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File: 1.92 MB, 2500x1526, universe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15967301 No.15967301[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The universe exists
>Yes, God made the universe
But who made god?
>No. God has always existed, and is uncreated.
Why can't the universe have always existed, and been uncreated? You're just pushing the problem one step further down the chain of reasoning.

>> No.15967313

Some claim that all of existence is in fact god

>> No.15967325

sounds like autism

>> No.15967353

how could we possibly know anything outside our universe?

>> No.15967459
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>> No.15967461

Im not typically a proponent of a monotheistic God, but Spinoza is fucking based.

>> No.15967492
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It’s the last available god, and it doesn’t require your worship in any particular way. If the schizos could learn to be happy with that, we could move on.

>> No.15967497

The universe exists
>Yes, God made the universe
But who made god?
>No. God has always existed, and is uncreated.
Why can't the universe have always existed, and been uncreated?
>Because we've discovered a metric by which to track the aging of the universe and found it to be approximately 14 billion years old, meaning that it came into being at some point due to something that pre-existed it which we've agreed to call "God" because functionally that's what it is.

I'm not even a god guy and this is pretty simple

>> No.15967502

It's closely allied with the idea of a man-like God. God hardly makes his presence known in this universe anyway, despite his movements ordaining the particular way things behave.

Honestly, if you can't see how God interacts with reality, then I feel sorry for you: you need to know of God's existence. :3

>> No.15967505

Then it's a useless concept

>> No.15967521

>which we've agreed to call "God"
That's not the definition of God and even if it was then it would still be irrelevant since it's used with other meanings with almost all use.

>> No.15967525

He was right. The Jains knew it too.

>> No.15967529

you mean pantheist i think
Can God be limited by his own existence?
i think parmenides said that our world is an illusion because God (the One) can not "just" exist there as it would be limited and the One can not have limits, later influencing Plato's Idees and christianit's omnipresent quality of God

>> No.15967543
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>The mysteries left in physics are proofs of god’s hand movin’ stuff.

>> No.15967549

Outer Wilds already answered all of this.

>> No.15967552

>That's not the definition of God
Says who, you? Fuck you. There, problem solved.

>> No.15967557

No one said that. No one's ever said that except for pop scientists, Butterfly.

Very often before this recent trend, scientists would discover the revolutions of celestial bodies, for instance, and not suddenly 'stop' calling them heavenly.

Every single physical law you know of is evidence of God's existence. :3

>> No.15967563

Gods existence is irrelevant. The belief and faith is all that matters. The Bible isnt literate about all of its issues. Why is this so hard for atheist to grasp?

>> No.15967564

I really hate having a poor philosophical background anon, but I'll try
the reason why God exists and made the universe, and not that the universe exists without God, is because of the implied properties a creator without creation would have and the necessity of this
the argument that all existence is God can fit in here if you want, but it would not be limited to what we can observe. existence itself would be perfect, omnipotent, omniscient, etc.meaning that the universe would have in a very loose sense,a mind of its own

>> No.15967566

It isn’t.

>> No.15967571

Spinozism and Jainism don't have this problem.

>> No.15967580

The dictionary.

Anyway that's not how the word is used.
God is often redefined in the middle of arguments to defend the concept so it's very slippery.

>> No.15967582

Oh that's neat, Butterfly. Anyway the answer to your question earlier, why there are so many women around me, is because God exists, and I prayed and stood fast by his existence, and so I am in the situation I am because of him.

The Quran is the word of God, butterfly.

>> No.15967586

And Mormonism.

>> No.15967593

God is the idea humans use to explain the contradictions their heads were born with. Wiser men learn from this only that they are small, and not that among larger things there is something largest of all. Go ahead, post a presumptuous reductio.

>> No.15967613

>The dictionary.
I can write my own if I felt like it.
>Anyway that's not how the word is used.
Again, says you, faggot.
>God is often redefined in the middle of arguments to defend the concept so it's very slippery.
By who? Me or you? Because there's nobody else here right now.

>> No.15967630

Just look in this very thread, everyone who has tried to define God has a different definition.

>> No.15967637

>then i'm not a part of the universe. i am not a real thing
you're part of the universe, you're the universe being shaped, you're surroundings are all shaped parts of the universe, but in the end, in the core, they're all made from the same things, extremely different yet the same.

