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15975624 No.15975624[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Are there any feminist works that don't try to refute the fact that women are basically children?

>> No.15975650
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Don't know of any, bump.

>> No.15975669

>attraction to women=pedophilia
>straight sex is worse than molesting kids
Hets btfo

>> No.15975747
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Current day Emanuel

>> No.15975757

Rats are too good for women.

>> No.15975763

Women are intelligent and have enough agency to be able to give consent.
They are still children in how they act.

>> No.15975785
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If you think like this, you probably are a child.

>> No.15975795

I absolutely love how the feminist movement today culminated into making money off nudes from OnlyFans. It's quite ironic especially with what the feminist movement originally sought after. It just goes to show you that women are fundamentally toxic and impulsive she beasts.

>> No.15975887

I get the joke
but, have you ever noticed how media that is "made for women" often comes off as for children?
Can't have sex, can't have violence, can't have offensive words/jokes, gotta have a happy ending, gotta moralize

>> No.15975918
File: 134 KB, 473x709, avengers-endgame-i-am-iron-man-i76482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Have you ever noticed how media that is "made for women" often comes off as for children?
Can't have sex, can't have violence, can't have offensive words/jokes, gotta have a happy ending, gotta moralize

>> No.15975936

If women are so great and equal to men why do they need feminism? They had thousands of years to prove they are equal and every matriarchal society failed

>> No.15976005

have sex

>> No.15976046

Many if not the majority of the men in this website are incapable of supporting and taking care of themselves and you are saying immaturity is exclusive to women. You have never met a woman who takes care of herself and does well in her pursuits? If not then you must never socialize or live somewhere dismal because they are everywhere in modern society. Grow up.

>> No.15976063

>Women are basically children
>There's nothing ethically wrong with having consensual sex with women
>The idea that it's innately wrong to have sex with children is not logically consistent
Fixed that for you.

>> No.15976072
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and yet shit like metoo will manage to convince dumb bitches the consent they previously gave wasn't actually consent because muh feels and how easily suggestible most females are

>> No.15976118

Women are children indeed, but same is true about men, so it's redundant.

>> No.15976199

Can't alienate 50% of the population and their children if you want billions of dollars.

>> No.15976215

Media for women has tons of sex, i dont deny their children. But they are also sex obsessed.

>> No.15976225

I want you to know that I pity you.

>> No.15976245

>It just goes to show you that women are fundamentally toxic and impulsive she beasts.
They are more fundamentally parasitic upon the opposite sex. Its actually a fairly common occurrence in nature. Women don't really view the world in the same way that men do. They pretty much view all of reality in social terms and men as their primary resource to be exploited, not unlike how men view nature as a natural resource to be exploited. Feminist movements made a grave mistake of assuming woman were just like men but their behavior was merely a product of oppression, and if you lifted that societal oppression they would become 100% equals to males. This has pretty much been shown to be a completely false pretense at this point historically.

>> No.15976255

>media that is "made for women" often comes off as for children?
I understand what you're getting at, but I don't think that's true. Most media I see "for women" is often pseudo-tragic with tons of sex, violence (or danger of it), and more than anything else, self-pity. Think of literally everything on Netflix: Orange is the new Nigger, (You), Tiger King, female comedians, EVERY true-crime drama. Literally all they watch is violence, sex, and dumb politics.

>> No.15976261

Men pay the majority of the taxes while women receive benefits

>> No.15976274

ok simp

>> No.15976277

Women bear the majority of children dumbfuck. You would like the children of your nation to be brought up well right?

>> No.15976284

Case in point

>> No.15976287

>Women bear the majority of children
Modern "empowered" women don't want to have children anymore

>> No.15976290
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yet they tend to be raised poorly if they have no father

>> No.15976291

Nah, men are like teenagers (I don't wanna get a job, I want video games and weed, let's get drunk, just let me jerk off); women are like ten year olds or younger (I'm not gonna tell you why I'm mad!, I hate her because shes prettier, Treat me like a princess!, Crying makes me stronger!). It's embarrassing on both ends, but women in general are more immature.

>> No.15976292

they have furbabys

>> No.15976295

ok simp

>> No.15976298

What species is that rat?

>> No.15976330

I'm telling you, go talk to some people and make friends, please. For the sake of yourself and your concerned parents.

