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/lit/ - Literature

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15869761 No.15869761 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Korea such a shithole incapable of writing anything of value?
I know this meme is applied to all the countries on the world but LITERALLY can't find anything written by koreans at all, except maybe some knock off of chink poetry but that is also inferior to the original.
Why isn't anything interesting written in korean? is the language? their stupid sounding names? the uniform stupid bowl cut they use?

>> No.15869933
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do you actually know anything about history anon?
until recently korean literature was chinese literature
now they are stuggling to catch up. try han kang. i've also got a book called kim jiyoung born 1982 by cho nam-joo on my pile which looks interesting.

>> No.15869964

have you eben read obscure korean eroguro from the 80's?

>> No.15869995

qué wea dr simi

>> No.15870017

Why would I read a knock off when I can read kino jap eroguro

>> No.15870022
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>> No.15870047

Because korea is an artificial creation that was only meant for an ideological showdown between the U.S and USSR, everything about S.K is a poor knock off of American "culture", taking the worst aspect of capitalism and enhancing it. N.K is a communist shithole so I doubt they'd let anything worth reading get published, if they can publish anyway.
I truly believe that South Korea is a prime example of what a capital centered culture looks like, there is no historical or cultural backbone to fall to in order to escape the consumerism that has plagued that nation.

>> No.15870064


>> No.15870093

Do you speak korean? Might be that all the good shit just doesn't get translated

>> No.15870184


>> No.15871163
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Read I Have The Right To Destroy Myself by Kim Young-Ha. It's one of my favourites.
I'm actually interested if anyone has any more korean books recommendations, apart from >>15870022 .

>> No.15871188

Also, from what i could understand, Korea does have a lot of authors and good books and poets, but most of them just aren't translated into English and so they're only popular or talked about in their homeland, never outside.

>> No.15871254

Their best author, Kim Jong-Il is well-translated though.

>> No.15871418


>> No.15871429

Because Korea was a brutally repressive feudal kingdom, completely dominated by a hereditary aristocracy for nearly a thousand years under something called the yangban (old bones) system. They imported neo-Confucianism, which had a strong aristocratic-authoritarian bent, from China, but unlike in China where the neo-Confucian ideology was sort of organically generated as an idealized "this is what we wish China were like, this is the true essence of our traditions, this is what we should 'return' to" ideology, and Chinese people had a natural sense for which parts were the idealized and which parts were practical, Korea imported neo-Confucianism wholesale as a foreign worldview and had no organic/natural sense of which parts were to be taken literally. So they imposed it, top-down like a blueprint, on the whole of Korean society, which was already extremely stagnant economically, politically, and culturally.

This only broken when Europeans and later Japanese came in and gave Korea periodic drubbings that broke up the sclerotic, atavistic social structure, which effectively hadn't moved in centuries. Then Korea had to search for new socio-economic and political models, especially because they were surrounded by hostile (or potentially hostile) colonial powers and their only chance for survival as an independent state lay in presenting themselves as a first-rate country with its own historical identity and destiny, as opposed to a quaint oriental kingdom whose destiny was to be absorbed into a more "modern" power.

That was the criterion for survival: nations that could "modernize" became Japan, begrudgingly acknowledged by the world powers as an equal in diplomacy rather than a backward shithole to which one could dictate terms at the end of a gun. Japan eventually proved it was modern by beating Russia in wars, and was then slowly considered an equal participant in geopolitics by the European powers, but before that, you could sail right into Japan and say "open your ports to my goods bitch" like Perry did in 1854. Korea (or rather the small % of its elites who had enough wealth and access to European learning to understand how the world was developing) wanted to become a 1930s Japan, not an 1854 Japan. China had the same goals but chose (through brutal civil war, and while being terrorized by the more modernized Japanese) European Stalinist-communism over European national-liberalism as its vector of modernization.

>> No.15871440

Korea was split like China, partly through Chinese influence itself, but the split went differently as we still see today in the division of the nation. North Korea is an involuted Stalinism. South Korea is an extroverted national-liberalism cum post-national neo-liberalism, completely reliant on the neo-liberal world-system (with its forced respect for national sovereignty and criminalization of wars of conquest, because the shapers of the system know that they will conquer the world and erode all sovereignties more efficiently by allowing their economic system to rot nations from the inside, so "stalling" geopolitics and machtpolitik is necessary).

