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/lit/ - Literature

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15971552 No.15971552[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>ladder - check
>rope - check
>suicide note - check
>take the car and drive to the woods
>park 2 miles away from the tree I tested
>30 minute hike with ladder strapped to my back
>get there, set everything up
>sit down to listen to some tunes and smoke a cig before I go
>suddenly a bright light flashes on me
>it's the fucking forest ranger
>he said he saw caught sight of some light
>I turned on my flash light for 10 seconds mid hike
>he calls the cops, escorts me back to the main road and the police picks me up
Long story short, I'm going to a mental hospital for a month or two. Phones aren't allowed so I'm going to need some books to read.
Recommend away lads.

>pic related was printed as my suicide note
>under it I wrote "Why yes, I'm hanging in there, how could you tell?"

>> No.15971557

No Longer Human

>> No.15971581

They choose what u read numbnuts

2/10 larpnigger

>> No.15971584


>> No.15971589

a bit based I presume!
A bump to thee!
Truly a man with a redpilled spirit!

>> No.15971593

imagine failing at something as basic as suicide lol. like nigga, just jump off a building, jeez. anyway, to answer your question, OP, start with the Greeks.

>> No.15971601

Read it already
They said I can bring books and they will decide whether I can keep them after they check the content
Read the subject

>> No.15971603

honestly just pick up some light genre fiction that you can immerse yourself in


>> No.15971615

Ok but post a review or something to make it lit related

>> No.15971631

Get the fuck out of here.

>> No.15971645

The bell jar (MC goes to a mental hospital)

Also some uplifting stuff and non-fiction stuff that interests and inspirers you. Don't get depressing stuff only

>> No.15971653

Why tho

>> No.15971654

The Good Soldier Sveik by Jaroslav Hasek. There's a fragment in which Sveik has to go through a mental hospital.

>> No.15971802

Jesus anon, if internet culture has affected you so much to the point it dictates your last words then there's something deeply wrong with you. Otherwise it's just a shitpost and everything you wrote never happened.

>> No.15971804
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why are you doing this bro

>> No.15971819

Meditations by Marcus Aurelius
Reread if necessary

>> No.15971829

A confession by leo tolstoy

>> No.15971846

Isn't that exactly why they want to take his phone away?

>> No.15971856

"Czech soldier is good soldier."

>> No.15971978

Stupid, but funny. Godspeed OP, read Sienkiewicz's Trilogy

>> No.15971985

mein kampf.

>> No.15972049

war and peace in russian, that will keep you busy for quite sometime

>> No.15972058

The Myth of Sysiphus

>> No.15972068

adhd tards have no buisness being on a literature sub

>> No.15972072
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>> No.15972074

one flew over the cuckoo's nest lol
might be relevant

>> No.15972170

The Pale King. kek

>> No.15972190

>sit down to listen to some tunes and smoke a cig before I go
I imagine my attempt would have this step as well.

>> No.15972227

I don't do cuck shit tho lol, every thread with you people

>> No.15972243
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Journey to the end of the night

>> No.15972249

Where are you right now? Btw, some Dostoevsky.

>> No.15972254

The Little Prince, Hamlet, maybe some David Foster Wallace, like A Supposedly Fun Thing I'll Never Do Again or Brief Interviews with Hideous Men. Godspeed OP.

>> No.15972263


>there's something deeply wrong with you.

He attempted suicide

>> No.15972269


Take something light and enjoyable. How about Runyon on Broadway?

>> No.15972291

Hegel and Hermeticism and A Thousand Plateaus.

>> No.15972296


>> No.15972301

read MahaPrajnaParamita-Sastra by Nagarjuna

>> No.15972304

moby dick would keep you busy, even if you've already read it

>> No.15972305
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I doubt they'd let you read whatever you want
But if they did let you read whatever you want and if I were in your position, I'd get those Holocaust Handbook books and bring them. I was just made aware of them from that other thread about them and they look pretty long but pretty interesting

>> No.15972308


>> No.15972313

Read the entire Jules Verne bibliography

>> No.15972423

bible black

>> No.15972439

Thomas Szasz so you can call the psychiatrists retarded with confieence. Sorry you're American anon, their psychwards suck ass.

