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15799843 No.15799843 [Reply] [Original]

You always hear about cities in the past as being the centers of cultural movements. Like 19th century Paris, or post-war New York. But you don't hear about that anymore. What happened? Is it just that you don't hear about it when you're in it, or is it that we don't really have any big defining cultural movements? Has the internet just decentralised things to such an extent that cultural centers are outdated? Or were those cultural centers just massively overrated?

>> No.15799883

the last possibility of literary culture in the West died in 2012 with the demise of non-SJW white hipster culture

>> No.15799891

Internet probably. Why keep culture contained in Paris or New York when you can have it anywhere?

>> No.15799950

You all know what the real answer is so stop pretending.

>> No.15799957


>> No.15800066

What do you mean?

What culture even is there now? I feel like postmodernism was just a massive cultural cul de sac and we can't get out of it

>> No.15800088

The rat race precludes anyone but the individual rising and w the perversions being railed at us and money being a singular measurement force there comes no reason to have a cultural capital.
There was a social reward to having a community but the rewards have decreased while being a 'celebrity' is greater but that's antithetical to man

>> No.15800090

you say that as if postmodernism is the philosophy the average person carries, which it isn’t at all. there is just a mass depression aka ‘mental health crisis’ or whatever you want to call it, and people are becoming increasingly political as a result which is the only change im witnessing

>> No.15800098

>cities in the past as being the centers of cultural movements
in 2020 the cities are run by the left, and the left is violently anti-culture, It's literally that simple

>> No.15800143

The internet has made IRL culture irrelevant. You could have a group of genius-tier, cutting-edge writers all living by choice or circumstance in the same city, but unless they have some kind of consistent internet presence their existence is utterly irrelevant.

>> No.15800151

Then why didn't literature do this? Internet culture has become a haven because outside your mom's basement life fucking blows

>> No.15800157

Capitalism kills culture.
Capitalism kills community.
Capitalism kills creativity.

>> No.15800158

People will try to tell you it's because of the sjws or jews or whatever but in reality it's just the postmodern condition
neoliberalism is a hell of a drug

>> No.15800221

It's not even about cultural centers imo, it's a general thing about western culture, there has been no real cultural progress in the last 20 years (30 at most). Anyone who knows anything about music history knows what i'm talking about, there has been no new movements nor youth cultures since the 80s.

The point is not muh past was better than the present, music nowadays is just 80s-90s nostalgia, even in the underground scenes, there's nothing new nor any new interesting ways of thinking about music. This is extended to other art forms and expressions. We're exponentially accelerating technological progress, but culture has completely stagnated. Truly, everything is changing but nothing is happening

>> No.15800286

the 40's commie ascetic isn't culture retard

>> No.15800306

>there has been no new movements nor youth cultures since the 80s
Completelt wrong

>> No.15800318

>It's a "anon tries to blame everything in the key but had no idea what he actually means by left" episode

If you seriously think that all cities are run by the left then you're fucking insane. You'd have decryed most of the major cultural centers op was referring to as leftwing too.

>> No.15800343

Which one?

>> No.15800364

I don't quite agree with his timing, but the major youth movements of the 90s were starting to lean into being rehashes of previous ones, and I wouldn't say there has been much since the early 2000s that wasn't just "X time in the past was cool"

I suppose you could count internet culture as the major driving force of our times, but it's basically just devolved into vapid narcissism and anger

>> No.15800409
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>there has been no real cultural progress in the last 20 years (30 at most)
Curious how that very closely overlaps with the advent of neoliberalism
Read Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher

>> No.15800456

>music history knows what i'm talking about, there has been no new movements nor youth cultures since the 80s
>This guy is stuck listening to acid house
You alright m8? There's new drugs out there to die of youtube.com/watch?v=YNn51e11_dQ

>> No.15800472

Did already and it influenced some of my ideas about cultural stagnation (I bit "everythings changing but nothings happening" straight from him), but most of the time I like to be short sighted about speculative cultural questions because it's easy to be lead into reductionism.

>> No.15800474

Well, culture doesn't really need a physical centre or location anymore, I reckon. Even universities are slowly shifting online.

