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15891497 No.15891497[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

thinking about becoming a novelist, but don't want to end up like pic related.

>> No.15891521

hmmmmmm just don't go to school for comedically useless degrees, don't be depressed, don't get caught doing something illegal, don't smoke weed. Not that difficult I wonder if you're not just retarded.

>> No.15891555

this is the strawman capitalist come up with to justify their failed system. FYI you can't put a trillion dollars into the economy without massive inflation, you can already tell that the prices of groceries have went up significantly. I hope everyone is having fun because the economy is only gonna get worse.

>> No.15891632

This can be exclusively blamed on central banking and FIAT currency, not necessarily capitalism.

>> No.15891646

Write as an avocation. Plenty of great writers worked normal jobs.

>> No.15891658 [DELETED] 

but inflation is essentially a wealth tax, so if you are a leftist shouldn't you want inflation?

>> No.15891725

No one wants to read your novels

>> No.15891758
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>started buying and cooking sweet potatoes at $.79/lb
>now $.99/lb
Dude it’s fucking ridiculous what the fuck should I eat, rice and beans till I buy a $200 shotgun and blow my fucking brains out?

>> No.15891831

I'm 24 years old, graduate from a top architecture school, have internship and labor construction experience, have won awards in university signaling my proficiency in a very "useful" skill that brings value to the world and I can't find a job paying more than $17 an hour in a city where the average rent for a studio is $1500 a month. I'm expected to work like this for the next 5-10 years or open my own firm if I want a livable income
Capitalism has failed

>> No.15891834

Capitalism hasn’t failed, you picked a shitty career and are mad it didn’t work out.
t. Accountant

>> No.15891850

what city?

>> No.15891855


>> No.15891858

Wow great Wikipedia link, what a fucking talented display of rhetoric.

>> No.15891870
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Imagine going to architecture school and actually thinking you’ll be good enough to become an architect. Dude you got scammed, it’s not capitalism’s fault you’re a midwit

>> No.15891871

intersectional turkmenistan is not a solution to american neoliberal decline
i'm thinking we don't have a real solution yet

>> No.15891888

You know nothing about the industry, the shit pay and bad job market have nothing to do with the actual value it has (the argument many capitalists make justifying things like this) and has to do entirely with laws governing construction to minimize the costs for developers(that they lobbied for) as much as possible at the expense of the general public and the longevity of the built environment. Architecture is an extremely important field that is only at it's current state because of capitalism. Funny that rand's career choice displaying the virtues of the system is being hurt by it like many others. I'm not a socialist, but there is clearly many problems. The fact that you call it a "shit choice", and the environment that creates this sentiment, is one of them.

>> No.15891898

I was at the top of my class in a top program, why would I think anything different in a just system?

>> No.15891914


architecture (and engineering) in the modern day is how to build the best mcdonalds or retail store, not a Parthenon

>> No.15891920


>> No.15891936


an accountant should always mention how shitty his own job is before telling anyone else that their job is shitty

t. accountant

>> No.15891939

What fairy tale land do you live in? You picked a field where a small percentage of grads actually succeed in it. And you’re booty blasted cause you’re not one of them.
>b-but muh value
Dude get over yourself, if you’re as good as you like to arrogantly think you are you wouldn’t be spending your Friday night on 4chan complaining about your failed architecture career.
>I did good in school so gib me job please
Get over yourself

>> No.15891943


>> No.15891945

>comfortably middle class
>exited from big 4 to a Cush job
>solely working from home
Yeah man being a butting pusher sucks if you have no life outside of it, beats being that other guy though

>> No.15891952
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>if you’re as good as you like to arrogantly think you are you wouldn’t be spending your Friday night on 4chan complaining about your failed architecture career

>> No.15891955

The point is that Capitalism hasnt failed, its doing what its supposed to do: reward a small margin who work hard/smart or get lucky.

When people say "capitalism has failed" they mean to say it has failed the people. Ideally, a capitalist nation is at the forefront of research and developments bc its so competive, meaning that all those in the country prosper due to the huge GDP of a successful nation. But in America at least, many many people are suffering from lack of basic necessities bc the government wont use its money to support them, or bc industry is gatekeeping/outsourcing/etc which leaves them without means.

