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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 354 KB, 828x821, 43C232EC-1656-4CA5-B6AC-C7F56C5DC6A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15950369 No.15950369 [Reply] [Original]

I just wanna show people my script and get some pointers but don’t wanna show my family or friends. Can anyone help?

>> No.15950376

Ask /tv/

>> No.15950384

How is that cave man NOT thinking about a woman in that image?

>> No.15950391

it’s not a tv script it’s a movie but it isn’t fleshed out in terms of set and blocking which is why I kinda consider it more of a creative writing piece

>> No.15950396

It's not mating season

>> No.15950431

>the agriculture Jew

>> No.15950439

That's a good catch, I thought it was a crude menora

>> No.15950472
File: 14 KB, 236x282, 5BEE5180-94BD-4F30-AC2D-2202827B25E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asks /lit/ for advice on a piece of writing
>uses random ass meme taken from ifunny bc 4chan won’t let you post without an image
>image gets more attention than your request

>> No.15950505

Why haven't you posted the script yet you fucking autistic faggot

>> No.15950563

Fuck you want nigga a Pastebin link? I’m going to rape you four ways by friday

>> No.15950605

If you try to dictate blocking in your script the producers will set it on fire

>> No.15950690
File: 148 KB, 736x1040, b334677cbc5f368113807570b24bbd8e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's such a fucking meme that men and primitive men spent time obsessively thinking about women because "muh dick muh reproduction". a total fabrication by postmodern neoliberal coomers who just want to make everything about sex. i guarantee you that the cavemen where thinking about wheels and shit far more than women.

i mean take my experience, i consider myself a pretty average guy. i was athletic in high school and i can remember spending way more time thinking about what i saw when i showered with my team mates than anything the girls ever showed us. in fact if i thought of women at all it was only to compare them with the bodies of my team mates and note how lacking in muscle and overall sculpted form compared to the guys'.

one of my team mates for baseball i remember had a really impressive body. like a goddamn Adonis tier physique. after i showered with him I'd spend the afternoon wondering how to train my body to be on that level. once when we were showering he caught me staring at all the little minute muscles on his biceps and abdomen and he went over what workouts to do to get them. then my glance strayed further down (he had a pretty massive penis but it was aesthetic as fuck too not clumsy but like, idk, graceful and uncircumcised and you couldn't help but look at it) and he smiled and joked 'fraid that's something that god just has to give you.'

the point is i spent more time thinking about that or future plans like whether i wanted to get into finance or biology than i did about women. women in general just aren't an interesting thing to think about. hell, I'd find myself thinking about AoE2 competitive strats rlbefore women.

>> No.15950699

>I'd find myself thinking about AoE2 competitive strats

Based, FUCK women. I've never even seen a woman good at AOE2

>> No.15950714
File: 551 KB, 365x400, soy overdrive.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Based, FUCK women. I've never even seen a woman good at AOE2

>> No.15950729

you're unironically homosexual, anon.

>> No.15950756

>once when we were showering he caught me staring at all the little minute muscles on his biceps and abdomen and he went over what workouts to do to get them. then my glance strayed further down (he had a pretty massive penis but it was aesthetic as fuck too not clumsy but like, idk, graceful and uncircumcised and you couldn't help but look at it) and he smiled and joked 'fraid that's something that god just has to give you.'
When will you publish your homoerotic fiction anon?

>> No.15950773

if those cavemen thought like you the human race would be extinct lmao.

>> No.15950795

You could have used a painting or a photo of a landmark. You brought it on yourself, OP.

>> No.15950816

Human mating season spans 365 days a year.

>> No.15950823

Lmao it cracks me up whenever this happens. My condolences OP

>> No.15950828

Is it better to use an iframe?

>> No.15950833

How old is this pasta?

>> No.15950847

>anime poster
>homosexual tendencies
Of course.

>> No.15950852

>in fact if i thought of women at all it was only to compare them with the bodies of my team mates and note how lacking in muscle and overall sculpted form compared to the guys'

>> No.15950864
File: 312 KB, 1446x1786, Mommy Noi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He just needed to look towards the direction of 2D.

>> No.15951234

Wew anon just say you're gay

>> No.15951516

t. porn addicted r*dditors who seek to lower everything down to carnal crudity instead of being able to contemplate the maximal majesty of the human figure that the male form alone can attain

that anon is an aristocrat of the spirit. A Roman among Greeks.

