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15772987 No.15772987 [Reply] [Original]

Should one follow it?
>It has been shown that many people benefit from the removal of products that did not exist in their ancestral habitat: sugars and other carbohydrates in unnatural format, wheat products (those with celiac disease, but almost all of us are somewhat ill-adapted to this new addition to the human diet), milk and other cow products (for those of non–Northern European origin who did not develop lactose tolerance), sodas (both diet and regular), wine (for those of Asian origin who do not have the history of exposure), vitamin pills, food supplements, the family doctor, headache medicine and other painkillers. Reliance on painkillers encourages people to avoid addressing the cause of the headache with trial and error, which can be sleep deprivation, tension in the neck, or bad stressors—it allows them to keep destroying themselves in a Procrustean-bed-style life.
> ... I, for my part, resist eating fruits not found in the ancient Eastern Mediterranean (I use “I” here in order to show that I am not narrowly generalizing to the rest of humanity). I avoid any fruit that does not have an ancient Greek or Hebrew name, such as mangoes, papayas, even oranges. Oranges seem to be the postmedieval equivalent of candy; they did not exist in the ancient Mediterranean. Apparently, the Portuguese found a sweet citrus tree in Goa or elsewhere and started breeding it for sweeter and sweeter fruits, like a modern confectionary company. Even the apples we see in the stores are to be regarded with some suspicion: original apples were devoid of sweet taste and fruit corporations bred them for maximal sweetness—the mountain apples of my childhood were acid, bitter, crunchy, and much smaller than the shiny variety in U.S. stores said to keep the doctor away.
>As to liquid, my rule is drink no liquid that is not at least a thousand years old—so its fitness has been tested. I drink just wine, water, and coffee. No soft drinks. Perhaps the most possibly deceitfully noxious drink is the orange juice we make poor innocent people imbibe at the breakfast table while, thanks to marketing, we convince them it is “healthy.” (Aside from the point that the citrus our ancestors ingested was not sweet, they never ingested carbohydrates without large, very large quantities of fiber. Eating an orange or an apple is not biologically equivalent to drinking orange or apple juice.) From such examples, I derived the rule that what is called “healthy” is generally unhealthy, just as “social” networks are antisocial, and the “knowledge”-based economy is typically ignorant.

>> No.15772998

This is fucking hilarious lmao, what a retard

>> No.15773017

>As to liquid, my rule is drink no liquid that is not at least a thousand years old—so its fitness has been tested. I drink just wine, water, and coffee.
Same with me, which of course means that it is based.

>> No.15773061

Thank you for posting this, I now know to never read anything by this spaz

>> No.15773086

KEK no, anon. It is not a dumb approach; definitely not the smartest either. There is this thing called chemistry and you can make better things out of the old ones. People do exaggerate on modern inventions and they do tend to be overused. So it is not like he doesn't have a point, but abdicating the use of them altogether isn't a reasonable approach. And some people should avoid certain things, while they can afford indulge on others. This type of thing is for patricians, so it is not like something doable for your regular anon.

>> No.15773135

Only follow it if your own country actually has a rich culinary tradition. Many northern European countries don't have a well developed cuisine at all. The Mediteranian and Japanese diet, however, have been shown to be very healthy for people.
many North-Europeans (and by proxy Americans) are probably better off eating that than eating such a diet than eating their own "cuisine"

>> No.15773154

the best diet for you also depends on your genes, which means you should probably follow what your ancestors ate to some degree. A very obvious example is milk, but it holds for other things in very random ways.

>> No.15773159
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Truly a mad Arab

>> No.15773175

Milk is bad for you even if you can digest it

>> No.15773250

>I avoid any fruit that does not have an ancient Greek or Hebrew name, such as mangoes, papayas, even oranges.

>> No.15773258

No it is not.

>> No.15773299

>I drink just wine, water, and coffee
great advice

>> No.15773319

All this larping and what does he look like? Man who haggles me over the price of figgs on the bazar. Not particularly healthy

>> No.15773360

you can do this if you want to but you’re just larping. everyone’s body is different and will dislike some food, but modern food works fine as fuel for most people. also, Taleb may be good in other fields but I would never take a fat guys diet advice. perhaps his autistic reasoning for diets is the same thing that let’s him be intelligent in other subjects

>> No.15773397

Antifragile is unironically a really funny book to read, this guy has issues but I love him.

>> No.15773462

Alcohol is literally a proven carcinogenic food lmao

But it's old bro, must be good

>> No.15773662

Damn. when will he be on the Rogan podcast? this is peak good info.

>> No.15773676
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I live off donair pizza and rum and coke.

>> No.15773719

How does he do it bros?
On the one hand, when you read what be says, it always feels incredibly retarded
On the other, it works
Like really well
I tried his retarded extremes diet and exercise schedule and I unironically lost weight and felt better

>> No.15773833

Based maritimeposter.

>> No.15773834

I think you guys would like him if you actually read him
>Believes in free markets but wants to ban usury and hang banksters
>Is a radical ecologist but denies climate change science
>He writes shit like in the op but from my understanding, he doesn't believe in evolution
>Appears to believe in platonic form, derides any attempt at platonicity as he calls it
>Denies all modern economics and social sciences

>> No.15773853

Taleb is so fucking based.

Socialists are seething.

>> No.15773876

>Many northern European countries don't have a well developed cuisine at all.
What the fuck did I just read lmao.

Scandinavia has a very developed cuisine retard.