Capitalism rewards the best so lavishly because its implied that the success of a few trickles down the economy to benefit all in some capacity, but it has failed when that system can no longer provide for its citizens.
Not a commie, btw. Im just explaining the argument.
Anyway OP, Im a writer trying to make it but im not delusional like my colleagues. Get a good job that you enjoy/stimulates you and provides for you so have the time and money to write as much as you want. Writing isnt a stable career so its better to find rewarding work and write as often as possible.

>> No.15891956


are you happy, delusional, or have you just not thought about it enough? are you cool with doing that for the next 30 years? do you salivate at changes to balance sheet reporting as dictated by FASB?

>> No.15891974

That’s because of supply chain issues due to COVID though, inflation is still at healthy levels, as it has been in the US since the 1980s because of Monetary Policy tools
I’m not trying to say running up massive debts is a good thing but through several recessions now the Federal Reserve has been able to exercise monetary policy and simultaneously keep inflation from going into the tailspin some people always predict it will

Inflation is fine, just like it was in 2008 when everybody said it was going to shoot up to Weimar Germany levels. Economic crises are the one time your actual supposed to engage in economic stimulus.

>> No.15891975
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Nah man I’m just happy I get to live with my wife, and spend our free time together doing what we want without concern. Gonna have a kid or two soon too which will be a dream come true. I’ve become a permanent remote employee so once covid is over we’re gonna start traveling together and remote working together. Very excited.

>> No.15891980

You're a complete idiot. Literally proving the idea that capitalism is failing is correct. Using the the parameters of a system that people use as examples of its failures as evidence that not adhering to it is your own fault. Architects, one of the most important jobs in all civilizations, is treated like shit precisely because of the monetary power of extremely wealthy actors manipulating laws in their favor. The pay is not equaling the value being provided. And it's not a architecture career failure, every architect has to work for that wage for the first portion of their career. You only start to make a livable income with 10 years of experience. The majority of successful architects make less in a year then a freshly grad code monkey sorting data on a hook-up app

>> No.15891987

>Get a good job that you enjoy/stimulates you and provides for you so have the time and money to write as much as you want. Writing isnt a stable career so its better to find rewarding work and write as often as possible.
I never got how people can call that a failed system? If you’re too dumb to figure out how to live a comfortable live in the postmodern world you’re probably too stupid to have succeeded at any other time.

>> No.15891988

Because school does not equate to actual experience. We all work shit jobs for 6-18 months when we graduate

>> No.15891992
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>Architects, one of the most important jobs in all civilizations,
Oh okay tell you what, when you’re done sucking your dick feel free to come back to this thread. Wipe off first though.

>> No.15891997

Okay but there’s no shortage of architects right? You’re vying against other jobs to get yourself a job in architecture, you’re vying against other prospective architects who are obviously more qualified because they have jobs and they’re the ones setting the market rate

>> No.15892004
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No but you don’t understand anon, he graduated top of his class at architect school with really good grades

>> No.15892043

happy for ya, Anon.

>> No.15892054
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Thanks fren. If the price of fulfilling my goals is having to toss plugs on the balance sheet every so often I’ll pay it in full.

>> No.15892062

Man you kind of brought this on yourself. I was going to enter into my schools architecture program, but it's literally one of the least secure jobs out there and the first to go during a recession.

>> No.15892069


>> No.15892082

Buddy, if a hypothetical majority of your population doesn't feel served by a system, it is a failed system. A sub majority approval rating represents a system that, were it exposed to the democratic process, would be voted out of power. This rhetoric is not only callous, it is flawed when applied to a Democratic society. 40% of US citizens are a stone's throw from poverty(sub 30k income).

>> No.15892106

It really annoys me when capitalists default to the perceived meritocracy and fundamental objectivity of a system that is clearly intertwined with the political system. A political system where controlling more wealth gives you more political representation. The capitalistic idea of "you get what the system determines your worth" is only applicable when the system can reasonably be considered objective. Like, the idea that cleaning people get paid 6$ because that's all they're worth is ludicrous. If you work in sanitation your "worth" is entirely determined by the power of your Worker's Union and corresponding lobbying group. Which, btw, needs to have been formed prior to the substantial legal efforts made to neuter unions.Trust, Waste Management and Janitorial services hold very similar values.

>> No.15892114

Okay champ, as opposed to what? Feudalism? Unless you go full uncle ted we’re in the best possible time for human existence. Feel free to schlock your merchandise of doom and gloom to someone else.

