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15966270 No.15966270[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's he talking about?

>> No.15966286

Zizek's secret is to write gigantic tomes that nobody reads, but pretend to in order not to look dumb.

>> No.15966310

Damn, I really wanted to believe. Obscurantist work is enticing

>> No.15966525

t. Phil Turd

>> No.15966540


Absolutely nothing, he is a degenerate trying to make sense of the world the best he can, but failing terribly at it, like most philosophers. The fanbase consists mostly of young adults that hate reality, and dwell in fantasy as a form of coping with the harshness of everyday existence.

>> No.15966550

racist jokes and toilets mostly

>> No.15966551

his face clearly says he needs a drink.

>> No.15966571

these posts have become terminally, terminally fucking boring

ontological incompleteness, OP. reality is a positively charged void in which the Hegelian spirit works its retroactive magic. the transcendent God died on the cross, there is no such thing as unmediated access to reality, and Good is the transgression of evil

>> No.15966572

When he asked Jordan Peterson to "name the cultural Marxists", I think he was talking about the Jews.

>> No.15966584


>I find reality boring, so I fantasize about obscure ideas of magic to spice my boring as fuck life up

Get over yourself, cunt. Take LSD, and learn math if you want real magic.

>> No.15966608

*sniff* *snrrfth* *shits pants*

>> No.15966623

Can you explain more of what you mean by the transcendent God dying on the cross? The extravertedness of western theology is what would presumably enable a physical, literal dying. The inward transcendence of eastern theology remains entirely unfazed by this concept.

>> No.15966638

Once again warmed up marxism.

>> No.15966761


Zizek believes Christ was the transcendent Other that died forever on the cross, and that the Holy Spirit is nothing but the community of love immanent to Being, that love grounded in God is purely performative and has no other reality except in the minds of those who act "as if" there is a God that grounds that love.

As for Buddhism, he says Buddhism can't think the recoil of the Void that makes even enlightenment impermanent; the "ground" of Being isn't a blissful emptiness but a Void whose negativity is so extreme it can only bounce off its own impossibility into Being = Something = or, Less Than Nothing. He says that life isn't a positive island in the sea of the zero, but less than zero itself, a negative phenomenon of a negative void.

>> No.15966998

What would the negativity of the ground of being imply for buddhist transcendence? In what sense is it impermanent?

>> No.15967021


>> No.15967093

Zizek's point is that the Void is self-negating, it "transgresses" itself by becoming something less than itself (Being). To stay in that state permanently would be like holding your breath, sooner or later the deadlock of negativity is going to force you to the surface.

>> No.15967129

I don't think he ever made a complete point in his entire life.

>> No.15967442

Isn't that kinda the gist of hegelianism?

>> No.15967763
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>> No.15968290

>learn math if you want real magic.
the blight of the modern world

>> No.15968452

Ideology, bad jokes and so on and so on

>> No.15968476
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Nice word salad my dude.

>> No.15969042

kek buy a water filter

>> No.15969173

His most basic premise it that liberal capitalism can't deal with the coming future crises of climate change, AI, etc. and that supernational structures are needed to deal with them. Everything else is just kinda little observations.

>> No.15969255
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>I've known about about Zizek for several years
>i still don't actually know what he's about because every time I watch him I have no idea what he's saying

He's a communist right?

>> No.15969364

See >>15969173
Also you might be a brainlet.