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15832541 No.15832541[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will stop me from playing video games?

>> No.15832563

Fallout 76 official survival guide

>> No.15832569

Pathologic 2 and Planescape:Torment

>> No.15832578

good reading comprehension, bro.

>> No.15832582

This is unironically a good read.

>> No.15832584

No book can stop you from being a manchild

>> No.15832603


>> No.15832632

if you're looking for stuff that'll help you stop procastrinating instead of actual good books you can watch some dumb self improvement videos on youtube. they unironically helped me every once in a while. also, i heard that "atomic habits" is full of useful information that'll help you get rid of your bad habits.

>> No.15832640

If you keep playing modern video games you should eventually realize they're garbage. Worked for me. And there's only so many times you can play the games you did enjoy before you want to take at least a break.

>> No.15832655

Maybe prozac will help.
Also /lit/ makes lists of books. Dig here and look for what you might like.

>> No.15832672

why can't you just combine the two hobbies? read if you want to read something, spend a little more time with it and play something for a while if you want to play something, most games aren't that long anyways, and there's surely not that many ones that are worthy of your time anyways

>> No.15832708

Read Stoicism

>> No.15832711

>a fucking D&D RPG

>> No.15832712

whats wrong with video games?

>inb4 waah modern western games infested with SJW microtransactions AAA publisher waaaah!

play more games, more interesting games. the majority of books are shit too.

>> No.15832740

>If you keep playing modern video games you should eventually realize they're garbage.
these kind of posts really really annoy me, video games didn't get "worse", you got older and more cynical.

>> No.15832741

>whats wrong with video games?
If you legitimately want to know, read Simulacra and Simulation

>> No.15832750

real chads play DS games.

i just finished Ghost Trick, and will start Devil Survivor this evening.

>> No.15832754

>whats wrong with video games?
good chunk of video games are elaborate skinner boxes with reward loops to keep you engaged. the games that aren't these are mediocre in aesthetic and literary value.

>> No.15832757

What are some good games? I truly don't understand what's so fun about video games and I feel I'm missing out.
I played some fallout 3 and league of legends but that's about it.

>> No.15832761

No, they did get worse. The moment games industry started following social trends gaming became complete garbage.

>> No.15832765

MGS 1, 2 & 3

>> No.15832769

you are an idiot, my friend. video games have and always will be a product of their time. you simply didn't notice because they sat comfortably in your pop culture status quo.

>> No.15832773

Rain World is better than the majority of books I've read, for example.

>> No.15832782

t. /sffg/

>> No.15832789

Most video games these days are either glorified on rails shooters or aimless open world games without a hint of game design. Entire genres are basically dead. Animation quality is prioritized over fun gameplay. I also personally got sick of the graphics race.

>> No.15832799

They are interactive visual fix mainly, but their literary value is often non existant. If you enjoy literature you will not enjoy games.

>> No.15832800

No specific book is going to help you to do that.

Find other ways to relieve stress: be more sociable, find other hobbies.
If you don't feel up to don't worry, you don't "have to read", that's just a meme.

>> No.15832807

>Most video games these days are either glorified on rails shooters or aimless open world games without a hint of game design.
>Entire genres are basically dead.
yes and no, rather it would be more accurate to say that certain genres have hit their peaks and have begun merging with one another to create new genres.
>Animation quality is prioritized over fun gameplay.
>I also personally got sick of the graphics race.
gamers were always gigantic graphics whore, actually. there was always an arms race to compete for the biggest and best looking game.

>> No.15832818

Play Shin Megami Tensei: Nocturne. Just emulate it on PC. Be warned, though. The game is very hard for people who come unprepared - even on normal.

>> No.15832829

This but with the real best SMT, Shin Megami Tensei: Strange Journey, instead.

>> No.15832830

This, casualization and all the woke shit took over games at the same time. Gaming is really worse overall.
There are still a few good ones that come out but they are very rare. Just compare the battle royale games to old shooters from the 2000s, it's complete garbage, unfinished, casual, woke shit everywhere, shitty maps, shitty gameplay, and microtransactions.

>> No.15832841

This, desu. It’s pretty rare for a game to get released that appeals to the cynical adults who grew up with vidya from the 80s-90s, but they definitely still pop up from time to time.

Sekiro is a good example of this, IMO.

>> No.15832842

Want to know how I can tell you're a fat pudgy 30 year old?

