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15823271 No.15823271[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Literature to explain the shared relationship between ecofascists and marxists in cottagecore?

>> No.15823330

What am I reading?

>> No.15823348

the image by daniel boorstin

>> No.15823352

social media induced mental illness

>> No.15823357

Is there any greater proof that all ideologies are just making up for personality flaws.

>> No.15823358
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>> No.15823387

I thought porn was bad for the mind. I thought 4chan was bad for the mind. I thought hard drugs were bad for the mind. But I am now convinced, beyond any shred of doubt, that there is nothing worse for the mind than twitter. I have never read anything on twitter that is not retarded, profoundly and disturbingly retarded.

This is horrible. Fuck you OP. Fuck you for killing a thread with this unfathomable shit.

>> No.15823400
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JG Ballard.

>> No.15823433
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echo chambers are bad for the mind because the are feedback loops in which individuals who share similar distortions of perception fall in together and amplify their distortions; once the group is large enough there start to form smaller groups within the group that hyperspecialize in the discussion of incredibly specific distortions of perception – it is at this level where you can discover abject nonsense like "i'm still mad thigh high socks femboy coder light up keyboard aesthetic got taken over by fash"

runaway feedback loops are at the core of most modern dysfunctional arguments.

>> No.15823446

Both Marxists and fascists are reactionary against the neoliberal era. Not really any more complicated than that.

>> No.15823457

How does that relate to cottagecore?

>> No.15823475

Cottagecore is intrinsically reactionary. The entire aesthetic is romanticizing rural life in the year 1900 or so. Basically implies that past lifestyles were "more genuine".

>> No.15823506
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Marxists, as per usual, attempting to lay claim to something they had nothing to do with.

>> No.15823509

>Urbanites who wouldnt last a day camping romanticize rural living
This generation pisses me off more every day

>> No.15823528

They are trying to claim vaporwave is theirs too now

>> No.15823536

Am I a retard for not understanding anything they're saying?
Do they themselves even know what the fuck they're saying or do they just pretend?

>> No.15823602

Every aspect of personslity or culture has to be reduced down to the most minute possible label. Hence the string of words culminating into one subculture, which probably could have been adequately expressed through one term. You just have to be familiar with ever little detail of the particular subculture to keep up. Tiktok kids are extremely anti pc and have lately taken up anarcho primitivism and use Kaczynski as their mascot. Twitter trannies liked a similar aesthetic and are upset that their perceieved opposites are enjoying the same aesthetic.

>> No.15823623

>Am I a retard for not understanding anything they're saying?
no, they're discussing ultra-specific qualms with aesthetics (as opposed to content). cottagecore is the aesthetics of turn of the century pastoral little-house-on-the-prairie living (as in: the image and appearance of little house on the prairie, not the actual act of living on a little house on the prairie), their problem is that they believed this aesthetic (or this "look") belonged to them and that its purpose was to make their own ""ideologies"" more appealing, but aesthetics without content are just aesthetics (as i said, in this case "looks" partnered with performative behaviors – read: LARPing) and can be espoused (worn) by people regardless of ideological leanings.

they're mad because their aesthetic has been unglued from their ideology – something of which they are guilty of themselves, pastoralism has nothing to do with "queer anarchist anti racist", quite the opposite even – and has instead been co-opted (like i said, something they did themselves) by the opposing team.

>Do they themselves even know what the fuck they're saying or do they just pretend?
they do, but that doesn't mean that what they're saying is important or interesting. it's the same as saying "all my friends think the same (share an ideology), and to identify who my friends are we will now all wear red sneakers (an empty aesthetic signifier – read sneakers in and of themselves have nothing to do with being my friend or sharing my ideology). oh no, my enemies (ideological opposites) are now also wearing red sneakers, they're now masquerading as my friends or similars (no they're not).

>> No.15823627

what do they mean by aesthetics? i don't get it.

>> No.15823638

>that last tweet

i swear 'programming socks' has been a /g/ meme for over a decade.