>> No.15892119

Nah I work in a field similar to his. I mostly feel lucky I get the money I do for the amount of time I give the job. Mostly I’m grateful I actually challenged myself in school and worked outside my academic comfort zone because I have a lot of options now if I want to make a change.
I’m not sure if things will always be as cushy as they are right now but I’m way more bitter about flaws in higher education than the actual labor economy.
If anything I’m self conscious that i’ve never done real, demanding blue collar work.
Most of my “fuck the system” angst was just during that first 3 months or so after I graduated when I didn’t have a job.

>> No.15892143

Hope that sand is keeping your head warm partner. You mock Fuedalism when Feudal societies at their peak brought wealth, stability and unity as yet unknown to the entire fucking human race. You cry for the serfs and picture fat and cruel kings, not knowing how much better that set up was compared to the alternatives. If all the world was like you, attached to a flawed ideology on the basis that what came before was worse, you would be doing menial work for some Lord who fucks your wife and would die without ever having owned anything. I guess not much has changed.
"Our only alternative to the Cripple Capitalism we have now is fuedalism". On the board for people who read books.

>> No.15892150

Aaaand that’s where the bait turns bad
At least the architecture student was raving in good faith

>> No.15892151

I'm on his side but honestly, I wanted to be an Architect as a kid and looked up how that career handles any sort of financial instability. Needless to say I haven't even thought about architecture since I was 12.

>> No.15892167

Why are you here? What do you even read? You understand how dumb that statement was, right?
>Okay champ, as opposed to what? Feudalism? Unless you go full uncle ted we’re in the best possible time for human existence. Feel free to schlock your merchandise of doom and gloom to someone else.
You sound like a 45 year old who's read the first ten pages of Art of War and an assortment of Bill O Reilly books.

>> No.15892177
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Right? The whole overly-verbose commie thing is kinda played out at this point.

>> No.15892187

>all the commiecucks ITT proving the OP image right
You dumb trannies would be losers no matter what system was in place.

>> No.15892211
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Hey fun fact the guy you’re replying too didn’t write that, I did. If you spent more time on /lit/ you’d know that “going full uncle ted” is a reference to the writings of an anarchoprimitivist terrorist, but hey, we can’t all read political manifestos.
Angering commies is a fun time.

>> No.15892229
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My favorite part is when they think they could live off the land if they were given land, like the agricultural experts at CHAZ.

>> No.15892266
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Oh man that was so fun to watch. I can’t wait to see how defunding the police blows up in people’s faces.

>> No.15892272

>overly verbose
Actual retard
I picked an easy humanities degree, took a single internship in Junior year and make 55k in the south out of school doing """"research""""" in a hospital. Those gender studies people you hate have a very similar path. Within ten years they'll be Head of HR adjacent making more money than the stemfags they hire. You aren't shitting on who you think you're shitting on. The Architect above provides more value than I do or the HR gals. We just have it easier due to the absolute avalanche of government rules and regulations, making HR an insanely priority job and "Social Scientists" very in demand.
Not a commie. Just capable of thought.

>> No.15892287

You know that they were definitely just educated enough to use manure as fertilizer too

>> No.15892295

It blows up in exactly the same way every time. Police stop responding to calls because they're understaffed, niggers commit more crimes, and whites consequently get more armed or leave the place, taking their money with them.

>> No.15892461
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>The Architect above provides more value than I do or the HR gals
Yeah an actual architect, not some butthurt zoomer who can’t get hired. Also
>easy humanities degree
>does research in a hospital
Come on, at least make it believable
I’m interest to see if it gets to South Africa tier. Especially given the sheer size of the US, if it gets to that point you might actually see certain states become ethnostates.

>> No.15892491
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>> No.15892496

Tbh if you live in a city, it’s basically been utopian times for the last 20 years except for the cost of living.
I could pretty much anywhere in New York at night with apple airpods on and feel totally safe. For the most part crime was on sharp incline from the mid ‘60s to the late 90’s. New York was like the fucking purge in the 80s.
I think its just gonna be a start of a repeat cycle. Rich whites will move, the tax base will shrink and crime and poverty will be rampant again. It won’t be normal for young women to ride a subway late at night alone anymore like it is now.
Defunding the police before the tax base exits is just skipping a step lol

>> No.15892512

Hah, it's unbelievable, right? Do you know that hospitals spend what I can only imagine to be millions upon millions of dollars on "Social Scientists"? Seriously, if you have the time(you do) look at the job postings for your local Hospital. They'll be actual research jobs, Data Analysis jobs or Data collection jobs. They all pay more than that Architect makes.

