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15952987 No.15952987 [Reply] [Original]

Now my charms are all o'erthrown,
And what strength I have’s mine own,
Which is most faint. Now, ’tis true,
I must be here confined by you,
Or sent to Naples. Let me not,
Since I have my dukedom got
And pardoned the deceiver, dwell
In this bare island by your spell,
But release me from my bands
With the help of your good hands.
Gentle breath of yours my sails
Must fill, or else my project fails,
Which was to please. Now I want
Spirits to enforce, art to enchant,
And my ending is despair,
Unless I be relieved by prayer,
Which pierces so that it assaults
Mercy itself and frees all faults.
As you from crimes would pardoned be,
Let your indulgence set me free.

>> No.15953073
File: 897 KB, 2220x2792, hohhoho.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hail to you, great God, Lord of the Two Truths!
I have come to you, my Lord,
I was brought to see your beauty.
I know you, I know the names of the forty-two gods,'
Who are with you in the Hall of the Two Truths
Who live by warding off evildoers.
Who drink of their blood,
On that day of judging characters before Wennofer.
Lo, your name is "He-of-Two-Daughters,"
(And) "He-of-Maat's-Two-Eyes."
Lo, I come before you,
Bringing Maat to you,
Having repelled evil for you.

I have not done crimes against people.
I have not mistreated cattle,
I have not sinned in the Place of Truth.'
I have not known what should not be known,'
I have not done any harm.
I did not begin a day by exacting more than my due,
My name did not reach the bark of the mighty ruler.
I have not blasphemed a god,
I have not robbed the poor.
I have not done what the god abhors,
I have not maligned a servant to his master.
I have not caused pain,
I have not caused tears.
I have not killed,
I have not ordered to kill,
I have not made anyone suffer.
I have not damaged the offerings in the temples,
I have not depleted the loaves of the gods,
I have not stolen the cakes of the dead.
I have not copulated nor defiled myself.
I have not increased nor reduced the measure,
I have not diminished the arura,
I have not cheated in the fields.
I have not added to the weight of the balance,
I have not falsified the plummet of the scales.
I have not taken milk from the mouth of children,
I have not deprived cattle of their pasture.
I have not snared birds in the reeds of the gods,
I have not caught fish in their ponds.
I have not held back water in its season,
I have not dammed a flowing stream,
I have not quenched a needed fire.
I have not neglected the days of meat offerings,
I have not detained cattle belonging to the god,
I have not stopped a god in his procession.
I am pure, I am pure, I am pure, I am pure!
I am pure as is pure that great heron in Hoes.
I am truly the nose of the Lord of Breath,
Who sustains all the people,
On the day of completing the Eye' in On,
In the second month of winter, last day,
In the presence of the lord of this land.
I have seen the completion of the Eye in On!
No evil shall befall me in this land,
In this Hall of the Two Truths;
For I know the names of the gods in it,
The followers of the great God!

>> No.15953149
File: 172 KB, 1364x803, adolf-hiremy-hirschl-souls-on-the-banks-of-the-acheron-1898-trivium-art-history1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(I) Adoration of Thoth, Son of Re, Moon,
Of beautiful rising, lord of appearings, light of the gods,
By the Prince, Count, Fan-bearer on the King's right,
Great Troop-commander, Royal Scribe, Haremhab, justified,
he says:
Hail to you, Moon, Thoth,
Bull in Khmun, dweller in Hesret,
Who makes way for the gods!'
Who knows the secrets.
Who records their expression,
Who distinguishes one speech from another,
Who is judge of everyone.
Keen-faced in the Ship-of-millions,"
Courier of mankind,
Who knows a man by (5) his utterance,
Who makes the deed rise against the doer.
Who contents Re,
Advises the Sole Lord,
Lets' him know whatever happens;
At dawn he summons in heaven,
And forgets not yesterday's report.

Who makes safe the night-bark,
Makes tranquil the day-bark,
With arms outstretched in the bow of the ship.
Pure-faced when he takes the stern-rope,
As the day-bark rejoices in the night-bark's joy,"
At the feast of crossing the sky.
Who fells the fiend,"
Sunders western lightland.
The Ennead in the night-bark worships Thoth,
They say (10) to him: "Hail, [Son of] Re,
Praised of Re, whom the gods applaud!"
They repeat what your ka wishes,
As you make way for the place of the bark,
As you act against that fiend:
You cut off his head, you break his ba,
You cast (15) his corpse in the fire,
You are the god who slaughters him,
Nothing is done without your knowing,
Great one, son of a Great one, who came from her limbs,
Champion of Harakhti,
Wise friend in On,
Who makes the place of the gods,
Who knows the secrets,
Expounds their words.

Let us give praise" to Thoth,
Straight plummet in the scales,
Who repulses evil,
Who accepts him who leans not on crime.
The vizier who settles cases,
Who changes turmoil to peace;
The scribe of the mat who keeps the book,
Who punishes crime,
Who accepts the submissive!
Who is sound of (20) arm,
Wise among the Ennead,
Who relates what was forgotten.
Counselor to him who errs,
Who remembers the fleeting moment,
Who reports the hour of night,
Whose words endure forever,
Who enters dat, knows those in it,
And records them in the list.

