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15846159 No.15846159[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

This book completely proves the jewish conspiracy.

Why are the mods so triggered by discussing this book while half the catalog is off topic and/or completely retarded?
Why do the pop up in every thread arguing in bad faith then delete the thread?

>> No.15846166

We all agree this book exists and no one has refuted anything in it
So why don't we all agree there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world?
Is it illiteracy, mental retardation, cowardice, or a melange of them all?

The "refutations" of the left consist of avoiding the evidence and arbitrarily taking up a default hypothesis with no reasoning, all while loudly announcing a list of arbitrary unjustified burdens placed on the "antisemites".

After presenting how overrepresented jews are in positions of power in a civilization they are not native to, the burden of proof shifts heavily against the "it's all just a coincidence" position.
They have to explain why the native population would give up its businesses willingly and how that would be in their interest or be guilty of the above.

Are there any other modern studies of jewish influence that might be more persuasive to halfwits?
Maybe an online catalog with color pictures and links?

>> No.15846172

It was disputed, you're just being annoying. Come up w a better argument and try again. I'd start w plato

>> No.15846179

not an argument

>> No.15846181

you're actually autistic. you're spamming copypasta shit that's why it's getting deleted.

>> No.15846192

uh no, it's getting deleted because the mods are biased, mentally deficient, probably jews, and can't do their job objectively

this is absolutely on topic, there is no excuse, there is nothing in the rules to justify their behavior

>can't refute
real champions of intellect

>> No.15846215
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>> No.15846221
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>> No.15846225

Jannies already deleted your last thread, get the message. You already got answers in every thread, as well as people who critiqued the book. You just didn't like them and chimped out. Now kindly fuck off or post something else.

>> No.15846239

ok OP this is getting a little embarrassing

>> No.15846242

we've have threads about this book for years, and they don't get deleted. You've obviously pissed off some mod or something by spamming your shit

Also is this the only anti-jew book you know? You can't even make a thread about The International Jew or On the Jews and their Lies, or the Israel Shahak book?

>> No.15846253

It's not against the rules, it's on topic
No one arguing against the book or the jewish conspiracy argued honestly.
There was no critique, just narration, kind of like you're doing now.

YOU get the message, this thread isn't going anywhere, you powerless retard kike

>> No.15846262

I don't have to change anything. The position I've taken is justified and allowed by the rules.
If they want to break the rules to censor, I'm not going to do tricks to try to appease them.

You're a bunch of retarded savage animals that have absolutely no rational mind.

>> No.15846269
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>try to beat the jews
>they just use ressentiment to moralize you into passivity
how do we beat them bros?

>> No.15846270

anon i dunno what's up
are you here trying to fulfill some thread quota? And you shallowly gloat that nobody's refuted the books/their arguments but you've done no arguing yourself

it's a " they're wrong I'm right *plugs ears and starts yelling* situation," and you're only hurting your cause with how stupid and indignant you're acting

>> No.15846272

JANNIES! Please delete this thread. There has to be some filter for the book's cover, which blocks these inane threads from propping up.

Go to a synagogue. I'm not joking. Observe a service, see that the people you despise are just ordinary people like you.

>> No.15846280

The burden of proof is on you and you can't handle it because you have no ammunition, so you try to make the problem disappear and delude yourselves into believing you dealt with the intellectual issue.
Simple creatures.

>> No.15846284
File: 1.06 MB, 1570x1121, comment_92VZId0ypwDBOw5zGFr3PvoGxvIiVvEe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Go to a synagogue. I'm not joking. Observe a service, see that the people you despise are just ordinary people like you.

>> No.15846286

I'm sure this is bait anon but what do you want? What's your argument? Jews exist? They certainly do anon and I hope you get help w that

>> No.15846287

Is that jew giving head to that baby????

>> No.15846291
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>there is a jewish conspiracy to infiltrate and destroy every civilization in the world
what's it like being illiterate?

>> No.15846292

You go on twitter, check the #jewishprivilege hashtag, and try to redpill some blacks on what the jews have done to them.

>> No.15846296

I mean they're doing a bad job at it by, let's check, join corporations and academia. I guess it's better to destroy it on the inside than out.