Maybe not so physically tangible, but there have definitely been movements. Look at the rise of (mostly garbage) electronic music, dubstep, edm, etc, or more niche stuff like vaporwave and dreampunk. Or the rise of nu metal and alt rock. I suppose they aren't movements, but still tangible musical shifts, imo.

>> No.15800484

The internet is the thing that killed culture in the sense of hipness, which is what you’re getting at in this thread. Hip is just the status quo or the underground and how those social codes migrate into the mainstream and become commodified nicely packaged aesthetics -cores -waves -punks etc. With the internet, there is no distinction between the underground and the mainstream, the transition from hip to unhip happens instantaneously, and an new trend injected into it instantly becomes a replicable social code to anyone who has access to it, their are no other barriers to entry (this is the potentially the only good thing about this model, but it backfires 99% of the time). With the advent of the internet, the dynamics of culture (hipness) become subjugated to the logic of the market, instantly rendering any would be trend a banal imitation by a consumer of the highest degree.

>> No.15800486

yeah I'm sorry
It become pretty clear from the second paragraph but I posted before reading it

>> No.15800499

status quo of* the underground

>> No.15800547

New drugs but no new music to go along with them, feels pretty bleak desu. Don't know what the video is supposed to prove, it 80s british rave

>> No.15800738

>no new music
Lad, shit doesn't sound like acid house anymore, I just put that in in case you were having a flashback. There was youth culture in the 90s, 00s, and onwards. You might not like it but BTS are bigger than the Beatles and by implication Jesus
The idol bands (arguably starting from Britney and Louis Walsh at the end of the period you demarcated) are a massive shift in culture from how Factory records ran its contests.

>> No.15800844

As a big fan of Kpop, I can tell you that no kpop group really does anything new
All they do is rehash and reminisce just like the rest of the music industry(and all other art) which is haunted by lost futures

>> No.15800858

>no new music
>In a time when more independent musicians are able to host and spread their music across all platforms
>Doesn't count the evolution of rap from gangster rap, to pop rap, to the revival of rap squads (Odd Future, etc.) to mumblecore rap, to new experimental sounds
>Doesn't count Vaporwave/plunderphonics which has become synthwave and lo-fi anime beats
>Missed out on Folk Punk and that whole wave during the mid 2000's
Just because you aren't listening to new music doesn't mean it doesn't exist

>> No.15800910

Except the technology and style of dance necessary to kpop's survival only gets invented around the 90s/00s
>rehash and reminisce
Music has been doing this for centuries but it takes immense stubbornness to not see the difference in culture that produces this
And this

>> No.15800933

The internet is the only existing city.

>> No.15800940

Why are you all pretending like this isn't because of niggers and muslims?
Stop being dishonest with yourselves.

>> No.15800942


>> No.15800974
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It’s a style, and one the west also mimicked, but they both fell victim to the monstrous ugly buildings with the huge spaces in between. Both being capitalist countries after all is said and done.

Oh, you didn’t know the USSR was practicing state capitalism?
Yeah, y’know, read a book sometime maybe.

>> No.15800984

>Folk Punk

Good lord Id rather have no culture

>> No.15800991

>Is it just that you don't hear about it when you're in it, or is it that we don't really have any big defining cultural movements? Has the internet just decentralised things to such an extent that cultural centers are outdated? Or were those cultural centers just massively overrated?
Yes to all three.

>> No.15801000

Seattle, November 2016

>> No.15801008

Not him but it sounds like it might be like the Fugs which would be pretty based.

>> No.15801009

That's when I went back to Seattle

>> No.15801017

>capitalism has existed for only 40 years

>> No.15801018


We can both agree that youth culture is a thing nowadays (as in, it exists) and that BTS and other massive musical phenomena are the biggest shows probably in all of music history. What irks me though is that all of these music just sounds either purely derivative or nostalgic to me, there are no new conceptions on what music is or what it does.

