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File: 303 KB, 600x900, cornelwest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15882689 No.15882689 [Reply] [Original]

Is he the most important public intellectual working today? On issues of both class and race, there are few who are more perceptive.

>> No.15882699




>> No.15882717

He's a gem, for sure.

>> No.15882727

Do you think he's deep state? He got Bob Avakian to come out of hiding and do an interview.

>> No.15882734


He's better read and more articulate than 99 percent of /lit/

>> No.15882781

Probably not.
He is a vocal supporter of Antifa, and the very last thing the government wants right now is a highly motivated, populist, anti-fascist movement.

>> No.15882795

Literally who?

>> No.15882807

>Antifa doesn't work for the ruling class
Holy shit I thought this was the smart board

>> No.15882831

If the government doesn't want a highly motivated, populist, anti-fascist movement why is antifa not deplatformed? Why is antifa protest the only state sanctioned group activity in our major cities? Why doesn't the NY Times write hit pieces on antifa the way they did Bernie and Chapo? Anti-fascism when there is no fascism is meaningless. Anti-capitalist, now that would be a problem.

>> No.15882852


>> No.15882868
File: 128 KB, 640x480, dave-coles-cep-union-montebello-apec-summit-2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao the black bloc got infiltrated in 2003 or so. glownigs and libshits run it now.

>> No.15882888

The government is treating antifa like they did the Black Panthers.

>> No.15882902

Interesting question. US strategy anticipates vying over melanated territory, and so West and Coates both message in the context of establishment/state interests. The US faces issues abroad and at home like Malcolm X being much more popular in melanated territories and this undermines US interests due to how Anti-US foreign policy he was. It was judged better to replace Malcolm X with Obama and to a lesser extent Coates and West. I may not give West sufficient independence here, but it's tough to imagine his media-centric role not being a service to the state when others who walk and talk like him do so in strong alignment with established interests.

>> No.15882910

>melanated territory
Kek let's keep using this

>> No.15882917

Except governors are unilaterally releasing them from jail.

>> No.15882924

I would rank West as similar to Zizek in that his bombastic and preposterous public persona is what attracts attention to him not the monumentality of his intellectual contribution.
When you see Cornell West venting at you with his formidable gap teeth and possessed bug eyes and flavorful countrified lingo, you're inclined to listen. Read his books? Not as much.

>> No.15882973

>Guy gets arrested at a political demonstration
>Cops asks him some questions
>I'm being treated like Fred Hampton here!

Not only do they think they're fighting Hitler, but now they also think they're reliving the 60s. Meanwhile most establishment Democrats use antifa's demands as cover to cut funding for police in the wake of Covid deficits. You guys are fucking tools.

>> No.15882985

I shut that video off after a while because he's not really saying much. He rants, he raves, he drops names, he recites quotes, but there's not much substance there.

>> No.15882990

i remember this guy was on bill maher once and kept saying prostate when he meant prostrate. he's a charlatan who has mastered a thesaurus.

>> No.15882999

Helps to understand the US doesn't worry about future fights in Finland or Ireland but looks to box out other great powers from resources controlled by colored peoples. Coates, West, Obama, they help build US "soft power" in these parts of the world where I think we'd rather be liked more than feared. Seem another way, there's a new era of something kind of like colonialism afoot.

>> No.15883010

Yeah. I heard him use "commodity fetishism" to mean being obsessed with commodities, when that's not what Marx meant at all.

>> No.15883025

You could say exactly the same if you were listening to Zizek.

>> No.15883027

That's the problem with being "leaderless", you have no fucking clue who's actually controlling it

>> No.15883038

I do.

>> No.15883041

Black Prophetic Fire is a great book because it's something in between a less colorful book style and his telltale conversational preacher Athens-Jerusalem vibe. Its transcripts of interviews but dives deeply.

>> No.15883071

i've heard it from him too. jfc, how did this nigger get a professorship at harvard or princeton or wherever the fuck he 'works'? must be a sinecure office.

