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15833349 No.15833349 [Reply] [Original]

Why does everything feel so bland?

>> No.15833353


>> No.15833357

Because you're not doing what you know you're supposed to be doing

>> No.15833358

You have to space out your rolls at least 2-3 months or risk this.

>> No.15833477

you are not taking enough risks, therefore there is no reward in what you do.

>> No.15833495
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i know :(

>> No.15833537

This, bscly. I’ve only just now started doing the things I’m actually supposed to be doing (28 years old and recovering from prescription amphetamine abuse and alcoholism) and it’s actually pretty easy after you get past the mental barrier preventing you from getting started. The feeling of the successful productivity feels so much better than the feeling of avoidance and procrastination.

>> No.15833557

Because the world right now is a physical manifestation of the most monstrous, gray, dull and dark machinery you can imagine and its only getting worse

The world is a literal representation of the color gray

>> No.15833719

yawn, enjoy your self imposed mental prison you depressed dolt

>> No.15833806

I wasn't talking about myself anon

>> No.15834411


Now stop bitching OP

>> No.15834556

Everything’s so blurry
and everyone’s so fake
And everybody’s empty
and everything is so messed up

>> No.15834761

That's literally me.

>> No.15834803

I'm gonna choooon

>> No.15834810

my room used to look like this.

>> No.15835098

Look at the world through Google maps: it's fucking covered in greens and blues and yellows and browns, there's color everywhere. Get out there when you get the chance, it's still beautiful. "hurr modernity" applies to society, nature is still plentiful. Enjoy it while it lasts

>> No.15835164

I like this Rilke quote:
“If your daily life seems poor, do not blame it; blame yourself, tell yourself that you are not poet enough to call forth its riches; for to the creator there is no poverty and no poor indifferent place.”

>> No.15835199

you must be 12+ to post here

>> No.15835211

>this is me

>> No.15835213

I like this archetype. I too pathologically avoid everything listed there. If everyone was like that perhaps the world would be a better place

>> No.15835225


>> No.15835422

you have no hobbies or anything to live for. you've given up on pursuit of love , you aren't physically active, you don't eat well. or you're doing all of those and you're clinically depressed with a chemical imbalance in your brain.

>> No.15835955

Fuck you im guilty

>> No.15836536


As banal as it is wrong. Fuck off.

>> No.15836543


2020 has been one hell of a year. A once-in-a-century type year. And we've got another half to go.

>> No.15836551

As the election gets closer there has to be at least one more crazy event. Either terror attack or mass shooting.

>> No.15836574

The other part of this passage resounds even more strongly, because so much of the modern world feels like just such a psychical prison:

And even if you were in some prison the walls of which let none of the sounds of the world come to your senses-- would you not then still have your childhood, that precious, kingly possession, that treasure-house of memories? Turn your attention there. Try to bring up the sunken sensations of that far past; your personality will grow more firm, your solitude will widen and will become a dusky dwelling by which the noise of others passes far away.

>> No.15836584

Alienation due to capitalism is indeed so prevalent as to seem banal. I wonder if anyone has written a book about how this might in fact be the only way of engaging with anything anymore.

>> No.15836590
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It took several years of seeing these sort of '20 something year old -er' memes and each one I said nope, not me, but finally one has hit and I'll say it. This is actually me.

>> No.15836625

How many posts have you guys made on 4chan. 10 a day is 3650 a year. 100 a day is 36500 a year. Multiply that by 5 years. I would post probably post 300 to 500 times a day if I had a 4chan pass and there wasn't any porn here. When there's NSFW images or anything even suggestive, I'll avoid it for days or weeks. Or if I'm a in a dark pit of despair I'll get distracted and masturbate. My biggest concern in life is stopping masturbation again. I'd stay on this site forever if the jannies did their jobs and banned anything that could remotely be construed as sexual.

>> No.15836662

it's bland because declining returns for legacy media mean that they only hire the friend's kids anymore

>> No.15836778


We are currently living through further vincidation of the idiocy of your views. You were told to fuck off, and I shall make you do so.

>> No.15836931

I don't even make ten posts in a month.

>> No.15836938

Go read a book, OP. I recommend Why Liberalism Failed.

>> No.15836972

Of course you do.

>> No.15838262


>> No.15838301

Look up Transformation Mastery

>> No.15838322

What am I supposed to be doing?

>> No.15838465

Based and Fisherpilled

>> No.15839661


>> No.15839746
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Underrated post.

>> No.15839790

Stop undermining my political ideology by posting midwit pop-philosophers.

>> No.15839901

Because art and culture are dead.

Because transgressions have been outlawed by the hive mind of terrified semi adults who brood and fester on social media like a sentient fungus.

Because bland, pandering, play it safe sops to the weak minded and gpborderline hysterical wrecks who comprise the dominant force in consumer society have become the only acceptable form of expression in the mainstream today.

Eat this shit up and love it, you worthless proles.