>> No.15951528

So a bunch of fags

>> No.15951565

Kys faggot

>> No.15952419

I like that one image about the muscular caveman thinking about abstract, wish I saved it

>> No.15952579

"The male form is height of aesthetics" is the gayest opinion anyone could have

>> No.15952617
File: 13 KB, 230x219, 1580942595235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>defending an animefag after he meticulously described the shape of the penis of his friend while they were showering together

>> No.15952738

its before the julian calendar incel. ceaser specifically made the calender to line up with rhe make mating season to increase the taxable population and army.

>> No.15952776

nice pasta bro

>> No.15953068

Stop typing, you fat-fingered brainlet. I don't want to make out what the fuck you're trying to spell out.

>> No.15953098

Is there a reason OP isn't posting his screenplay here? We aren't his family or friends

>> No.15953199

>the maximal majesty of the human figure that the male form alone can attain
>that anon is an aristocrat of the spirit. A Roman among Greeks.
That doesn't exclude homo-eroticism, it invites it. And that's a good thing.

>> No.15953300

>faggot posts thread on /lit/ asking for advice
>stubbornly refuses to post anything which might help with advice
>blames gay picture he posted to begin with
Give us a quick rundown of the synopsis along with an excerpt that you believe showcases your best work or your worst work or stfu and let us continue debating cavemen sex lives.

>> No.15954885

So many stupid alliterations. Carnal crudity, maximal majesty

>> No.15955045

This got gay really fast.

>> No.15955099


Post the first page of the script. That should be enough for us to see if you're serious.

>> No.15955113


>> No.15955169

Not sure whether this is the right board for your coming out but congratz. Must been hard living in the closet.

>> No.15955175

>uses an image not related to request but enough to invite a discussion
>probably starts all the homo talk himself
I'd you got what you asked for.

>> No.15955207

haha cavemens

>> No.15955221

fc into ca bro

>> No.15956362
File: 170 KB, 538x480, satania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you've never found the male form attractive, I feel sorry for you. There's more to life than qt anime girls, or sucking your priest's cock and thinking that finding men even remotely attractive will send you straight to hell. Please don't tell me you're into lesbian porn because it has no dicks.

>> No.15956392

>'fraid that's something that [G]od just has to give you

If digits this is a meme now

>> No.15957325



>> No.15957573

I would like to read it anon

>> No.15957999

Wrong board dumbass

>> No.15958140

t. Mishima

>> No.15958431

Agriculture and civilization were not kickstarted by simple humans, without any external influence.

>> No.15959375
File: 231 KB, 1699x1920, bottomless pit wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stone tools were first used 2~4 million years ago. Do you really think that during all that time, (proto-)humans wouldn't have figured out at some point that you can bury seeds and get plants? And that if you can grow plants, you can settle in a place instead of having to continuously travel? And that if you settle, you can/have to create more advanced social structures?

>> No.15959440

shoulda posted yer script then ya daft cunt

>> No.15959619

nigga you gay

>> No.15959786

Lol good post

>> No.15959821

you are gay anon. good post though.

>> No.15959853

show script or btfo OP

>> No.15959987
File: 51 KB, 844x884, 1577938499593.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao, thanks anon.
I really enjoyed your short story.

>> No.15960151
File: 233 KB, 1000x1000, 1594358454578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based but homosexual

>> No.15961311

I only like seeing dick when it's going into a woman. That other guy who talks about showering with guys like it's a stroll through a high-end bakery-- yeah he's a flaming faggot, and very imbalanced: 100% dick and muscles, 0% female body. Get your shit together, weeb-poster.

>> No.15961321

>There's more to life than qt anime girls, or sucking your priest's cock
Wew, projecting this hard are we?

>> No.15961349

There's nothing wrong with finding the male form attractive, but you have to admit that it's gay

>> No.15962316
File: 748 KB, 286x155, 1404548639553.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bassed /litfit/

>> No.15962720

except according to the record agriculture only started 12k years ago, when aliens engineered us

>> No.15964243

Purely aesthetic homosexuals idealizing the platonic ideal of the male body are the only homos I'll ever respect. You will never convince bodybuilding fag that woman aren't gay. I respect that.