>> No.15883094

He's the most fun to listen to. His Tightrope podcast is exciting too, very revealing to the non-melanated.

>> No.15883160

>there's a new era of something kind of like colonialism afoot.
It's the eternal problem of only three-digit IQs being able to make use of Africa's natural resources

>> No.15883161

So what, you want to begin warehousing political prisoners?

>> No.15883170

>political prisoners
you mean like David Irving was lol? violence is the whole fucking point of Antifa

>> No.15883222


>> No.15883234


>> No.15883268

>violence is the whole fucking point of Antifa
No it’s not.
Antifa is an abbreviation for “anti-fascism”. There are a whole range of tactics and strategies self-consciously anti-fascist activists employ to counter fascism, some of them militant, but a lot of them nonviolent, such as organizing and uniting entire communities against fascists owning the streets.
The real problem for the government is that anti-fascists understand that the root cause of fascism is a capitalist system that has become hyper-exploitative and is beginning to meet mass popular resistance. Thus, the only way to root out fascism once and for all is to dismantle capitalism.

>> No.15883285

Have to say I like the gap teeth and neck tie-scarf thing.

>> No.15883286

fukin faggot

>> No.15883290

>root cause of fascism is a capitalist system

Check out some history books on the 20th Century some time soon.

>> No.15883303

>fascism is capitalism in decay maymay
I refuse to believe this isn't bait

>> No.15883312

>such as organizing and uniting entire communities against fascists owning the streets.
>turning a community into a paramilitary force is nonviolent.

>> No.15883315



THE *chimp screeching*

>> No.15883340
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The jigaboo affectation is such a fucking put-on. This is a guy that has lectured at all or most of the top universities in the entire world and talks like he's just begging to be called a porch monkey just to substantiate his diatribes of institutional racism. Fuck public intellectuals in general but fuck this guy especially.

>> No.15883345

If he has a smart mode I've never heard it. Seems like a schizo everyone pretends is deep

>> No.15883389

This is a sad take because it explains so little about Africa now and over the next several decades. Non-Africans may not know that Rwanda, among the continent's strongest economies, has been growing and building itself to distinction since the 2000s. Plus, the political issues of Africa are not unique or even African. Southeast Asia or even India could match Africa in most tall tales and legends just as they could with political corruption, collapse, ruin, poverty, civil war. I wish the world was simple enough that "lol dumb ethnography" had the explanatory power its popularity implies, and still it rings so effete and malapert when most English speakers who have little to no exposure to African culture, history, anthropology attempt explanations about how it all does or does not work. Posts like this recall Londoners blathering about inevitable American election results.

>> No.15883394

you sound like someone unconditioned to any credibility

>> No.15883397


>> No.15883408

When will Dr. West get his time travelling series on Netflix?

>> No.15883409

So what should I read by him?

>> No.15883410

malapert as a ruttin' buck

>> No.15883426

yes he is the most important

>> No.15883433

cornel west is so fucking based, seeing this board cope over him feelsgood

>> No.15883453

Are you gonna cry about it?

>> No.15883459

ungulates are retarded but ok

>> No.15883465

If you are not antifascist, you are not an American.
While socialism and communism being economic frameworks can be American political ideologies and not conflict with the law or the Constitution, Fascism cannot coexist with the liberal democracy that is America.

Any one not seeing this should be ignored, then jailed, then deported.

>> No.15883467

Oh dear, that must have zinged you right in the fragility, poor mayobulb

>> No.15883476


>You want to jail people that destroy public property and assault bystanders?


>> No.15883484

>[through tears]: Oh dear, that must have zinged you right in the fragility, poor mayobulb

>> No.15883498

>hurr durr nations have an immutable essence that is compatible communism cause I say so
America is first and foremost a nation state before it is anything else. This means at any sort of communism or anarchism necessitates the destruction of the USA as an entity in the long-rung, making it inherently treasonous on the most fundamental level. It's impossible for fascism to do the same.
I thought most of you commies believed countries to be imagined communities anyways?