>try to fight the universe as much as possible so it stops changing and so nothing changes. so my shape stays as it is as long as possible
you're changing every minute, every part of what makes you, yourself is changing.
what do you have to fight for? you have already been here, you're just a new shape, a new mix of clay in a different glass, but you were always here and you will always be here until the end of times, taking different shapes, maybe not having the conciousness that you're used to, but then again, who are you? you're nothing but a mix of things

>> No.15967644
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>> No.15967650

>it came into being
Come now anon, you know damn well the
>hurf durf afeists believe nuffin came from nuffin and boom xD
meme is just a meme. Right? You don't actually believe people think that the Big Bang was an event that created anything, correct? You ARE aware that the Big Bang was just all space and energy compressed to a single point, right?


>> No.15967686

>everyone who has tried to define God has a different definition.
You mean the people involved in discussions separate from ours? I don't see what they have to do with anything.

>You don't actually believe people think that the Big Bang was an event that created anything, correct?
I mean, a lot of people DO think that. A lot of people think chocolate milk comes from brown cows.
>You ARE aware that the Big Bang was just all space and energy compressed to a single point, right?
Huh? What's a "point"? How big is it? What is it shaped like? You seem to be very confident in your knowledge here.

>> No.15967708

Oh, turns out you're just a dumbfuck. Go read a book. If that's too much trouble, go here
>b-but y-you're supposed to d-debate me
Go read a book, retard.

>> No.15967724

>X came from Y
>What's Y?
>Fuck you
I didn't say you had to debate me, I don't have a point to argue, nor did I even put one forward. You just said "the Big Bang was just all space and energy compressed to a single point" and I asked you what that's supposed to mean.

>> No.15967734

See >>15967708

>> No.15967758


>> No.15967760

See >>15967708

>> No.15967780

Stop calling me (god) useless

>> No.15967799

how exactly do you not already know this? i get that you are defending young earth creationism on fucking 4chan so you clearly have a double digit iq and all, but still, theyve taught this shit i schools for like thirty years. how are you at least not aware that this is what people are talking about when they say "the big bang"?

am i just taking the bait here or something?

>> No.15967808

>you mean pantheist i think
Yeah, but in some senses it's also Monotheistic, in so far as everything is part of the One God

>> No.15967812

>Aseity (from Latin a "from" and se "self", plus -ity) is the property by which a being exists in and of itself, from itself, or exists as so-and-such of and from itself
Come on Anon, I don't even believe in God but you can do better than that. This is already well trodden ground.

>> No.15967835

Whole lotta hot air to just say "god works in mysterious ways"

>> No.15967837

I think at that point it sort of falls apart. If God is an all-pervasive part of everything, and never takes action because the only thing God does is "Be", then is it really fair to say it's "God" at all? The word becomes meaningless, because you've abstracted God away from being "a term to describe Zeus, Thor, Yahweh, Jesus, etc". If God is everything, you can't have more than one everything, so the mono is pointless as you can never have polytheism, and the theism is pointless because you can never have God actually doing anything other than Be.

This is a criticism Hindus make of the-sect-that-shall-not-be-named, and why they label its founder an atheist, by the way. Jews do the same with Spinoza.

>> No.15967849


>> No.15968071
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>i get that you are defending young earth creationism
Woah woah woah, hold up, no I'm not. Where the fuck did you get that from? I never even brought that or anything even slightly related to that up. Allow me to repeat myself for those not paying attention, someone said "the Big Bang was just all space and energy compressed to a single point" so I asked them what the term "point" in that statement is supposed to be defined as.

>am i just taking the bait here or something?
No you're just kind of an idiot, evidently. As if the only two options for where the universe came from is 'big bang' or 'jesus' and if I don't jump up in the fucking air to show my enthusiasm for one I must clearly be defending the other. You simpleton. You fucking buffoon.

>> No.15968169

If you're trying to make the ontological argument, you really need to read more. The ontological argument is flawed.

For example, you can define a being that should exist by definition, and be observable by definition, yet is not observable.
If the being exists, it is observable.
It is not observable, thus it does not exist.
If the ontological argument is valid, the being should exist.
The being doesn't exist, therefore the ontological argument is invalid.

You seem to be making this mistake when you define god as a creator

The rest of your post is relatively incoherent, and I'm not going to waste my time trying to salvage something from it

>> No.15968181

Come on, anon.
You haven't even explained why god has to have this property, and the universe absolutely cannot have this property

>> No.15968217
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>among larger things there is something largest of all
How could there not be?

