022628

Its actually a good concept

>> No.16022635
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the last gender isn't cyberpunk, it's mpreg

>> No.16022670

no, it's not. fuck off.

>> No.16022674

>Cummie Fiction (Coomer Realism)
>The Wall (childless femcel coping routines; black comedy)

>"You can go anywhere with a car."

>> No.16022695

Seething mutt

>> No.16022698


>> No.16023594

Is Cyberpunk really the newest genre? The Cyberpunk as we know today has been around since at least the early 80's, there has to be stuff from the 90's and 2000's.

>> No.16023681

Please. "Burgerpunk" already exists. I'd like to point to Jonathan Franzen's "Freedom" as an example.

>> No.16023689

Incel eglogues.

>> No.16023875

trans fantasy

>> No.16023888

trans fantasy is actually trans realism.

>> No.16023903

That’s a sub genre of science fiction
That’s a marketing category. It can hold several genres
That’s just a topic of erotica
Parody of a sub genre

>> No.16023935

Dumb afro

>> No.16024587

Around the Victorian era, scientists found out we could use poo to power all our technology. The genre is mostly set in a future where significant technological progress has been made but still uses poo energy.

>> No.16024595

Midwestern highway exits?

>> No.16024620

>I'll publish

sure anon, sure.

>> No.16024848

Any stories that could retroactively be called BurgerPunk? I'm thinking The Moviegoer.

>> No.16025146

Artificial realism.
Funky gay niggerism.
Laser beam in your eye-ism.

>> No.16025158

>”The future— it stinks!”

>> No.16025248

Cyberpunk isn't a genre as much as it's a subset of sci-fi based on a certain aesthetic. If we're calling that a genre, then you can invent an infinity of new genres by taking sci-fi and replacing purple and black with any other colors you'd like.

>> No.16026465

Baby rape.

>> No.16027340
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>17 hours
this kills the footfag

>> No.16027347
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>> No.16027417

Multicultural Realism

>> No.16027501

Pulp cannibalism

>> No.16027518

Serious answer? Might be called pre-futurist. A novel which exists within the assumption that we are heading towards an advanced future. Like the story of the first mass vertical farm or an entire co-op city, or the factory building the first space hotel. The industrialization that preludes futuristic society

>> No.16027636

the Oob book

>> No.16028471

scratch and lick book

>> No.16028536

>he sighed as he sat down to yet another dinner of copystock and ink (LICK PAGE HERE --->)