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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 32 KB, 660x371, Pewdiepie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15786881 No.15786881[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


So this is like what, the 100th time it's been proven Felix browses /lit/, /fit/ and at least at one point /pol/?

>> No.15786899

This means he knows who butterfly is on a deeply personal level. *Brofist*

>> No.15786915

fucking hell...

>> No.15786923

>/lit/, /fit/ and at least at one point /pol/?
so the shittiest boards eve

>I embrace the homosexual aesthetics but I really really love women i swear

physical well being is done through healthy food and walking. beyond this shows that you either do it because
-you are bored, aka a failure
-you try to fulfill some power fantasy, sign of betacuckness
-you are a homo, aka a failure
-you do it for women, aka a man devoted to please women even if you claim otherwise, like all men, aka a failure
-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death

=>you are a pleb as soon as you lift.

lit: I embrace the judeo christian fantasy of being an intellectual but I really really monarchy guys, i swear

you are a secular humanist as long as you value scholastics and the bourgeois revival of the greek academia,

same as lit but fatter and americaner

>> No.15786930

It's been known since 17.

Do you have autism anon?

>> No.15786941

>you are bored, aka a failure

>> No.15786942

>at one point pol

Isn’t this guy a Nazi? I refuse to respect anyone who derives an income from playing video games.

>> No.15786944

4chan terms are so fucking retarded when said out loud, im only used to reading them on a screen

>> No.15786952

He leans that way but I don't know if he still is because he seems like the type of guy who would change his opinion with each new person he talked to.

>> No.15786963
File: 1.51 MB, 828x850, Felix.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always been known that Felix is one of us.

Peak Aryan genes.

>> No.15786982

Are you well? This is a genuine question.

>> No.15786988

Pewds confirmed making manlet and jawline threads on /fit/

>> No.15787036

He is the shitposter that pulled this off after all https://youtu.be/il-QpNTbm2E?t=658

>> No.15787054

>commissions them to write death to all jews
>acts shocked
>edits and posts to youtube
is he autistic?

>> No.15787060

He browses 4chan. What do you think?

>> No.15787063

Socially, yes, but I think he just gathered it's a comedic video(like all of his videos except for something like booktube or vlogs) of him being shocked and people would take it as such.

>> No.15787382

stop posting this shit, this is a literature board. and he's likely been on 4chan for longer than everyone itt given his age and spending his youth online. i mean his relationship with his wife was originally long-distance, that is to say they met online. it doesn't mean anything, there's millions of users and a lot of boards. next you'll sperg about his forum posts on myanimelist when he was a kid.

>> No.15787443

>-you cling to your health, aka a failure living in fear of death
How can you get to this conclusion? It isn't like if you lift you aren't going to die. Everyone is going to die. But not everyone is going to live the same, specially if you aren't fit. Fit is a life experience that no one should be left out of it. It improves your life so much.

>> No.15787569

upgrading the capabilities of the vessel of your existence seems pretty sensible tho

>> No.15787623

Say whatever you want about him, but it's a great accomplishment to do shit like this and still stay mainstream.

>> No.15787628

>I refuse to respect anyone who derives an income from playing video games.
I'd listen to a neet leeching on welfare before I listen to a gamer

>> No.15787650

>So this is like what, the 100th time it's been proven Felix browses /lit/, /fit/
not sure the need to prove something like that, during his many of his vidoes he would often openly browse 4chan.

>> No.15787674

>next you'll sperg about his forum posts on myanimelist when he was a kid.

>> No.15787683


>during his many of his vidoes he would often openly browse 4chan.
Not openly, but yeah he would visit /wsg/. Openly is a strong word.

>> No.15787708

>he does it while reading reddit

he wants this place to die. I dont blame the guy for putting out video after video of literally just him browsing reddit because its obscene how much views it gets and thinking up original fresh new ideas at 31 for 2 generations down is hard but why entice them to come here. even if he does browse /lit/ (which i doubt) he probably just lurks like an hour once a month to come and see what people here are discussing and find interesting/thought provoking and to go and read that.

>> No.15787741

>used to make videos browsing /gif/
>read all the /lit/ meme books
>has said on livestream most of /fit/s advice is pointless

>> No.15787742

>during his many of his vidoes he would often openly browse 4chan.
show one

>> No.15787761

*pewdiepie makes a /fitlit/ refrence

>> No.15787763

It was a popular type of humor at the time with filthyfrank/idubbbz etc dumbass

>> No.15787771

This guy gets it.

>> No.15787782

t.had an alcoholic dad

>> No.15787784
File: 287 KB, 1362x1328, sv3rige_and_luna2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if you do it to make money or else people wouldn't take you or your ideals seriously and otherwise don't care about lifting?

>> No.15787785

Cope post body

>> No.15787788

he called a guy a nigger on stream. he did it for publicity. its naive to think a guy that was the biggest on the platform wouldnt know what response a video would get

>> No.15787790
File: 600 KB, 740x960, external-content.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>millions of people watch every single one of his retarded drivel
kill me pete

>> No.15787809

post body

>> No.15787816

post body

>> No.15787824

back to grindr