South Korea, as with neo-Confucianism under the yangban system, imported capitalism as a foreign blueprint for total social reorganization rather than an organically evolved, half-idealized half-practical ideology. In the West, post-industrial capitalism (international, illusory growth-fetishizing, "finance" capitalism) is just as much a ruthless predator and centripetal force of social disintegration as it is in Korea, but there it is moderated by naturally, organically grown callouses and polite lies to cover up its worst depredations, so that they take place under the surface. Having created the runaway monster of capital as "creative destruction," we know how to channel and direct it so that it rots us invisibly at the core, rarely permitting itself to be seen directly.

In Korea they nominally understand that the surface of society should look like a Western national-liberal society circa the first half of the twentieth century, with people walking around wearing suits, reading newspapers, having private lives, aspiring to own a home and live a "comfortable middle-class existence," etc. They also understand that underneath this surface, you can brutally enslave people as much as you want, as long as the illusion isn't broken for the average worker-consumer. But they're less proficient at maintaining this dualism because it wasn't developed by them naturally, as an instinct, it was imposed top-down as a dictum.

>> No.15871453

So while we in the West have Hollywood, which is a nepotistic mafia interwoven with government cronyism at a million different junctures, filled with decadent hedonistic rent-seekers who regularly become pedophile sex cultists, but nobody notices this because "Hollywood is an industry that generates wealth," "Hollywood is one of our most productive exports," etc., Korea has the KPop industry, which is essentially open and self-admitted child slavery. While in the West, Hollywood has to carefully destroy the careers and reputations of people who dissent from the informal childfucker mafia, because a critical mass of whistle-blowers would eventually awaken the residual morals of the slumbering Christian-bourgeois society that created it, Korea doesn't even have to hide its slavery practices, because the slaves themselves accept the system as normal. Why wouldn't it make sense, in a society run on the logical ideal of capital generation through creative destruction, to train children from birth to be dancing slaves, to shape everything about their bodies and minds to be the perfect product? People want dancing slaves, therefore a market exists, therefore capital logically must maximally exploit that market. The veneer is much thinner there.

In the West we are sleepy Christians pretending to be libertarians, but Koreans are feudal peasants with smartphones living through the English industrial revolution as described by Marx in Capital, where child slaves are literally seen as machine parts by their "employers" (owners) because child labor hadn't yet provoked the "wait wtf this is too far" reaction of the surrounding bourgeois society and unions didn't yet exist.

There never was a charming feudal society in Korea, or a renaissance, just like there never was "liberal-national democratic Korea" or "capitalist Korea." It's just a peasantry being deformed to fit various organizational structures for a thousand years.

>> No.15871471

prob has something to do with the fact that South Korea almost seems like capitalism taken to the extreme
>entire economy is propped up by select few corporate conglomerates known as the chaebol
>K-Pop, korea's strongest cultural export, is a factoryline-esque production of "art" and "talent"
>an over-emphasis on superficial looks, showcased by the cliche of korean cosmetic surgeries and the prominence of korean beauty products

>> No.15871512

This is a good post. I like to think of South Korea as radioactive plastic. You think everything looks good, but the more you interact with it, the more you fuck up your brain. South Koreans are some of the most superficial, shallow, and vapid people in this world. They receive a lot of plastic surgery on the face and generally place looks above virtue. They are like stupider Americunts, and their country is a satellite state of USA.
North Korea is just shit. You can tell right from the beginning. Play with shit and you'll probably get some kind of parasite. It's a satellite state of China and just a communist shithole.
I can't tell which is worse.

>> No.15871520

Why did you post a picture of mexico for a thread about Korea?

>> No.15871544

Who saves pictures of korea lol

>> No.15871588

Depends what you mean by Korean literature. There is Korean literature written in Korean, Korean literature written in Japanese, and Korean literature written in Classical Chinese. All of these are Korean literature. I think you should look more closely and take what you read more seriously.

>> No.15872480

The best Korean literature is ASMR


>> No.15872565


>> No.15872797

That looks like Mexico. Even that mascot seems Mexican in origin.

