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File: 76 KB, 356x502, Heidegger_2_(1960).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15890945 No.15890945 [Reply] [Original]

There is quote by Martin Heidegger that I vaguely remember. It's something along the lines of "If you live each day like it is your last you will live more authentically." But that is just paraphrasing. Anyone here familiar with the quote I am looking for? Thanks.

>> No.15891002

This is now a pseud word thread

>> No.15891008

You miss 100% of the shots you don't take

>> No.15891128

Please help me I'm trying to be polite and have an on topic thread about Heidegger

>> No.15891183
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Can't remember, sorry Pal. Go bother someone else.

>> No.15891191

You make 100% of the shots you don't miss

>> No.15891193

I mean, that's basically the whole idea. Death contemplation leads to authenticity. As a formerly suicidal anon I get it big time and really want to reread those parts of B&T.

It seems to me that our society is suffering from a serious lack of death-contemplation. I'm talking about the kinds of things pointed to by the "clown world" meme. People are just not serious. They make the most spurious bad-faith arguments then go smirking on their way. Inflammatory buzzwords get shoehorned into every statement. Legal terms get stretched well past their breaking point. And if you're not in on it, if you don't do what Das Man does, you're an evil idiot.

If people could somehow be reminded more often of death--of their own deaths--perhaps they would be slower to cut their dicks off and blame police for black chaos.

Or perhaps Das Man is always hopeless. Questioning Being might only be for a few.

>> No.15891242

Thanks for making a quality post anon, couldn't agree more.

>> No.15891245

no sorry I can't remember

>> No.15891257

I'm going to send this to a friend and try to explain to him why he needs to contemplate death right away.

Wish me luck bros.

>> No.15891266

Just Dasein yourself.

>> No.15891271

That sounds like something a boomer would post on facebook. Not profound at all.

>> No.15891276

I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman
Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo
I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run
I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through
I'm a horse soldier, eternal, through and through
I's with Custer and the 7th in '76 or '77
Scalped at Little Big Horn by the Sioux
And the pain and desperation of a once proud warrior nation
This I know 'cause I was riding with them too
I drank mare's blood on the run when I rode with the Great Khan
On the frozen Mongol steppe when at his height
I's a White Guard, I's a White Guard, I's the Tsar's own palace horse guard
When Nicholas was martyred in the night
I knew Salah al-Din and rode his swift Arabians
Harassing doomed crusaders on their heavy drafts
And yet I rode the Percheron against the circling Musselman
And once again against myself was cast
Well I've worn the Mounties crimson, if you're silent and you listen
You'll know that it was with them that I stood
When Mayerthorpe, she cried, as her four horsemen died
Gunned down in scarlet, coldest blood
I's the firstest with the mostest when I fought for Bedford Forrest
Suffered General Wilson's Union raid
Mine was not to reason why, mine was but to do and die
At Crimea with the charging light brigade
On hire from Swiss or Sweden, be me Christian, be me heathen
The devil to the sabre I shall put
With a crack flanking maneuver, I'm an uhlan alles uber
Striking terror into regiment of foot
I knew my days were numbered when o'er the trenches lumbered
More modern machinations de la guerre
No match for rapid fire or the steel birds of the sky
With a final rear guard action I retreat
No match for barbed wire or the armoured engines whine
Reluctant I retire and take my leave
Today I ride with special forces on those wily Afghan horses
Dostum's Northern Alliance give their thanks
That we may see a swelling in our ranks
I's with the Aussies at Beersheba took the wells so badly needed
And with the Polish lancers charging German tanks
Saw Ross' mount shot down at Washingtown the night we burned the White House down
And cursed the sack of York and sons of Yanks

>> No.15891289

I'm a hussar, I'm a Hun, I'm a wretched Englishman
Routing Bonaparte at Waterloo
I'm a dragoon on a dun, I'm a Cossack on the run
I'm a horse soldier, timeless, through and through
I'm a horse soldier, eternal, through and through
I's with Custer and the 7th in '76 or '77
Scalped at Little Big Horn by the Sioux
And the pain and desperation of a once proud warrior nation
This I know 'cause I was riding with them too
I drank mare's blood on the run when I rode with the Great Khan
On the frozen Mongol steppe when at his height
I's a White Guard, I's a White Guard, I's the Tsar's own palace horse guard
When Nicholas was martyred in the night
I knew Salah al-Din and rode his swift Arabians
Harassing doomed crusaders on their heavy drafts
And yet I rode the Percheron against the circling Musselman
And once again against myself was cast
Well I've worn the Mounties crimson, if you're silent and you listen
You'll know that it was with them that I stood
When Mayerthorpe, she cried, as her four horsemen died
Gunned down in scarlet, coldest blood
I's the firstest with the mostest when I fought for Bedford Forrest
Suffered General Wilson's Union raid
Mine was not to reason why, mine was but to do and die
At Crimea with the charging light brigade
On hire from Swiss or Sweden, be me Christian, be me heathen
The devil to the sabre I shall put
With a crack flanking maneuver, I'm an uhlan alles uber
Striking terror into regiment of foot
I knew my days were numbered when o'er the trenches lumbered
More modern machinations de la guerre
No match for rapid fire or the steel birds of the sky
With a final rear guard action I retreat
No match for barbed wire or the armoured engines whine
Reluctant I retire and take my leave
Today I ride with special forces on those wily Afghan horses
Dostum's Northern Alliance give their thanks
That we may see a swelling in our ranks
I's with the Aussies at Beersheba took the wells so badly needed
And with the Polish lancers charging German tanks
Saw Ross' mount shot down at Washingtown the night we burned the White House down
And cursed the sack of York and sons of Yanks

