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15982766 No.15982766 [Reply] [Original]

Post your favorite mid-wit writings by average people who think they’re super geniuses so we can laugh at them

>> No.15982820

I dunno that seems pretty good to me

>> No.15982825
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>> No.15982842

To add to this, the guy’s ways of structuring his post is pretty disjointed but he is a decent writer and his vocabulary and prose lead me to believe he is pretty intelligent

>> No.15982891

Weirdly formulated but doesn’t seem like an idiot to me.

>> No.15982914


That's an interesting point about the inversion of the principle of worship. It might also explain why these women, despite making lots of money, still feel they are somehow objectified.

The last paragraph can be discarded, he was clearly feeling his point.

>> No.15982915

How about you post some of your writing instead OP lmfao. Time you spend hating others people is wasted

>> No.15982989

Yea the inversion part was very interesting

based, the person that OP is making fun of can clearly write pretty well

>> No.15983180
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Don't make fun of others. It's not very Christian.

>> No.15983185
File: 121 KB, 960x366, incelillyiad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me a woman that I'm legally allowed to subjugate or else civilisation will collapse!!!

>> No.15983207

Why would you waste time reading midwit writings? Oh

>> No.15983228

based OP reverse psychologizing people into praising his writing

>> No.15983436

Damn you found me out

>> No.15983487
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>not very christian

>> No.15983939

name one thing incorrect in those posts

>> No.15983973
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>> No.15983976

sneedzold XD

>> No.15983980
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>> No.15983985

I would have to post the entirety of my diary desu, and nobody want that.

>> No.15984004
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>Inb4 OP is the one who wrote that and made a post pretending to shit on it so others praise it
I'm onto you.

>> No.15984011

The writing is self-help tier, that is, it is worthy of a good 4chan post, but nothing remarkable past that. It's very diluted, for one thing. The first ten lines could be easily rewritten in three or four, or could be made much more evocative with similar length. Also there's an obvious typo on the seventh words that reeks of pastaposting. Stopped reading at "REAL, ACTUALLY EXISTING HUMAN BEING", as it is a seriously meme tier way of highlighting contrast. Find a string of words that convey the extraordinary character of that contrast, or just use a simple "On the contrary", but highlighting the words like this is top cringe.

>> No.15984024

why do people like Pynchon but hate GRRM?

>> No.15984033

>Post your favorite mid-wit writings by average people who think they’re super geniuses so we can laugh at them

>> No.15984048

anyone post with an anime girl attatched to it

>> No.15984055

The spelling of "revolution", for one thing.
The idea that human were indistinguishable from animals before the agricultural revolution. It implies human are somehow not animals now (biologically false) or that agriculture is what uniquely makes them apart from other animal species (laughable, by that token humans became a different species at around 20000 BC and nomads who learn agriculture in one generation suddenly become human). A conjunction of traits like use of tools, articulate language, burial and religious rituals, bipedal walk and being primates are much better way of characterizing humans among animals.
Didn't bother to read further, it's the usual half-obvious half-stupid tripe where the best insights are taken straight from a highschool latin course.

>> No.15984061

holy shit we have genuinely been invaded by reddit, how can you read that trite and think its good?

>> No.15984071
File: 124 KB, 1139x1154, Screenshot_2020-07-28 Symbolic Alphas - TheRedPill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not a mid wit but found a cool piece of writing

>> No.15984094
File: 11 KB, 258x195, puking_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dafaq is dis? some copypasta i hope?

>> No.15984168

The part you refuted is totally off-topic to the point that anon made

>> No.15984184


He contradicts himself. His own argument is that institutions are only possible with cities, which are only possible by first having the institution of marriage. The other

The second problem is for marriage to be possible at all there must first be a notion of property, and a mechanism for the enforcement of property rights. That is, for patriarchy to exist, for women to be the property of men, the concept and institution of private property must first exist. So since marriage itself is rooted in a prior institution it is not the primary institution of civilisation.

>> No.15984202

I don't care, you asked what was wrong in that post. I listed two majors things in the first four lines, not counting the typo. That and the writing style is enough to know I'm dealing with a barely above average 4chan wanker (and we're talking average by 4chan standards).