>> No.15883500

>Any one not seeing this should be ignored, then jailed, then deported.

America is fundamentally about freedom of speech and belief. You are unamerican for advocating a totalitarian violation of the first amendment.

But you Socialists are all hypocrites with more rhetoric than brains.

>> No.15883512

>But you Socialists are all hypocrites with more rhetoric than brains.
They just try to make dopey liberals into their useful idiots by invoking patriotic ideals. Can't really blame them as it is an effective tactic.

>> No.15883527
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Rwanda, HDI 157th, GDP/capita $2.4k. Some economic wonder you got there. Care to name an actually successful black run country?

>> No.15883535

If we're imprisoning right-wing dissidents without so much of a blink of an eye, why not leftist radicals, or do you prefer white supremacists be released from prison?

>> No.15883543


I am not a communist or a socialist. I was merely pointing out that communism is a viable political party in America because it is primarily an economic organization.
Capitalism is not enshrined in the Constitution.

Yet Fascism, being a cultural mandate, is clearly prohibited in the constitution, in legal canon, and in law.

There are plenty of laws currently on the books that would allow for fascist to be arrested. From inciting sedition, to inciting hate, to weapons and anti organized crime laws.

There is no room in the USA for Fascism. It is the antithesis of a liberal democracy.

>> No.15883551

>anti-fascism and destroying capitalism has nothing to do with realizing communism (btw we're communists)

>> No.15883564


The right of free speech simply says teh USA will write no law prohibiting speech. It does not say anywhere that what you say cannot be held against you. If we were to take your retarded argument to its extreme, you could not say a confession to murder could be used against you because it violates your right to free speech.

>> No.15883565

You can't be this stupid.

>> No.15883571

When's he's on, I hang on his every syllable. Interesting to ponder the origins of his creativity, oratory, spontaneity, and his highly practiced eloquence, Dr. West gushes, but there are also times where his words have this extra ring to them, like their composition and delivery vibrate with evidence, witness, truth.

>> No.15883579

So what should I read by him?

Where is fascism prohibited in the constitution?

>> No.15883582

>From inciting sedition
Has a sedition charge managed to stick since the supreme court said commies could "teach" about overthrowing the government with impunity?

>> No.15883584


Good comeback. You'll do well in life.

>> No.15883588

>I am not a communist or a socialist

That's an outright lie. You deny who you are to try to sell your political ideology. That's why your ideology always fails, because it's only backed by self-hating dopes.

>> No.15883593


Jailing and exiling people for holding a political belief IS a law prohibiting speech, you brain damaged cattle.

>> No.15883601

>If we were to take your retarded argument to its extreme, you could not say a confession to murder could be used against you because it violates your right to free speech.

You aren't jailing someone for the confession, you are jailing them for the murder. You must be one of those self-hating socialists that get off on public humiliation.

>> No.15883610


People in the communist party were routinely thrown in jail and did serious time for plots against America.
The political party of the communists, however, were rarely convicted or had their convictions overturned.

Fascism, on the other hand, is not a political party in any way. It is an overthrow of democracy. It is an overthrow of the courts and the balance of power, and of legislatures.

Fascism is run by a totalitarian, not the people.

The People are not the purpose of the government; the culture is. But what it really is is a front for authoritarian oligarchic rule, and the culture stuff is just to keep the morons in line, just like theocracies.

>> No.15883616

Useless points of conjecture, but that is to be expected by someone whose calcified homunculus is satisfied by "HDI" and uses terms like "actually successful" when referring to economies. Rwanda's economy has grown over 8% for more than a decade and more importantly, Rwandans know and feel and envision a better Rwanda.

>> No.15883620


Go yell fire in a theater. Call up the swat team and make a false report. Go proposition a 6 year old boy.

Then go fuck yourself.