>> No.15823665

But it is, it has been associated with anti-capitalist personas since at least 2011

>> No.15823704

It's tumblrspeak for a personality substitute.

>> No.15823727

vaporwave's aesthetic (the presentation of vaporwave) can be uncoupled from the music of vaporwave's first wave (as in uncoupled from the content of vaporwave – which is, as you say, inherently anti-capitalist). once uncoupled it can be applied basically anywhere, which is how we get fashwave.

once you uncouple the aesthetic from the content all bets are fucking off. the aesthetic starts out being a reference, a tip about "where to start looking at something" / "from what angle/through what lens should i observe this?" (something you can do due to the memory of what the aesthetic was originally coupled with) until it the memory fades through meaningless coupling (fashwave, cottagewave, etc etc) until the aesthetic becomes contentless (and therefore can be applied anywhere – it doesn't fucking matter anymore) and at that point you're literally just arguing over who gets to wear what while being unable to put forth any real arguments.

this is all really stupid i don't know why i'm still in this thread.

>> No.15823730

Sperg faggot Alan turing basically invented computers so he could larp as a girl.

>> No.15823738


Do any of these people actually understand philosophy or is it just “information as a trend,” a byproduct of hyper individualized internet communities linked into each others thoughts?

>> No.15823797

the fact that they're arguing over aesthetics as ridiculous as this should tip you off to the fact that while they probably care to some degree about ideological bases ("racism is bad", for instance) their real concern is with being identified with these ideologies (which is why the marry their aesthetics – all my friends wear red sneakers and you can tell who my friends are because of their red sneakers) which is why they're mad that people that do not share their ideologies are now also using the aesthetics they've co-opted ("now that other people are wearing red sneakers, how will my friends know that i am their friend?").

it's like if punks identified other punks (listeners of punk music) by dressing up like cowboys, but now metalheads are also dressing up like cowboys, how will the punks identify one another now?

>> No.15823813

Here is a list of every aesthetic known to man. I would appreciate it if someone could sort these in to ideological camps for me so I can choose a pair of sneakers that screams "I have dedicated my life to queering anarcho-monarchistic-green-mutualism".

>> No.15823821

the link

>> No.15823832

I can't help but feel like there is some important insight which can be extracted from this

>> No.15823850
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>> No.15823929


what the fuck am i looking at anymore

but anon, that's just synthpop with an edgy name whose packaging involves vague 80s futuro-nostalgia and some fucking pictures of meme philosophers.

the music itself is irrelevant, that clip could be playing anything, can't you see? it's just about the packaging. you feel for the empty aesthetic.

>> No.15823953

He was so based, and an excellent writer to boot.

>> No.15823994
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>conservation and environmentalism have once again been co-opted by teenagers with retarded ideologies
fuck I hate the internet lol

>> No.15824015

The youth eventually rebels against whatever is in vogue.

>> No.15824022


>this is your brain on social media ideologies

>> No.15824070

die tranny

this is a tranny thread, do not reply

>> No.15824086

Oh no, I understand that, I am talking about this on a meta level.

>> No.15824087

I'm going to go out on a limb and say that as a blanket statement, at an ontological, metaphysical, hardcoded level, anyone who cares about "antiracism" and "queer [thing]" cannot actually understand, or even care about, anything but status signalling. Both of these concepts are so utterly divorced from reality that they make engagement with reality impossible. I'd go so far as to say that they were intentionally designed by }}}them{{{ to lead people astray from having any actual power in the world (I don't believe this, but see how people can as it explains this behavior). Taking "antiracism" and "queer [x]" even slightly beyond the most absolute basic "ayyo FUCK whitey/straights/my-dad i want free shit yo" reveals trains of thought so shockingly out there (the logical end goal of both antiracism and queer [whatever] is the eradication of all life) that I'd dare say it's just impossible to unironically believe this shit.

The only way to hold such views is if you, in fact, do not actually hold these views and are doing it solely because the TV said you're a good person for saying you hold these views.

>> No.15824107