>> No.15873364

Only one I've heard of. Haven't read because probably shit

>> No.15873921

It’s overly materialistic.

>> No.15873930

Basado y conchetumarepastillado

>> No.15873968

I lived in korea for a few years and this hit the nail on the head. You'll see youths pantomime western behavioral memes one day, then act like they're on a fucking plantation the next- ratting out fellow underlings to middle management for one less whip lash I enjoy Koreans very much. At a personal level they're very amicable and suspicious of anything "too true". In large groups or nationwide, they're quite insufferable.

>> No.15875158

slave mentality. no freedom to fuck the system. same with music.

>> No.15876276


>> No.15876284

How do I get a Korean gf like her?

>> No.15876303

Is there anything good come out from korea? It seems everyone has overly negative view toward the country

>> No.15876316

South Korea is the most soulless country on earth

>> No.15876349

Kpop and shitty movies don't count

>> No.15876362
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>> No.15876393

You probably havent given too many writers a shot and are comparing them too much with Japan. It would be like comparing canada to the us or Scotland to Ireland

>> No.15876406

Dont you have some kpop thread to stan in

>> No.15876408

The fuck "stan" means? I have seen used by kpopfaggots all the time

>> No.15876430

>Why is Korea such a shithole incapable of writing anything of value?
What did you expect from a country with a Pepsi logo on its flag?

>> No.15876449

Its an obsessive fan. Comes from the eminem song stan

>> No.15876459

Japan isnt all that better, its all just aped American culture.

>> No.15876486

Europe isn't all that better, it's just all aped Christian-Roman culture.

>> No.15876499

Rome isn't all that better, it's just all aped Pagan culture.

>> No.15876587
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Korean literature sucks but at least they have hangul alphabet which is great, unlike meme spaghetti shaped hiragana or chinese ones.
Japanese literature is better by far but you can't deny that korean movies are better.
>inb4 Kurosawa
Lee Chang Dong is my favourite korean director, Secret Sunshine is one of my favourite movies.
Based and redpilled, /lit/ is truly the smartest board.

>> No.15876730

>hangul alphabet which is great
That shit is toddler tier, just sticks and circles.
>Lee Chang Dong
Stupid ass name

>> No.15876815

Well, imagine how retarded your name and alphabet looks like to them.

>> No.15877594

Be rich and at least semi presentable

>> No.15877629

Honestly these threads are embarassing. The goreyo dynasty was a leading cultural force in its heyday, exporting fine art and Buddhism to Japan.
This ruling dynasty produced works such as the Tripitaka Koreana, an excellent and comprehensive record of Buddhist texts. They were one of few Buddhist states in history. Neither Japan or China fully embraced the faith as a state mandated religion. The Joseon dynasty however, was Confucian and thus very conservative. Unlike what you have alluded to, liberalisation, practical application of knowledge, technological innovation and other progressive social policies were espoused by scholars of the Silhak movement. However, almost all liberalisation movements were crushed. Korea currently has a thriving literature movement but it does remain quite insular due to difficulties such as translation. Admittedly great works of literature has yet to be published but the art community is more dynamic and common place than many western countries at this time imo. The worst has been the censorship and persecution of all artists under the US supported dictatorships from the end of the Korean war till the late 80s. It was really damaging for the music, literature and all other kinds of culture. It made many cultural industries to be ruled by a few oligarchies. Still, as shown by the continually growing Korean cinema scene, a renaissance in literature may also bloom. Here's hoping that one more nation and people will contribute meaningfully to the tradition of literature

>> No.15877737

It's interesting how Korea is singled out as a soulless, stupid, vapid and backward country amongst many other nations that have become a developed nation recently. Most criticism of the country and its people, as seen in this thread, amount to trite histographical explanations based of Wikipedia articles, mocking the sound of the language and pointing out that they are materialistic. I suspect a lot of vitriol for the country comes from either people in third world countries envious of the nation's rise to prominence economically and culturally. Another party are a group of people who are vaguely threatened by the country, who seems to be making a lot of headlines, such being the rising success of K-pop and a Korean movie winning best picture. Posters in /lit/ fitting with the subject matter of this board, should hold themselves to a higher standard.