>> No.15846297
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>> No.15846304


Why are most of the top personnel in the treasury department overtly jewish???

>> No.15846313

Of the 15 senior executives of the United States Department of the Treasury, 11 are Jews

>> No.15846315

It's the subvertly jews I prefer. Those ones w their yarmulkes acting like they know anything

>> No.15846317

Glad that Jews are helping us out like that

>> No.15846320
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But isn't that just playing their little moralizing game? Think about it. You try to "redpill" some people using the set of moral rules that the jews gave them in the first place; the notion of "privilege" as somehow a "bad" thing, and you just reinforce that specific moral perspective.

>> No.15846324

I've never felt resentful about it because they had already won so completely in my country by the time I grew up that I never had a proper ethnic pride in the first place. If anything I'm fascinated on a sort of sociological/historical level by the way Jews coordinate with each other.

Throughout history though they repeatedly go too far, they push too much and it comes around and bites them in the ass. This time though there is Israel, and I hope that they can mostly just go there instead of actual violence occurring. And in Israel maybe over time they can change and stop being the way they are, since their antisocial behavior will be bred out if they are only among other Jews and have nobody to exploit.

>> No.15846327

The Decline of Ethnic Consciousness among European-Derived People in the United States

p. xi: “Fundamental to the transformation of the United States as a result of massive non-European immigration was the decline of ethnic consciousness among European peoples. It is fascinating to contrast the immigration debates of the 1920s with those of the 1950s and 1960s.”

p. xiii: “[Charles] Lindbergh’s famous speech of September 11, 1941 stated that the Jews were one of the principal forces attempting to lead the U.S. into war, along with the Russian administration and the British.”

p. xx: “. . . Jewish intellectuals led the battle against the idea that there are differences in intelligence or cultural levels between the races that are rooted in biology.”

>> No.15846331

I'm so sad that the race swap part got deleted in like a day, it produced so many gems like black Lenin and Asian Alex Jones

>> No.15846334

There's no problem, I'm just think antisemitism is stupid. I never see it outside this website, so it's not a real political force.

>> No.15846335

>the decline
If it takes so much effort to make it work then maybe it's not true

>> No.15846337

>printing trillions of dollars in corporate welfare colluding with the fed to let them overstep their legal mandate
>go straight from directly monetizing treasuries to directly monetizing securities
damn you're fucking retarded
I hope you lose your livelihood and commit suicide in the depression, which is knocking at the door now

>> No.15846340

if you don't have an argument maybe you're a retard out of your intellectual depth

>> No.15846346

Are you suggesting this wouldn't happen with anyone besides jews?

>> No.15846350

are you suggesting this has ever happened with anyone that wasn't a jew? anywhere in history?

>> No.15846352

Why would I lose my livelihood, I'm not a racist like you

>> No.15846353

That's my argument. It's a contingent truth at best entirely separate from a universal truth like 1+1=2

>> No.15846357

You don't, Jews are innately superior, that's why they control everything and how they can just trick everyone else.

>> No.15846360

oh honey
but everyone else is
you're going to lick nigger balls to try to stay employed and get fired anyway to make way for the racial quotas

>> No.15846362

Idc if it's ever happened or will someday happen. You're saying inherently jews are evil or something, you haven't really stated it. There's no evidence of them being anything. Even Jews. Your definition of jew is fluid.

>> No.15846363

Oppression and exploitation are omnipresent in human history since civilization first occurred, and hunter-gatherer tribes were hardly humanistic either. That doesn't mean that the specific ways in which Jews negatively influence the societies they live in aren't real.

>> No.15846367

No you're going to anon lol

>> No.15846368

Whoa, why do you think I'm a cringe whiteoid like you?

>> No.15846375

I'm not arguing that but your argument claims them to be entirely separate on a whole different level of anyone else w no proof.
Also thinking of ppl in that sense is unhealthy. And love or cooperation isn't a 'humanist' invention. It's biological

>> No.15846380

what's it like getting raped into submission by a superior race to then come crawling and begging for table scraps and charity from your rapist?

>> No.15846385

Have sex anon.

>> No.15846387
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>everything is like sex!
coom brain. Absolute coom brain.

>> No.15846391

Sorry whiteoid, the only one getting raped is you. The white man's days are rapidly coming to an end.