I know derivativeness is essential to music in some sense, but it has changed from creating something new with what you have to just tweaking already existing ideas (nostalgia and autistic fusion genres come to mind). Compare how Throbbing Gristle is derivative of psychodelia (best example desu) to how Vaporwave is derivative of 80s synthpop, it's fucking nuts.
This applies to what you said as well, i've been infatuated with most of the things you mentioned at some point of my teenage years (except folk punk), but all i've gotten out of them is a sense of repetition, and not this wow factor i've personally gotten from listening to old groundbreaking shit, like Throbbing Gristle. I agree that musical production is completely different, but not much is done with that, maybe only further technical specialization

>> No.15801045

Yeah I wish. Folk punk is like Gogol Bordello and the Front Bottoms. It’s a convention of posers who are butthurt they didn’t get to see Fugazi live and always need to find the next punk enclave rather than letting it die.

>> No.15801077

The only thing that is actively experimenting and attempting to break new ground (IMO) is hip hop, honestly. But if you expect these things to be as big as BTS that shit ain't happening. Nobody listens to the truly unique acts until well after they've been established in their careers.


>> No.15801079

It goes in stages. You know people in the Victorian age complained about the state of things too? You’re familiar with Dickens, no?
But it’s the whole gist of the system that makes things like this. The ugly competition motive, the slavery and disparity between classes. The money at the core. That’s held high culture back as much as it ever funded it when it felt like it.
I’m not wrong.

>> No.15801113

>What irks me though is that all of these music just sounds either purely derivative or nostalgic to me, there are no new conceptions on what music is or what it does.
That has in part always been the case
However, there are plenty of new developments, not least because of technology. The dubstep drop is a comparable change to moving from 8 track mixing.
>Compare how Throbbing Gristle is derivative of psychodelia (best example desu) to how Vaporwave is derivative of 80s synthpop, it's fucking nuts.
Throbbing Gristle was supposed to be about derivatives. The main band members had surgeries to look more like each other in one of the most bizarre tranny moment of a century that also create Jerry Springer. I think you have nostalgia for a period where you felt young, and the youth of today really don't see things the same way or listen to the same music.
Btw, there's no way you're a kpop fan. I think you're ignorant of what the minimum level to be a fan or how closely they gatekeep that.

>> No.15801134

Gogol Bordello are fun. It's good dance music. I don't know what they're like outside their music, or what half their lyrics mean, but they are fun to dance to.

>> No.15801135

>The main band members had surgeries to look more like each other
Lady Jane was never in TG, Gen didn't even meet her until much later.

>> No.15801193


Yeah, hip hop and electronic music has seen a wide variety of experimentation recently which i appreciate, Death Grips being one of the best as its the kind of thing you listen to and go "this is either really good or absolutely shit", mark of good music. These developments have been very atomized though, its hard to consolidate them into one thing that could constitute a new approach to looking at things (unless atomization IS the new approach, if so that's depressing).

It's not about how many people are into it or how famous it is, industrial music probably started out with 100 people paying attention to it, it's about people coming together to propose new ideas implemented in distinctive ways, imo.

>> No.15801222

Even Kanye ripped off Death Grips, they aren't that new or exciting anymore

>> No.15801235

lol, yeah I fucked up on that count (though they have later albums around the time of her death) I got her confused with Cosey Fanni Tutti but to be fair it doesn't stop them being derived from earlier work which relies on mass replication and depravity, since she was even more focused in dada.

>> No.15801264

The chanpagne communist faggots of old had at least a decent sense of aesthetics made decent transgressive paedo art, todays leftists are disneyfied consumer cattle with pink hair

>> No.15801265

Electronic music is alive and well, many genres and subcultures all around the world. Producers and djs making the best shit ever.
I think we often dont know whats up because verything is so fragmented now. At first i thought this new city is boring as shit until i webt to the right parties and boy howdy shit was fucking unbelievable every time i went partying. That was before the china virus hit. Now most clubs are out of business. But i'm sure the lockdown produced tons of new great music with all the producers at home/in the studio for months.

>> No.15801275

Berlin still exists?

>> No.15801284


I find it hard to find inference from technological change to cultural change. A priori it would seem really obvious that such a relation exists, but i think the sign of the times is leaps in technological development holding hands with cultural stagnation. A clear sign of this imo is social media making everyone less productive and giving less incentive to create new things.