>> No.15883639
File: 66 KB, 624x625, 03b6eb5c98f46356dd532dda18a1ff0aebd10a96.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do you get this fresh and clean?

>> No.15883641


Earlier in the thread people were saying that Antifa should not be jailed for violence.

Now you're saying your political opponents need to be exiled for holding beliefs that offend you.

Do you see how repulsive you are?

>> No.15883647


Criticism of your government is acceptable political speech. Criticism of a law is acceptable political speech.
Suggesting that the country be overthrown is not political speech. Suggesting that a race war should happen is not political speech. Threatening people is not political speech.

The law is quite clear on this.

Why don't you test it out?

>> No.15883654

>He is a vocal supporter of Antifa, and the very last thing the government wants right now is a highly motivated, populist, anti-fascist movement.

>> No.15883661

So Rwanda went from the Rwanda of genocides to the Rwanda of below average sub-Saharan country, and this recommends it to us how?

Don't think I missed your failure to name an actually successful black country.

>> No.15883662
File: 152 KB, 1052x1244, 006p1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a cookout of a man

>> No.15883666


You can hold all the beliefs you want. That is not speech.
No one cares what you believe. They care what you do. And speech is something you do. When it is criticism of the government, it is acceptable. When it is the first steps in overthrowing the government it is not.

No government stands by while some of its citizens plot its demise.

Like I say. Go try it. Wait for the knock on your door.

>> No.15883692
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>> No.15883713



You people have no fucking idea what you are talking about.
You have had it easy with the racist in the WH, but you have no idea of the history of this country.
Just ask any old timer KKK dude, or any hippie what it is like. The FBI is all over seditionists. From left wing to right - you spout your revolutionary stuff about your boogaloos whatever you are calling it these days or even talk about attacks on eco targets , and you will find yourself in jail.
If you are a fascist, you are living in a fantasy world that is about to come to an end.

Just because the orange moron and his poolboy aren't enforcing the law doesn't mean they aren't watching, listening, and planning your next 20 years.

>> No.15883736

>Threatening people is not political speech.

What, you mean like to jail and exile them for advocating for an ideology you don't like?

I say Socialism is anti-american, as it is against private property, a concept central to the law of the United States.

You are the one advocating the mass incarceration of a group of politically inconvenient people. You just want to start another round of gulags. I pray you suffer your just desserts.

>> No.15883747
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>based black man who uses ten dollar words

>> No.15883749

>The political party of the communists, however, were rarely convicted or had their convictions overturned.
The same happened to members of white power organization in the 80s. My point was that our laws regarding sedition have effectively been neutered.

>> No.15883757

>you spout your revolutionary stuff about your boogaloos whatever

Schizo posting. The only revolutionary talk here was Socialist posturing.

This is more evidence on display that Socialists all have mental disabilities. You are doing the world a wonderful service by sharing your profound mental illness to us all.

You remind everyone that you do not have to be a Fascist to hate Socialists.

>> No.15883778
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*BA-BOOM* Okay /lit/ good you're all here! I have this really great movie idea I wanna tell you. So Cedric the Entertainer and Cornel West are drinking 40s in the driveway of an unrealistically comfortable house and West is mumbling about Marx or literary criticism or some bullshit and Cedric is shaking his head then Method Man and Redman pull up and a fog of green smoke comes out and Cedric says he doesn't wanna get high and then West slyly turns to him and says you need to wake up it's what I've been tryna tell ya, it isn't MARX, we're in a MAtRiX and then Cedric wakes up as Tyler Perry in drag in a really shitty house. West's doctoral student Jackie Wang comes up and is all "The police. I think we can take 'em" and extends her hand.

Friday Five: Human Emancipation

>> No.15883787

Thomas Sowell bro

>> No.15883793
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You've nothing to share beyond your lazily searched and scrolled "facts" because you truly know nothing. Sharing any knowledge with you would feel as if I was sending sound ideas into a clogged sewer.
Rwanda is successful because her women decide to have babies and Rwandans pursue their tomorrow. You've not undone Rwandans decades of work with your Wikipedian perusal. Instead, you've nearly erected a glaring siren above you to bleat the Moron Alarm, and to this person I'm to discuss the subtler points of African states?