>> No.15846397

you are all schizo retards that have no identity in real life so you submit to a fake identity fed to you by your jewish masters as you brainlessly consume retarded internet content

>> No.15846403

Bait, shut up

>> No.15846407

nah, we're going to kill you all and happily lose the degenerate portion of our population, unchaining us to unleash worldwide genocide

>> No.15846411

Wats ur identity anon? How is this helping you? It's not rationally correct

>> No.15846412

Giga /pol/tard cope

>> No.15846416

The Evolutionary Origins of Jewish Collectivism and Ethnocentrism

p. xxxiii: “[There is] a long mainstream Jewish tradition which considers Jews and non-Jews as completely different species. . . .”

p. xxxv: “[A] pervasive double standard was noticed by writer Vincent Sheen in his observations of Zionists in Palestine in 1930: ‘how idealism goes hand in hand with the most terrific cynicism; . . . how they are Fascists with their own affairs, with regard to Palestine, and internationalists in everything else.’”

>> No.15846417

>And love or cooperation isn't a 'humanist' invention. It's biological
Love and cooperation are human, but so are cruelty, domination, etc. And Jews are a unique people. They are impressive in many ways, but their power also makes their crimes greater. Similarly to the Europeans they love to malign ironically.

>> No.15846424

Jewish Involvement in Communism and the Radical Left

p. xli: “During the period when the famine claimed a total of 6 million lives throughout [the Ukraine], the [Soviet] government exported eighteen million hundredweight of grain to obtain money for industrialization.” (On page xxxvii, MacDonald mentions Courtois et al. 1999, The Black Book of Communism: Crimes, Terror, Repression.)

p. xliii: “. . . Jews . . . dominated the Bolshevik governments of the Soviet Union and Hungary and . . . Jews in other countries were sympathetic to Bolshevism.”

p. xliv: “The 20th century in Europe and the Western world . . . was a Jewish century. . . .”

p. xlvi: “Jewish involvement in the horrors of Communism was . . . an important ingredient in Hitler’s desire to destroy the USSR and in the anti-Jewish actions of the German National Socialist government.”

p. xlvii: “Peter Novick’s The Holocaust in American Life . . . notes that the Holocaust has assumed a preeminent status as a symbol of ethnic conflict. He argues that the importance of the Holocaust is not a spontaneous phenomenon but stems from highly focused, well-funded efforts of Jewish organizations and individual Jews with access to the major media. . . ."

>> No.15846425
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>everyone BUT me is trying to construct a fake identity to fit in!
I think you're telling me about yourself here, anon.

>> No.15846427

Is there a gene we should be worrying about? What if we removed that gene? Is it still jews or?

>> No.15846432

you are a counterfeit human
a completely retarded drone that is addicted to artificial stimulus
you can't sustain a single thought or emotion without being stimulated by memes or some other retarded form of media

>> No.15846436
File: 83 KB, 1242x697, EWPGR0-XgAgSpBr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>becoming the pure line of flight into death
You can just shoot up a school, dawg. It's tradition where you're from!

>> No.15846439

culture is what governs the distribution and configuration of genes in a population
culture -> epigenetics -> genetics
any tradition selects genes that are relevant to whatever behaviors lead to the tradition being practiced
people who do not adhere to culture do not breed as much and will inevitably have their offspring interbreed with those who are more reproductively successful due to following the culture and receiving more benefits of society, adding the underlying genes to their line despite their relatively rebellious nature

if you don't understand this you are stuck in some denial of the fact that everything stems from the genes
there are many studies that prove heritability of certain behaviors, but they are totally unnecessary to fully assert the truth of genetic destiny

the left and other sorts of retard say like:
>variance in the genes that dictate the structure of your brain cannot possibly effect behavior differently! we are all a blank slate!
implying that different proportions and different connections of different organs of the brain have no effect....this is just a fundamental breakdown of all knowledge and reason asserting that physical reality doesn't matter at all to anything, aka literal mental retardation

>> No.15846443

you keep telling me about yourself, anon! What hour on 4chan is this today?

>> No.15846444

There is no way to make this world a utopia if that's what you mean, it's simply not set up that way.