I disagree about TG, and i mostly disagree about trying to make TG into one thing, if anything they hated the idea of being pinned down in such a way. This is pretty evident imo looking at the track record of COUM. I'm very young and no i didn't mean fan of kpop either

>> No.15801309

I already mentioned the experimentation in electronic music has been pretty good, but i find that the party scene is still trapped with industrial in particular, I Hate Models comes to mind

>> No.15801329

If such city exists in 2020 it's probably somewhere in China or Russia.

>> No.15801348

>find inference from technological change to cultural change. A priori it would seem really obvious that such a relation exists, but i think the sign of the times is leaps in technological development holding hands with cultural stagnation
You probably are too young to see it. Kids who were buying Britney were buying tapes as often as not. Now charts have stopped counting albums sales which include merch, they contend with bots and fandoms which can black out the internet, and you can make an album without renting a studio. Social media gives a great incentive to do these things, greater than the idol contests themselves. Girls in the 1990s were not de rigueur posting pictures of their tits and ass and a choreographed dance sequence everyday for Reddit gold. They were wearing baggy shit and talking about killing themselves face to face or over a landline.
>TG is not one thing
Neither is dada but those movements are a big influence on TG and people inspired by TG. Shit like no wave cinema and all the other developments of industrial aren't without their heroes. That's why there's a lot of shit in the performances which would not be out of place in 1920s Berlin or Paris.

>> No.15801367

It's true yet cuckservatives like >>15800286 will recoil instantly when confronted with this fact and call you a "commie" or something to defend their bourgeois overlords that actively destroy the culture conservatives pretend to care about preserving .

>> No.15801406

But nowadays its the bourgeoisie who are the communists. Face it there is nothing more transgressive and avant garde under this globohomo cultural climate than merely refusing to apologize for being white and straight. Under the kali yuga of neoliberal political theology what is the most abominable of crimes the ultimate blasphemy and the foulest act of sodomy if not the steadfast defense of order the family and the one true God? Read SIEGE, faggot.

>> No.15801445

By general rule everything that was cool and avant garde a generation ago becomes the unbearable base of banal reality. Downtown NYC artfags throbbing gristles Cyberpunks CCRU and other mkultra assets all had their fun with it from the 60s to 90s, now its our turn to suffer.

>> No.15801455

flooded with 3rd world culture

>> No.15801459

>conservatism is the new punk, guys
Truly laughable

>> No.15801466

Yeah you need to expand that back past the Greeks

>> No.15801477

What does this look like in practice? Headlines, PR work, and Twitter retards don't count

>> No.15801502

Conservatism is a ziojew derivation of trotskyism, im not a comservative, i'm an esoteric hitlerist and a national socialist revolutionary.

>> No.15801525

>But nowadays its the bourgeoisie who are the communists.
Baseless claim to deflect from the real problem.
Until you recognize that capitalism has done nothing good for your people/culture/whatever you larp about you are just a racist liberal. Being against communism doesn't mean you have to defend the system that's been used to subvert european culture.

>> No.15801532

I mean just listen to our self proclaimed 'communists' 'anarchists' and 'radical queers' and you'll realise they are barely distinguishable from the hr and marketing departments of our major corporations, school authorithies and the psychiatric establishment. I see Sam Hyde as more of a spokesman for the turned on revolutionary youth of america than anyone on the left.

>> No.15801539

You need to get off 4chan every now and then, go outside and try to socialize or something. Not everyone is the boogeyman you've conjured in your head.

>> No.15801630

A small selection of exceptional people create great things, in the past and in the present. The internet, being the main stage of culture and having given a voice to almost every member of the dysgenic homo-humanity, has in its excess created far more objects to sieve through to find these great things. And if you mean "we're exponentially accelerating technological progress but we are not applying the same motive of progression to humanity" then you would be right.

>> No.15802732

SJW faggotry is not communism, it's just faggotry

>> No.15802799

Globalism, every city is more or less the same now.

>> No.15802846

don't you have to be 18 to post on 4chan?

>> No.15803099

cost cutting has made any form of professional mass culture production inaccessible to all but the wealthy and well-connected, which is why mass culture has severely declined in quality in the last few years. you live in the flowering of the mid-2000's unpaid internship

>> No.15803118

international style was created by western architects patronized by western corporations

>> No.15803134

every single one of those things is backwards looking, though

>> No.15803217

Cities are still considered to be cultural centers, in fact they are moreso now since manufacturing led the cities, giving culture a greater share of its exports.