>> No.15968219

This is just moving the problem.
They are just assuming axioms and postulates without any proof of them being true.
For example, the whole unrealized potential nonsense. This is just another manifestation of the flawed ontological argument

>> No.15968225

can you translate this to a non-schizo wording please
I understand it makes sense to you, but you need to use more words, and better wording, for it to make sense to other people

>> No.15968239

I can't understand your post.
I really need to study more.
Anyway thanks for the effort post anon, sorry it was wasted on someone like me, but perhaps other anons can benefit from it

>> No.15968308

God is as real as communism

>> No.15968345

>How could there not be?
The way in which you categorize things is the only reason for which you think there must. I would rather use reductio to toss that belief out rather than tack on a belief in some giant omnipotent being to fix everything. Bounds and finitudes are man made simplifications we use to survive, not realities.

See above basically.

>> No.15968363

>Bounds and finitudes are man made simplifications we use to survive, not realities.
Exactly. God is infinite and he's the highest Reality.

>> No.15968369

Because the only way the universe could have always existed, would require a supernatural explanation, or be a matter entirely beyond our comprehension.
Conclusions, which would be unscientific.
It can however, apply to God, because he is beyond our understanding, and supernatural by definition.

>> No.15968376
File: 331 KB, 833x900, durgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Once you do enough LSD and shrooms, you realize that synchronicity exists, there is perfect justice in the universe, you've been banished to this strafplanet because you have a shitty soul, and you can't escape the cycle of reincarnation until you stop being such a cunt, because God hates you and nobody in the superior worlds wants you around

>> No.15968382

>The universe exists
prove it cringe nigger

>> No.15969071

>My points are correct.

>> No.15969154

>>My points are correct.
right back at ya

>> No.15969185

Wrapping the word God around it only damages the idea, as does describing it as an endpoint or thing generally. There isn't a Complete.

>> No.15969288

>>>My points are correct.
>right back at ya
right back at ya

>> No.15969341

“The universe” isn’t a thing. It’s just a category of things that we know exist in a certain space which we share.

God, is a SINGULAR Necessary Existence, while the universe is a category of contingents.

>> No.15969345

And that is the correct answer.

>> No.15969561

based and nice dubs

>> No.15969568

>God, is a SINGULAR Necessary Existence
Where's your proof?

>> No.15969651

I am not claiming God exists in this argument. I am pointing out the assumptions of the universe as one entity cannot be made, so I compared it to how we use the word “God” in this argument to clarify,

>> No.15969652

The existence doesn't seem to be omnibenevolent (or even omnipotent in a meaningful way).

>> No.15969661

Pant heist sounds like a funny concept.

>> No.15969673
File: 36 KB, 316x450, EZaeD5ZUwAEpJ8S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's my proof:
*farts on your face*

>> No.15969677

Refuted by Marx.

>> No.15969698

God is manifesting Universe right now.

>> No.15969712

Pretty retarded to not define what you mean by singular
Pretty retarded to not make your post actually clear and coherent

>> No.15969720

based schizo
based ESL

>> No.15969725

Who are you quoting?

>> No.15969733
File: 38 KB, 197x293, bbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit shut the fuck up redditor.

>> No.15969738

kill yourself

>> No.15969740

Something with no potency and full act has no need for creation and no capacity to change from its state of perfection.

>> No.15969751

Yes! And the crow outside my window crowed three times at 6 am today. It's obviously a sign from the devil. I can't help but see patterns. And these patterns that make sense to me obviously are true. I'm glad to find another schizoposter on this board

>> No.15969760

How is referencing Aristotle schizoposting?

>> No.15969773


God has the ultimate property of all that is good. So if something is eternal and uncreated it is by definition God. It's semantics.

>> No.15969786

>rejecting the notion of individuals

>thinking this leads up to one single individual
not based

>thinking the alternative is nothing
not based

>> No.15969850

>a supreme being thinking they can even begin to understand me
yeah, fuck off cunts

>> No.15970060

It's so fucking simple

The universe is literally all of us, the empty space that surrounds us, there's no difference in anything, It's so twisted and beautiful but we're doomed because of how we percieve it

>> No.15970120

>BuT GOd IS thE UniVERsE

>> No.15970342

unironically if you knew the truth you would find that all people were, are, and always wil be infinitely stupid pederasts, idiots with degeneracy on multi galactic scale. lmao multiplied by a trillion lols.