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15858815 No.15858815 [Reply] [Original]

No Chuds allowed.

>> No.15858826

Anyone with a beginner's chart or something? I don't know where to start

>> No.15858834

Leftypol made a marxist feminism chart. I dont currently have it but I hope someone does because its pretty cool.

>> No.15858847
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>> No.15858869

I was at the dump last week and someone had dropped off several boxes of feminist literature. That's exactly where it belongs.

>> No.15858896

And then everyone clapped

>> No.15858917

>boxes of shit tier books at the dump is outside the realm of possibility
kys, retard

>> No.15858920
File: 14 KB, 225x225, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tink tink tink* *ahem* women are good and equal to men in many respects. hating women is foolish and pointless. thank you.

>> No.15858924

The Manipulated Man by Esther Vilar

>> No.15858929

Harry Potter.

>> No.15858931

>How do I make philosophy about MYSELF

Quintessential female

>> No.15858940

You see, this doesn’t really work because that isnt a controversial or contrarian statement. If the frog were at a black tie party and said that, he might get a few stares but otherwise nobody would give a damn.

>> No.15858943

tink tink tink ahem women a stupid
thank you

>> No.15859035

it's unfortunately a controversial statement on 4chan

>> No.15859038

Ok, I will have sex with you now

>> No.15859095

^outside your realm of reality^ hahahah shut up

>> No.15859104


>> No.15859105
File: 51 KB, 1064x788, feminists by ethnicity.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15859165

There's a short Oxford introduction to feminism, which I think could be more accessible than a chart with 30 books. Also you could say fuck it and just go right to Sexual Politics which is very accessible as well, just make sure you're familiar with the marxist concept of ideology first (vaguely familiar, look up a definition on the internet, not a whole book). You don't need to read the novel Millett based her book on, either. The passages she quotes are the ones you actually need.

Also fuck TERFs.

>> No.15859219

Le chud xD

>> No.15860484

>not a terf

>> No.15860531

>unironically using chud
I know this is bait, but cmon man.

>> No.15860554

I've begun to drift away from the left because of this stupid word.

>> No.15860589
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Pic, plus some intersectionality for you:
Sojourner Truth - Ain't I a Woman? 1851
Angela Davis - Women, Race and Class.1981
Ayaan Hirsi Ali - Infidel 2007

>> No.15861942
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Sure thing, fatty.

>> No.15862002

Could someone spoil me and give me a suggestion for a starter feminist book that isn't too committed to other ideologies (e.g. marxism)?

>> No.15862034

Why no chads allowed?

>> No.15862039

>all by Semites

Feminism is in reality just Jewish women taking their anger at Jewish society's treatment of women and taking it out on gentiles because they can't actually change Jewish society.

>> No.15862049

The Oxford introduction to feminism

>> No.15862144


>> No.15862179

good idea. Thanks queen

what makes you think jewish women can change gentile society, retard?

>> No.15862193
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TERF reporting

>> No.15862285

>what makes you think jewish women can change gentile society
The fact that they have, for starters.

>> No.15862289

KEK we found our Queen Rowling.

>> No.15862307

>not a terf

>> No.15862332
File: 151 KB, 1000x1000, 1542306981376.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*tink tink tink*
yes hello i myself have a little speech as well
*pulls out a handful of notecards*
itll be hard to follow up that last one but
*fumbles the notecards across the ground*
ah well no matter I have most of it memorized
yes so

>> No.15862346

feminism is honestly a joke. i can see the merit of first wave feminism.
second wave feminism was just an excuse for women to excuse their hooerish behaviors. they knew, deep down, that being a hooer is bad, but they cant stop hooering around. theyre like the fatty who knows he shouldnt eat pizza but eats it anyway, and then starts smashing weight scales like he's been oppressed. youre a hooer. no ones oppressing you. you brought it on yourself.
third wave feminism is such a complete joke nothing more needs to be said.

>> No.15862359

>sanger creates planned parenthood so women can engage in literal eugeniccs for the betterment of mankind
>explicitly reifies the point of women
>feminists just let some jewish whackadoo take over planned parenthood
>shifts entirely to abortion as a means of stripping women of an actual purpose and combating racism
>turns them into shitty discount men so that they can be used as cheap labor in factories
im honestly baffled that there arent more women upset about this

>> No.15862493

where can I find this?

>> No.15862564

>all these males desperate for a crumb of attention providing free bumping for the thread

>> No.15862573
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>implying I don't know what a sage is

>> No.15862578

Suck my ass you fucking bitch

>> No.15862602

Go back Chapo tranny

>> No.15862619

Give me a single reason why women deserved the right to vote, what has actually improved since they got it? We have lower birth rates, more welfare, more censorship and political correctness and we constantly sacrifice our freedom for illusion of safety

>> No.15862641
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Extremely based my friend. And noticeably redpilled! Now why does feminism trigger you so much?

