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15842959 No.15842959 [Reply] [Original]

Looking into Jungianism, it strikes me like he he took Christian Esotericism and distilled it from the Christian religion proper. That might be well and good at an individual, but I dont see how one could seriously apply Jungian philosophy on a large scale. It seems like it HAS to exist as an individual choice along side a majority orthodox Christian population, and can't be applied in-mass without it.

>> No.15843186
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Esotericism is inherently anti-majority. If it became mainstream then it would no longer be esoteric. Jung never really prescribed a political or religious system that he thought should take over the role that traditional religion, at least not formally. In fact all he did was describe the meta structure of religions themselves. Jungianism leads one not to exoteric religion, but to the individuation process, which is not a process many people, if any, are ever able to successfully complete. It takes an incredible amount of wisdom, self reflection, and spiritual awareness to be able to follow that path. Esoteric teachings have remained esoteric for that reason. Mainstream religion is much more accessible than analytic psychology. Religion is like ordering McDonalds; individuation is preparing a 10 course meal from scratch, including growing all the vegetables and other ingredients yourself.

If you're interested in Jungian theory applied to culture at large, I would point you towards the works of Edward Edinger. He touches on this idea in many of his books/interviews. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScQq6N-8q-U

The TL;DR version is that our society will need to undergo a transformation of the God image. We need an underlying mythological structure that gives people purpose, meaning, and direction in their lives. But in the 21st century the orthodox version of God is not tenable. In order to salvage the good aspects of religion and inoculate ourselves against nihilism we need a sophisticated version of the God image that is reconcilable with the scientific world we live in.

To answer your question I would say that no, exoteric Christianity and esoteric Christianity cannot really be fully synthesized. There are too many contradictions between the two, despite their superficial similarities.

>> No.15844640

thanks, good post.