>> No.15773885

Sounds based honestly
But I can't help at thinking of him as that scene in Sopranoes where Tony dreams of fucking a broad while wearing a Roman helmet, that's his entire personality to me

>> No.15773913

>he doesn't believe in evolution
He believes in evolution. But I believe you're correct about the other things except Platonism which insofar as I can recall he has never commented on — but feel free to prove me wrong.

>> No.15774076

He's kind of weird about that, he always ends up talking about Lebanon but he explicitly denies the existence of ethnic temperament and criticises a guy who said that his ideas are solid but that they derived from his mystical eastern orthodox heritage
Heck, in the black swan, he says ARABIC
Is one of his mother tongues
If you can get past his selfishness and pompous attitude, he's a solid author, if nothing else he gives actual proof as to why modern academics in the social sciences are overwhelmingly charlatans and his anecdotes, unverifiable as they are, are very fun to read
You're most likely correct
I've only read the black swan and seen his DNA related tweets but in the book, he says that he doesn't deny the existence of platonic forms and he repeatedly showed suspicion towards evolution whenever he brought up an evolutionary example
Maybe I'm reading to deep into this
Maybe his views have changed
Maybe I'm overhyping what I read to make him seem like a more ridiculous character than he already is

>> No.15774119

Based but for fuck sake every time he has to mention he's from the Mediterrenean area, it's just hilarious.
As an italianon I can drink wine and wheat products (I mean how could we live without pasta, pizza and pane).
I follow Taleb rule except for tea that I drink for breakfast but he drinks coffee which comes from Africa so that's ok.

>> No.15774157

it's a bit autistic, but as a general rule of thumb a peasant diet is good model to follow

>> No.15774247

On his Twitter he seems to accept the general principles of evolution and his ideas rely heavily/take from evolution.

>> No.15774273

I don't listen to hacks who don't believe in race and iq

>> No.15774300
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>race and iq
Only hacks believe this nonsense.


>> No.15774305

>drink no liquid that is not at least a thousand years old
>I just drink [...] coffee
There's no way coffee is a thousand years old

>> No.15774329

Wine is not healthy no matter how much you wish it and no matter where you were born

>> No.15774344

He's right. I thought he was retarded. All the alienated anglos fed on corn syrup must leave this thread.

>> No.15774359

Isn't it the healthiest alcoholic beverage?

>> No.15774386

>such as mangoes, papayas, even oranges
he is joking, right?
these are among the best fruits.

>> No.15774394

Over 1000 years ago Rhazes and Avicenna wrote about coffee.

>> No.15774408

maybe if you are a woman
enjoy your avocados, nancy

>> No.15774416

When all alcoholic beverages are unhealthy that doesn't matter much even if it were true. Alcohol is inherently bad for your body and that's one of the few things that are widely accepted in nutrition.

>> No.15774576

People here are acting like 1000 years is super fucking long, but it's kind of not really
Charlemagne was dead for two centuries already

>> No.15775636

My dad got whiter as he aged, but it seems Taleb just becomes swarthier. It kind of reflects his shitty personality too.

>> No.15775693

Taleb writes and thinks like a hack. I've never once had any of my lecturers or statistics or econometrics rant and rave about muh concavity and fat tails like this guy does in everything he writes.

>> No.15775694

So he's a trad med larper?

>> No.15775745

I wish i could follow his practice of healthy eating in this regard but i just love avocados to much

>> No.15775770

avocado sucks

>> No.15775785

Afaik, he does speak Arabic but says ‘Lebanese’ is his first language. He understands the language of Saudi Barbarians. The language in Lebanon isn’t the sameness as in Saudi Barbaria. It’s surprising to me that a man as smart as him still rallies to patriotism, not aware or not caring that patriotism is purpopsefully used by the state to silence dissent.

>> No.15775789

>Scandinavia has a very developed cuisine re

>> No.15775795

>doesn't believe in race
>won't eat certain food because his ancestors did not
Kinda contradictory and deterministic

>> No.15775804

The point is that they have been specifically engineered to be sweet and sugary. Those same fruits were much more sour when humans ate them thousands of years ago. So it’s a fallacy to call them healthy when apples are basically sugar

>> No.15775805

Milk is such a strange thing because it seems to cause problems even in the most lactose tolerant countries. You'll hear of people who could drink milk all their lives going through surgery or some injury, or a stressful period, and then being averse to it the rest of their lives. "Lactose tolerance" may only mean that the negative effects are suppressed and not totally absent.

>> No.15775813

>It’s surprising to me that a man as smart as him still rallies to patriotism,

>> No.15775820
File: 246 KB, 728x728, 2D99CF81-6E4A-42EC-8CA7-58610D380E9E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude worship the flag

>> No.15775830

Yeah you're right, wanting the best for myself and my nation is so stupid. I'm just being used when I demand less scab labor etc. Where are you from btw? I'm assuming a place with little to be proud of

>> No.15775873

Don't you think that what is best for you and your loved ones can and often does go directly against what is best for your nation (meaning the state)?
Not the poo poster

>> No.15775891
File: 47 KB, 500x280, 581755A0-BD72-44B1-86D2-2A0140F83420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finland, you know a nation that was based on fighting USSR. Nationalist is a disease because elites use it to silence dissent. You against the war we’re fighting in bumfuckistan? You’re not a patriot. Shame on you. That doesn’t mean you can’t be happy and engage in your culture. Worshipping the flag makes me sick, since it’s propaganda to make us fight wars. Why should I worship a flag because I was born here ? Makes no sense to me.

>> No.15775947

Don't like it fuck off
I love my people
I love my country
I love my flag
Simple as

>> No.15775968

If you don't dislike your government you are retarded
You are conflating shit that shouldn't be conflated