>> No.15846450

>being this retarded

>> No.15846452

What's with schizo /pol/tards never using capitalization or punctuation? I've noticed this is a very common trend for them.

>> No.15846455

What is it that the jews want to be selected that has nothing to do w macroforces like the economic or political systems?

>> No.15846457

you're literally fuming on an anonymous image board. You're addicted to getting mad online, anon. You can't even tell what's real anymore. Maybe I'm a fed just baiting you? Afterall, you've never actually done anything about the jews in real life have you? You're being pacified by this place, by us.

>> No.15846459

Then destroying the jews doesn't matter.

>> No.15846461

After presenting how overrepresented jews are in positions of power in a civilization they are not native to, the burden of proof shifts heavily against the "it's all just a coincidence" position.
They have to explain why the native population would give up its businesses willingly and how that would be in their interest or be guilty of the above.

>> No.15846463

Terrible bait anon

>> No.15846464

because you keep making the same threads reusing the same op and it's clearly off topic
if you want to discuss race, go to pol
If you want to discuss iq, go to sci

>> No.15846465

I don't want to destroy the Jews. And the world being inherently broken doesn't mean you should give up on trying to make things better.

>> No.15846474

Maybe whites should ask why they can't compete with a genetically superior race?

>> No.15846477

No I agree, my point is if it's more justice, truth or aesthetic development or refinement etc, it can't be solved by multiplying or shrinking any race. It's a different field altogether, like philosophy or math or whatever

>> No.15846492

Already been refuted by Zizek

>> No.15846503 [SPOILER] 
File: 101 KB, 550x679, 1594622001329.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Jews", the ones we today call Jews, are but the descendants of Satan and Lilith themselves. The Forbidden Tree/Fruit is the loins of both Lucifer and Lilith, for Adam and Eve were not meant to mix outside themselves (Original sin is race-mixing). Because of this, God cursed the womb of Eve and her female descendants for eternity, so that they may rear a child out of their womb in the worst pain she can handle; Adam was cursed to forever toil in the soil for his (and Eve's) sustenance. Eve's first-born was Cain (Satan's first son), then Abel (God's first-born human, not Son). According to some Apocrypha books, Lilith also gave birth to a girl (name escapes me). The "Jews" once traced their lineage through this Male lineage of Satan, but after christ destroyed their false-worship/religion, they were scattered amongst the people. Thus they had to reserve to their Matrimonial Lineage through the descants of Lilith (Female bloodline). The "Jews" in a sense are vampires, for their very bones are cursed from their wicked progenitors and their act of polluting God's people; Thus the "Jew" MUST race-mix, just like their first ancestors before them, with the descendants of Adam and Eve within 7 generations, otherwise they become sterile in both the female and the male; Thus is the reason why the jews never "hunkered down" in any location, though the locations they found would suit any race smart enough to plan ahead a mere few seasons (Fertile Crescent, Black Sea, West Asia, etc). The book called "The Mystery of the Serpent" explains this all in great detail. The Author, and his entire family, was murdered in their home after he made this book public, in New Mexico in the 60's or 80's (can't remember). In Short: Jews are the devil's spawn.

>> No.15846509


>> No.15846522

no but the negative tendencies of races should be combated if possible. I apply this to Europeans too, Europeans committed extreme atrocities when they found themselves in the seat of power around 1500. This is one thing our society is absolutely right about, and some of it really is specific to our genes and culture. But this applies to other races and their atrocities too. Different races also have positive aspects in different proportions, it is extremely complex, and it's something we as a society are incredibly dishonest about, though that too is part of the incorrigible nature of humanity.

>> No.15846531
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Yes anon, jews are literally demons. They shave their horns and cut off their tail and they're from another planet. Their goal is to go ssj on Earth.

>> No.15846537
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it's not about "improving" themselves, it's all about corrupting God's greatest creating: Mankind. Jews aren't human

>> No.15846541

Sure I can't wait to become ai but whatever events come out of a certain race, it takes thousands of years and different circumstances for them to show any real difference. Whatever can be solved can be solved in a field much quicker.

>> No.15846548

There's no conscious being that can do anything other than try to improve themselves

>> No.15846570

>There's no conscious being that can do anything other than try to improve themselves
tell that to people who cut themselves or blow their brains out