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/lit/ - Literature

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15893349 No.15893349 [Reply] [Original]

Hard mode: No diaries.

>> No.15893365

I have no mouth

>> No.15893392

Stephen King's Pet Semetary

>> No.15893456

The willows and Wendigo.

>> No.15893477

Book 2 of Lolita is terrifying

>> No.15893513
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>no diary's

>> No.15893521

this (but Book 1 as well). Fucking Humbert's thoughts are messed up and make me sick to my stomach.

as for actual horror lit, I generally don't like most Lovecraft, but Shadow Over Innsmouth did a pretty good job of making me feel uneasy.

>> No.15893586

The Colour Out of space

>> No.15893590

programmed to kill

>> No.15893699

>no one mentioned 'grifter'

Fucking newfags

>> No.15894095

I have a signed first edition of grifter. I keep it next to my fingerbox

>> No.15894200


>> No.15894893

This makes me want to read it but i'm scared of someone finding out and thinking im a pedo.
>oh no I was just reading it for the schizo experience
I just want to read first person perspective depictions of maniacs

>> No.15894940

A Head Full Of Ghost, what a book mang

>> No.15894981


Horror literature can never be scary. It can be well written, with a disturbing plot, but can never truly frighten anyone. Fear is an instinctual and emotional response, which fundamentally clashes with reading as a detached intellectual activity. This is why horror movies are more successful than horror books, and why in nearly all cases, film adaptations of horror novels are vastly superior to their source material (The Exorcist, The Shining, Dracula, the list can go on). But even more successful than horror films are horror video games, which makes things infinitely more effective than either books and movies by being a truly immersive medium.

>> No.15895080


>> No.15895088


>> No.15895090

This is basically true. Videogames are the best medium for Horror due to the interaction involved.

>> No.15895108

my dad read this when he was in highschool, i once saw his copy in my childhood home and when i pointed it out he looked shook af and the next day it was gone. I'm assuming he burnt it never wanting anybody to see that shit again.

>> No.15895131

Do you know the artist for this?

>> No.15895181

John Register.

>> No.15895187

Thanks. So good.

>> No.15895194


>> No.15895225

Let me in the secret club

>> No.15895343

Good post, thank you. Now I am reading Dracula and Ghost Story, finished the King in Yellow recently as well which had some great ones. I got Roarings From Further Out which has 4 novellas by Blackwood so I'm excited for that one next. Will take a look at your suggestions. I've also been listening to some weird tales being narrated on youtube, some anon had posted a chanel in a previous horror thread. I've also been reading one short story by Clark Ashton Smith recently on eldritchdark.

As for a contribution, I wouldn't say it's conventional horror but Asylum Piece by Anna Kavan is interesting and unnerving at times, particulary because some parts appear autobiographical and you feel the paranoia and fear but don't know if it's hers, or the characters' that are involved. Another anon had suggested her to me years ago and I mention her at every chance.

>> No.15895374

are these coming back or something?
i still have one or two of them stored somewhere in the attic, pretty sure i could find them.

>> No.15895380

nice pic.
i'm gonna put a gondola in it, find a nice song and post it on /wsg/.

>> No.15895541

the white people - Arthur machen

>> No.15895574

Try something by Slint.

>> No.15895602

fuck off

>> No.15895606

This. Innsmouth had me feeling anxious long after reading it.

>> No.15895627

>reading as a detached intellectual activity

>> No.15895700

The tenant is the best horror book I have read

>> No.15895709
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The movie was better anyways don't read the book

>> No.15895771

Read them at night when you're alone in an old house in the woods and you'll be singing another tune. Horror is as big as your imagination. If you have a poor imagination, it can never be scary.

>> No.15895842

I hope you're serious, because that book was genuinely fucked. Even King himself regrets writing it.

>> No.15895863

If I recall correctly, We Need to Talk About Kevin fucked me up for a bit, especially considering I went through a psychotic phase where I wanted to hurt people, kek.
Also maybe Lord of the Flies when I first read it in Year 9.