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/lit/ - Literature

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15880722 No.15880722 [Reply] [Original]

900 pages waow! and tiny text! I'M guessing you have to be intelligent to read this https://youtu.be/1g7x_1BDgW0?t=38

>> No.15880780

What's with book bitches having fuckable mouths?

>> No.15880790

all she said was that his language made it difficult for her you incel. you would rather she smuggly dabbed on her viewers by claiming it was an effortless breeze as she herself had also an eidetic memory and had also rememered the O.E.D. and did not need to use outside sources to get through it?

>> No.15880795 [DELETED] 

fuckable mouths but so fucking cringey at the same time.

>> No.15880801

>Another moronic fictionfag

>> No.15880809

almost all breathing females have fuckable mouths, you mongols just dont get a chance to see them very often from that close unless its a youtube video

>> No.15880816

Yes yes more projection

>> No.15880821

IJ is shorter and has bigger text than most comprehensive non-fiction narratives lmao

>> No.15880824
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>reads fiction
i cant believe you've said these things to me anon! oh no! try one more time

>> No.15880829

Back to your YA novel, son

>> No.15880840

Women should not be taught how to read.

>> No.15880848
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hey anon just so you know, if you're gonna post book whores they should at least be attractive. take pic related as an example. its generally considered to be in bad taste to post ugly book whores. thanks and have a nice day.

>> No.15880861
File: 73 KB, 1024x1024, 1558520615002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is how pathetic you sound every time you repeat this line to anyone with an iq above room temperature

>> No.15880875

these replies are so bad that you are admitting you are coping

>> No.15880891

[fictional reading intensifies]
Dont turn that page to fast!

>> No.15880901

How much wit you should with this reply, anon! Well played! Your IQ is clearly not room temperature /sarcasm

>> No.15880908
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>why, yes, i am op and i admit to watching female booktubers in my free time. i post here because i want to take time out of my day to have a discussion about my favorite female booktubers in the way children normally discuss girls. haha girls are gross and dumb, am i right guys? haha so gross did you see sarah today?

>> No.15880918

>ip count didn't move
Seethe virgin

>> No.15880932


I'm currently on my third read of Critique of Pure Reason just for some recreational reading and it is quite enjoyable. What are you reading? huh? Let me guess JRR TOLKIEN?

>> No.15880955
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>seethe virgin
indeed a constant problem. you may be right but that does not make me wrong

>> No.15880976

I accidentally found the channel I don't watch people like this idiot

>> No.15880987
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>i accidentally found this channel
>i dont watch people like this
you already admitted to it brainlet

>> No.15881014
File: 7 KB, 220x229, images (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>YEA BRAINLET DON'T ever talk about infinite jest again!!!

>> No.15881095

Have you seen her 'Engagement & QA' video? I wonder how such a faggot managed to propose to her. Then again, I'm a /v/irgin myself...

>> No.15881116

Women like men like that because hes like her girlfriend and she probably has lesbian tendencies.

>> No.15881542

She's ugly

>> No.15881997

and kind of gross looking

>> No.15882207

Anglos lol

>> No.15882242

what relevance does her looks have to anything
post your face you fat four eyed incels

>> No.15882273
File: 121 KB, 640x640, IMG_003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you rang?

>> No.15882330

I'm reading Synthesis of the Objective and Subjective by Horia Belcea, he refutes Kant

>> No.15882336
File: 75 KB, 643x800, 1987484636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me n my bitch