>> No.15972440

how about you both fuck off

>> No.15972448

Dark Night of the Soul
St. John of the Cross

>> No.15972465

>Why yes, I'm hanging in there, how could you tell?
Fucking LOL

You're gonna make it

>> No.15972467

it is compared to more philomosohpicamul stuff like nitshee and camoose bro

>> No.15972477

True. Psych ward saved my life but not because of doctors. I saw such disgusting specimens of humanity there that I just couldn't let them outlive me

>> No.15972551

would you stop shoving that down my throat on every fucken thread? At least tell me what that book is about.

>> No.15972557

based choice to read in a mental asylum

>> No.15972563
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not only am I not going to fuck off, I will subvert your 4chan culture from the inside and turn this place into just another Leddit

>> No.15972565

you're late like a decade bro haha xdd

>> No.15972611

lmao americucks are a joke, been sectioned a few times and you're allowed phones and any books you want only issue is dick heads stealing your shit cause shared rooms separated by curtains
>count of monte cristo
>goffman asylums
>consolations of the forest
>against civilization

>> No.15972675

>>pic related was printed as my suicide note
>>under it I wrote "Why yes, I'm hanging in there, how could you tell?"
Read Crime and Punishment, The Idiot, and Brothers Karamazov all by Dostoevsky in that order.

>> No.15972685

The Stranger
The Count of MC
Kafka on the Shore

>> No.15972971

Read something long like
>In Search Of Lost Time
>The Story of Civilisation by Durant

>> No.15972976

Norton Anthology
They have everything

>> No.15973113

-Medical Nihilism
-Mind Fixers: Psychiatry's Troubled Search for the Biology of Mental Illness
-Anatomy of an Epidemic: Magic Bullets, Psychiatric Drugs, and the Astonishing Rise of Mental Illness in America
-The Protest Psychosis: How Schizophrenia Became a Black Disease

>> No.15973161

The Bible, KJV or RSV (RSV-CE if you're a papist)
The Quran
Finnegan's Wake

>> No.15973197

About macedonian matters by Krste Petkov Misrkov

>> No.15973227

Big kek :)

>> No.15973283

Le nitche
Le crime and bunnishmenr
Le olde greeksos

Why the fuck you retards always suggest literature that is common as fuck. We are not in highschool anyone almost everyone who has decent education know those works suggest something that is not so fucking mainstream

>> No.15973301

They're popular for a reason, numbnuts
And they'd be good for someone off his rocker to read

>> No.15973335
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>> No.15973338

I have really seen a Gigachad fitting better to an OP than here. Read the Bible.

>> No.15973347

Ashtavakra Gita is better for instant Atma-Jnana

>> No.15973350

I want to believe.
But i doubt someone who put gigachad in his suicide letter would be allowed to post here. Unless you're still home which makes no sense. What's stopping you from jumping off a bridge then? Fake and gay!

>> No.15973356

>I will subvert your 4chan culture from the inside and turn this place into just another Leddit

Watch out guys this Anon is gonna subvert us.

>> No.15973485

Take SONGS OF A SOURDOUGH by Robert Service

And remember to learn THE SHOOTING OF DAN MCGREW by heart and repeat it to people to warn them against the ETERNAL THOT.

>There's men that somehow just grip your eyes, and hold them hard like a spell;
>And such was he, and he looked to me like a man who had lived in hell;
>With a face most hair, and the dreary stare of a dog whose day is done,
>As he watered the green stuff in his glass, and the drops fell one by one.
>Then I got to figgering who he was, and wondering what he'd do,
>And I turned my head — and there watching him was the lady that's known as Lou.