>> No.15877768

Now imagine all of that minus the prosperity part and you got my country which is a third world shithole but bullied by china instead of based japs. Feels bad

>> No.15877781

>nooo the asian fuckerino plasterino dolls noooo

I am a Sinoweaboo and I know that in many aspects China is a shithole, but Korea take it to another level.

>> No.15877783

>nation's rise to prominence economically and culturally
>as a burger proxy state
Powerful culture indeed.

>> No.15877809

basically >>15869933, although i dont like han kang. arguably, korean exegesis on confucian literature and metaphysical development on neo-confucianism surpasses actual work in china by a wide margin (qing dynasty wasnt too keen to take criticism, political instability of ming, etc etc). basically put, most of their interesting works are in classical chinese, and they arent translated to english, since the only time westerners are interested in confucianism are when they are trying to to kremlinologist mk.2. with CCP - they dont really care about metaphysics of neo-confucianism - just what xi jinping, and his eminence-grise may have to say. and like all former colonies, that leaves terrible mental scar, so it takes time to get out of that myopic colonial scar, coupled with schizoperenic mccathyian cold-war mentality, coupled with heavy american influence, whether it be new left, or neocon evangelicanism - a recipe for disaster.

in short, all the interesting things koreans wrote are mostly in classical chinese (different from modern mandarin, but whatever)

t. former exchange student and former english teacher

>> No.15877824
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there are times where it still seems like a brutally repressive place. a singer killed herself because of all the vitriol people would pour on her nonstop, only because she didn't like to wear bras. she was christian and wanted to marry and have a family and that still wasn't conservative enough to them that they had to pick her apart over retarded ass shit. few weeks ago another girl, this one an athlete, killed herself because of the abuse, verbal and physical, sustained by her teammates, and she spoke about it long before she took her own life, but no one did anything until she had to die. korea is like a 99% homogenous country, yet it's one of the countries with the highest suicide rate despite that fact. some years ago there were mass rapes in a school and everyone tried to silence or threathen the girls trying to speak out against the abuse. this case even had a name but i don't remember it right now. mental health is somewhat being taken more seriously as of late, but that's exactly the problem, it's so late. it's not all bad and irredeemable, but there's a reason why young people call korea hell joseon/hell korea at times.

>> No.15877833

sustained at the hands of*

>> No.15877847

seething korean detected

>> No.15877866

>charming feudal society
care to elaborate?

>> No.15877903

>Implying media headlines, pop music, and the Oscars in the current year are things to be proud of.
You're the one who needs higher cultural standards. Money is not a metric of quality, popular culture today is completely soulless, stupid, and vapid.

>> No.15877926

astolfo.... so cute... wish he was real

>> No.15877940
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>those voices of the past videos where ancient people visiting china and japan and describe their beauty, splendor and cultural virtues
>korea video
>"lmao this place is a shithole"

>> No.15877969

The virgin wagie vs the chad serf

>> No.15877986

while interesting observation on surface, the question this anon >>15877737 raises does seem like valid question - why is korea singled out? during my vagabond years in east asia, SEA, and elsewhere, it appeared as if all those former dharmic nations, so to speak, going through rapid industrialization, are all seem the same, more or less - be it phillipines, china, vietnam - equally plastic, and materialistic. if you have spent time in shanghai or shenzhen, you have to agree with me that those two places are arguably more plastic than korea. also, japan, while much more "trad" on surface, that nation is equally dying - its just going through elongated interwar german period - a slow death. while china and korea have some kind of "ethics" thats not just leftover habits and social norms from feudal times, you know that japanese have no notion of "ethics" - its just raw social darwinistism, in a weird twist of turn. all the "exegesis" on korea seems like a simple reaction against kpop and kdrama and whatnot.