>> No.15883809

I listen to Cornel West as babies do classical music

>> No.15883833

>Sharing any knowledge with you

Is against your agenda. You don't share knowledge, you spew propaganda and confusion.

Know your reckoning is at hand, and it will be compassionate as it is merciless.

>> No.15883840
File: 30 KB, 395x300, Cornel-West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn go tagging with Dr. West

>> No.15883881

Ooo, I dinged you in your fragilities again, sry. We're I you, I'd worry that steep stupidity may manifest as a licentious tulpa who splits your brittle cranium into a fresco of tard-bulb pulp. And then you'd miss these astrologic finales you so anticipate. Take care. Faggot.

>> No.15884013


Good thing you already admitted you don't share knowledge. Thus I can disregard what you say as more ignorant blathering.

>> No.15884070

>The government is treating antifa like they did the Black Panthers.
Exactly, the police force goes after them to some degree whilst all other major institutions in the US provide support and the wealthy raise funds for them.

>> No.15884104

This is a good post. Anyone on the Right in the US needs to understand that appeals to the Constitution, the Founders, etc. are hopeless as far as their goals are concerned. Antiracist rioters are, in all seriousness, the real American Patriots. The American tradition needs to be torn out, root and branch.

>> No.15884127

It doesn't. Why would the working class want anarchy?

>> No.15884141
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Avoiding the question is racist, anon. Name a will run black country. Rwanda is a shithole country. Maybe in 50 years it will be as good as Mexico, crazier things happen, but Mexico is still not that great.

I could actually name black countries better run than Rwanda, but it's starting to seem like, if we had flags yours would be Rwandan.

Way to have access to one of the hundred computers in Rwanda. Although what would make it funnier would be if it was because you were genetically a quarter white like African-Americans.

>> No.15884145

wasnt this nigga in star wars hahaha or was it matrix

>> No.15884146
File: 73 KB, 643x511, Jewed_eagle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Antifa is an AstroTurf psyop along the lines of COINTELPRO. Antifa and all the SJW identity politics as well as the alt-right was pushed to the forefront of the political stage by the mainstream media and intelligence agencies in the wake of Occupy Wall street and the growing anti-corporate populism on both side of the aisle. We had the opportunity to see real change: reform of Wall street, money out of politics, freedom on the internet, etc.in other words real changes that would benefit everyone. Instead public discourse was shifted towards partisan extremism on identity issues that aren't relevant to the average persons everyday life (e.g transgender restrooms). Its been extremely divisive and has resulted in increasing partisanship and extremism, while real issues are being ignored.

>> No.15884173


Conversations are redirected from actual co-operative, constructive ones, to ones about which side shot first and who is the bigger bully.

>> No.15884183

Why do Americans still have fantasies that "this time we'll have real grassroots anti-corporate populism! We almost had it if it wasn't for for the dang CIA!" The intel agencies have been in control for decades now. You were never close to Real Change.

>> No.15884194


Your post does raise a good question. What is to be done about these orchestrated movements that are designed to suck in attention like black holes?

It seems difficult that the public will ever accept there are crisis actors on both sides, essentially giving them a live performance. At the same time, they seem endlessly effective at preventing real democracy from occurring. How are billionaire backed astroturf movements to be countered?

>> No.15884221


>> No.15884265

I would be sympathetic to this argument if African nations sans Botswana had managed the same economic momentum as an India or a Vietnam over the 50 years following independence. Sure, you have instances where the colonial nation laid the foundations for corruption by favoring one ethnic group, like in Nigeria, but for many more African countries Europeans left behind much better developed infrastructure than in their South and Southeast Asian counterparts.

>> No.15884272

no, of course. me is. he is stupid blind fat faggot.