>> No.15891292

The loss of religion is the main factor. I think Christian conversion in its best form tricks you into death-contemplation and authenticity. I don't entirely agree with Nietzsche's view that heaven makes life pointless. Perhaps in a once-saved-always-saved theology. The value in the Christian worldview is in the constant threat of hell. You take living the right way seriously! The eternal recurrence preserves this--every mistake will bring you infinite suffering. While Heidegger doesn't multiply the pros and cons like that, he does remind us of the *permanence* of our actions. We are falling towards death every day and this one act is everything.
>All great thinkers think the same, but this same is inexhaustible.
Seems like some of that going on.

Just want to get /lit/ enough to tap into that inexhaustible source bros

>> No.15891295

Well that's what he said and it's true.

>> No.15891298

If you think "contemplating death" is being-towards-death then holy shit you sure do need to re-read Being and Time because that is not what he meant at all.

>> No.15891307

enlighten us

>> No.15891312

Well speak your mind, elaborate.

>> No.15891328

>The value in the Christian worldview is in the constant threat of hell.
That is definitely part of it, best and most beautifully shown by Dante. But how can we ignore the crucifix? The very image of this religion is death, self sacrifice, eternal love. And given our understanding of the temporal by Heidegger and some Chinese, I think it is obvious how they relate.

>> No.15891342

>the spirit's deepest wish is to anointed as a sacrificial beast
even Nietzsche got it

>> No.15891361

>sacrificial beast
That is a carnal mode, what this is is the fullest realisation of life, of being, but also the greatest moral testament.

>> No.15891363

Death is a purely abstract existential structure of Dasein, not something you think about like an object. It is disclosed in the mood of anxiety, which has no direct ontic connection to death. Every utterance and statement of Dasein is being-towards-death. Living ordinarily and pragmatically is authentically being-towards-death. "Contemplating" or meditating on death is a way of objectifying and ontically mastering death in an inauthentic and falling manner; it wards away death just like fearing death. In short, authentic being-towards-death never means "contemplating" death.

>> No.15891369

Heidegger was a mistake.

>> No.15891377

shut up and go skiing you emo faget

>> No.15891407

hahaha it's funny cause you said emo

>> No.15891412

>Death-is a-purely-abstract-existential-structure-of-Dasein-not-something-you-think-about-like-an-object-it-is-disclosed-in-the-mood-of-anxiety-which-has-no-direct-ontic-connection-to-death-every-utterance-and-statement-of-Dasein-is-being-towards-death-living-ordinarily-and-pragmatically-is-authentically-being-towards-death-contemplating-or-meditating-on-death-is-a-way-of-objectifying-and-ontically-mastering-death-in-an-inauthentic-and-falling-manner-it-wards-away-death-just-like-fearing-death-in-short-authentic-being-towards-death-never-means-contemplating-death.

>> No.15891420

>The very image of this religion is death
Dont forget the ressurection. Thats whats really important.

>> No.15891423

Not really buying it mang. You make it sound inevitable as long as you DON'T contemplate death.

A change in one's attitude towards death is supposed to trigger authenticity (though I'm sure you won't like that vocabulary). You stop caring about Das Man, you refrain from idle chatter. IIRC "curiosity" is another marker of inauthentic Dasein. What's all that about? It's a whole big section of the book.

>> No.15891426

>misunderstands Heidegger and rips the entire heart of his philosophy out

>> No.15891435

Of course, but all these dualistic elements of Christianity must be balanced. The infinite Glory of God, with the Suffering of this world which Redemption can only come about through, sin and compassion, etc all of these things. Christ is only the world-judge, because he is the world-redeemer first.

