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15774583 No.15774583 [Reply] [Original]

Write a stream of consciousness about what was going on in his head whenever he made this face.

>> No.15774599


>> No.15774625

The cock was massive his consent was easy.
His role was passive the motel was sleazy
It hurt like god had taken a dump
But he loved the black bull as he destroyed his rump

>> No.15774628

I can't, can't take any longer what's inside me, there must be something to hold on to while I try to find the place above the rest of minds in which having this much of a problem must be done. Is that too much too ask? Remembering vividly the best of the trivial nonsense in this epicurean vista is too much for me. Can I have a bit of this from you? Or not and if then that's teh case I will tolerate this for a bit. Advancing darkness is enveloping traumatic dogma of living. Having the door to open doesn't mean holding one's hand or whatever. Basically let me go to the fucking bathroom already or I will piss myself holy shit.

>> No.15774741

Argh... no, well you see, American culture values winning above all... TV generation, gameshows... win and be the best... treat yourself... argh... my rights my duty... do you understand me? on a conversational level does this make sense? This probably sounds like gibberish... argh!

>> No.15775008

here forever, always watching, always there, always me, always saying that same saying said; a thousand eyes and a thousand listening, processing, laughing, poking, prodding, providing more and more for my own desecration. This is what I am to them now, those few syllables, that thought dribbled past my lips, my reaction to the recognition of my own frozen self. When watching me, that’s me, not who i am, or who i present myself to be, but those last few words, this face, that is me. it’s all.