>> No.15862750
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All feminists are LARPers. Women are in the historically unprecedented situation, of all civilizations, of having full rights and the means to protect them. But do you see them forming women militias? Where are the groups training riflewomen to protect them from when men decide women's rights were a mistake? Nowhere, because women aren't serious. Feminism is just a larp.

Yes yes, we've all seen the Wikipedia page of feminists by religion.

>> No.15862760

>second wave feminism was just an excuse for women to excuse their hooerish behaviors.
“sex positive” feminism mostly is third wave. Read second wave writers, and radical feminists for feminism that isn’t an empty ideology.

>> No.15862793


>> No.15862795

Feminism is just a luxury in developed first world countries, as soon as times get rough feminism will magically disappear

>> No.15862800

is this true

>> No.15862815

This page gives a good overview, I think. I personally recommend starting with the most influential second wave works: The Second Sex, The Feminine Mystique, The Dialectic of Sex, etc.

>> No.15862832

whats hooer

>> No.15862851

the most important femiist, simone de beauvoir, is not jewish

>> No.15862867

As opposed to ancient Greek philosophy which was about how Greek philosophers are superior to everyone else?

>> No.15862877

>The Second Sex, The Feminine Mystique, The Dialectic of Sex,
but these are just lesser works of male philosophers. de beauvoir copyig sartre, feminine mystique sounds like erotica, and, really, dialectic of sex? is this more misrepresentation of german idealism

>> No.15862896

>heard 'philosopher king' from some meme she read on twitter
>compares feminist philosophy to greek philosophy
Why are holes allowed to post on a literature board?

>> No.15862905

Except you're wrong on both counts. Israel is more feminist than the rest of the Middle East and comparable to the West (in some respect there is even more equality, especially when it comes to conscription and romantic relationships).
And historically feminism in Europe starts in the 16th century among educated bourgeois and aristocratic women. It was mostly a non-Jews thing up until the 19th century included, easily.
The most prominent male feminists in that (Poulain de la Barre, Condorcet, Fourier, Montesquieu) were not Jewish either.

TL;DR: Stop reasoning with memes and learn2history. American Jewish women come very late in the history of feminism.

>> No.15862925

>It was mostly a non-Jews thing up until the 19th century included, easily.
Ah so feminism made no progress until Jews came to rescue white women in white societies in the 20th century

>> No.15862945

ok, ladies gonna kick this off, haha

>> No.15862968

Philosopher in that sense just means someone who thinks critically.

>> No.15863024

>Bought a flag, thus monetarily supporting trans rights
> just to burn it on camera

Rent free

>> No.15863148

>my hole

>> No.15863154

Unless the ladies gear up. If you're worried about a woman sniping you, speaking out about removing suffrage might not be you're first choice.

>> No.15863170

Looking at wikipedia, it says jewish feminism can be traced back to the 70s. The first Jewish feminist I can think of is Shulamith Firestone, born in 1945.

I won't go over the huge influence of feminist women in French salon at the dawn of the French revolution, which changed Western ideas on maternity and female education.
I'll just note a few things: by 1935 essentially all of Western Europe (except France and to some extent Spain), a good deal of the Balkans, Scandinavia, and various South American and Asian countries had legalized voting for women. By 1970 all countries except about fifteen, most of them in the Middle East and Africa, had followed suit. Most of them also allowed political candidacies for women.

At that point women had started seriously becoming part of the workforce (not that they didn't work before, but it often wasn't standard salary-paid work). The Second Sex, the definitive of second-wave feminism, was published in 1949. In the preface Beauvoir wrote that she considered most of the objectives of feminism to have been achieved.

So really Jewish feminist hopped on the bandwagon when most of the work was already done.

At best you could say they spearheaded third wave feminism, which had only started to be influential in the past 20-30 years or so (and has contributed little in terms of concrete change).

>> No.15863179

*the definitive summary

>> No.15863201

educate yourself

>> No.15863313

The cope is hilarious. First says 19th century then the 70s. Whore are you lecturing us on history while you're learning it from Wikipedia right now

>> No.15863561

I can't resist anymore. I have to know what numbers I was meant to receive as of this very post.

>> No.15863566

nice fallacy, lil phallus

>> No.15863582

nice hole

>> No.15863608

I was saying easily until the 19th century included, so I actually overestimated the influence of Jewish feminism. I don't know much about it because, surprise, it doesn't feature much in the general history of feminism. None of what I said is false, but feel free to prove otherwise. I also provided arguments besides the wikipedia article.