I think that the lack of "big defining cultural moments" is due to the atomization of culture. postmodernism and the internet have made it so that culture is no longer a hegemony. There is no more dominant culture, it's a collection of fluid subcultures that bleed into each other.

>> No.15803422

Alan Moore sucked his ass and says exactly the same thing.

>> No.15803444

The West is exhausted. It actualized a long time ago. The cities are no longer centers of culture. They're pure decadence. Not only that, no more culture is present in the being of the West. I often analogize today's SJWs and anti-whites to the Christians who destroyed pagan monument in the Rome Empire. But that's not even correct -- at least the early Christians had intellectual and spiritual substance in figures like Origen of Alexandria. The Christians would build medieval Europe. The SJWs and anti-white are pure negation and death. They are Satanic.

>> No.15803504

But precisely that may be the point. I think that as a reaction to that overwhelming bullshit of social media, the future may be in relatively small clubs or communities of people connected with friendly others, communities with small social media presence, where you can only get into by "invitation" so to speak, connect with members of your city IRL, etc. That sort of exclusiveness, even elitism, almost "secretive", may have future in a world where internet public presence is so socially required to the point of being asphyxiating.

>> No.15803606

that's the problem, though, as soon as said club begins to produce work of quality someone in it will break it open to share or make a buck. it could only function with total anonymity and some kind of punishment for anyone who makes it public

>> No.15803802

Exactly what I thought when I saw that list
None of it is new music

Everything now is a revival, a reboot or a "reimagining" of something from the 20th century. Sampling is ubiquitous.
Thats not to say it cant be entertaining, but only the ignorant would consider it original.

>> No.15804066
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>The dubstep drop is a comparable change to moving from 8 track mixing.

This is what zoomers actually believe

>> No.15804315

I agree that the future of the artform belongs to distinctive communities, each with their own slang and standards as to the amount of knowledge a prospective "member" about that group's memetic history, in-jokes etc. The internet isn't the sole reason for this, but society itself is deeply fractured today and there is no sense of common goal or community. The trouble is that at the moment there is still an establishment, central news system which acts as a kind of means for all tribes and groups to hear what is going on within different groups and to the system as a whole. But these newspapers and so on are rapidly declining, which suggests that the future may very well lack any kind of core to which all groups will check as a means of keeping up with life outside of their own rather solipsistic bubble. When this takes place society will, metaphorically speaking, resemble the kind of nation observed in the middle east and elsewhere (Syria, for example) where different tribes of various religious convictions each live separate to one another but work and live alongside one another under the condition that the state itself remains secular. Culturally speaking this means that the future promises greater and greater division and fracturing to the point where any kind of transcendent ideal or value is impossible (other than perhaps a shared sense of nostalgia for past cultural forms, e.g. The Simpsons' early series). The future in my opinion is very bleak, and I don't see things improving at all. Real life itself is increasingly irrelevant, and there has never been a society to my knowledge which places so much emphasis on youth and respecting and promoting the views (often aggressive, violent, irrational, ill-informed) of the very young, while simultaneously denigrating the elderly and your own ancestors.

>> No.15804502

YASSS! This! So much this!!

>> No.15804518

Seattle 2020. Raz Simone is the most relevant cultural figure in the most relevant city. If you deny that, you must be white

>> No.15804610

>Capitalism has done nothing good
>posted on the internet through a computer system

God you kids are cringe, stop blaming x for your failures and get.the.fuck.off.this.board.

>> No.15804708
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They pretended so long and so convincingly that they now actually believe black people have nothing to do with the loss of urban culture in the West.