>> No.15878004

wanna know fun fact? jpop during their bubble era was equally, or even more depraved or degereate than kpop. but jpop has some weird japanese taste that didnt translate well, couple with lack of interenet during those times made them quasi-invisible from westerners to opine on. (japanese music producers were literally ran by yakuza, etc) all this is to say is that its just dumb 4chan weebs muh kpop rant - all industrializing dharmic nations are the same - at the end of the day.

also, isn't europe or burgerland about the same, in terms of depravity and plasticity? except for little bastion like deep south (deep south is an interesting question, but thats really isnt the point) or some farming towns of midwest, rest of coastal towns are just as plastic and vapid. literal burgerpunk. sleeping-christians? you mean zionist-evangelicals with literally no metaphysics other than muh bible?

t. white monkey who taught english in east asia

you do realize that "feudal" life in east asia was about the same? besides, feudalism died in korea in about 1400, after centralization. ever heard of mabiki? during edo-era, japanese tax rate was about 70%, while in yangtsu-delta was about 30~50%, and korea was about 10~20%. you dont really know what you are talking about

>> No.15878010

I suspect that no one in this thread has read a book by a korean
>t. writing a dissertation on contemporary korean literature in relation to the west

>> No.15878013
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>vaguely threatened by korea

>> No.15878022

Like what

>> No.15878034

cleraly you havent talked with anyone from shanghai or hongkong

>> No.15878059

MIght you have been thinking of the Gwanju Inha school incident?

>> No.15878116

>ome years ago there were mass rapes in a school and everyone tried to silence or threathen the girls trying to speak out against the abuse
we call thisfriday in mexico

>> No.15878120

Korea was an important country back in the days (Joseon dynasty), a great naval force (still they are the greatest ship builders), and I know this will make jap anons mad but modern japs descend from Korea. Right now as some anon here said it's hypercapitalist and soulless, just like Japan: both countries after war (korean/WWII) were americanized. Fuck capitalism unironically. I unironically prefear some SEA country like Thailand: at least they have heritage and they are proud, unlike self hating east asians.
Where are you from anon? Can't be that bad.

>> No.15878257

No One Writes Back is a good one.

>> No.15878286

I heard it takes 2 days to learn how to read it, so might do that.

>> No.15878311

The assimilation of discrete cultural world-views, especially with regards to imperialism, so I end up discussing some post-colonial writers like Coetzee as well. A lot about the influence of Kafka and Orwell on writers like Yi Mun-Yol, Sun MiHwang, Hye Young Pyun and Hwang SokYong

>> No.15878353

>Yi Mun-Yol, Sun MiHwang, Hye Young Pyun and Hwang SokYong

With those dumb names I can't tell if you are shitposting or not

>> No.15878371

>t. monolingual brainlet

>> No.15878395

t. anglo drone

>> No.15878436

Fuck Park Suk This

>> No.15878460

Korean actually sounds quite pleasant, much nicer than Mandarin

>> No.15878461

The Anglo is immunized against all dangers: one may call him a scoundrel, parasite, swindler, profiteer, it all runs off him like water off a raincoat. But call him a Anglo and you will be astonished at how he recoils, how injured he is, how he suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”

>> No.15878516

based Goebbels poster

All of them are top-tier writers, retard, you are just seething because your country doesn't have any that could compare

>> No.15878600

seethe more

>> No.15878642

>you are just seething because your country doesn't have any that could compare
Yeah, and that is why no one but you weird shits namedrop them

>> No.15878694

It's not the same at all. Americans pretend to be nice and friendly but most of them are fake. Europeans are the opposite. Koreans are superficial, but at least they don't hide it.

>> No.15878985

They are incredibly well-known in literary circles, possible Nobel contenders even, idiot. Stop believing 4chan memes to be representative of what actually intelligent people read.

>> No.15879196

I genuinely thought that hwang sokyong would get next nobel. but the whole blm thing means some african would get it i guess. read somewhere that oe kenzaburo named four authors who would win nobel in near future, and he was one of them. (rest were pamuk, mo yan, and le clezio.)

>> No.15879261

>but the whole blm thing means some african would get it i guess
Absolutely not, there aren't any Africans that have many books checked out by the Nobel library, not even Ngugi. It is gonna be Annie Ernaux or Can Xue, I guess Yu Hua and Jon Fosse are also possible.
Also, I was always wondering how is the fact that they keep giving it to old white Europeans (rightfully) in any way suggestive that the surely, next time it is gonna be an african? It is the exact opposite that should be inferred.