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15807030 No.15807030 [Reply] [Original]

Any advice for a zoomer with a short attention span who wants to start reading?

>> No.15807055

Read some Percy Jackson bro!

>> No.15807060

Hunger Games

>> No.15807061

cut yourself off from your devices. Only open your phone, laptop, etc when you're going to do work. When you're bored, read. Your brain will adjust.

>> No.15807067


>> No.15807093

Read them when I was a baby zoomer, do I read them again unironically?
Seems a bit extreme

>> No.15807098

Zoomer here. Put your smartphone on "do not disturb" or simply put it away. Don't listen to music with voices while reading, only instrumental. If are really fucked up, use the Pomodoro technique. And finally, start with something short, like 200 or 300 pages, not easy, just short.

>> No.15807109

Fuck off autist

>> No.15807111

Stop being on the internet. Unironically.

>> No.15807117

Read short but interesting stuff.
Try Einsteins Dreams

>> No.15807156

this, or adderall. there's no alternative. either cut yourself off from distractions, or medicate the distractions away.

>> No.15807161

These two
are the only good advice in this thread. I also suggest you start mudra meditation to increase your attention span. 10 min a day should be enough and after two weeks or so increase it by 5 min.
The most important part is that you have to want to do it and not be a faggot about it

>> No.15807185

Don't actually read Percy Jackson you stupid fuck, I'm a zoomer too and even though I used to read a lot and far beyond my reading level when I was younger, I slowed down on reading and started to favor devices/being online (for social media, movies, tv shows, etc ). However, I've been getting back into reading since the quarantine started and it's a lot more gratifying than all that other shit that I had (and you probably have also) gotten into. If you go offline and just start reading more and more, you'll inculcate a better attention span, trust me dude

>> No.15807189

Why Mudra Meditation specifically?

>> No.15807191

Just got back into reading again as well, what worked for me was starting with shit that was easily digestible and entertaining over all else. I started with 1984 and found it an easy read while still being fun, you can try cutting yourself off from devices like others said, but at the end of the day if you aren't just reading for the sake of reading then it'll be much easier.

>> No.15807203

Read two books at the same time. Once you finish a short section or get to a break of one, switch to the other. Back and forth. This is what I did to start being able to focus on things

>> No.15807208

start reading

>> No.15807216
File: 56 KB, 735x395, borges.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start short. Read short stories and books with shorter chapters.

Actually, just go ahead and start reading Borges, he ONLY wrote short stories. He'll also blow your mind a few times and show you what genuinely good fiction is capable of.

>> No.15807232

Start with non fiction to fill up any holes left behind by the poor education you received growing up, then move on to the Greeks. If you do it right you won't start the Greeks until you reach 23.

>> No.15807237

Library of Babel is based, and is actually a good philosophical thought expirement to set you on the course to think more critically

>> No.15807330

What does that even mean? If you want to concentrate, you need less distractions. It doesn't matter if you are reading or studying.

>> No.15807369

Unironically pick a book and read outsite of wifi range. Or get yourself a kindle.

>> No.15807438

>Read them when I was a baby zoomer, do I read them again unironically?
No, YA is for people who literally have never read before and need something zoomer tier to start easy and build the habit.

If you've read before and want to graduate from zoomer tier, hit up whatever classics you think sound good. Classics are classics for a reason, it means they stood the test of time and aren't boring. Unless its a classic because its a meme or some pseudo intellectual philosophising shit

George Orwell 1984 is very short, easy to read, plus its a meme book from pop-culture that everyone pretends to have read. So you can dunk on them by actually understanding it and not just pretending to.

Catch-22 is another easy read, and its funny. It's also a pop-culture staple

>> No.15807463

>start with something short, like 200 or 300 pages, not easy, just short.
Short doesn't matter if its not easy.

If he really has no attention span he needs to be grabbed quick and not be reaching for the dictionary every page.

