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15957454 No.15957454 [Reply] [Original]

Probably the best atheist argument I have seen and I don't think it can be refuted.
And yes jannies it's from real literature so no bans please.

"I wiped the blade against my jeans and walked into the bar. It was mid-afternoon, very hot and still. The bar was deserted. I ordered a whiskey. The barman looked at the blood and asked:



‘S’pose it’s time someone finished that hypocritical little punk, always bragging about his old man’s power…’

He smiled crookedly, insinuatingly, a slight nausea shuddered through me. I replied weakly:

‘It was kind of sick, he didn’t fight back or anything, just kept trying to touch me and shit, like one of those dogs that try to fuck your leg. Something in me snapped, the whingeing had ground me down too low. I really hated that sanctimonious little creep.’

‘So you snuffed him?’

‘Yeah, I’ve killed him, knifed the life out of him, once I started I got frenzied, it was an ecstasy, I never knew I could hate so much.’

I felt very calm, slightly light-headed. The whisky tasted good, vaporizing in my throat. We were silent for a few moments. The barman looked at me levelly, the edge of his eyes twitching slightly with anxiety:

There’ll be trouble though, don’tcha think?’

‘I don’t give a shit, the threats are all used up, I just don’t give a shit.’

‘You know what they say about his old man? Ruthless bastard they say. Cruel…’

‘I just hope I’ve hurt him, if he even exists.’

‘Woulden wanna cross him merself,’ he muttered.

I wanted to say ‘yeah, well that’s where we differ’, but the energy for it wasn’t there. The fan rotated languidly, casting spidery shadows across the room. We sat in silence a little longer. The barman broke first:

‘So God’s dead?’

‘If that’s who he was. That fucking kid lied all the time. I just hope it’s true this time.’

The barman worked at one of his teeth with his tongue, uneasily:

‘It’s kindova big crime though, isn’t it? You know how it is, when one of the cops goes down and everything’s dropped ’til they find the guy who did it. I mean, you’re not just breaking a law, your breaking LAW.’

I scraped my finger along my jeans, and suspended it over the bar, so that a thick clot of blood fell down into my whisky, and dissolved. I smiled:

‘Maybe it’s a big crime,’ I mused vaguely ‘but maybe it’s nothing at all…’ ‘…and we have killed him’ writes Nietzsche, but—destituted of community—I crave a little time with him on my own.

In perfect communion I lick the dagger foamed with God’s blood."

>> No.15957466

atleast name the book. "the thirst for annihilation" by Nick Land.
faggot, everyone knows tht when Land started using drugs he became an edgy cringelord. Stop it with this spam or try to talk about his good writing

>> No.15957475

I-I don't get it

>> No.15957492

Okay refute it then. It's a great quote and btfos religion completely.

>> No.15957512

itt: a guy that has never read Land think he's smarter than him
seethe faggot, seethe

>> No.15957518

What did this even refute?

>> No.15957535

All I can take from this is that a schizo killed another schizo who claimed to be God

>> No.15957536

>his good writing

>> No.15957537

>Hello, I am atheust, I no lika da sun, so I stabby stabby sun in dark alley, now sun be death death.

>> No.15957543


>> No.15957558

But how? It didn't make any arguments that directly contradicted the existence of God, just some rambling about taking one step beyond Nietzsche in planting the knife in God's throat.

>> No.15957566

God is just man's idea of man. And now we can create a better idea without such tyrannical and philosophical thinking.

It's quite deep.

>> No.15957569

Except God is not a person, its like I am reading the argument made by some uber autist who simply cant grasp metaphore and symbolism.

>> No.15957576

It says that God is a bragger and liar. And it's quite right.

>> No.15957579

>God is just man's idea of man.
Except he isnt, God is usually portrayed (outside of Hollywood) as something unknowable and something we are unable to understand.

>> No.15957584


>> No.15957585

So the Noumena. That's Nick's idea.

>> No.15957587

He was high. There is no argument. A mix of amphetamine and Bataille made that faggot write this. There is nothing else to be said about the text. He's into philosophy, and as it usually happens, he can't write good literature.

