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15922886 No.15922886[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What archetype produces the best writers?

>> No.15922896

Vedic Astrology

>> No.15922995


>> No.15923254


>> No.15923260
File: 191 KB, 963x1500, 1593466858706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Infp easily.

>> No.15923296

Writers of what? INFP for poetry, INTP for philosophy.

>> No.15923431

>noo you can't analyze a personality to its components!

>> No.15923524

and for prose?

>> No.15923533


>> No.15923562

Yeah, you do that with stars, houses and conjunctions.

>> No.15923580

You can, but MBTI does a bad job at it by binning traits that aren't bimodal. It turns everything into nice discrete categories that don't approximate reality properly.
It has the same appeal as horoscopes. It's more grounded than horoscopes, but that's largely incidental to its popularity.
Big Five/OCEAN does the same thing as MBTI much better, but it doesn't lend itself to ebin charts like the OP's.

>> No.15923600

INFP for poetic prose, INTP for philosophical or scientific prose.

>> No.15923602

How does being an INTJ-T affect writing?

>> No.15923607

Nah, that's bullshit.

>> No.15923659

Isn't INFJ the rarest type?

>> No.15923890
File: 351 KB, 900x946, Leary-Interpersonal-Circumplex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm more of a Tim Leary guy when it comes to tests.

>> No.15923922
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Weird I always main summoners w mage as backup.

>> No.15923932
File: 202 KB, 640x620, 361BA845-B0B0-466E-A58A-6B40034819A8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey it’s me right down at the bottom

>> No.15924144

You guys love these two personalities so much?
Most trannies on this site are INFP and most incels here are INTP.

>> No.15924154


INTPs are fags btw

>> No.15924185

Lmao entp is a "summoner" what a useless class.
>Smart and curious thinkers who cannot resist an intellectual challenge
It gets nowhere, I'm glad I'm an intp.

>> No.15924200

Reason it out, big boy. The best writers tend not to be gregarious, so cross out E. Having imagination means they have to be N. T versus F depends on the kind of writing and the nature of the subject matter. P because writing is about asking too many questions and missing too many deadlines.

>> No.15924206

god summoning necros were fun before 1.10, when you could have ten billion summons but they were all crap

i miss 1.09 necromancers, they were the joke class none of the tryhards/cookie cutters wanted to play, but that made them fun.

>> No.15924222

>Meyers-Briggs type ENFP/INTP (only 2% more EF than IT)
>According to chart: main rogue, sub wizard
>In actuality: always end up playing some variation of pirate, wizard, pirate-wizard/wizard-pirate, duelist, or treasure/vampire/werewolf/witch -hunter
Surprisingly accurate chart.

>> No.15924274

lmao what is this shit

>> No.15924293

I always wanted to try making a dual class rogue/wizard but I was never good enough to pull it off

>he never wanted to play as Saemon Havarian

>> No.15924311

It's whatever the game system/mechanics let me do.
If I get free reign, I'm going to be some kind of fancy-pants treasure hunter with fancy swords, fancy pistols, and some fancy utilitarian magics, with a boner for big hats and a hate-boner for monsters that hide amongst humans.

>> No.15924355

>tfw rogue
I prefer bloatmaxx tank mode, but there is always a reason to smile.

>> No.15924363


>> No.15924394

pirate wizard sounds awesome but vampire/werewolf/witch sounds fucking cringe

>> No.15924401

I'm an idiot, I just read hunter. I should have actually read the post

>> No.15924413

Why does everyone hate INTPs

>> No.15924419

*click click click*
Your game sucks.

>> No.15924427
File: 63 KB, 1280x720, reddit moment.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban all MBTI posters.

>> No.15924640

And? People excel in whats is natural with them to do. Keep coping, maybe one they you can get good in what you like.

>> No.15924649

Show me the great ISTP writers, where are them?

>> No.15924708
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>> No.15924760
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This image is prejudiced

>> No.15926474
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is this a normal result

>> No.15926523

I have almost the same
your personality looks like africa

>> No.15926526

I get a different result every time I take the test. However I'm always N, and I tend to be T but not systematically. This time I got INFP. Never played roleplaying games, but would be interested to try.

>What archetype produces the best writers?
To the extent that it means anything (dubious), I'd say you need a IN base. Anything besides gives you different kinds of focus.

>> No.15926597

If Jung knew what MBTI had become, he would never have promoted it.
Extroverted Intution/Introverted sensing are the two worst functions imo. Tolstoy had introverted intuition, so did Dostoevsky and Dante.

>> No.15926622

introverted sensing is book of five rings ascendency

>> No.15926634

People who were beat growing up and had generally traumatic childhoods made make the best writers

>> No.15926638

Introverted sensing is as anon said one of the worst functions. They are so detached from reality but not in the way creative or scholarly people are; they just come across as very dumb.

>> No.15926639

I am scorpio, and my friend is aquarius.

>> No.15926661

Just did the test again to see if the results are consistent, and now I'm ENTP.
The only constant is I'm always N and always -T (and not -A).

>> No.15926891
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>> No.15926904

Big five is so completely lacking in detail that it's effectively useless. The only reason academics like it is because it's quantifiable.

>> No.15926930


>> No.15926937
File: 349 KB, 900x946, 1595373118680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What kind of trainwreck is that test?

>> No.15927039

INTPs are the unofficial incel archetype.

>> No.15927064


>> No.15927143

Mages are the best when you can troll the NPCs. My favorite thing to do in the Elder Scrolls games was paralyzing NPCs and ragdolling them off high places. Messing with NPCs or other players is the only thing I like in games.

>> No.15927371

False, I couldn’t write something decent to save my life

>> No.15927420

At least Leary was at something while Myers-Briggs was useless bullshit

>> No.15927429

This MBTI shit is so unbelievably stupid. Jung would probably tell you all to fuck off

>> No.15927453

He unironically would. I once got into an argument with a MBTI fag who had obviously got all of his information from these gay websites. I started citing Jung, he literally went:
It's comical how retarded these people are.