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15807892 No.15807892 [Reply] [Original]

>reading iliad
>first chapter is excellent
>second chapter is literally just a list of every leader and their father and how many ships they’ve brought to troy
>actually titled the catalogue of ships

That was almost as unrewarding as the genealogy of Abraham. Please tell me this doesn’t happen again

>> No.15807927

if you knew something of greek
> geography
> mytho-geography
> dialects and relative distributions
> history, including mycenaean history, the supposed dorian migration and the ionian colonization of minor asia. and relative ethnography
you wouldn't havr been filtered by the catalogue.
unlike the bible, in the iliad every single letter is meaningful and decisive.

>> No.15807951

>2800 years old
>list of ships still filters plebs

>> No.15807954

I really didn't like the second chapter but it was fun recognizing certain people and looking at all the city states on a map

>> No.15807969

>’read the iliad first its the greasy work of western literature’
>’oh you know nothing of greek mytho-geography, kek, filtered’


>> No.15807977

haha my pleb version didn't even have the catalogue and it was in prose get rekt faggot

>> No.15807996

When you re-read it that part is more enjoyable. 'ma nigga Nestor is STRAPPED'.
yes, i'm profane.

>> No.15808001

Yes, Myth predates Literature,

>> No.15808013

This was more epic when a bard was reciting this aloud to fellow family and city members to while garnishing a patriotic, proud mood. It's not as epic to the modem reader unless you view it in the sense they did.

>> No.15808018

really nice way to put it into perspective, I now understand it's necessity, thanks anon!

>> No.15808028

Yeah it's like the pregame in sports when they introduce everybody to get all riled up. You don't need to memorize all the characters or study them

>> No.15808029

I’m reading the prose version, what’s your point?

Did your version just say ‘they had loads of ships’

>> No.15808031

It's because it's meant to be performed to aristocratic warrior peers who know everyone's lineages, homelands, and deeds in detail. You, like muh Western civilisation, are not aristocratic or a warrior or a hero, and never will be.

>> No.15808058

lmao who the fuck said you to read the iliad first? the iliad is something you keep reading amd re-reading while building your knowledge of the greek culture and language. fully understanding the iliad is the privilege a few.
at school the first authors you translate are lysias, gorgias, etc. meanwhile you study greek philosophy and you apporach esiod, the lyricists and the historians. you pass through the whole canon and you keep reading the iliad for 5 years, and plato for 3 years. this is how one deals with a superior people like the ancient greeks.

>> No.15808074

Virgin detected

>> No.15808101

>unlike the bible, in the iliad every single letter is meaningful and decisive.
Too long for you, huh? Filtered

>> No.15808105
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I'm halfway through the Iliad right now and I have to admit, getting filtered by the catalog of ships is pathetic. It wasn't even that bad, I just started skimming it partway through. Only after I finished it did I even realize it was the catalog of ships.

>> No.15808120

>in the iliad every single letter is meaningful and decisive.
Ya read it in translation pinhead

>> No.15808137

Claim your husbandos, for me it's Diomedes

>> No.15808158

>calls others filtered
>skims parts of a book

I hope you’re joking

>> No.15808162

Would Diomedes be as cool without Athena's favor?

>> No.15808201

It's literally just a list of names.

>> No.15808213

yeah you got filtered lol

>> No.15808225
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What a waste. No one even remembers all that shit unless you're a literal PhD classics scholar specializing in the Iliad.

>> No.15808254


>> No.15808464


>> No.15808500

But imagine how fucking sick it would be if some travelling bard recited all that shit and knew all about your ancestors and your culture and shit?

>> No.15808553
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This is why you read ossian.
the only list by him is one kings list.
the rest is entirely story.
he wasn't called "the greatest poet that has ever existed" by Jefferson for no reason.

>> No.15808572

So you're saying Jefferson had no reason for not calling him the greatest poet that has ever existed, yet he did not call him that?

>> No.15808584

>he thinks double negatives are incorrect

>> No.15808804

Pleb detected

>> No.15808809

No, you RECITE it.

>> No.15808816

Fucking illiterate.

>> No.15808826

My favorite catalogue is the catalogue of dwarves from th Edda.

>> No.15808843

>No, you RECITE it.
Okay, that's pretty respectable if you read the Iliad aloud to yourself as you read it. My Latin teacher always said that's how the Romans read to themselves.

I'm not personally going to do that, I already talk to myself enough as is. I don't need people to think I'm straight up schizo by reading stuff aloud to myself.

>> No.15808887

Op you utter retard. Come let me hold your faggot hand.
As >>15807927 said, geography is key in understanding the catalogue of ships.
And for the bible you have to LOOK UP the meaning of the names to understand why the names are listed. The names themselves provide info about who they were what they did.

>> No.15808918


>> No.15808969
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>> No.15809518

Imagine being at the wine drinking party with your friends listening to Homer and he recites the name of your city state and how many ships you sent.
Why do barbarians even bother, this is not for them.

>> No.15810175

This. It's the ancient Hellenic equivalent of "HELLO CLEVELAND!!!" and if you're the bard who's doing the reciting at that wine party, you god damn well better include it.

>> No.15810247

welcome to Homeric scholarship, try looking on google earth at the locations mentioned

>> No.15810283

no, you call upon the muses and they possess you,homer calls upon the muses a second time before he starts the catalog of ships

>> No.15810306

Tell me now, Muses, who live on Olympus – since you are goddesses, ever present and all-knowing, while we hearing rumour know nothing ourselves for sure – tell me who were the leaders and lords of the Danaans. For I could not count or name the multitude who came to Troy, though I had ten tongues and a tireless voice, and lungs of bronze as well, if you Olympian Muses, daughters of aegis-bearing Zeus, brought them not to mind. Here let me tell of the captains, and their ships.

>> No.15811465

Irrelevant question. He receives Athena's favor because he's so fucking cool to begin with.

>> No.15811508

>his self esteem is based on whether some slut lets him into her soft hole

>> No.15811516
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>reads the Iliad in translation

>> No.15811533
File: 276 KB, 800x667, 3D045B73-BF24-4EDE-A970-898A44D64623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The catalogue of ships is the biggest pleb filter in history. And guess what, OP...

>> No.15811604


You are pathetic in the extreme

>> No.15811628

I have very little knowledge of mycenaean history but I still enjoyed the catalogue of ships. It's got this serialism feeling I always enjoy. Aesthetically pleasing.

>> No.15811665

this but unironically

>> No.15811673
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>the hardest pleb filter in Western literature is at the beginning of its first book

>> No.15812230


>> No.15812253

Everyone who says that part is not boring is lying to themselves. Its also not a reason to stop reading the book.

>> No.15812264

He gets wounded by that fucking faggot Paris

>> No.15812269

For only six kilobytes this image of George Costanza is fucking exquisite. It's even decently sized. The compression artifacts have been extremely merciful on this basis boy.