>> No.15832867

Not an argument
>yes and no, rather it would be more accurate to say that certain genres have hit their peaks and have begun merging with one another to create new genres.
In the process of merging anything fun about the genres were gutted. Dishonored is not a good stealth game. No modern turn based strategy games are as good as classic X-COM. Both of these genres barely resemble games in them from the past. And they're implemented in games that like another anon said are skinner boxes with tacked on upgrade systems and popups anytime you do anything. Another example is MGSV which suffers a lot from trying to be an open world game. It lacks a lot of things that the tightly designed original games had that made them fun. On the complete opposite side of the spectrum is the Thief reboot, that is a generic modern linear game in a series that traditionally had massive but still well designed levels. Neither of these two genres peaked, however. Thief 2 and X-COM Apocalypse were both great games but had plenty of flaws still that could have been ironed out in later games in the genres but instead both genres regressed, either by themselves or by being fused with other genres to create some "jack of all trades master of none" video game that relies on frequent dopamine hits instead of being good.
>gamers were always gigantic graphics whore, actually. there was always an arms race to compete for the biggest and best looking game.
This is true but still doesn't mean what I'm saying is false. You were able to get away with more things related to graphics in the past (such as animations clipping or other things) and it still felt like gameplay was prioritized. Go play a lot of modern games and they play several second long animation loops anytime you do anything which slows everything down. Maybe this just applies to games in genres I want to play (Sekiro like >>15832841 mentioned looked cool but I've never been much of a fan of those kinds of action games) but it's still an issue and still impacts my enjoyment of games that I should otherwise like. I'm not saying there weren't shitty games in the past just in case you want to try and argue that.

>> No.15832876

The gaming industry just perfected the way to extract more money from their costumers, that entails making shittier games that appeal to more people
Come back when you have something meaningful to say senpai

>> No.15832886

Ghost Trick is fucking great!

>> No.15832986

>mediocre in aesthetic and literary value
it's almost like it's a medium about interactivity or something

>> No.15832988

Video Games were always a worthless consumerist time waster, sorry to burst your bubble.

>> No.15833005

that's all of entertainment

>> No.15833104

honestly, I just now decided against picking apart each and every part of your post, because there's nothing i can actually say in refutation to your specific examples. you simply aren't looking for games that don't very appeal specifically to your tastes, which is why you even have this perception of a decline in quality in the first place. you are not looking for games with "value" (whatever the hell that means), you are looking for something that you can reminisce about. i'd recommend looking into games like hollow knight if you want something that doesn't fit in the mold of its contemporaries. there's far more to the world than triple a gaming.

>> No.15833110

*very specifically appeal

>> No.15833119

Just like CYOA

>> No.15833171

I'm looking for games that are in genres that I like and those genres are either dead or they've been absorbed into other genres and essentially killed anyway by being so watered down they may as well not exist. I don't want to reminisce as much as I want someone to build upon types of games that I like, which isn't happening. Indie games can be good but I've played plenty of them and so many of them are pretty generic 2D platformers that also don't do much of interest. I did like A Hat in Time, a good entry in another dead genre. I also enjoyed Sir, You Are Being Hunted to some extent as a Stalker-ish FPS, although it got pretty stale after a couple of playthroughs. I also like FPS games but those are the ones that suffer the most from the dichotomy I originally posted about: glorified rail shooters or open world sandboxes with no game design (which going back can be applied to SYABH). I played Dark Souls. It was cool, though I never finished it. Sekiro looked cool but like I said I've never been an action game person. I played through a few of the DMC games to some extent (along with MGR), which I enjoyed, but as well as branching out to other media (such as books) I just didn't like them enough to even finish them, let alone go and play From's newest game.

You're right in the fact that I don't play every game that's considered good because I don't like every genre of video games. A good JRPG means fuck all to me because I don't like JRPGs. That doesn't mean I just want to "reminisce" though. I want someone to take Thief 2 or X-COM Apocalypse and build on them rather than going 12 steps back. Because like I said, those games are not the "peak" of their genres in an absolute sense (like you were implying in your post) and there's plenty of things that could be improved. I bought and played XCOM 2 because it looked cool from the demos of it I saw but it suffered still from a lot of the issues of the original reboot in that it still is a step back from especially Apocalypse in the amount of things you can do in it.

>> No.15833198

>What are some books that will stop me from playing video games?
If you want to sate your thirst for power and action, unironically try boxing instead. If you're interested in something artistic, don't bother the medium is worthless. The only video games worth playing are puzzle games.

>> No.15833234

>The only video games worth playing are puzzle games.
Why? Most puzzle games have that numale soi aesthetic and no gameplay worth speaking of. It's a worthless genre in every aspect

>> No.15833252

Tetris is timeless.

>> No.15833294

On that I agree. Tetris and other versus puzzle games are alright

>> No.15833319

I read during the day and hit games or movies at night. Dont be too hard on yourself find a balance between study and work and relaxation and enjoyment.

>> No.15833390

>The moment games industry started following social trends
So since day 1?

>> No.15833440

Just fuck off OP. Sick of self-help faggots like you.