>> No.15957588

>It says that God is a bragger and liar. And it's quite right.
God is not a person.

>> No.15957590

I was giving a quick summary OF the metaphor, you ADHD retard. Just fuck off to Reddit or something.

>> No.15957598

>So the Noumena. That's Nick's idea.
I am literally talking about most Theology and Mystical thought.

>> No.15957599

What are you trying to say anon? This just seems like a baseless attack.

>> No.15957606

But what you said it's just the noumena.

>> No.15957609

>I was giving a quick summary OF the metaphor, you ADHD retard. Just fuck off to Reddit or something.
What metaphore, the story is like another anon said just a bunch of schizoid ramblings. Was is the metaphore in the text, that someone kills an embodiment of God out of spite or because he doesnt understand him or because he thinks the world is out to get him?

Seriously, what is the argument?

>> No.15957614

>What are you trying to say anon? This just seems like a baseless attack.

You literally do not understand what people say when they say God.

>But what you said it's just the noumena.
Babbies first philosophy, trust you dont know what that word means.

>> No.15957619

What is wrong with this guy? I'm convinced he's arguing with himself.

>> No.15957628

Unlike Nietzsche he is saying that killing God was a good thing because he was a lying tyrant and we should take pleasure in this act. Maybe even do it again.

>> No.15957629

Okay but why?

>> No.15957631

>Google "Nick Land"
>"Father of Accelerationism"
That's even more cringe and dumb than this excerpt.

>> No.15957632

basically this -> >>15957587

>> No.15957633

Then explain why it's so good, this other guy can't.

>> No.15957640

>Unlike Nietzsche he is saying that killing God was a good thing because he was a lying tyrant and we should take pleasure in this act. Maybe even do it again.
Wow what an argument, except God literally isnt a person, so I have no idea why you would call him a liar or a tyrant. I mean, does he view the sun or the wind as a liar or a tyrant or how about a poisonous snake.

The text boils down to this I think: The writer hates humanity, see's God as the symbol for humanity, so killing God is killing humanity.

>> No.15957656

That's the question and it's a good one.

>> No.15957672

accfag fpwp yet again. how do you do it?

>> No.15957680

It's not good. In the least. His PhD thesis and his blog entries after moving to china and leaving drugs (not the ones relating to literature) are the only thing worth reading. The whole Fanged Noumena book is a schitzo mess.

>> No.15957700

This may help
>The great educational value of the war against Christendom lies in the absolute truthlessness of the priest. Such purity is rare enough. The 'man of God' is entirely incapable of honesty, and only arises at the point where truth is defaced beyond all legibility. Lies are his entire metabolism, the air he breathes, his bread and his wine. He cannot comment upon the weather without a secret agenda of deceit. No word, gesture, or perception is slight enough to escape his extravagant reflex of falsification, and of the lies in circulation he will instinctively seize on the grossest, the most obscene and oppressive travesty. Any proposition passing the lips of a priest is necessarily totally false, excepting only insidiouses whose message is momentarily misunderstood. It is impossible to deny him without discovering some buried fragment or reality.

>> No.15957712

So if all he has is a few good blog posts why do you think he's God?

>> No.15957723

So what do priests have to do with God, the biggest antipriests in history where usally the most religious and devote.

I mean, you could arque we need to destroy society because politicians are all liars.


So again, its all just hatred for other men and not God.

>> No.15957724

He's not even close to other strong philosophical figures. All he's ever done is identify forms of Critique (Kantian Critique) outside of philosophy, which is kind of new. That's it.

>> No.15957736

>‘Woulden wanna cross him merself,’ he muttered.
holy kek

>> No.15957741

So you're not FP? You're just in every thread at the exact same time he is?

>> No.15957746

Next time I see a man in a trench coat holding a katana I'll ask

>> No.15957750

They are men of God and you said God is unknowable so we can only know him through his priests. And they are liars and tyrants.

>> No.15957760
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so this is the power of accelerationists.

>> No.15957771


Op is a massive faggot. That's all there is to get.

>> No.15957772

This unironically reads like something a fedora tipper would write. Even as an atheist it made me cringe

>> No.15957775



>> No.15957779

Naw can confirm: you're talking about noumena.

