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File: 111 KB, 1200x1200, ted-kaczynski-578450-1-420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15816805 No.15816805 [Reply] [Original]

Was he right?

>> No.15816818

Was matters not. Is does.

>> No.15816838

True enough. If he was right before, he is still right now.

>> No.15816849
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Reminder that Ted is ultimately a brainlet and everything he tried to say in his manifesto was said better and more eloquently by other, smarter thinkers.

>> No.15816864

Name them.

>> No.15816937

Yes, about everything.

and? lol

>> No.15816980


He was right on leftism, but we should find other ways to fix that problem than destroying technology

>> No.15817038
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reminder that ted is handsome and smart

>> No.15817150
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Linkola is better

>> No.15817164

is linkola eco fascist? im anprim but i don't mind eco fascist. we have the same goal but they want to work from the top.

>> No.15817167

hahahahaha, sure

>> No.15817208

>we have the same goal
read Kaczynski. Good god, how old are you guys?

Linkola is better? Hahahahahaha. Yes, let's make use of a government (a self-replicating system, a technological apparatus) to get rid of technology!

>> No.15817209

He was an anti-anthropocentric ecologist, knowing full well the consequences of the industrial revolution from the perspective of an environmentalist. Kaczynski is alright, but he's mostly a libertarian. If one sees Capital as the destructive process it is, strict authority and centralized power is needed to ensure sustainability. Anarchism is weak.

>> No.15817221

just like auth communist have the same goal of ancoms. it leads to the same goal which is communism.

>> No.15817227

You haven't read Linkola, faggot. Read Can Life Prevail.

>> No.15817241

I remember seeing some passage where he was whining about the left and how aggressive they were and that maybe they would get what they want if they asked nicely. Guy is a moron.

>> No.15817242

Also, since anarchism would never work, the alternative if one denies human governance, is Post-Humanist Accelerationism.

>> No.15817270

There is a reason why Linkola was a fisherman who enjoyed bird-watching, and TK a literal math genius who ran the only instance of successful terrorism in history (fuck off marc-édouard)

reminder that TK pressured the media into publishing a manifesto he hadn't written by the time they agreed to publish it. he proceeded to write it in three days. this is beyond our plebiean comprehension, nothing gets more based than that. imagine if al-qaeda managed to score an interview with george bush, but instead came unprepared and started scribbling their demands at the last minute.

>> No.15817305

either work from the top and heavily regulate market and put severe punishments or work from the bottom with anarchy and rebellion. accelerationism for the sake of it won't work, attack with the purpose of ecology and let it be known.

>> No.15817333

And it's still an influential piece of literature to this day. Uncle Ted is exceedingly based.

>> No.15817349

Linkola admitted that if he had the stomach to commit acts of terrorism, he would have most certainly done so. My preference for Linkola is strictly ideological. Libertarianism, or ideologies striving for weak power, will always be inferior to authority centered ones. Restricting the population, prohibiting certain technologies birthed within the last 10 years, and more are necessary to be acted upon by an authority.
Personally I think we're past the point of human action. Either global disaster strikes, ending capital and culling the population, or Capital resumes its entropic accelerative tendencies towards techno-capital singularity.

>> No.15817350

holy shit i didn't know about that.

>> No.15817437

>Personally I think we're past the point of human action.
spreading the word and waiting is something to do. in some places like mexico they are organizing some insurrection groups but they are nihilistic and just attack for the sake of acceleration.

>> No.15817508
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>Reminder that Ted is ultimately a brainlet
the anime poster says about the 160+ iq math prodigy that is respected in his respective academic circles.
>and everything he tried to say in his manifesto was said better and more eloquently by other, smarter thinkers.
doesn't matter, his works garnered attention because he took action rather than contemplated.

>> No.15817554

>everything he tried to say in his manifesto was said better and more eloquently by other, smarter thinkers.
Is it a fucking competition? Would those "smarter thinkers" somehow think Ted was wrong?

>> No.15817577
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>doesn't matter, his works garnered attention because he took action rather than contemplated.
>took action

He mailed some bombs and blew some people up, how is that any kind of meaningful, concrete action against industrial society? When last I checked, all it did was get him sent to prison and our hellish industrial capitalist society is still around.

You people just like him because you're chimps and you're easily impressed by big explosions and loud noises.

>> No.15817588

>blew some people up, how is that any kind of meaningful
not him. it brought attention and seriousness for the issue.

>> No.15817590
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He was right about everything except his solution.

>> No.15817591

Well, you have neither a point to make nor actions to show for it. Ted had both, regardless of how little you value the latter

>> No.15817601

>He mailed some bombs and blew some people up, how is that any kind of meaningful, concrete action against industrial society? When last I checked, all it did was get him sent to prison and our hellish industrial capitalist society is still around.
>what is memetics

>> No.15817611

>and our hellish industrial capitalist society is still around.
only action will change that. how did russia turned from monarchist to communist? with action and violence.

>> No.15817623
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anarcho cowboyism?

