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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 15 KB, 300x281, percy_jackson_book_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15841056 No.15841056 [Reply] [Original]

Is this any good? I never read this as a kid, but I knew my Mexican cousins liked it. So yes or no?

>> No.15841074

We're not doing this again, fuck off we had like four threads last month for this. The consensus is that this is shite of the lowest degree

>> No.15841097

I read the original series and liked them. The "sequel" series seemingly never stop coming out, but I haven't read any of them.

>> No.15841114

Honestly been meaning to re-read, stands head and shoulders above most other young adult fiction

>> No.15841131

end your life

>> No.15841405

you first faggot

>> No.15841422

It's good, but not quite as good as Harry Potter. Try that first.

>> No.15841438

Why would they stop coming out? Those are the author's money maker. Even in his other series characters from this one and its direct sequels make appearances. He says he wants to take a long break from these characters and has said he might not write another multi-book series around these characters but that's bullshit. He'll come back in like a year or two tops, if he doesn't his fujo fanbase will turn against him because they only read him for this and not the other shit (Egyptian and Norse) books he wrote.

>> No.15841443

it has a subtle symbolism that is both disarming and delighfully soothing. for a book meant for young adults it has a surprisingly good re-read value as there is a lot going on beneath the surface. reading three, even four times won't be enough to pick up on everything!

>> No.15841471

I'm a teacher. This shit is recommended to kids a lot (along with other stuff like HP and Hunger Games). Is this worth reading for their sake? I get the impression this is pseudo-greekophile trash.

>> No.15841475

>I started with the Greeks

>> No.15841497

It is trash, the only thing this series has going for it when I re-read it on a long road trip was nostalgia. I grew out of it midway through the first sequel series and went on to actual literature.

>> No.15841503

Hmm. I'll give one a read, skip the rest.

>> No.15841602
File: 417 KB, 1024x512, JPEG_20190724_201305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stick to the original.
Don't read the rest. We go from there to forced diversity to everyone is gay or a tranny and all white cis het Aryan males are killed off.
>mfw Rick made Reyna is asexual

>> No.15842022

don't bother, read actual literature, not this crap

>> No.15842050

Nigger Jackson: The Negroid thief

>> No.15842054

It's not for me. It's so I know what the kids are reading.

>> No.15842291

Bullshit. Don't lie.

>> No.15842306

This board seems to have an odd attachment to Percy Jackson.

>> No.15842367

Same effect as Harry Potter really: if you're older than 13, it won't hit at all because it's written for kids learning to read books longer than a hundred pages for the first time. Just read the works that influenced it.
How old are the kids? There's a certain point where it's just too juvenile.
It's kind of like the God of War games in the "Wow, Disney got mythology SO wrong, amirite? Let's use how the mythical figures REALLY were" mindset while going in an entirely different wrong direction. I think the author (at least at one point) truly loved mythology, but it's cheesy regardless.

>> No.15842430

i like how he's a dark-skinned mexican looking guy on the cover but is actually a greek-white hybrid

>> No.15842602

He is going to be Mexican in the fucking tv adaptation. 100% guaranteed.
Never mind Leo already fulfills the beaner quota.

>> No.15842609

>How old are the kids? There's a certain point where it's just too juvenile.
Secondary school, so, 11-16. Generally used with 11-13 year olds.

>> No.15842644

Just let read shit from the Newbery Medal winners.
I loved the book Holes and the Giver as kid.

>> No.15843579

I find it quite shocking and frankly abhorrent. Now I can understand why most of the threads are shit.

>> No.15843595

I thought, hey, good idea, and then I looked the page up, this is their 2020 choice:

"New Kid, written and illustrated by Jerry Craft, published by Harper, an imprint of HarperCollins Publishers.

Jordan Banks can’t help seeing privilege when he transfers to Riverdale Academy Day School for seventh grade. As one of the few African American students in the school, he regularly deals with racism and microaggressions. Craft creates an intimate, relatable world inviting readers in, and holds them there.

“This distinct, timely, and honest story respects children and gives its readers a glimpse into what it means to be other,” said Newbery Medal Committee Chair Krishna Grady."

Any other suggestions?

>> No.15843866

Just drop using it when it gets to 2009. There's a shit ton of books before then.
Also ignore the Holocaust books, all just shitty anti white, white genocide advocating propaganda.

Don't let them read Percy Jackson.
We eventually get to the point where the MC (not Percy mind you) is a bislut who somehow did mpreg on a mortal male and one of his Aryan looking children is a faggot and he absolutely loves it.
Children shouldn't read PJ because it becomes full SJW later on. Exposing them to it will lead to them reading more of this shit.

>> No.15843872


>> No.15844297

>Any other suggestions?
Try Le Guin.

>> No.15845408

>fujo fanbase
How did that happen? It used to just be nice comfy shipping of Percy with big blonde grey eyed bitch.