The fact that you brushed this off is sort of my problem with you and the other poster ITT. You presume quite a bit about the world while knowing very very little. And you don't even bother to look stuff up.

>> No.15892518

It’s nuts how quickly violent crime jumped this year. I used to live in philly so I started watching crime stats, you could easily be 100% right with this being the next round of a cycle.

>> No.15892523

Data analysis isn’t the humanities track you described though. Sounds like you work for a shitty hospital. None of the businesses I’ve ever done Opex for has ever had HR outearning any field at a similar level except publicity and marketing

>> No.15892528

You don’t have separate institutes for that in your state? It’s all run under the hospital itself?

>> No.15892533

>hospital paying for social science research
>not a university
Nigga wut/10

>> No.15892562
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It is kind of difficult to know what is fair when the amount of money circulating in a system is not reset.

When people have wealth they keep it. Those who are poor have to struggle to try and become rich, yet are unlikely to do so.

If every so often cash or employment was able to be competed for again it would make capitalism have legitimacy.

>> No.15892568

Yep. Again, I'm in the south, might be different down here?
Literally is.
>Work under library scientists in Uni
>Intern at my county's Dep of Public Health
>These positions stay open for months at a time
Not difficult, especially since HBCU advisors bust their absolute ass to get you a good job.
I'm wondering how this is confusing. It's possible that you guys(likely Stem), are confused as to what kind of research is going on here.

I would also highly recommend that my fellow Social Science majors angle themselves towards research programs/City programs instead of burying yourself in debt for Law School or Grad School. Although I don't think there's a six figure career path here and I'll likely have to move on.

>> No.15892588

Then we definetely have different ideas of data analysis lmao
They literally don’t teach you statistics in humanities programs except for taken “behavioral stats” course with a watered down software
Or you’re just lying

>> No.15892619

I can't substantiate that second claim, but as to the first, does it matter? Like, the job posting says its Data Research, some STEM dude's personal idea of it is just that. It pays really well for my age and location(same with HR jobs). You really need to see beyond your own horizon here. The way you talk about things suggests a really unexplored worldview. Every time someone shits on Gender studies, I cringe. Those insufferable bitches absolutely have it made. A single modicum of research would tell you that. "Feminist Dance Therapy", lmao. They aren't the ones being shafted right now.
Realize that the Purple haired fatty who wants to ban gendering infants and "defund the police" is likely making more money than any of you if she isn't just leeching off some guy who's too scared to leave her.

>> No.15892641

Well then you just circle back to your original point of you and the HR gals laughing at doctors and accountants from your cadillacs while they wait for the bus which I frankly just don’t believe lol

>> No.15892705

I'm just going to explain my point to you as succinctly as possible, and also probably inform you of somethings.

40% of Americans make less than 30,000 dollars a year. 70% of individuals make less than 50k. The HR girls aren't laughing at Doctors and Accountants(cheeky sneaking that in there), they're laughing at 70% of Americans.
I told you my job in order to brush off the claim that I was a commie who picked a bad degree. I bring up HR to refute this idea that persists in Right Wing thought, the idea that somehow the people Capitalism is hurting are the White people with Meme Degrees. You guys just don't get it. 30% of American Households are within 10K of the Poverty Line. That is a
HOUSEHOLD income of 25k. Capitalism is seriously doing great for about 25-30% of people. And .01% of those people spend a significant amount of time and money convincing the other 70% that it's working for them as well.
Conservatives don't seem to get it and Left leaning people are caught up in things that are largely irrelevant to the common man.

>> No.15892731

But I know what HR people make and it’s actually a great example of lower financial return of a meme degree. Your point about humanities degrees entering a quantitative field just proves that higher education is retarded since it doesn’t translate to any real value in the labor market. It’s actually more concerning when people with more rigorous education crowd out candidates in roles that should have a lower barrier of entry.