>> No.15891443
File: 54 KB, 600x502, crying pepe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>IIRC "curiosity" is another marker of inauthentic Dasein. What's all that about? It's a whole big section of the book.
I like curiosity. I find the act of revelation to connect me to being.

>> No.15891473

lmao @ aristotelians.

>> No.15891491

>You make it sound inevitable as long as you DON'T contemplate death.
Authentic being-towards-death is not inevitable, far from it. But it is not reached by contemplating death or mortality; authenticity is not "triggered" by any life experience. That is another form of falling.
>muh heart
Heidegger is existential phenomenology, he is not your cuddly JBP self-improvement bullshit.

>> No.15891496

Heidegger bois, I read B&T and some other H essays and I'm looking for some follow-up within the Continental tradition, specifically as to how the Nothing noths. Which should I read first, Being and Nothingness, Nothing and Nothingness, or Very Little, Almost Nothing? Also open to reading nothing

>> No.15891513
File: 37 KB, 520x466, 1594918128482.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does Dasein change w/r/t death such that it becomes authentic Dasein?

>> No.15891525

Religion and Nothingness by Nishitani, or any other Kyoto School philosopher, should be on your radar

>> No.15891540

Dasein does not change from one state (inauthentic) to another (authentic) as beings metaphysically conceived do. Try again.

>> No.15891543

not exactly qn original thought op. dont know why you ascribe it to heidigger. thats some basic shit straight out of Auralius.

>> No.15891576

Why can't you just say "existence"? Why do you have to use philosophical jargon?

>> No.15891593

I saw the millions, the naked and the dead
I saw the city streets running bloody red
I saw a thousand bombers circle in the sky
I saw the firestorm fifty stores high

I saw a hundred thousand scream and burn
I saw the armored wheels grind and turn
Universal soldier, doomed to live to tell
Fight and die forever, burn in bloody hell

Death or Glory, Death or Glory
March forever in the sound and fury
Death or Glory, Death or Glory
Blood and iron it's the same old story

I held the Iron Cross, first class with the swords
I marched with Hitler down the bloody road to war
I was at Jutland loding 'till the gun was hot,
Killed at Trafalgar without firing a shot

I was at Moscow, burning in my tank
I was at Shiloh, marching in the ranks
I was a Sturmbannfuhrer fighting in Berlin
I was a Russian Hero dying for Stalin

Death or glory, Death or glory
March forever in the sound and fury
Death or glory, Death or glory
Blood and iron it's the same old story

I swung a saber and I was a young Hussar
I was a Cossack, fighting for the Czar
I was a Viking, Berserker from the North
A Roman Gladiator murdered just for sport

I was with Bonaparte I died at Waterloo
I was a Frankish Knight, a Polish Jew
I was a Spartan in the Trojan Wars
I was a warrior for Crazy Horse

Death or Glory, Death or Glory
March forever in the sound and fury
Death or Glory, Death or Glory
The Loner Survivor but no comfort for me
Death or Glory, Death or Glory
Executioner, Judge and Jury
Death or Glory, Death or Glory
Blood and iron it's the same old story
Auf Stehen!!!

>> No.15891601
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>Dasein does not change from one state (inauthentic) to another (authentic) as beings metaphysically conceived do.
What's the difference between authentic and inauthentic Dasein? How can a person, or a being who questions Being or whatever, be authentic? Does he have to be born with the midichlorians? Has anyone ever deliberately authenticitymaxxed? Or passively been called by conscience to do so?

Yo, I'm calling for backup. Other Heideggerbros, am I completely off base here? Is there no "conversion process" where one's relationship to his own death changes and he ceases idly chattering? Did I get a completely brainlet QRD out of this?
>Try again.
Not debating man, I really want to see what your reading of Heidegger is.

>> No.15891619

>If people could somehow be reminded more often of death
This is literally what just happened with Coroanvirus.
Secondly, religiousness arises primarily out of mortality salience, so in a way you could say that people being reminded of their own death during coronavirus is what has led to this extremely fanaticism regarding white people and BLM, where they are basically worshipping black people and george floyd the fentanyl addict as the second coming of Christ.
Mark my words, BLM is the new religion for white people and we are seeing its resurgence precisely because people are more aware of their own mortality, ergo triggering a panic response in the form of complete allegiance to a quasi-religious cause.

>> No.15891629
File: 12 KB, 154x178, 1594972817831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Macquarrie and Robinson or Stambaugh?

>> No.15891644

Because what they're saying will seem a whole lot less impressive if they used normal words instead of hiding behind a bunch of useless neologisms

>> No.15891679

>What's the difference between authentic and inauthentic Dasein?
In speech, action, thought, demeanor, or life choice, little to nothing at all. Because authenticity has nothing to do with any of that.
>Does he have to be born with the midichlorians? Has anyone ever deliberately authenticitymaxxed? Or passively been called by conscience to do so?