>> No.15884301
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>/pol/ influx is getting countered by /leftypol/ influx


>> No.15884321

He looks like he should have flies swarming around his head.

>> No.15884350

The epitome of /lit/

>> No.15884372

Occupy was a start and then the media machine went into overdrive promoting race and sex/gender conflict. We have the Google timelines to prove it.

>> No.15884394

Cont. Which is why the real unifying rally should be an attack on all media by the general public. It would instantly unite the country across every demographic. What happens afterwards is anyone's guess, but the experience of the shared camaraderie of attacking a common enemy would lay the groundwork for better relations.

>> No.15884629

In what world did the US state support the black panthers? Jesus christ.

>> No.15884652


>> No.15884760

niggas don't even know about the future Ethiopian hydrological conflicts

>> No.15885138
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*chimps out and rage quits*

>> No.15885316


You're either autistic or have the personality of a cardboard box. You type like a robot. Good luck persuading anyone that your point of view is the one to rally around...though you don't seem very concerned about that in the first place.

>> No.15885349

You type like a 10-year-old child posing with a cigarette they found.

>> No.15885867

>antifa has more than zero % chance of implementing anarcho-whatever

>> No.15885924

Black Panthers were based and had a class analysis

Antifa is larping kids who want to hit poor people

>> No.15885951
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>> No.15886035

>line 38a


>> No.15886063

Are you retarded?

>> No.15886201

Adolph Reed Jr. was one of the few black intellectuals who didn't fall for Obama.

>> No.15886214


>> No.15886359

yep heard him on Dead Pundits Society podcast very good.

>> No.15886363

Loved him in Battlestar Galactica!

>> No.15886395
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>> No.15886446

plot twist: there is no deep state, never was, just a status quo maintained by a corporate oligarchy

>> No.15886453

>anti-fascist = anarchist
god you fucks are dull

>> No.15886462
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A true intellectual.

>> No.15886465
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>> No.15886477

>literal ted shed tier but gets a pass from the Cathedral
Angela Davis with a large femine penis is irrelevant

>> No.15886584

what a sad thread

>> No.15886588

That was a glorious holy anger, I just wish Dr. West's opponent quieted down for a moment. Hope they paid Dr. West well.

>> No.15886625

what's this from?

>> No.15886630

It's true enough of the time and enough of their tactics are taken from anarchist groups that it's a fair generalization.

>> No.15886727

Boomerbait FNC interview

>> No.15886737

>We've forgotten that a rich life consists fundamentally of serving others, trying to leave the world a little better than you found it. We need the courage to question the powers that be, the courage to be impatient with evil and patient with people, the courage to fight for social justice. In many instances we will be stepping out on nothing, and just hoping to land on something. But that's the struggle. To live is to wrestle with despair, yet never allow despair to have the last word.

>> No.15886746

>Music at its best is the grand archeology into and transfiguration of our guttural cry, the great human effort to grasp in time our deepest passions and yearnings as prisoners of time. Profound music leads us--beyond language--to the dark roots of our scream and the celestial
heights of our silence.

>> No.15886748
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>> No.15886761

>Antifa is an abbreviation for “anti-fascism”.

Damn, another Kool-Aid drinker.

>> No.15886776

>To be a Christian is to live dangerously, honestly, freely - to step in the name of love as if you may land on nothing, yet to keep on stepping because the something that sustains you no empire can give you and no empire can take away.

>> No.15886786

Well crafted bait

>> No.15886787

>To accept your country without betraying it, you must love it for that which shows what it might become. America -- this monument to the genius of ordinary men and women, this place where hope becomes capacity, this long, halting turn of 'no' into the 'yes' -- needs citizens who love it enough to re-imagine and re-make it.

>> No.15886799

Nairaland here, do many African Americans talk like this?

>> No.15886858

Because they're imitating preachers. Religious oratory is an important tradition for them.