>> No.15973516
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Hold up. This doesn't make any sense. If you truly believed what you said to the point you were willing to end your own life, then why didn't you just simply kill the park janny? You are refusing to address the elephant in the room. That is, life life does have value and is worth living, which is why you ultimately refused to kill him and yourself. Otherwise, you would have bludgeoned him with your latter and carried on with your pathetic plan to hang yourself.

>> No.15974009

Every suicidee is waiting for someone to intervene, waiting for someone to reach in and take away their pain. No manic pixie dream girl will do that, they need a personal cross

>> No.15974020

I hate people like you. Crying for attention. Just suffer in silence like the rest of us you egotistical twat.

>> No.15974044

Op wants attention, which is why he loaded up his diary/essay here and put a lot of effort into injecting 8th grade tier humor onto his "suicide." If he were actually serious, he wouldn't go through all this mental gymnastics. He needs help

>> No.15974223

They want attention because they need help. Unfortunately, I don't think shrinks and asylums are of much help, especially if the shrinks view it as a job rather than a labor of love

>> No.15974461

Are you a muslim?

>> No.15974562

power of now, anon

>> No.15974610
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If you're into sci-fi, why don't you read some warhammer 40k novels?
How about
>Firt and Only by Dan Abnett
Or if you are into some dystopian futurism why not
>George Orwell's 1984
>Brave new World by Aldous Huxley.
Or maybe you want to be an original fag, then read
> Marry Shelly's Frankenstein or The Modern Prometheus

>> No.15974737

the fountainhead/atlas shrugged, they are long but some people find the writing style unappealing. You could also read the road and blood meridian, they reminded me why I love humanity.

The most based answer is books on sourdough though. I can recommend something if interested.
>become baker
>have sex

>> No.15974800
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I would like to begin my post by saying that anybody who makes their suicide note/last words a meme, is naught but an irony-poisoned söyfiend.

This seems like a good time for very difficult books that warrant re-reading or careful examination, unless you can guarantee a steady supply of books. I don't know what your interests are, but I would look for books that are a more technical/deeper dive into that subject. This isn't prison, but if you can guarantee boredom, then I recommend bringing books that you would like to get out of the way but always fail to start/finish. Having no other choice, you'll surely get through them.

>> No.15974867

No, agnostic/crypto-calvinist

>> No.15974918

what do you see in Quran?

>> No.15974934

The Eddas, in particular the Völuspá

>> No.15974981

Republic, Nicomachean ethics, Plato's essential Dialogues, De Officiis, Machiavelli's The Prince, The spirit of the laws, Common sense, The Wealth of Nations, Critique of Pure reason, Critique of practical reason, Critique of Judgement, Metaphysics of Morals, the social contract, The Phenomenology of Spirit, Elements of the philosophy of right, Capital. Their are others but I can't think of any.

>> No.15974999

No one cares go crave for attention elsewhere

>> No.15975012

Al Alvarez - The Savage God, A Study of Suicide

>> No.15975029
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>> No.15975142

>if internet culture has affected you so much to the point it dictates your last words then there's something deeply wrong with you
>someone who attempted suicide is mentally unwell
wow, you must be a clinical psychologist to perceive such faults, I never would've been able to

>> No.15975251

The Illiad
The Oddyssey
Plato complete
Aristotle complete
for more modern fiction stuff:
if you want to be entertained read some Dumas

>> No.15975302

Unironically the Bible

>> No.15975309

I wish your attempt succeded

>> No.15975462

I like reading all kinds of religious texts, I think they're interesting and help me empathize with people across the earth and across the ages

>> No.15975541

Anything by Faulkner: As I Lay Dying or The Sound and the Fury are my favorites. These are good for multiple readings.

Or Blood Meridian/Suttree by Cormac McCarthy.

>> No.15975764

>Why yes, I'm hanging in there, how could you tell?
Inconceivably based, mirin you

>> No.15975798

There's something deeply wrong with a man who attempts suicide, wow who woulda thunk?