When Heidegger writes about authenticity, death, anxiety, the call to conscience, and guilt, he is not proposing any ethics, politics, or aesthetics. It is fundamental existential phenomenology and regards the structural possibilities of Dasein's existence. It simply has nothing whatsoever to do with choice, lifestyle, or changing ones thought or behavior. That would belittle the ontological importance of these subjects and reduce them to something ontic.

>> No.15891694
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Hmm. I kind of agree with the Ed Dutton take. But WuFlu isn't exactly the Black Death. People aren't seeing loved ones die unless they were wrecks or ancient already. Seems to me the big stress triggering religiosity is the lockdown itself.

OTOH yeah, the name "Black Lives Matter" certainly seems to play into fears of mortality. I just don't see it as really changing people interiorly like Judgment Day or the eternal recurrence or anything. It's all so fake and gay. The police racism isn't real, the white liberal intent to be less racist is just, sorry for using this word, performative. I see it as something more juvenile and unserious. Spring fever. Time for a new Russia story to occupy our time...

>> No.15891709


>> No.15891759
File: 224 KB, 768x1024, 1594982236415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It simply has nothing whatsoever to do with choice, lifestyle, or changing ones thought or behavior.
>In speech, action, thought, demeanor, or life choice, little to nothing at all. Because authenticity has nothing to do with any of that.
So...uh...what's the point? What *does* it mean?

"Idle chatter" isn't speech or behavior? Doing "what one does" isn't action or demeanor? Sorry man I still don't buy it.

I think if you were to give a positive account of what Heideggerian authenticity is, this would become clear. And what does it have to do with death? Because that's the difference between the two kinds of Dasein, or the two forms, or beingnesses, or what-the-fuck-everings.

I get that Heidegger is trying to talk on a deeper level than psychology or ethics, in terms of the most basic and inescapable aspects of things. But his "being that questions Being," like Kant's "rational being," is a fucking human.

>> No.15891785

>So...uh...what's the point? What *does* it mean?
In terms of things for which "positive accounts" may be given? Nothing. Ontology means nothing because it is no-thing.
>But his "being that questions Being," like Kant's "rational being," is a fucking human.

>> No.15891798

So no-thing is a conformist who chats about trivial bullshit. Right.

>> No.15891817
File: 6 KB, 205x246, headless wojak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying nothing means no-thing
Disingenuous I rate this post. Literally no better than Kantianism.

>> No.15891977
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>> No.15892249
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n e 1

>> No.15892732

>Why can't you just say "existence"?
Because "existence", as well as "ecstasy" etymologically comes from the Greek "ekstasis" or "ex-stasis", meaning "to stand outside one self".
For Heidegger this term was problematic because it held transcendental implications. To "exist" would mean you have left Being.

"Dasein", meaning "being there", is more metaphysically suitable.

This is Philosophy. Terms matter.

>> No.15892739
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that is essentially what jesus and castaneda taught. use death as advisor. take your cross.

>> No.15892756

So every day I should work on getting my will just right, how I want my funeral to be and contacting all my relatives to say goodbye?

>> No.15892758

>like Kant's "rational being,"
Uhhh..... No.

>> No.15892773

>In terms of things for which "positive accounts" may be given? Nothing. Ontology means nothing because it is no-thing.
This. That's Heidegger's whole point; Ontology, and Philosophy in general, and life in general, are not limited to rationality. You can't do anything with Philosophy, but it can do something to you.

Also, these were mine. I should have done it all in one post:

>> No.15893420

"My shit's invisible (niggas can't see me)"

>> No.15893686

Because Dasein is being for which being is an issue. Just read Heidegger dude it's in the first chapter.

>> No.15893700

Authenticity isn't really a moral distinction, and we are authentic and inauthentic all the time. Authenticity is just the realisation of Dasein's potentiality, while inauthenticity is the flight, or withdrawal from Dasein.

>> No.15894475

>tfw miss 100% of the shots I do take

>> No.15894764

Eigentlichkeit for the nonpseuds.

>> No.15894786

>If you live each day like it is your last you will live more authentically

this is like the most psued way of saying "Live, Laugh, Love" that I've ever heard.

>> No.15895278

This is the most pseud interpretation of Heidegger I've ever seen.

>> No.15895807
File: 159 KB, 746x982, 93CBCE2A-4CCB-4C6E-844D-DA984A9995BA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you miss 100% of the shots you take

>> No.15895872

“Live each day as if you reliving your life“ - Viktor Frankl

>> No.15895899

>We cannot speak of what Heidegger says, but only of what he does not say
t. this thread