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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 347 KB, 1280x1293, f25f18297b243c19384b99bad907881470bf1023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15872309 No.15872309[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

We got too cocky, Potterbros!

>> No.15872326

>overcoming structural prejudices and realizing your potential, no matter your background
But Harry was literally the chosen one and he didn't do anything to stop discrimination against muggles. His lifelong dream was to join Wizard Mossad. Harry Potter is Starship Troopers for Millennials.

>> No.15872327

oh no

>> No.15872328

What does that lightning bolt represent?

>> No.15872329

Not only is this person deeply naive for thinking that terfs don't read Potter, I feel like they're missing the irony that trans groups have done exactly that to things like games and comics. Also, I feel like whoever drew this has never seen a picture of Rowling.

>> No.15872330

The books already sold as much as they're going to. And these people don't seem to realize that some people prioritize their beliefs over selling shitty books. Not to mention I doubt the trannies will do much boycotting of her shit.

>> No.15872332

>some of my best friends are muggles

>> No.15872336
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>> No.15872352

>my hard-earned money

>> No.15872366

Why do these retards think we live in a gift economy?

>> No.15872381
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>> No.15872385

this is becoming the fit version of the "NEVER IMROVE" comic
we get it. the trannies are dumb. stop forcing this dumb meme and stop giving a hoot about the trannies.

>> No.15872387
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I can't tell if this is typical trans "the world is ending because someone doesn't worship us" narcissism, or if they actually care THIS much about what Mrs. "Well done, Slytherin" has to say about them.

>> No.15872388

How did we know that JK Rowling had "terfy tendencies" during the early days of Harry Potter

>> No.15872391

She's a biological woman.

>> No.15872397

why do these small children talk like 30 year olds

>> No.15872406

trannies aren't sending their best

>> No.15872410


>> No.15872420
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>> No.15872423

you have to remember that the harry potter is the bible for modern, intellectually-stunted millennial pseudo-adults

>> No.15872434

>Drawing the real women with actual boobs

was that meant to be an insult?

>> No.15872447
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>> No.15872460

All the faces in this are drawn the same. It's just the poor art style.

>> No.15872470
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>> No.15872473

Fucking kino.

>> No.15872479


>> No.15872482

this is why I cant stand trans people. they relate things all humans experience like not fitting in with everyone else to them specifically. they didint give JK rowling her fame but they think stories like hers were or should be written just for them and push there gender identity on to others

>> No.15872494

top fucking kek

>> No.15872504


>> No.15872511

That's a good reason. But I hate them because they're different than me.

>> No.15872519

I love how most memes depict logical fallacies

>> No.15872600

>the fame we gave her
I dont think that they were that big from the start to impact fame in any kind.

>> No.15872615

Because the artist is a grownprincess/manchild.

>> No.15872619

All trannies deserve a long rope
The communists pushing their gross fetish on everyone deserve a short rope

>> No.15872641

Lmao, god i love this shit.

>> No.15872655

They still really aren't that "big", they just run their mouths a lot. I've seen them get a bunch of stuff cancelled and censored but never created; hell, I can't even think of a trans celeb off the top of my head.

>> No.15872679

I can think of the "sisters" Wachowski

>> No.15872689

Oh yeah! I forgot about them. I guess I stand corrected.

>> No.15873258

>"...that really resonates with me"
It doesn't actually. They don't realize their potential, they are at odds with their background, and instead of advancing homosexual rights, they alienate

Stonetoss sucks

>> No.15873308
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>> No.15873352

topkek. i'll be using this from now on too.

>> No.15873385

her books have already sold
she's one of the richest people in her nation, and by extension, the world
if she never sold another book ever again, she would still live a life of absolute luxury

>> No.15873394
File: 1.05 MB, 2048x1536, Mantis_eating_a_Common_Bushbrown_(Mycalesis_perseus)_butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15873425

Trannies are not homosexuals. They are men who want to be a pretty woman like the ones in the pornos.

>> No.15873427

Harry potter is a great example of the 2nd amendment in action AND conceal and carry.

>> No.15873635

Tbf Jk used to be a red head when she was younger

>> No.15873648

I'm pretty sure deformation doesn't equal free speech.

>> No.15873651

Hunter Schaefer

>> No.15873660

Wheres the punchline

>> No.15873670

Most are

>> No.15873690

I and thoroughly convicned that lesbian porn causes autogynephilia

>> No.15873721

>Oh no a tiny fringe psycho sect of the population won't by my book

>> No.15873786

>pseud's ill-conceived idea of the canon
Who is this supposed to inform?

>> No.15873828

lol holy shit.

>> No.15873830

Is that even true? He fucking hated his aunt and uncle and cousin, and I can't even recall any interaction with someone who wasn't a wizard.

>> No.15873854

All she has to do is wait a little while and she'll have 40% less criticism

>> No.15873857

Little bit of column a and a little bit of column b. The argument I've heard the most is that they considered Harry Potter to be a trans hero because he defied the "choosing" hat in the first book. That's the whole argument.

