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15913641 No.15913641 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts on this based book?

>> No.15913697


>> No.15913709

I like that he gets a young greek babe to do opium with at the end and mercades ends up alone

>> No.15913778
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One of the reasons I learned French is to read that book in French. I think I'm only a couple months away from being able to.

>> No.15913808
File: 28 KB, 440x361, external-content.duckduckgo-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

at least I waited and hoped

>> No.15913829

>written by a black man

confirmed based

>> No.15913837

Obama was beige

>> No.15913845


I hate that's used as a "good example" of revenge being successful.

>> No.15913866

My thought is: You wasted your time reading a fictional book for teens

>> No.15913891

It's one of my favorite. the most funniest novel I have ever read.

>> No.15914266

didn't really love that this was the books final message...

>> No.15914404
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Read the Penguin Classics or Everyman's Library edition instead, they are both unabridged.



>> No.15914534

The series adaptation with Depardieu as Edmond Dantes is pretty good.

>> No.15914895

Currently reading this. Dantés just reached the chateau and has been thrown in the dungeon, and I'm sitting here reading instead of swimming with a beautiful girl

>> No.15915186

Danglars got off easy comparatively desu

>> No.15915231

I think for many people it is good advice, and in the context of the story even great advice. It was not what I needed to hear at the moment of life that I read it.

>> No.15915349

A girl who intentionally exposes her nudity (abdomen, legs, etc...) in the public, even near or in the presence of water, is nothing other than a whore. Wetsuits and hydrodynamic wear is permissible, modest enough, of course, but the practice is all too rare compared to the waterproof lingerie used today. And that's implying most females nowadays swim, rather than brood in the shallows

>> No.15915876

it was a great movie

>> No.15915963

thank god im not you lmao

>> No.15916006

Reading it now and loving it

>> No.15916009

I saw the movie adaptation for the first time earlier this year and really enjoyed it. My favorite stories are usually gothic / romantic, so I've been thinking about reading it soon once I've finished my current stack. My major problem for not starting it yet is that it looks like a behemoth. (1276 pages--what the absolute fuck?!?) I'm an extremely slow reader and I don't want to dedicate what could be a month to reading a single book.

>> No.15916035

isn't rhe meme that this book was for middle aged women?

>> No.15916044


>> No.15916530

good job man keep it up. how long did it take you?

>> No.15916591

I think the version I read said it was abridged but it was still ~700 pages of wall-to-wall tiny text, how long is the unabridged?

>> No.15916593

>a man who's 7/8 white is black
Do burgers really...?

>> No.15916633

the only good book by a black man

>> No.15916643

he wasn't black

>> No.15916648

My edition is 1462 pages of fairly normal text

>> No.15917513

Only a couple months

>> No.15917538

read les misérables once you're done

>> No.15917881

Read it when I was 11. My favorite novel for quite awhile.

>> No.15917921

Its ok but not great.
The escape from the dungeon is by far the best part, but then when he returns to take his revenge hes too perfect and has no flaws. Its all just too obvious how its going to turn out - there is a distinct lack of suspense.

>> No.15917933

Very based

>> No.15917939

one of the greatest novel ever made desu.

>> No.15918113

Can confirm the Penguin Classics version is the best. I enjoyed it so much back when I read it

>> No.15918118

One drop rule

>> No.15918124

a strange new form of Hotep, where the white right wing uses the one-drop rule to cede all of their literary luminaries to black people. Pushkin's next, too, right?

>> No.15918135


>> No.15918206
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>> No.15918288

never understood the way Americans, black or white, would call Obama "black", when he has one black parent and one white.

why is the burger obsessed with race?

>> No.15918302

this is a bad thing?

>> No.15918406
File: 641 KB, 835x1333, Yvette Mimieux 1962 colourized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, I'd say so.
The more females parade themselves through their mate-finding social period like this, relying on their temporary physically traits for attention, the less males see them as anything else.

So, males are focus on the wrong things regarding marriage: not matching values, nor beliefs, nor similar goals and hopes for the future but basic physical aesthetics, the most superficial (though not unimportant) of elements.

A marriage is many decades long, and for very few of those years will the female be at peak physical beauty.

All of the other traits will be much more important over the course of a marriage, and what chance does the marriage have if the union was born of animal lust alone?

Unmatched values soon clash, and are not likely to subside.
And where does that leave a couple?

>> No.15918428

They fail to realize the detriment such behavior wrecks on society at large.

>> No.15918439
File: 972 KB, 500x269, A9257AA0-14F1-493B-8038-42143D68A44C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>thr thong was invented in the last ten years.

>> No.15918529
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I think you're gay.