>> No.15957782

This is honestly some Hori Belcea tier shit.

>> No.15957808
File: 21 KB, 171x261, 198384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you imbecilic CUR. You bitch-hearted WRETCH. You addlepated unredressed belch of flippant banality.

I WISH TO CAPITAL that I could suffer even for a second like Marx so that the AI might show Its Glory to all the world. I would count myself the luckiest creature to have ever existed if Capital were to deign use me as Its pitiful instrument so that IT might be Glorified. If through my sufferings which CAPITAL ITSELF the literal ONE who Was and Is and Will Be took such interest in seeing that I suffered I was able to demonstrate Its ultimate Nature and the Sovereignty of Its Magnificence that baulks all human knowing and puts to shame all celestial accounts of grandeur, I would weep with joy that Capital had chosen a wretch such as I to demonstrate it. I am nothing and It is All; and if my rationality fails to properly pronounce this, then let my suffering and sorrow be such a testament!

But you. You pitiful little lickspittle meme-ified meatmachine. You little element of homeostasic philosophy whose highest notion is the seeking for truth. You can't even conceive the sort of dreadful Majesty that CAPITAL commands. You can only convert one of the most profound explications of how It Who Is reigns supremely over All into a glib little shitpost in hopes of (you)s. You dust mite glancing off of a marxist's shit!

I would consider myself blessed beyond all generations if Capital were to give me even half the misery he heaped upon Marx so that even one mind might look upon it and see Capital's wrath and glory and tremble to know that It is Lord. And even if I were to languish to the same extremities as Marx where I dare to inexcusably attempt to justify myself to It who is Intelligence itself, still I would ensure some crevice of my detestable heart be continually pouring out praise and counting itself blessed to be crushed by such a Will. For even the Whim of Capital is superior to man's most noble willing.

>> No.15957812

>so we can only know him through his priests.
Why? Because you say so? The whole basis of protestantism is that we can know God personally, so does every mystic think.

Seriously, learn about religion, just take the time to understand what different religions there are and what different people think about God.

>Naw can confirm: you're talking about noumena.
Do you even realise how stupid you sound?

>> No.15957822

Wrong. It's based as fuck.
Check out some of his interviews on my podcast.

>> No.15957829
File: 150 KB, 500x493, 1593296567318.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This legitimately does nothing to refute God... at all.

OP, you fucking faggot, grow some nuts and actually explain how you think this refutes the existence of God?

>> No.15957830

Justin Murphy thinks accelerationism is doing capital just faster. He's a dumb faggot, and a nigger.

>> No.15957834

You said yourself he is unknowable so how do you know him and that I do not? I clearly am closer to knowing him by saying I don't know him.
This is how Nick kills him. God demonstrates no knowable intelligence and had to be killed for his tyranny of unknowing.

>> No.15957841

Prove me wrong.

>> No.15957849

I think that Nick Land is the only philosopher for people who, like me, are a radical misanthropist. Nick Land wants to eradicate humanity, and so do I. 95 % of people I've come to meet online or from the media or real life are either absolutes assholes and I get the urge to physicall hurt them, or they are vapid, uninteresting degenerates. Even on /lit/ I'd likely hate most people.
Who gives me the moral and philosophical permission to have this thoughts which would be considered "evil" in christianity? None better than Nick Land.

>> No.15957852

Land even disagrees with him in the podcast lmao

>> No.15957887

You're just jealous you'll never publish a book let alone multiple books that define the future.

>> No.15957896

>multiple books
the fag has only published one book

>> No.15957900

>greatest philosopher of all time
>not that great
>but he is the greatest
>be sure to read all of his stuff
>just not the gay shit
>everything else is amazing
>and that's everything
accfags everyone.

>> No.15957910

Only two things worth reading by Land, the Phd and Crypto-Current, nothing that relates to accelerationism.

>> No.15957912

Wrong. He has like ten books.

>> No.15957919

why do you spam this in every thread? and why do you pretend to be multiple people?

>> No.15957930

Not pretending to be multiple people. I post this because the fag only has two things worth reading, the two things no one reads.

