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15968458 No.15968458 [Reply] [Original]

>dude how can you believe that something came from nothing? It's literally makes no sense
>yeah god just exists eternally and didn't need to be created by anyone or anything

>> No.15969024

Religious tards operate outside of logic and critical thinking.

>> No.15969058

god and the universe are one, dualistniggers

>> No.15969156
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b-b-b-based and Einstein pilled

>> No.15969175

Let me guess you are an averagely educated amerifat?

>> No.15969184

>this omnipotent being needed to be created bro
The absolute state of the neoatheistic retards.

>> No.15969186
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Believing in that nonsense won't make your shitty life better because coping isn't healthy. You need to come to terms with everything eventually.

>> No.15969193

He never said that and in fact hes simply pointing out how believing nonsense like that doesn't make more sense then something coming from nothing.

>> No.15969201

God didn't technically start from nothing. Humans were first animistic; worshipping mountains and shit, then polytheistic, then monaltristic, then monotheistic. The idea of "god" didn't just pop out of thin air

>> No.15969207

and this omni being is clearly a convenient lie that low IQ amerimutts adopt to cope with life and rich people use to keep them in line.

>> No.15969214

>projecting your internal struggles onto other people by claiming someone is “cope”
ngmi. also, the point of god is to stop worrying about the true nature of all existence (the infinite nature of everything makes this impossible except to the infinite source/totality/One itself) and allowing yourself to be taken through existence like a river, and not trying to swim against it is the final truthpill

>> No.15969219

There was no projection sir but if you need to believe in a fairy to feel better in life you are clearly coping, or just have an immensely low IQ and your mind, again, operates outside of critical thinking and logic.

>> No.15969224

>ngmi. also, the point of god is to stop worrying about the true nature of all existence (the infinite nature of everything makes this impossible except to the infinite source/totality/One itself) and allowing yourself to be taken through existence like a river, and not trying to swim against it is the final truthpill
This reads like psycho babble honestly, but that's to be expected from religious tards

>> No.15969238

What's funny is no one really believes any of that nonsense over in Europe, and these moronic beliefs seem to mostly reside in Mcdonalds land.
That says a lot honestly.

>> No.15969240

>my metaphysical assertion is better than yours
are Reddit servers down or something?

>> No.15969241
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>dude what do u mean you believe in god, you can't you're a retard, we're just le ebin monke on space rock

>> No.15969244

>>dude how can you believe that something came from nothing? It's literally makes no sense
is God "something"? matter had to be created, and it cannot come from nothing. to argue that matter can exist eternally or cause itself is sophistry. better questions would be "is matter an extension of God or a reflection?" "can matter be reduced to consciousness?" etc. these will lead you to a better understanding of reality.

>> No.15969252


>> No.15969262

Just ignore the amerimutts who were brainwashed by their parent's and went to a lowly public school lol

>> No.15969263

that’s great. I hope you also don’t have any political beliefs, especially extreme left/right ones, because those are ultimate cope ;)

>> No.15969276

when you see mindless fat amerifarts that consume mcdonalds day after day and who works at mcdonalds as well, praise a god, you should feel a bit stupid at that point.

>> No.15969283

>amerimutts amerimutts amerimutts
>replies: 20, posters: 9
obsessed euro is samefagging?

>> No.15969286

what's your problem? lmao samefag

>> No.15969314

Don't know when all the poor beggars and mcdonald binging amerifarts that weigh 300lb pounds preying to a god, don't you question it? I would. And no I don't care about left or right or politics for that matter.

>> No.15969325

>300lb pounds
confirmed ESL eurotard

>> No.15969336
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>Everything magically exists for no reason
>Everything magically exists due to the will of an entity

>> No.15969346
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>> No.15971389

If nothing is around to observe the universe, then could you say the universe exists? Maybe the universe or god created observers to prove that it exists.

>> No.15971430
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>> No.15971435

>something doesnt make sense so it cannot be

>> No.15971436


Clearly he’s never experienced his entire galaxy being incinerated by a supernova. What a brainlet

>> No.15971448


How hard can you cope

>> No.15971450

it is a miracle.

>> No.15971457

Because God didn’t come from nothing, he has always been. Even secularists will agree that the universe has a beginning.

>> No.15971468

Creation in and of itself only came about through(during) the creation(existence) of god; the same applies to things such as time and space. look into the kabbalah to learn more about that.