>> No.15892764

That's just the thing though. The system must justify itself. Degrees cost 100k+ these days. Every high schooler who can hold a pencil is pushed along the College Prep path. We know that a degree isn't necessarily the best indicator of talent. We know that there are many fields that don't require degrees that pay well. But the system cannot look at trillions of dollars, most of which are still being paid off, and decide that "eh, this actually isn't as big of a deal as we made it out to be". People will die. A bachelors is essentially the absolute bare minimum if you want a non Trade job that you can feed and house yourself with. It's been that way for two decades. You cannot pull the rug out from under these people without:
A) Forgiving Debt
B) Figuring out a way to reward these people for their investment of time and money in other ways
College education is a bonafide industry, and it costs more each year. The product can't be made cheaper, and it can't be rendered worthless, or the industry (and our economy), will collapse entirely. Debt forgiveness is a 2 trillion dollar undertaking, so good luck with that.
Just an example of an entirely plausible scenario that our system is (likely, I'm not an Econ Major) unable to handle.

>> No.15892814

>failed system
You guys keep saying that but nothing indicates that it has.

>> No.15892830

>graduate from a top architecture school,
This is where it went wrong for you. I went a school with a stellar architecture program and all my friends are in the same boat as you. Architecture is not a good job market

>> No.15892842

don't lump engineering with retards in architecture. Engineers have a number of different routes they can take

>> No.15892858

It's not capitalism's job to make jobs that are suitable for you. It's capitalism's job to prompt you to become suitable for what jobs are available.

>> No.15892861

What you are talking about is currency debasement. It happens when a state has too much control over the economy. There are other forms of capitalism outside of the borderline fascist one the US is operating.

>> No.15892862

All the arguments just point to how awful higher education is though. Its a system that’s wildly un-egalitarian, elitist, inefficient, ineffective and at time outright predatory.
One of my main aversions to leftist politics is that they seriously want taxpayer money to be shoveled into these institutions so that students don’t have to assume personal debt. That’s bullshit.
To me it’s like saying we need to give more government grants (not contracts) to for-profit prisons as a way to achieve meaningful criminal justice reform.
The only honest way I can see to fix the system is to stop the flow of government cash (both grants and government backed loans) into academic institutions that don’t meet necessary requirements to stop price inflation. Then denormalize the practice of a required 4 year degree to do entry level work that any high school graduate ought to be able to do (which is a result of too many degrees being handed out).

>> No.15892864

>Architects, one of the most important jobs in all civilizations
I saw no point in reading anything you said after here

>> No.15892882
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>people must pay me for my dreams

>> No.15892898

> Then denormalize the practice of a required 4 year degree to do entry level work that any high school graduate ought to be able to do

Well we agree on that. I personally advocate to anyone who will listen for more Tradesmen programs at the high school level, along with other more career oriented paths.
That being said, any overt attempt to devalue a College degree is begging for mutiny. Again, TRILLIONS of dollars are tied up in college debt. Half of that is postgrad, but it's still substantial. Realize also that the postgrad seekers face a lot of the unnatural pressure Bachelors degree holders faced. Public Admin should be a Certification, not a 40k two year degree. You cannot just tell these people that you're going to decimate the value of their investment without giving them recourse.

>> No.15892918

>If not Communist then Capitalist
How about building strong extended families to rely on?

Ah yes, of course, this implies sacrificing one's own life to a goal you won't benefit from personally in your lifetime.
Too much cucked for the glorious anon.

>> No.15892926

>you can already tell that the prices of groceries have went up significantly
That’s a supply chain issue from COVID not an economic collapse
Shipping and manufacturing have been interrupted it’s a miracle that it’s gone as well as it has
You’re only argument would be one that says relief efforts by the government have prolonged the crisis and made consumer goods more expensive by incentivizing people to not go back to work.

>> No.15892959

A lot of people stay poor because they have kids, or cling to a culture that keeps them out of wealthier social circles.

Barely anyone ever becomes 'rich', either. It's never been a fair system, but it's also the most socially mobile system on the planet.

>> No.15892974

Stop posting strawman images like a faggot, would be step one.

>> No.15892980

You realize the point of becoming rich is to have more kids and offering them a better life than your own, right.

>> No.15892992

Many think the anti child sentiment pushed by all is a Leftist invention meant to destroy the white family. I think it is nearly as plausible that it is a Neoliberal tactic, meant to prevent Educated, Middle Class Natives from realizing how much worse off they are than their parents. Especially since the sentiment walks hand in hand with importing New Labor, which is dressed up as Socialism but is very Capitalist.