>> No.15976346

Being a princess is a lot better than drinking and smoking weed because princesses are pretty and drugs are not.
This very male-dominant site is full of the entitlement you attribute to women lol.

>> No.15976370


Except teenagers get something done if only occasionally. Ten-year-olds need constant supervision or things go to shit.

>> No.15976422

How much contact have you had with like, actual normal women? If you're a nerdy, spergy dude on 4chan, most of the women who've been willing to spend any significant amount of time with you are probably themselves deeply broken and maladapted people.

>> No.15976454

You haven't met enough ten year olds. Of course there's annoying little shits of any age, but for the most part, ten year olds are far more responsible and conscientious than you give them credit for.

>> No.15976487

50 shades of gray, Twilight, whatever that rape fantasy show with the red robes is. Women love sex and violence and offensive shit in media. You're just not thinking of these obvious counterexamples because you've internalized misogyny.

>> No.15976502

If patriarchy is so great, why is it crumbling to a movement of what you see as unequal subhumans?

>> No.15976538

Funny how it's only ever the father who leaves, huh?

>> No.15976547

Modern systems of production such as Capitalism demanded it. It doesn't really have much to do with morality or ethics.

>> No.15976549

Gambian Rat?

>> No.15976622

Of course women love sex and violence, you misunderstand.
What I'm getting at is the paternalistic impulse popular media often makes towards women, assuming women want X, but the reality is different.
50 Shades of Gray is an excellent example, it sold like gangbusters(mostly to women) yet women's media constantly bemoans sexualized characters and "the male gaze"

It's not the patriarchy that thinks women=children, it's modern feminism.

>> No.15976684

>It's not the patriarchy that thinks women=children, it's modern feminism.
Women literally infantilize themselves through their own innate sexual behavior and sexual selectiveness. And yeah many schools of feminism do too. Just look at #metoo its a literal infantilizing movement since what they are philosophically implying is that women are so weak and unable to handle their own lives and situations they require the entirety of society and all men to come to their rescue anytime they are ill treated or don't get what they want.

>> No.15976872

underage &anned

>> No.15976882

northern worbler.

>> No.15976966

>Just look at #metoo its a literal infantilizing movement since what they are philosophically implying is that women are so weak and unable to handle their own lives and situations they require the entirety of society and all men to come to their rescue anytime they are ill treated or don't get what they want.
Or they just don't think employment should be conditioned on blowing Weinsteins.

>> No.15976978

if they were adults they would handle their own personal problems and wouldn't be crying to all of twitter to help

>> No.15976988

I wasn't underageb& when I started browsing 4chan over a decade ago. I've met quite a few 10 year olds in my time.

>> No.15976993

Sounds like they handled their problems and you're mad how they did it. Who's the infant again?

>> No.15977018
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>they handled their own problems by forcing everyone else to do the fighting for them

>> No.15977034

Jealous? What is even your point here.

>> No.15977059


The psuedo-intellectual incel is one of the most embarrassing moments in the history of men.

>> No.15977132

ok but baby yoda is cute, anon

>> No.15977556
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>Has no argument
>Uh-Uh What is even your point here.

>> No.15977729

It's from NYC

>> No.15977786
File: 89 KB, 500x441, theguyfromboston1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15978152

Avengers is made for kids

>> No.15978173


She should really consider killing that thing because rats can easily carry diseases and spread them.

>> No.15978272

And yet seeing the birthrates collapse, they are incapable of even that

>> No.15978287


>> No.15978302
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>media that is "made for women"
>Can't have sex

>> No.15978799


>> No.15978813

Same can be said of women. Women are definitely capable, you just wouldnt expect it of them.

>> No.15979662

I'm more interested in the rat.

>> No.15979736

This. One of the most popular series for women in the past decade was a literal BDSM smutfic.

>> No.15979784

Wollstonecraft vindication of the rights of women doesn’t try but successful answers this point. So pretty much a settled question since the first wave of feminism

>> No.15979815

>rat is twice as big as human foot
>not even counting the tail
>absolutely dwarfs the other rat
What the hell is this thing

>> No.15980238

is this resolution for rats?

>> No.15980686
File: 26 KB, 650x400, d2e2399485584be1e14c394fa69c520c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is not rat
is siberian hamster