>> No.15833483

Play indie games. Like Undertale, Life is Strange, Return of the Obra Dinn, Momodora, Papers please, Plebby Quest, Stoneshard, Lisa, etc.

>> No.15833523

for the bros who actually enjoy vidya -- what are you playing?

im about to load up some f-zero GX

>> No.15833544

Go away /v/

>> No.15833556
File: 48 KB, 456x740, soy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15833558


>> No.15833569

I thought "boomers" or whatever the fuck these fags are calling themselves these days loved women in their video games?

>> No.15833598

first time?

>> No.15833614
File: 56 KB, 480x482, v.edditors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15833615

Diablo 1 and 2

>> No.15833629

>*click* *click* *click* gameplay with an autistic emphasis on build optimization
what a horrible suggestion for someone who is clueless about video games.

>> No.15833672

halfway through devil survivor 2, after this i'll probably go for mass effect since i'm really in the mood for space shit

>> No.15833687

There can be women in the gamw as long as the writer/producer is not an sjw.

>> No.15833699

all americuckistanis are SJWs, some just don't know it yet.

>> No.15833718
File: 233 KB, 690x323, diablo-the-butcher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u don't need an optimal build to beat the game, it's carried by great atmosphere and cool story telling.

>> No.15833749

>u don't need an optimal build to beat the game
no, but that's what diablo becomes after you play it enough.

>> No.15833811
File: 102 KB, 512x368, Andariel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well i recommended it as a one time playthrough. Not autism rune grind.

>> No.15834020


>> No.15834058


>> No.15834170

There's unironically nothing wrong with playing video games as an adult so long as you recognize them for what they are and don't take them too seriously or center your life around them. It's just a form of entertainment and no different from sitting on your ass and watching formulaic sitcoms or football for hours on end.

>> No.15834189

Hilariously, it might be Infinite Jest.

>> No.15834720

>There's unironically nothing wrong with playing video games as an adult
>It's just a form of entertainment and no different from sitting on your ass and watching formulaic sitcoms or football for hours on end.
pick one

>> No.15834750

The Synthesis of the Objective and Subjective

>> No.15834757

Neuromancer and then play Shadowrun for the SNES.

>> No.15834768

"Society" deems it fine as an adult to sit on your ass and watch formulaic sitcoms and football for hours on end. Sure, you're not getting anything from it, but you're not getting anything from reading trashy books either, which also counts as reading and is more than what some people do. Video games do rightfully get a stigma because of the kinds of people you generally see talking frequently about them but you get no more and no less from video games than you do from any of the other three things I mentioned.

>> No.15834829

>"Society" deems it fine as an adult to sit on your ass and watch formulaic sitcoms and football for hours on end.
Yes, but it's not a good thing.

>> No.15834879

Miss me with that fag shit.

>> No.15834899

I'm playing games 16hrs a day. Singleplayer games sucks especially modern. Multi-player and mmorpg is blessing from God

>> No.15835370

Some people aren't that smart or original but make great consumers, a fantastic audience. If you enjoy video games then just accept you're a bit of a thicko, stop trying to push through the membrane midwit.

>> No.15835380

stop caring about genre
good cyberpunk is just low fantasy with computers

>> No.15835446

Video games ARE books, they are books the computer reads in order to assemble the interactive experience of the game that is otherwise outside of this core operation. Your goal in playing video games, and in fact in the experience of any art, is ALWAYS to understand this functional metaphysics beyond the mediation of its content-form - that is how one improves at playing video games, and in fact this general operation of art is made more direct in video games as it is without the poetic spacing and guesswork of more traditional media (hence why people think it is not art)

>> No.15835460


>> No.15835474

Ready Player One will embarrass you out of it

>> No.15835505

>stop caring about genre

>> No.15835513

>good cyberpunk is just low fantasy with computers
Shadowrun isn't good cyberpunk though, it's literally fucking postmodern D&D.

>> No.15835531


>> No.15835542

>stop caring about genre
It's reasonable because genreshit fans will almost always give books they love slack because "it's for fun". I want something good, not something "good for being cyberpunk".

>> No.15835578

I transitioned from playing video games in my youth and still being somewhat social, to not gaming and instead scrolling the internet all day long and being addicted to information. It’s not even social media that I stay on, it’s just a crippling amount of science articles and political debates and what have you that my brain insists on keeping up with. I have an unbelievably strong urge to whip out my phone and just start surfing. The internet was a mistake for people like me.

>> No.15835780

you're too addicted to fast hits of dopamine
books take time to read unlike a quick match or level in your video games
find another way to stop gayming then think about reading

>> No.15836194

>for people like me
Look around, it's everyone. Discipline yourself and save your soul before it's too late.

>> No.15836306

Industrial Society and its Future