>> No.15804960
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berlin and maybe copenhagen are probably the two most obvious answers; but trying to look at today's fragmented postmodern world through last century's concepts isn't going to give you many much really.
before the advent of modernism, "cultural cities" would have generally been the ones with the richest courts, and this whole romanticised idea of artistic communities wouldn't have existed at all.
neoliberism and other social changes have obviously changed the cultural zeitgeist since the days of parisian bohémien cafés and viennese ballrooms, and i dislike the way in which this happened and what it left us with. but reactionary nostalgia for last century's "cultural cities" isn't going to take us anywhere (and in those days, it would probably have opposed the kind of artistic environments we fetishize today).
the thing is, cultural communities still exist all throughout the world in many different shapes and forms, although they exist differently from how they did a hundred years ago, and it's our generation's duty to make them thrive

>> No.15805119
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most countries in europe are run by conservatives. You can find the same patterns of neoliberal capitalism in pretty much every western country.
Tell me exactly who those supposed leftists are and how they ruined culture. Go.
Berlin is going to shit mostly because the famous underground raves and clubs are being shut down due to investors trying to make big bank in urban areas.
Where used to be a hot spot for young people to have fun is now a shopping mall or housing that is too expensive to live in for the average joe.
gentrification does what it's supposed to do: kill culture in favor of profit.

>> No.15805317

If any of the enlightened "commies" itt put on a mask and fell for the capitalist pandemic, kill yourselves.

>> No.15805339

>What happened to cultural cities?
The internet murdered them and created its own cultural movements. Whether you guys realize it or not, 4chan is one of the most potent cultural forces alive today. This thread's discussion is the equivalent of a bunch of misfits meeting in a dingy basement discussing the future of literature over cigarettes and cheap coffee. Even having gone mainstream, 4chan is its own aesthetic that the remaining internet often gets second-hand. Much of the meme/hashtag/cancel culture that a bulk of 4chan now deplores has its origins in this site. 4chan was "cancelling" people well before it became a term.

>> No.15805359

I really wish I could ignore dumb comments like this without replying. it's like feeding a chimp

>> No.15805384

I agree that 4chan(nel) has been suprisingly influential in shaping internet culture, but who has this site ever canceled?

>> No.15805402

Can’t speak for the rest of the world but with New York it was when Violent Crime disappeared overnight. Property prices in even the worst outer-borough commutes skyrocketed and everything just became very antiseptic in terms of storefronts (though a lot of this had to do with the continuing prevalence of large chains).
You don’t really have to sacrifice peace of mind or comfort to live in NY anymore.
It’s interesting to read books from like, the 60s and 70s that describe windowless basement apartments and rat infested lofts or places that are just total firetraps. None of those types of places exist anymore, if you make a lower-middle class salary the only thing you have the option to sacrifice is your commute, which literally takes you out of New York or will put you in a location where it’s not practical to not own a car.

>> No.15805568

lmao my dad grew up in New York and he has so many horror stories

>> No.15805610

>Technological differences won't change how music is performed
Not even a zoomer lad, but I can at least have the intellectual honesty to admit that dubstep sounds that way for a reason.

>> No.15805635

>left is violently anti-culture
The right is anti-culture. The left is more diverse, more educated, and more culturally rich. Why on earth would you think it's the other way around?

>> No.15805638

Replace capitalism with consumerism and this is unironically correct.

>> No.15805690

Probably because he sees how they pick and choose which ones to champion.
As someone who was raised a White Catholic in a stable family I don’t think most of the far left likes my culture very much.

>> No.15806009

it represents establishment power and inequality to them. I don't think any reasonable left wing people are calling for dominant cultures to be replaced, just integrated into a more pluralistic multiculture

>> No.15806071

Doesn’t really matter why they attack it; theory is less important than practice

>> No.15806105

Hordes of poor uneducated illiterate immigrants that barely speak the language of the host country might have something to do with it.

>> No.15806164

how ?
how does one even reach that conclusion ?

>> No.15806185

Not him but when Day of the Dead decorations supplanted Halloween decorations in my neighborhood it was one tipoff

>> No.15806356

>Generic consumer culture gets supplanted by actual culture

>> No.15806368

This, but unironically

In case I don’t see you, “happy holidays”

>> No.15806427
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do you actually find more cultural value in Halloween than in the Day of the dead ?
I don't want to make a straw man argument and suppose that you are a strong believer in traditionalism or whatever, but I'd imagine that someone who criticises immigration and the loss or watering down of culture would find much more value im the Día deMuertos than in Halloween.
also, Halloween was brought to america by literal uneducated illiterate immigrants..

