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/lit/ - Literature

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15812034 No.15812034 [Reply] [Original]

Third way through this book. It's boring. Not interesting at all. The book can't even hold my attention, I've felt asleep twice reading it. Can't remember any characters. Only the "racist" parts are fun. Does it get better?

>INB4 dumb dumb adhd zoomie xD
I've read majority of books you tards talk about, including Greeks and Mishima, liked it all. This is boring af.

>> No.15812043

Yeah, it's a peak plebbit midwit kind of book.

>> No.15812074

please tell me thats not an official book cover

>> No.15812095

>cool desert
>cats getting shot
>early industrial weaponry
>public bathhouses getting ruined
seriously what more could you want lmao

>> No.15812211

It gets worse! The third quarter is completely aimless, without even the notional hook of revenge against the Indians or any greater degree of depravity. Just more of it. The ending is striking and makes most people go away feeling positively inclined.

Despite that, on a reread I enjoyed it much more.

>> No.15812226

Yeah I was bored too until it got to the child rape bit. That saved the book imo.

>> No.15813190

It's written in such a boring way. You could have the most interesting ideas but if you can't explain them in entertaining way, I won't read your book. But there aren't many interesting ideas here, just brutal/naturalisitic Wild West And violence, shit, blood and all that edgy shit. I could go type into Google and see woman being violated by the most abhorrent things, guys picking shit in mexico compared to the things on internet isn't shocking at all.

>> No.15813222

It drags on for another third, peaks, and drags on again. I agree the pacing is pretty rough (from a guy who complains about the relevancy of 300+ page books ironically). Personally, I’m ride or die with McCarthy (even though I’m pretty sure he will end up like John Updike or John Irving) because of his consistency and vision, but the older I get the more I feel like I forgave a lot of obvious weaknesses, failures, and gimmicks in his prose just because it was so exciting to find a guy who could emulate Faulkner and Melville in the same age of airport and livejournal prose writers (I know his career has spanned a pretty lengthy time but at the end of the day he’s a contemporary writer who offers specifically anti contemporary aesthetics and seemingly pulls it off).

tl;dr if you’re not sold by the time the Kid joins up with the gang, it’s probably not gonna be your kind of book. Ignore everyone who says shit about the language because honestly it’s subpar and overhyped by Bloom, whose opinion is based on the fact that he’s never read another Western. It’s just the old thesaurus + embedded literary reference slightly modified trick, popularized by John fucking Updike.

>> No.15813337

>reading for plot

Sounds like somebody got filtered

>> No.15813454

If plot isn't important, why does it have one? Your defence of this book is in reality critique. Why include something that isn't important to the idea you are trying to convey in the book? Perhaps becouse the idea can't stand on it's own.
It could be one of those absurdist books, where the plot is boring and unimportant, yet takes up majority of book's content. This isnt the čase.
Well, I am reading translation, but it isn't supposed to be bad one. Although who knows if the qualities critics nowadays expect from good translation something that doesn't make for factually good translation.
I find interesting that the book uses only "half-direct" speech, but in for example Czech literature, which I am fan of, this form has been used since approximatwly year 1902, nothing new to me.

>> No.15813989


>> No.15814607

I didn't say it wasn't important, retard

>> No.15814625
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>Blood Meridian

>> No.15814940
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>The ending is striking and makes most people go away feeling positively inclined.
This, I personally think its worth it for the conclusion as the middle serves to beat a certain mindset into you while ramping up to the events of said ending.
pic related is my endorsed pick for the /tv/ adaptation's casting of The Judge