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15877478 No.15877478 [Reply] [Original]

Rank the Postmodern Neomarxists


>> No.15877499

Shit>all of them

>> No.15877513

Go back to JBP and learn how to clean you dick first.
is right

>> No.15877526

Benjamin>Adorno>Horkheimer>Marcuse>the rest

Proud ignoramuses.

>> No.15877530
File: 456 KB, 602x530, FD27AF6E-77C8-4BFC-9CAA-A0F7B24332F0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1/3 aren’t postmodern
>1/3 aren’t Marxist

Pic rel.

>> No.15877557
File: 82 KB, 900x900, xandy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think you mistook ">" for "<". The first indicate that the relation implied between the terms is decreasing, the second is the opposite. It can be hard to remember so I made you picture with a nice mnemonic trick.
When you can remember this, you can try to read all those thinkers. It will be hard sometimes because they use big words but I believe in you anon!

>> No.15877580

Stirner>Delooz>Baudrillard=foucault>who cares lol

>> No.15877593

Nope I did no such thing

>> No.15877602

By influence and use:

1. Foucault
2. Deleuze
3. Baudrillard
4. Derrida

Non entitities (if you disagree, post an example of a contribution):


>> No.15877620

This but switch Baudrillard and Foucault

>> No.15877673

Debord was the only one true to the Hegelian teachings of Marx to an autistic degree, too bad he was just as retarded at the rest

>> No.15879270

pretending grand narratives are over
pretending to be insightful about the real, the other
pretending to be insightful about degenarate capitalist culture
pretending the angel of history is top tier thought
pretending to analyze the political economy of academic fashion

>> No.15879285

all of them are influenced by both at the very least. its only simanticality obsesed obscuransts who try to argue the point.

>> No.15879323


>> No.15880745


>> No.15880779

Derrida>>>Deleuze>>>Foucault>everyone else. Simple as.

>> No.15880786

Its only retards who have only studied philosophy in the context of 4chan who can’t spell semantically and refute me substantively.

>> No.15880836


>> No.15880939

why didn't Adorno like jazz?

>> No.15880959

he urned around n jazz when he heard Miles Davis and John Coltrane

>> No.15880960

Because he was racist and hated black people

>> No.15881000

but why?

>> No.15881024

because he felt that it was a corrupted form of the classical music that preceded it. he saw it as more of a lubricant within capitalist society (some under thought music that exists only as the background to transactions) rather than as proper music

>> No.15881050

>that exists only as the background to transactions
I'm not quite sure what it means as I'm not familiar with him, could you expand a bit?

>> No.15881106

a capitalist society is structured around transactions (people giving money to each other). that is the core which the society forms around. jazz was, from his point of view, background music during transactions. the music on at a jazz club while people purchased drinks (nobody is watching the band as if theyre at a concert, its just background music while they perform transactions). its playing through the radio while you work for money or purchase something in a shop. its not music for musics sake or something that you sit and experience directly, but rather something inoffensive and bland that acts to lubricate transactions and make them more comfortable and pleasurable.

>> No.15881650


>> No.15881729

Holy... FPBP, redpilled, based, /thread