>> No.15806505

It’s not about the relative values of different cultures. It’s about another culture subverting the traditions of my childhood in my neighborhood.
Of course Halloween is a ridiculously shallow example.
The point isn’t who’s is better, it’s just the fact that it’s different than mine, why should I support the decline of the traditions and values with which I grew up? There’s literally nothing in it for me

>> No.15806520

t. Turning Point /lit/

>> No.15806542


>> No.15806586

if everyone thought this way there would be no such thing as different cultures and the traditions we rightfully care about would never have come around in the first place.
without change and "subveetion" of culture there would be no culture at all

>> No.15806594
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>most countries in europe are run by conservatives
Yeah, sure. Just like Mama Merkel is on paper "conservative" but made political decisions during her last 12 years, which would make the sovjet union waters its mouth. They are a most neo-cons, aka lobby whores which currently are paid to aid left-wing destruction.

With a small exclusion of some eastern euro countries, which still remember the sovjet sheniningans.

>Berlin is going to shit mostly because the famous underground raves and clubs are being shut down due to investors trying to make big bank in urban areas.
Berlin is going to shit because germans are he minority, flooded by foreigners, ruled by a delusional elite throwing the money from all other federal states at retarded project. Berlin is hated by everyon in germany who doesn't live there.

>> No.15806602

You don't hear about them until after the fact; it's them being known that marks them being over.

>> No.15806606

conservatism has been more destructive to Europe than communism.

>> No.15806610
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This book can help you to understand...

>> No.15806616

>t. never lived under communism

>> No.15806649

don't think the great "cultural cities" of the past were loved by the rest of their countries any more than how much berlin is loved by bavarians.
both examples made by op (turn-of-century paris and postwar nyc) must have been exactly the kinds of environment that conservatives hate the most

>> No.15806650

>Ireland won't protect its pseudopagan Papist holidays against the Mexican translation!

>> No.15806662

all the demographic replacement you probably bitch about happened and is going on under capitalism and conservatives that do nothing about it.

>> No.15806664

Globalism. One global culture to unite the world.

>> No.15806705
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Of course those fuckers do nothing, it doesn't matter what they call themselve. They all dance by the same flute with minor differences, where compromises always mean the worst common denominator.

It's less about fractions and parties and more about greed and lobbywhores. Just take Spahn or Von der Leyen. Or fucking Berlin airport. Or mthor. Or pick whoever. Even thd AfD is a meme of a party, just jelly for less shilling money as every actual party whic has potential gets V-Mann't into oblivion.

>> No.15806723

glad you see that there's no real solution if the capitalist question isn't dealt with.

>> No.15806796
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It's not about caitalism or socialism but rooting out the weeds and pests, which can't be done without burnng down modern society and it's golems.

(In MeinKraft lieber BND)

>> No.15807148

>which would make the sovjet union waters its mouth
what do you mean exactly? which one of her political decisions are communist?
>they are a most neo-cons, aka lobby whores which currently are paid to aid left-wing destruction.
so you don't know what a neo-con is? great. go back to pol and don't come back until you have actually read political theory.

>> No.15808521

>most countries in europe are run by conservatives
Hilariously untrue.

>> No.15808546

Humans kill culture
Humans kill community
Humans kill creativity

>> No.15808575

What the hell did NY used to be like, anyways? Sounds spoopy.

>> No.15808615

You literally have no idea what you're talking about

>> No.15808673
File: 17 KB, 255x247, loser.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the kali yuga
>read siege
>esoteric hitlerist
>national socialist revolutionary
jew bad white good look mom i'm an avant gard artist

>> No.15808896

Citiea aren't cool anymore because of gentrification and rising rents. They are filled with rich provincial cultural parasites who try to leech of off another cultural/social context rather than building their own.

>> No.15809955
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>> No.15810509

Cities still have plenty of culture. It's just that their culture is uninspiring and subversive: latte art, bearded transsexuals, twerking sluts, council-approved street art, scooters, casual veganism, moralizing censorship, neo-leftism, ebonic rap music and white guilt.

From where do you ever hear people encouraging you to feel bad about yourself, worship blacks, and eat bugs in the one pod of twenty four that you rent in an open dormitory, if not from a leftist city?