>> No.15984225

The retarded idea that we should "channel" mens sexual lust to advance society. The whole post reeks of virginity as the poster seems to truly believe that the sole driving force of ingenuity and progress is trying to get laid. Pretty fucking cringe bro

>> No.15984237

Yes dud. It's not like living beings set reproduction as their first priority since birth. I mean, people go to work because they like working, right?

>> No.15984451

This is incredibly nauseating to read

>> No.15984488

Some people do yeah, not everybody flips burgers like yourself. Also my point wasn't that reproduction isn't a driving force for life rather that it isn't a driving force for innovation.

>> No.15984490

both men and women's sexual lust must be channeled in appropriate directions to keep society healthy

>> No.15984561

The last paragraph is genuinely good writing and shows you have potential. The inversion concept is interesting but wasn’t expounded upon properly. The rest of it ranges from okay to extremely clumsy, you repeat yourself way too much. Like I said you have potential so keep practicing, and btw pretending that you didn’t write that so /lit/ contrarians would praise your mediocre writing is kinda cringe m8

>> No.15984652

The implication that an outdated imperialist and patriarchal system where marriage is a tool used to reward productive men with their own legal comfort woman is essential, good or worth continuing.

>> No.15984678

>Parasitic relationships in the modern west
>Implying prostitution, mommy issues and sexual manipulation have never existed before
>Blames it all on the enlightenment
of course

>> No.15984709

Based turk

Fuck off simp

>> No.15984712

Leftists like Magnus Hirschfield said the same thing and identified the sublimation of sexual desire as the foundation of reactionary politics. They saw free love as a part of communist praxis; this in itself lends credence to people on the other side who want to weaponize lust for rightist purposes

>> No.15984718
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>outdated imperialist and patriarchal system

>> No.15984729

Yeah because matriarchal systems work so much better right?

>> No.15984752

>denying the power of men's sex drive and competitiveness
This is why feminists are utterly stupid and arguing with them is utterly pointless, every time you ask them for alternative they just mumble some incoherent mess that only works in fantasy and not reality.
Now that you think about it, feminism is basically gender communism.
Both are retarded and go against human nature.

>> No.15984774

Go back to KC.

>> No.15984789

That's Pynchon, darling author on /lit/ and many other places.

>> No.15984793

go back redd*t

>> No.15984811

Children aren't obsessed with reproduction, it only starts at puberty, and by age 35 many of the smarter people have found more interesting things to do.
This idea that the drive to reproduction should be all-conquering is a meme. Evolution achieved its goal by making us want to fuck, that's all and for most of our history that was enough. Anything you do that's not conductive to fucking (like autistically devoting yourself to study, see Newton or Freud) means not following your "programming", which should be a hint that it's not that forceful a programming.

>> No.15984876

Yeah fuck reproduction, let's just go extinct, it's not like our birth rates are long enough

>> No.15984904
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>Yeah fuck reproduction, let's just go extinct
This but unironically.

>> No.15984938

>much appeal to nature argument

>> No.15984944

Fat people existed, so I guess obesity isn't a problem

>> No.15985719

I appreciate the kindly worded criticism you guys gave me in this thread, it was actually pretty motivating. I’m going to practice and read some reliable guides on how to improve

>> No.15985743

Don’t bother, even if you become an amazing writer you won’t make it anywhere because you have no connections and you write about weird shit. Just ldr and read good books until you die

>> No.15985781

> Name one civilization in which marriage did not exist
Buddhist civilizations had family systems that de-emphasized marriage, as did Roman system and Nordic Family System.

>> No.15987272

Every sentence this faggot wrote sounds like he thinks it's the most clever phrase ever expressed

>> No.15987499
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Every time I respond to a pol bait poster I ask what they've read recently. I have never once recieved a reply about books. It's an effortless way to embarrass midwit shitposters.

>> No.15987671
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its from gravitys rainbow

>> No.15988016
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>so epic and quirky and funneh

>> No.15988373

This is peak mid-wit