>> No.15953258
File: 856 KB, 1280x1288, cycle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Text above and behind the god
Amen-Re, Lord of Thrones-ot~the-Two-Lands,
The great god who presides over Ipet-sut,
The august god who hears prayer,
Who comes at the voice of the poor in distress,
Who gives breath to him who is wretched.
>Above Nebre
Giving praise to Amen-Re,
Lord of Thrones-of-the-Two-Lands,
Who presides over Ipet-sut;
Kissing the ground to Amun of Thebes, the great god,
The lord of this sanctuary, great and fair,
That he may let my eyes see his beauty;
For the ka of the draftsman of Amun, Nebre, justified.
>The hymn
(I) Praisegiving to Amun.
I make for him adorations to his name
I give him praises to the height of heaven,
And over the breadth of the earth
I tell his might to travelers north and south:
Beware ye of him!
Declare him to son and daughter,
To the great and small,
Herald him to generations,
Not yet born;
Herald him to fishes in the deep,
To birds in the sky,
Declare him to fool and wise,
Beware ye of him!'
You are Arnun, the Lord of the silent,
Who comes at the voice of the poor;
When I call to you in my distress,
You (5) come to rescue me,
To give breath to him who is wretched,
To rescue me from bondage.
You are Amen-Re, Lord of Thebes,
Who rescues him who is in dat;
For you are he who is merciful, When one appeals to you,
You are he who comes from afar.

Made by the draftsman of Amun in the Place-of-Truth,' Nebre,. justified, son of the draftsman in the Place-of-Truth, Pay, justified, to the name of his Lord Amun, Lord of Thebes, who comes at the voice of the poor.

I made for him praises to his name,
For his might is great; I made supplications before him,
In the presence of the whole land,
On behalf of the draftsman Nakhtamun, justified,
Who lay sick unto death, In the power of Amun, through his sin,'
I found the Lord of Gods coming as northwind,
Gentle breezes before him;
He saved Amun's draftsman Nakhtamun, justified,
Son of Amun's draftsman in the Place-of-Truth, Nebre,
(10) Born of the Lady Peshed, justified.

He says:
Though the servant was disposed to do evil,
The Lord is disposed to forgive.
The Lord of Thebes spends not a whole day in anger,
HIS wrath passes 10 a moment, none remains.
His breath comes back to us in mercy,
Amun returns upon his breeze.
May your ka be kind,' may you forgive,
It shall not happen again.
Says the draftsman in the Place-of-Truth, Nebre, justified.
He says:
"I will make this stela to your name,
And record this praise on it in writing,
For you saved for me the draftsman Nakhtamun,"
(15) So I said to you and you listened to me.
Now behold, I do what I have said,
You are the Lord to him who calls to you,
Content with maat, a Lord of Thebes!
Made by the draftsman Nebre and his son, the scribe Khay.

>> No.15953318
File: 254 KB, 1200x1600, Hatshepsut.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spenh of the Quem
I have done this with a loving heart for my father Amun;
Initiated in his secret of the beginning,
Acquainted with his beneficent might,
I did not forget whatever he had ordained.
My majesty knows his divinity,
I acted under his command;
It was he who led me,
I did not plan a work without his doing.
(10) It was he who gave directions,
I did not sleep because of his temple,
I did not stray from what he commanded.
My heart was Sia' before my father,
I entered into the plans of his heart.
I did not turn my back to the city of the All-Lord,
Rather did I turn my face to it.
I know that Ipet-sut is the lightland on earth,
The august hill of the beginning,
The Sacred Eye of the All-Lord,
His favored place that bears his beauty,
That gathers in his followers.
It is the King himself who says:
I declare before the folk who shall be in the future
Who shall observe the monument I made for my father,
Who shall speak in discussion,
Who shall look to posterity
It was when I sat in the palace,
And thought of my maker,
(15) That my heart led me to make for him
Two obelisks of electrum,
Whose summits would reach the heavens,
In the august hall of columns,
Between the two great portals of the King,
The Strong Bull, King Aakheperkare, the Horus triumphant.'
Now my heart turns to and fro,
In thinking what will the people say,
They who shall see my monument in after years,
And shall speak of what I have done.

>> No.15953377
File: 182 KB, 1129x1200, parallels intensify.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beware of saying, "I know not, I know not:
Why has this been done?
To fashion a mountain of gold throughout,
Like something that just happened."
I swear, as I am loved of Re,
As Amun, my father, favors me,
As my nostrils are refreshed with life and dominion,
As I wear the white crown,
As I appear with the red crown, , . '
As the Two Lords have joined (20) their portions for me,
As I rule this land like the son of Isis,
As I am mighty like the son of Nut.
As Re rests in the evening bark,
As he prevails in the morning bark,
As he joins his two mothers in the god's ship,
As sky endures, as his creation lasts,
As I shall be eternal like an undying star,
As I shall rest in life like Atum
So as regards these two great obelisks,
Wrought with electrum by my majesty for my father Amun,
In order that my name may endure in this temple,
For eternity and everlastingness,
They are each of one block of hard granite,
Without seam, without joining together!

My majesty began work on them in year 15, second month of winter, day I, ending in year 16, fourth month of summer, last day, totaling seven months of quarry work. (25) I did it for him out of affection, as a king for a god. It was my wish to make them for him gilded with electrum. "Their foil lies on their body," is what I expect people to say. My mouth is effective in its speech; I do not go back on my word. Hear ye! I gave for them of the finest electrum. I measured it by the gallon like sacks of grain. My majesty summoned a quantity beyond what the Two Lands had yet seen. The ignorant and the wise know It.

Not shall he who hears it say,
"It is a boast," what I have said;
Rather say. "How like her it is,
She is devoted to her father!"
Lo, the god knows me well,
Amun, Lord of Thrones-of-the-Two-Lands;
He made me rule (30) Black Land and Red Land as reward,
No one rebels against me in all lands.
All foreign lands are my subjects,
He placed my border at the limits of heaven,
What Aten encircles labors for me,
He gave it to him who Gillie from him,
Knowing I would rule it for him,
I am his daughter in very truth,
Who serves him, who knows what he ordains.
My reward from my father is life-stability-rule.
On the Horus throne of all the living. eternally like Re.

>> No.15953383

I'm gonna guess this is like a Guonian tier esoteric belief being posted here in its metre.