>> No.15817643

cowboys are degenerate and weren't the least bit "anti-technology" or "anti-civilization"

>> No.15817672
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anarcho nativism?

>> No.15818480
File: 36 KB, 328x500, 51hylzZ85KL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

read this. i will read anti tech after it. should i read the essay collection first? "technological slavery"

>> No.15818841
File: 109 KB, 1000x600, 100-CB_Pioneer-Hispanic-vaqueros-photographed-in-the-1890s_Wickenburg-Arizona-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.15818873

Elull, Marx, Lukacs and the Frankfurt School

>> No.15818911

Uncle Ted is incredibly based.
However, there are two important things that get me that I felt he didn't fully address:
>Define technology
>How can a society that shuns technology defend itself from one that doesnt

>> No.15818939

Fully addressed in anti tech rev.

>> No.15818959

I don't know about you guys, but if I didn't have access to technology I would have km

>> No.15819011

Why did Ted have to kill those people?

>> No.15819026

really? i read that and missed it. guess i'll have to go back.

>> No.15819045


>> No.15819047

gotta break some eggs to make an omelette
>hon hon

>> No.15819056

I disagree

He's right on some stuff, and kind of overlaps with Ted in some ways, but he lacks foresight (thought that Japan and the US would be the major sources of population boom), but ultimately behind his lifeboat ethics he just seems kind of autistic. His essays right after 9/11 justifying it are pretty crass, but not that different from what people were writing at the time tbf. You never really hear people arguing that the US brought it on themselves anymore

His overall point is right though, that if it's the difference between everyone dying and intentionally letting some die so some can live, the latter is the moral choice for those who want to protect life

>> No.15819067

Eco-fascism is an internet larp with no real definition. What Linkola advocated for was massive population reduction and reduction of harmful technology by essentially any means necessary, nothing to do with nationalism or anything like that

>> No.15819154

bullshit he explicitely mentioned strict authoritarian rule for the sake of ecological preservation. Actually read his book.

>> No.15819181

Yes. Consider reading David Skrbina’s Metaphysics of Technology
Not too hard of a read but gives some much welcome structure and refinement to Ted’s thinking

>> No.15819183

>better and more eloquently
you mean windingly? philosophy isn't a prose contest you mong

>> No.15819192

Technocrats are merely embodied progress. Nothing human about them beyond their appearance

>> No.15819751

I have actually read it

Strict authoritarian rule does not mean fascism, it just means the state enforcing environmental laws more harshly than they're currently doing

>> No.15819798

eco-fascism was mentioned somewhere near the introduction of the book

>> No.15819878

It's also mentioned on Wikipedia, that doesn't mean he's advocating for le based green skullmask in his writings

>> No.15820036

refer here

>> No.15820100

You post anime. Uncle Ted unpacked and dismantled your leftcuck atomized consoomer “culture”. Leaving you with nothing of value but an utterly fake and gay existence of cope. Stay mad, boy

>> No.15820483
File: 546 KB, 1125x1131, 1589772381444.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quinissential midwit thinker for 20-something mediocrities that picked up /pol/ beliefs to cope with their dissatisfaction in life

>> No.15820504

>pops antidepressant and writes poetry about feral coons ass ramming his mom while he jerks his dad off while wearing a fursuit.

That's how I see you spending your free time.

>> No.15820604

reminder that ted was an incel virgin who thought about changing his gender to be able to feel a female body at least once

>> No.15820626

it isn’t and never was influential outside of 4chan, nothing came out of it. keep larping

>> No.15820705

Cool, but what does anything written there have to do with fascism? That appears to just be a third party deciding that Linkolas writings are ecofascist because he advocates state restrictions on population and active reduction

>> No.15820773

It's becoming more influential and relevant every day

>> No.15820829

kys animetard

>> No.15820832

Bruh he despises democracy, wants a strictly controlled authoritarian government, is anti-individualist, anti-capitalist, need I say more?

>> No.15821189

Yes because those characteristics would equally apply to a communist, they are typical aspects of a fascist government but not the key point of what defines fascism

>> No.15821305

Technological Slavery contains ISAIF, read that first then Anti-Tech. I recommend all of his works but you should know that you can't unread what he asserts.

>> No.15821326
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Ted directly affirms this in Technological Slavery. Not the brainlet part, of course, but he had no illusions about originality. His singular goal was to expose the ideas present in his manifesto—original or not—to as large an audience as possible, and given that he managed to have ISAIF printed and distributed by the two largest newspapers in America, it's safe to say he succeeded.

>> No.15821371

>Define technology
Read chapters one and two of Ellul's Technological Society (Ted's primary influence)—"Techniques," and "The Characterology of Technique." I'm not sure if Ted ever uses the term "technology" intending to express something other than Ellul's concept of technique, but it ultimately doesn't matter, as mentally substituting the latter for the former in Ted's writing almost always results in highly cogent arguments.

>> No.15821381

thanks for reminding me that ted was based