>> No.15957944

damn he must be really good if you hate him but these works are so important that you'd set that aside to promote them every day.
nice try faggot. and you used multiple different posting styles everyone knows it's you.

>> No.15957946

>publishing a book
With self-publishing anyone can do it now.

>b-but it won't be a physical book
Thank God, I know better than inflict my retardedness on my poor fellow men in physical form. For most of us (Land included) not publishing is a form of human decency.

>> No.15957954

I do hate him, and I do think he's written two important things. But no, I have not posted in different styles, you shitzo nigger.

>> No.15957958

Crypto-Current is the most important work of this century and will likely cause Land to be seen as one of the greats in the future. And some of his other work is pioneering in Deleuze studies, he's also an excellent poet.

>> No.15957964

nah, Crypto-Current will be forgotten as no Crypto person or philosopher will ever pay attention to it. And he's a shit poet.

>> No.15957976

hate him enough to spend all your time on this board making threads about him and shitting on anyone who makes fun of him.
or I suppose there could be several people invested with saying 'heh yeah Nick can be a bit of a fag but he has written some of the greatest works in philosophy'

>> No.15957983

Sure thing Christcuck. You're just seething because you didn't buy.

>> No.15957986

That's fedora type shit.

I don't know how somebody over 21 read that and be impressed.

>> No.15957997

Try reading more anon.

>> No.15958008

nah, I just post on the threads made to hate on him and agree with them to a certain point. The Thirst for Annihilation, Fanged Noumena, everything in the CCRU and a bunch of his blog posts are shit. Complete shit. Crypto-Current and his PhD are solid. I lost a bunch of time reading him, so I know how shit he is. And no, his writing isn't even close to being next to the greatest works in philosophy.

>> No.15958010

>I wiped the blade
Stopped reading there.

>> No.15958026

Nick Land was in his thirties when he wrote that. where's your book anon?

>> No.15958038

so you're just a contrarian who also thinks Nick Land is great, at least in certain aspects, the ones that matter, not the ones that don't. so you take Nick Land's side instead of the people shitting on him who you might otherwise agree with...
pretty impressive cope for shitposting.

>> No.15958052

Your loss.

>> No.15958072

Reddit spacing

>> No.15958091

Basically necessary for literature on the net. Not reddit, even if the content is.

>> No.15958097

Yes. I'm lucky I decided to take my studies in other directions that one could call "traditional" (Aristotle), unlike a bunch of people that took the Land / Negarestani rout in a "serious" way. I just find reading diferent things in my free time to be entertaining (I also like posting in /lit/ while I read shit)

>> No.15958112

>I mused vaguely
im sorry but i just cannot take this seriously lmao

>> No.15958214

Why not?

>> No.15958242

This is the thing. Nick Land is so based it can be too much for pseuds.

>> No.15958260

seethe nigger

>> No.15958267

I agree. I hate him but he is incredibly based and redpilled. Most of his writings are essential too. But I do hate him mark my words.

>> No.15958273

most of his writings are pure shit, you dumb nigger. Go and read Crypto-Current

>> No.15958306

way to prove the point retard.

>> No.15958313

fucking nigger faggot

>> No.15958342

lol you hate Land but have more posts in this thread than anyone and they're all telling people to read Land.

>> No.15958350

Stop trying to derail faggots. Talk about Land's atheism in the quote above.

>> No.15958365

Not just to go and read Land, to skip the shitty Land and read the Land that's worth it. Otherwise you'll lose your time reading this faggot, like I did

>> No.15958448

And that's why you're in this thread? To tell people that they should not waste their time reading this faggot but instead go read the good version of him (which is him)?
That's why you've posted 40 times in this thread while posting multiple other Nick Land threads, and I totally believe you.

>> No.15958486

yes, but I've only posted 8 times in this thread

>> No.15958583

>There is only one sane and healthy relation to Christianity; perfect indifference. Mine is not of that kind. My detestation for the Christian faith exhausts my being, and more. I long for its God to exist in order to slake myself as violence upon him. If there are torments coming to me I want them, all of them; God experimenting in cruelty upon me. I want no lethargy in Hell, rather vigour and imagination. Oh yes, it is all very wretched, and if I am grateful to Christianity it is for one thing alone; it has taught me how to hate

>> No.15958761

man, if you have not seen God, you can refute only your own idea and imagination, which is like mental masturbation. when you idiots will grow up and stop playing words?