>> No.15873902

Every one of those faggots and w*men will buy exclusively harry potter books tho. The left cant even steal a meme correctly

>> No.15873908

Really funny punchline

>> No.15873919

Where's the joke

>> No.15873938

Will horrors never cease

>> No.15873966

>hold the tears that formed in his eyes
>managed to croak
>hot stream of tears
>feel his throat tighten
All that redundant shitty writing. Why do we get these /pol/fags who don't even read?

>> No.15874023
File: 40 KB, 410x598, 07F2B785-5348-49E0-ADE0-50C8451F2CD1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Harry Potter is Starship Troopers for Millennials

>> No.15874041


>> No.15874084

how fucking cringey and you can tell the cringe one with the hoodie and pockets and the face mask is authors self insert.

>> No.15874098

It's called reiteration

>> No.15874105

Is anyone else cringing at the fact he is wearing a skirt then a hoodie but then puts his hands in the hoodie with his facemask? He just loos like a massive cringe fag

>> No.15874124

trans is a mental illness backed by the cult of neo marxist pseudo spiritualism.

>> No.15874126
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Well /lit/?

>> No.15874131

Transgenderers are psychopaths waiting to blow their brains out (age 30 is the cut off for most). LoTR is superior for young minds to read for a million reasons, whereas HArry Potter while a good adventure story is pretty stupid overall.

>> No.15874134

The concept is the same with tattoos. There's a reason you have to be a certain age for those.

>> No.15874146

Why does his self insert wear such cringey shit?

>> No.15874147

Don't want my kid to be dead by 30 (probably earlier due to high suicide rate) because they wanted to LARP in their mothers clothes smearing make up on their face and taking shit tons of biological altering drugs. It's child abuse to feed your children psychoactive drugs and manipulate them into hating their body and personality in favor for a hyper sexualized meme variant of the opposite sex (e.g. men that LARP as women and women that LARP as men always go for aggressively over sexual stereotypes of the other). It's a mental illness first and foremost.

>> No.15874153

wtf is wrong with trannies lmao, pathetic

>> No.15874170
File: 157 KB, 800x808, 18ddc8021f06e5bbc05b0a10c37781d15a201e8c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea what you're talking about.

>> No.15874177


>> No.15874192

It's true, one of my friend's cousins was going to be a manlet, the doctors said. His parents got him on some hormone that made him grow more. He became somewhat above average in height, although not tall

>> No.15874197

A kid would never wish to transition unless they were subliminally pressured into it. Instead of teaching kids how to deal with whatever they may feel, the option of "you are actually a different gender here take these pills the earlier you start the more effective". Yknow, instead of teaching a kid its okay to be gay or that they can enjoy things their friends dont.

>> No.15874207

I don't see how this can be connected to HRT, which is used to radically attempt to alter (and fails ultimately) someones biological chemistry in order for them to LARP as the opposite gender (in hyper sexualized forms).

>> No.15874212


They're laughing. In the last panel. How could they be laughing if there isn't a joke? Don't you get it? Wakka wakka!

>> No.15874226
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>> No.15874229

I took statistics and so I know that this is very unlikely.

>> No.15874248

>t. butthurt tranny

>> No.15874252

>Not wanting to continue a relationship with someone who has the same genitalia and chromosomes as you is transphobic because you didn't know they had what's left of a penis.

>> No.15874258

You can tell the man who wrote this is mentally stunted.

>> No.15874336

>/lit/ - Webcomic criticism & /pol/ lite

>> No.15874368
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>> No.15874387

that's leftoid humor for you

>> No.15874398

Trannies are cancer. Cry more subhuman.

>> No.15874407

What? The niggers (protectors) are vandalizing non stop and protesting for absolute nonsense. I fail to see how this is the same.

>> No.15874489
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>> No.15874521

The doctors gave him hormones or hormone blockers, so his bones would grow more. The purpose is that the hormones would make him grow into more of a man/tall shape

>> No.15874522

He defied the choosing hat because of pre conceived ideas about Slytherin and because his friends didn't like them. Not a great ideal for trans.

>> No.15874529

Sexual maturity is not reached at middle school. If the kids want to play dress up, whatever, but don't feed them pills before they're adults.

>> No.15874543

That's growth hormone, it's used when there's a problem with the place that dispenses that hormone in the body. Like messi, he was going to be even more of a manlet.

>> No.15874547

yikes let me guess from this post you're probably also an anti-choicer "pro life" fag?

>> No.15874549

Yes. Dismantle the army. Fuck the cops.world peace in our time.

>> No.15874553

>His lifelong dream was to join Wizard Mossad
wtf i love harry potter now?