So best-sellers which are popular by attracting and keeping the lowest common denominator. Stephen King - the Shining, stuff like that

>> No.15807531

I'm referring to intermediate or "midwit" books, not fucking Kant or something like like that. Reading books like The Hunger Games it's a waste of time, not only because the content it's bad itself, these kind of books train you to stay in a lower lever. You want to improve your reading skills.

>> No.15807558

I told him not to read YA. But if he's having trouble getting into the habit he has to start with something accessible like best-seller fiction. It's literally designed to grab and keep attention

>> No.15807639

Start with short stories. JD Salinger's Nine Stories

>> No.15807641

Gospel of John, from the New Testament. It's the shortest and if all goes well it will offer you a compass to find a medium length attention span.
I have a very short attention span too, managed to get through Gospel of John and Gospel of Mark (which is the second shortest lol). Gospel of Luke is supposed to be most shiny, but got bogged down a couple of pages in.
Yeah. There is nothing more concise and compressed than the Bible, so it will offer you the most information for time invested. Can't beat that.
Good luck z\oomer

>> No.15808136

Based biblebasher

>> No.15808154

Read my post.

There, once again you have completed a goal related to reading.

>> No.15808233

Read my short story:


- Now let's tell an adventure
We take the red cape and the wolf
- Right
Red cap or was it snow cap
No you don't come in here with that
Wolves or elves, she was a fly mushroom
Or she had her period blood
Then she must in the forest of the shaman go
He has wolf skin as a cloak
Then she has her grandmother with her
She's such a seeress
Then she dries her clothes on the stove
Or was it the red cap
Then she drinks wine and bread
Then comes the cat
- Look at that beast there
He talks! Rejoice! A cat has a voice!
Then she has to go to bed
She starts to see things
Then the wolf must take care intead
So she must be on the side
She might vomit in her mouth
Then choke up and die

>> No.15808241

Go to mexico and get metilfenidato, or methylphenidate, the generic of ritalin. Just take 5mg everyday, no more. Never increase

>> No.15808316


Then she has to pee
She has pissed fly mushrooms wine
Please do it in bed with me
Wolf says it will be fine
Then we twist the cloth
Put in some juice
Then she doesn't taste piss broth
She is tied to her foot
Then she sets the rope
under the foot of the tree
Maybe she's got pregnant?
Was that the stool she buried?
- He was pervo freak!
Says the pope
They are just envious
They have a penis jealousy
For my bread and my wine
Had their people in extacy
Then they showed great judgment
There will be no children of this sort
- Let's say he tried
- Using the mushroom to become her god?
We can say that if you see God
On non-alcoholic wine and dry biscuits
Then the priest has managed to transform it Into marvelous toys
And if not, he only touches boys
Or maybe he just didn't like it
To lose competition against a fly agaric
Then the shaman has a pervert sprout
- Then you deserve to know
- That story was all about
- Shamans and red cloaked stools
Yes, it's an original adventure
Yes, people can now wonder about those tools
- Is the adventure out
- So it is inside too
At least great judgment was shown
Brew some tea to see
If it is true.

>> No.15808325

I‘m a late millennial who can barely go for more than ten pages at a time in serious books. I‘ve mostly just come to accept that anything I want to read will take me a year (granted I‘m reading other things at the same time though.)

Having said which depending on how much I actually care about the book I‘ll either speed read (not enunciating every word in your head—good for not particularly poetic writers but obviously you don‘t want to read the Iliad this way. I was able to up my page count to about 30/hour on The Plot Against America this way) or if I really don‘t care and am reading something just as a reference to understand it somewhat I‘ll get the audiobook to listen to while playing vidya or driving.

>> No.15808662

go back to tik tok, your generation can't read for shit

>> No.15808741


>> No.15808835
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another zoomer fag trying to read here
what are some non-political informational advice books a zoomer should read?
i'm going to try reading the Encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding now.

>> No.15808870

turn off your computer monitor and cell phone when reading, it will help you not distaract