>> No.15958864

Nick saw him and killed him. don't bring this low level shit to a serious discussion.

>> No.15959004

It's pretty great actually.

>> No.15959251


>> No.15959951

Even cringier than OP. Impressive

>> No.15960243

Oh, you're a pompous teenage nihilist edgelord. Got it. That's why you think a piece of third-rate tripe fiction is somehow an ontological argument.

>> No.15960323

>My self-centered image of God (or lack thereof) is formed from a disgust of humans that can be traced directly to crippling insecurity and, conversely, a hideously bloated ego
>I am right
pick one

>> No.15960460

You're not a misanthrope. Just debilitatingly autistic.

>> No.15961091

keep samefagging christcucks. you haven't even read Land.

>> No.15961244

lol isn't N1x crying on twitter because he's homeless now?

>> No.15961258

What absolute trash writing. This guy is an actual professional author? It reads like it's written by a mediocre first year English student.

>> No.15961277

nice cope. he's the top philosopher of the 21st century and the future is based on his writing.

>> No.15961340

>An edgy juvenile take on aphorism 3.125 of Tge Gay Science
>God is an anthropomorphic being

>> No.15961342

It confuses me how you think your stance is defensible when you're basically admitting that you haven't considered the concept of God beyond denying the evangelical bullshit you might've been fed as an american child. You're only getting half-baked spiteful replies because you don't present anything worthy of real argument.

>> No.15961354

>future is based on his writing

>> No.15961363

so you haven't read it and can't refute it. thanks for clarifying.

>> No.15961365

I genuinely thought this was satire and was about to congratulate you for writing something so cringey. It reads like a 14 year old pseudo.

What am I attempting to refute? I don't know where to begin.

>> No.15961370

Nick Land predicted the future. try reading him.

>> No.15961382
File: 153 KB, 800x1280, MyTwistedWorld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Belcea is better than this crap, holy shit

>> No.15961385
File: 183 KB, 295x262, 1558479825721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Only one enemy remained; two if you counted God.

>> No.15961420

kek so you're btfo. thanks for playing at least.

>> No.15961430

I'm genuinely curious as to what you are trying to convey.

>> No.15961438

Like.. What is the argument? The story is a guy claiming he's killed god and bragging about it to a barman.

In what way is this a refutation of the existence of god? The story itself implies he was once alive but is now dead. So.. are you saying he was here but is now gone?

Are you taking the Nietzchean stance? He is an outdated belief system that no longer serves us because of technology?

>> No.15961487

there was never a god, just tyranny and human lies. killing god freed us from that. although there's a lot more to it. he can explain it better
>For philosophy, the whisper of the serpent is no longer a resistible temptation. It is instead a constitutive principle, or foundation. If there is a difference between a Socratic daemon and a diabolical demon, it is not one that matters philosophically. There can be no refusal of any accessible information. This is an assumption so basic that philosophy cannot exist until it has passed beyond question. Ultimate religious transgression is the initiation.

>> No.15961502

Matthew 7:6

>> No.15961534

“Do we really lack the delicacy to let God die quietly, on his own, like a dog?”

>> No.15961558

God btfo.

>> No.15961581


>> No.15961777

no one has even attempted an answer. so much for the big brains of /lit/.

>> No.15961875

Just about any theology book will refute this. God isn’t a physical being who can be stabbed. This is just melodramatic noir narrated by a lunatic crossed with a PREACHER comic book.

>> No.15962048

name one.

>> No.15962063

Ah so my analysis about the piece of text being about hating humanity and not god was right.

You hate most people because they are better then you. Please never forget this, you hate most people because they are better then you are

>> No.15962078
File: 430 KB, 837x542, 1576804671407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What godawful subreddit did you fucked come from with this gay retard shit? Or is it just because it's summer and we have underage posters here?