Nice, something of value in your post at last

>while you're learning it from Wikipedia right now
I'm using the very source that was mentioned itt to see how the argument (or rather the insinuation) holds up, and as I suspected, it doesn't. If you want to discuss things above Wikipedia level, stop using wikipedia screenshots. Laugh as you please, you're the most amateurish of us here, and that's saying a lot.

Do yourself a favor, read Beauvoir and Badinter.

>> No.15863656

yeah, the world originates from there

>> No.15863732

your posts are disgusting pseud posts. there are plenty of Jewish feminists in >>15863201 who are active in the 19th c yet your repulsive brain writes blocks of self masturbatory text about how you don't know anything about Jewish feminists but you still nonetheless continue to waste my time with your double digit iq posts. please kill yourself you'll never be anything more than a pseudointellectual

>> No.15863894
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>Multi billion dollar support
>10 dollar symbolic burning spread on the internet.

>> No.15864071

based, good luck with your future creampies.

>> No.15864146

I don't even have to look them up to know most of their ethnicity.

>> No.15864375

It's on bookzz. Sorry for the late reply, Queen. Let me get a link for you.


>> No.15864621




>> No.15864745

They turned rebellion against their own oppressive, primitive patriarchal ethnic identity into a global ideology because they couldn't tolerate the idea that their parochial ethnic group was uniquely backward relative to Northern Europe.

>> No.15864765
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What's a chud?
Also, all feminist theory is grounded in penis envy.

>> No.15864786

And before you respond, remind yourself that the cornerstone of feminist theory is "Patriarchy".
So any attempt to dismantle/supplant the great evil of Patriarchy is essentially penis envy (desire of man's power, lifestyle, masculinity and "freedom").

>> No.15864798

Probably female chads that are too based for feminism.

>> No.15864863

opinion discarded, thank you for trying though

>> No.15865116
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>> No.15865630

Lmao what? Most third world countries have exactly the same sex, gender, racial class-like issues. The only problem is that most third-world countries are also either in some sort of civil war or a dictatorship so obviously the movements never become popular.

>> No.15865781

i don't understand feminist literature. Like, either you're for gender equality or you're a retard who doesn't read anyway. Why would you bother wasting your time reading this shit with such an obvious conclusion? Same goes with books about how racism is bad.

>> No.15866060

>Ctrl+F Irigaray: 0/0

>> No.15866063

>Lmao what?

>> No.15866080

Thanks for the rec fren >>15866076

>> No.15866110

let's see

>> No.15866145


>> No.15866473

Harry Potter

>> No.15866481

And my best friend is a nigger. So I'm not racist

>> No.15867001


>> No.15867079

I don't know if these are trannies or crossdressers or homos or whatever they are but if they were born male, for me they're proof that gender doesn't always match sex and these individuals were meant to be born women because no man can act like that, think like that, have these opinions, discuss about these things, etc. it's very fundamentally feminine (PBUH Horia)

>> No.15867951

Yes that's what they were saying. Feminism is a luxury most societies can't afford. Apparently not even developed western ones.

>> No.15867968

>for me they're proof that gender doesn't always match sex and these individuals were meant to be born women because no man can act like that
Or proof that individual should have been committed to an institution.

>> No.15868613

Thanks anon, I'll be sure to read a couple of these.

>> No.15868652
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None of the feminists posted in this thread even have a PhD in Philosophy, let alone a master's in Math and a master's in Chemistry.

Fucking pathetic. At least find one with merit.

>> No.15868797

Why should men be allowed to vote? Most people are retarded, male or female

>> No.15869038


>> No.15870293

Perhaps Second Sex and Infidel if you just read two

>> No.15870513

Because if you don't let men vote, they will kill you.

>> No.15870523

>monetarily supporting trans rights by buying a plastic flag on Amazon
>burning it on camera made you mad enough to respond
I'd say it was worth it. Probably brought the burner quite some pleasure, too

>> No.15871820
File: 446 KB, 800x800, HTB1oGCHJ5rpK1RjSZFh760SdXXar.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women's literature is like toilet paper: It's soft, white and meant to be flushed down the toilet.

>> No.15872815
File: 80 KB, 1080x1056, le ifunny twitter screencap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most men will never take women seriously because of pic related, ultimately every man from loser to chad intuitively understands that women are basically mercurial snakes who worship power and any words they might spout are subservient to this impulse. everything they say is therefore tainted by bad faith, which is why men do not respect them, and so many cultures have associated femininity with treachery, darkness, yin energy, etc. it's tragic but evolution made them this way. i enjoy reading feminist literature for the sometimes insightful hot takes, but if you actually take women seriously as any sort of moral architects, wew fucking lad.

*ting ting*

also fuck niggers.