>> No.15874559

I guess that's what it was. I don't know if he grew more, but when I graduated from high school, he ended up being 5'7" or 5'8". The doctors said without it, he'd be suicide-tier, at 5'0" or 5'2"

>> No.15874560

No, I'm anti kid choice. Fuck em, they're stupid and don't know what's good for them. Oh you wanna live? You wanna transition? My dog also wants to sniff poop I don't let him

>> No.15874562

top tier trolling tbqh

>> No.15874578

>You know we wont buy your books, right
like that fucking matters. Every tranny has bought and read these books three times over. Copies from when they were kids that inevitable got destroyed or ruined because all trannies are disgusting fucking pigs, copies from when they went to their shitty loan funded liberal arts college when they wanted to relive their nostalgia and felt """educated"""" enough to understand the basic nonexistent themes of Harry Potter, and their third set when they became """real""" """adults"""" at 27 because they finally made enough from their mcjob to afford it.
Fuck these retard tranny cunts.

>> No.15874586

i have decided that people who are not like me are not people. god i fucking hate trannies

>> No.15874588

he's friends with the one muggle that happens to be a mega genius so he's good
he's also friends with that one poor dude from the ancient wizards family. he's so empathetic and compassionate hanging out with that poor loser with second hand robes or whatever

>> No.15874598

Actually pretty based, wtf

>> No.15874602


>> No.15874608

He even freed a slave! One slave. The rest are fine, because they prefer being enslaved.

>> No.15874609

Do people actually make a living off these shitty comics?

>> No.15874614

sure bro

>> No.15874620

she looks very pretty in that last panel

>> No.15874627

>solves politics
Based desu

>> No.15874648

Real funny punchline haha got me good

>> No.15874657

>poor red heads and rich mean blondes are ancient wizard families
>one took righteous path and is poorfag
>one took evil path and is wealthy

>> No.15874663

When did the harry potter author become so based?

>> No.15874694

This one is actually true, though: violence is always an option. Martin Luther King would've been meaningless without Malcolm X. You can only sell peace as the alternative to violence.

>> No.15874720
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>so you think we shouldn't give weapons to the police and that we should dismantle the army
yes? wtf I love trannies now?

>> No.15874732

Wait, why does that guy in the blue shirt have balloon titties?

>> No.15874741

>to attack trans folks, especially kids
if only you knew how bad things really are

>> No.15874743
File: 337 KB, 1080x1416, tumblr_pyf0thm4QF1sekqago1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15874755

I don't say transphobic crap, I just fucking do it

>> No.15874757

Is hair pulled forward a sign of normiehood?

>> No.15874765

At this point I don't give a shit if I'm called a transphobe

>> No.15874766

The Schutzstaffel

>> No.15874776

>all types of bodies, genitalia...
If they're mtf they either have a penis or a superficial hole that doesn't serve a purpose and more than likely doesn't look anything like a vagina. If they're ftm they may be fine and have a vagina but I've seen some pretty manly looking ftm trannies and there's only a certain amount of androgyny/outright manly features I'd be able to stand before not wanting anything to do with them. I'd rather have an actual girl on the androgynous side than someone taking testosterone. Especially with their small numbers there's no reason to opt for a tranny over a normal female.

>> No.15874777

I don't think anyone has ever cared about being called a transphobe

>> No.15874779

You would have to be pretty sick to want to have sex with some male that cut off his cock and has mental issues. Not only that but unless you cherry pick some rare model off of the internet mens asses don't look a thing like womens, nor do any other part of their body usually even their fucking feet.

>> No.15874782

not even*

>> No.15874788

Since all cops are actually bad, which I assume the author of the comic agree with me over, what conclusion does that lead us to?

>> No.15874795
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>> No.15874801

You would be crying like a little bitch if there wasn't a justice system amerifart, so don't blame the police

>> No.15874806

I know it's already been said, but what kid would use the phrase, "bodies, genitalia, and experiences?"

>> No.15874812

Is this Stonetoss for trannies?

>> No.15874813

Does this cartoonist have any other topics at all?

>> No.15874817

>implying I'm American

>> No.15874823
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Of course.

>> No.15874837


>> No.15874855
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>> No.15874859
File: 69 KB, 900x601, disegnatrice-trans-canadese-sophie-labelle-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because there's no way to tell who's trans or not without them telling you

>> No.15874865

>a grown adult fantasizing about cub scouts in drag

Grown adults don't write about this sort of thing.

>> No.15874869

Left-Wing faggot trash are not permitted to enjoy anything, and we should accelerate this trend. I want them to suffer and I want their lives to be characterized by a lack of culture. Every Leftoid subhuman who slits his own throat or hangs himself is a sacrament to God.

>> No.15874872

Scout masters have been getting up to all sorts of shit for years

>> No.15874878

Allowing left-wing people to raise children is child abuse. Prove me wrong.

>> No.15874886

>tfw handsome scout master never did shit to me


>> No.15874888

yeah, all catholics should be deported

>> No.15874899


I got a boner when I enlarged the picture am I doomed bros?

>> No.15874936


>> No.15874941

these are just as bad as that /pol/ comics that BTFO DEMOLISH LIBTARDS

>> No.15874964

>cub scout drag talent show

>> No.15874977

A w o k e kid

>> No.15874992
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>> No.15875027

Fucking Margaret Atwood signed the same letter, how dumb can these people get?

>> No.15875044