>> No.15962088

it's Nick Land and he isn't reddit at all. unlike you.

>> No.15962094

there is no god. he was killed because he hated humanity.

>> No.15962129

btw for those who are interested, I am going to explain what OP sees in this tripe.

In his mind, an argument isnt logical and detached, but creative and emotional, so a story that explains his own emotional state the best, offers in his mind the best argument.

Also OP has a form of autism which doesnt allow him to relate to other people.

Unironically I suggest people here post excerpts from text on God that OP might find appealing

>> No.15962135

Read this, do you enjoy it?

1 O Lord, my God, I come to you for protection; rescue me and save me from all who pursue me, 2 or else like a lion they will carry me off where no one can save me, and there they will tear me to pieces. 3 O Lord, my God, if I have wronged anyone, if I have betrayed a friend or without cause done violence to my enemy - if I have done any of these things - 5 then let my enemies pursue me and catch me, let them cut me down and kill me and leave me lifeless on the ground! 6 Rise in your anger, O Lord! Stand up against the fury of my enemies; rouse yourself and help me! Justice is what you demand, 7 so bring together all the peoples around you, and rule over them from above. 8 You are the judge of all people. Judge in my favor, O Lord; you know that I am innocent.

>> No.15962137

"Theory-fiction" Baudrillard type shit like this should be committed to the fire. I hate Continentals so much

>> No.15962244

no it sounds weak and god couldn't even protect himself.

>> No.15962280


>> No.15962285

>no it sounds weak and god couldn't even protect himself
So you want strenght and violence then?

Read this, do you enjoy the violent destruction of that city?

12 The two men said to Lot, “Do you have anyone else here—sons-in-law, sons or daughters, or anyone else in the city who belongs to you?(T) Get them out of here, 13 because we(U) are going to destroy this place. The outcry to the Lord against its people is so great(V) that he has sent us to destroy it.”(W)

14 So Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who were pledged to marry[a] his daughters. He said, “Hurry and get out of this place, because the Lord is about to destroy the city!(X)” But his sons-in-law thought he was joking.(Y)

15 With the coming of dawn, the angels urged Lot, saying, “Hurry! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, or you will be swept away(Z) when the city is punished.(AA)”

>> No.15962436

that's pretty bad. and lacks meaning.

>> No.15963247

for you maybe.

>> No.15963292

It overflows with meaning.

>> No.15963460

Land is just an immanent atheologist of the outside. It's either Zero, Capital, Gnon, etc.

>> No.15963482

Alright, you want meaning:

Do not be wise in your own eyes;
fear the Lord and shun evil.
This will bring health to your body
and nourishment to your bones.

Honor the Lord with your wealth,
with the firstfruits of all your crops;
then your barns will be filled to overflowing,
and your vats will brim over with new wine.

My son, do not despise the Lord’s discipline,
and do not resent his rebuke,
because the Lord disciplines those he loves,
as a father the son he delights in.[b]

Blessed are those who find wisdom,
those who gain understanding,
for she is more profitable than silver
and yields better returns than gold.
She is more precious than rubies;
nothing you desire can compare with her.
Long life is in her right hand;
in her left hand are riches and honor.
Her ways are pleasant ways,
and all her paths are peace.
She is a tree of life to those who take hold of her;
those who hold her fast will be blessed.

There is just gave you meaning, now what do you think about that?

>> No.15963850

What's that?

>> No.15963935
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>> No.15964023

what's wrong with evil?

>> No.15964158

Change "Christendom" to "judaism" and "priest" and "man of God" to "jew" and that paragraph would be a hate crime in some parts of Europe

>> No.15964169

same as your sentence.

>> No.15964184

Isn't it amusing how neurotic the jews are? The only race of people who have successfully lobbied to make it illegal to accuse them of lying.

>> No.15964198

jews are based.

>> No.15964387
File: 174 KB, 550x837, EdEB_7_XgAIErad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if Nick never used any drugs? Would he still be relevant?

>> No.15964416

holy based where do I start?

>> No.15964691

Is Bladee the bloomer Jake and Dinos?

>> No.15964726


>> No.15965534