>> No.15886912

Certain restaurants on Sundays, yes, you'll hear diasporic Doctor Wests

>> No.15886933
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>> No.15886983
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>> No.15886993
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>Can I get an Amen?

>> No.15887022
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>Jerusalem mode engaged

>> No.15888097
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>tfw the Holy Ghost and indigenous animisms vie over the information storage spun within Dr. West's afro

>> No.15888128

nibba, the West is becoming a melanated territory

>> No.15888326

if obssesion is taken as a lowly form of worship he is correct. commodity fetishism, wherein an economic abstraction (value) is psychologically transformed (reified) into an object, which people choose to believe has an intrinsic value, in and of itself. or from marx:
>the products of the human brain appear as autonomous figures endowed with a life of their own, which enter into relations both with each other and with the human race. So it is in the world of commodities with the products of men's hands. I call this the fetishism which attaches itself to the products of labour as soon as they are produced as commodities

>> No.15888537

those are the fruits of multi-generational projects to build relations with communities of color. it's interesting to note how US diplomacy of the next several decades anticipates dealing less with states and rival powers and more with nebulous social groups, movements and trends. The extent of US power packed into popular culture's constant development and distribution suggests how much the US needs to pupetteer popular culture to maintain its position in the world in relation to comparitively less glittering adversaries who are closer to replicating stealth than US Pop. Somewhere there's a DARPA sub-project paranoid Eurovision might subvert US-favor abroad. But the US is pretty unmatchable in these regards, and many whose responsibility it is to know such things realize anyone shipped within broadcast range of US Pop will become aligned with US interests, sooner rather than later.

>> No.15889908
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>he will never address you as "Brother" on a Television panel

>> No.15889925
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>tfw honorary n-word card signed by Dr. West
I've only three uses left, one if the audience is even slightly intersectional

>> No.15889950
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>We mustn't forget how Brother Shane Diesel embodied the highest ideals of love and companionship

>> No.15889970
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What's with the retarded rhetoric from all these "intellectuals"? Chomsky maybe be a Khmer Rouge apologist but at least he speaks like a human. Layering your sentences in unconventional ways and using overelaborative jargon may impress the midwits, but you're not selling books here motherfucker, speak like a person.

>> No.15889987

what i call my penus weenus

>> No.15890026

You mean the ruling class? They know Antifa can't touch them. These wankers don't know how financial instruments work. Our rulers want anarcho-tyranny, i.e., a collapse into plebeian chaos *for the middle.* They want anarchy for those who could take hold of the state and challenge them.

>> No.15890027


>> No.15891131


>> No.15891368
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>If you're not antifascist, you are not an american

>> No.15891381

>I was merely pointing out that communism is a viable political party in America
Not according to the Communism Control Act of 1954

>> No.15891406
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>> No.15892299


>> No.15892453

Zizek actually has some somewhat important theoretical works tho, and his knowledge of the central ideas that he works with seems to be much deeper. They both name drop a lot, but West seems to do it for its own sake. I just read Zizeks The Spectre of Ideology and it was pretty good

>> No.15892454

public figure? more like public nigure

>> No.15892674

he's a typical midwits, spitting bunch of paraphrased quotes.

>> No.15892684

I somewhat agree. My biggest peeve with Zizek is his fondness for Lacanian psychoanalysis which always struck me as nothing more than an obtuse academic insider circklejerk.

>> No.15892686

why are so many nigger chinlets?

>> No.15893144
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dont know why i was expacting a good conversation in this hell whole. if only /lit/ read a book once in a fucking blue moon, these threads are too much cancer

>> No.15894333
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>the working class are the elites in the USA

>> No.15894987


>> No.15895569

It's funny how the brigades don't exactly know what to do with Cornel West and so fall back upon half-hearted disruption accomplished via rudeness, Unabomber memes and aspirationally felonious nonsense. I'll make another thread at some point. Dr. West is many things, among them a fruition of writerly instincts that are as much honed into weaponry against injustice as they are telegenic.