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/lit/ - Literature

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15984180 No.15984180[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It's like a Simpson's did it, but for real life. Rowling is amazing.

>> No.15984346

Except in real life it's Democrats and not Dementors.

>> No.15984505
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>> No.15984575
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>> No.15984590

Jimmy Dore is a gommie.

>> No.15984593


>It's another Leftist using a Fiction book to describe political parties in the real world without any nuance episode.

Onions needs to go

>> No.15984622

It's the only book that Leftists have read. At my graduation from grad school last year one of the student commencement speakers was this Latina who groaned on about white supremacy before quoting a passage from Harry Potter.

Why do you think so many classic authors haven't gotten cancelled? Leftists don't read.

>> No.15984624
File: 48 KB, 540x385, C7E95810-CC56-49D5-8C09-FBB1E447BBD9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we just posting shitty twitter memes now?

>> No.15984645
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I love you bros

>> No.15984654
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>> No.15984662

>go diving through twitter to find something
>"look at how liberals are obsessed with harry potter guys!!"

Literally the only time I hear Harry Potter being brought up is from you guys cherry picking examples of people talking about it. Like who the fuck is this random person on twitter and why do you care so much about them

>> No.15984674

>Literally the only time I hear Harry Potter being brought up is from you guys cherry picking examples of people talking about it.

I guess you haven't talked to women in real life then?

>> No.15984692
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you mean a liberal

>> No.15984766


Whatever. They both taste the same.

>> No.15984802
File: 195 KB, 1280x720, 1595798086010.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This also applies to the right, morons

>> No.15984826

Do you honestly hang out around women who talk about Harry Potter all day?

>> No.15984828

Reminds me of that meme about some guy telling his son he's going to have to use porn and memes to teach anyone anything when he grows up.

>> No.15984848

Have you been living under a rock the past month? Leftists hate Rowling

>> No.15984884

oh no, I was not following twitter drama

>> No.15984913

Left-Right political spectrum is for legitimate retards. You don't really have serious convictions, you just have a favorite football team.

>> No.15984920

Jo is /ourgirl/

>> No.15984999

based jimmyposter

>> No.15985037

"No". Being a TERF isn't /lit/

>> No.15985090

>This also applies to the right, morons

I've never met conservative people who talk about Harry Potter. They're typically doing things like holding down practical and regular employment.

>Do you honestly hang out around women who talk about Harry Potter all day?

They don't do it all day, but provided they're under 35 they're pretty much all into Harry Potter. The fact that you don't know this mean you don't regularly talk to women.

>Left-Right political spectrum is for legitimate retards.

The Left is essentially the only side right now that is systematically attempting to censor, alter, and police how people use language, and that is currently fomenting a cultural rebellion which says Western society's history of achievement is null and void because it was achieved by people of a certain skin color.

>Being a TERF isn't /lit/

Chopping your dick off doesn't magically make you a woman. Go peddle your insanity somewhere else.

>> No.15985114

>doesn't know what gender is or is a science denier
Sorry but facts don't care about your opinions.

>> No.15985119

imagine being dumb enough to get this from that picture

>> No.15985131

>I've never met conservative people who talk about Harry Potter.
yea that's because conservatives don't read
>The Left is essentially the only side right now that is systematically attempting to censor, alter, and police how people use language

>> No.15985151

>Sorry but facts don't care about your opinions.

Biology doesn't care about your make up horseshit either. Seethe harder, tranny. No one will ever consider you to be a woman.

>> No.15985156

>Can't even tell the difference between biology and the social sciences
Literally a brainlet

>> No.15985172

I'm sorry you paid so much to go get a social sciences degree and have your professors fill your head with garbage.

>> No.15985203


Pick uno.

>> No.15985244

This is the best bait I've seen on here in a few weeks

>> No.15985258

>b-but muh fee fees
sounds like cope to me.


>> No.15985289

>worst trip
>posts jimmy dork
no surprise here

>> No.15985320

>>b-but muh fee fees

Exactly, that's what I said, the fee fees (that you paid to have your head filled with garbage).

>> No.15985387

this has to be a troll account, no?

>> No.15985408

I grew out of this cringy "both parties suck" phase at 15 and I still meet a guy like this once a week at 26

>> No.15985421

this picture but unironically

>> No.15985422

>dude I know better than university professors and medical professionals worldwide just trust me I read about it on /pol/

>> No.15985464

>I've never met conservative people who talk about Harry Potter.
No. I was referring to this statement:
>using a Fiction book to describe political parties in the real world without any nuance episode.

>> No.15985478

The Republicans and Democrats are both bad, but the Republicans are demonstrably worse. It's not even comparable. The Republican party is clown world tier.

>> No.15985495

This thread is just like when Malfoy was bad mouthing Potter

>> No.15985690
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Yes, Democrats don't participate in Clown World at all. That's why if a man says he's a woman then he becomes one.

>> No.15985716
File: 147 KB, 981x1015, Both Won..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both Won.

>> No.15985726
