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/lit/ - Literature

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15771624 No.15771624 [Reply] [Original]

>read a single page of any book
>get up and start pacing around my room daydreaming about literally anything for 10 minutes
>read another page
>pace around again

How the fuck do you people read several hundred pages a week?

>> No.15771629

What do you daydream about, anon?

Do you have characters and stories of your own?

>> No.15771637

Very based
The person in the image not OP cuz im not reading that shit

>> No.15771644

None of us do.

>> No.15771647 [DELETED] 
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oh god
the person in the image is me

>> No.15771652
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>How the fuck do you people read several hundred pages a week?
Try some of this

>> No.15771661

This is probably the most legit one of these yet, everyone here is so obsessed with being cool that they end up obliterating any personality they had.

>> No.15771663

Yes just the same characters living through different scenes, like a never ending movie in my head.

Can't get this shit here in Europe without knowing the right person.

Shit sucks.

>> No.15771668

I daydream about starting out as a troubled but ultimately innocent and ideological private in a fantasy army who turns into an ultra-nihilistic warlord throughout years of horrors in war.

>> No.15771678

nigga i just daydream about some poon

>> No.15771689
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Pic related but every day for the last 15 years.

>> No.15771698

same man

>> No.15771703
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haha cant relate to that image at all

>> No.15771710

I tend to daydream about mythical creatures likes elves, fairies, merfolk, and centaurs.

I have several scattered scenes of them in my head, probably enough to make a few experimental TV episodes or something like that.

Anyone got any pointers?

>> No.15771713
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>tfw want to get into maladaptive daydreaming but don't have the motivation to do anything other than sit at my computer in a stupor

>> No.15771714

if the book you're reading can't keep you focused for more than a single page then you might want to just try reading something else.
If this is something you're running into a lot you might need to just force reading into being a habit if its something you really want to do. I read in the same spot every day around the same time(usually some time between 2-4 PM), and listen to instrumental music for basically the entire time as background noise.

>> No.15771733

There are 24-year-olds here? I'm too old for this place.

>> No.15771737

>plays with the idea of improving, never commits to anything

>> No.15771743
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>implying you "get" into it

You just start doing this shit as a kid when your parents are fighting and you want to block the noise out.
Or when you have zero friends so you create your own fantastical scenarios and friends in your head to cope with your loneliness.

You can't start doing that when you're an adult.
At least that is what I think, I am probably wrong, who cares.

>> No.15771755

If an adult can make a "tulpa" then I think they can maladaptively daydream.

>> No.15771777
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This reads like an -oomer meme that only Redditors will take at face-value solely because of how it’s being framed.
YES I don’t waste my money.
YES I don’t play video games or watch current TV or anime.
YES I don’t have social media.
YES I avoid shilling products.
YES I avoid talking about my hobbies OUTSIDE OF where it’s appropriate.
YES I don’t do what I personally consider to be “uncool” or “cringy”. Who does?

>> No.15771790

You gotta train your brain man. Just keep trying. I started off as an ADHD zoomer like you but yesterday I read 150 pages.

Also try reading something you're actually interested in instead of religiously following some meme chart from 4chan

>> No.15771818

Thanks for telling us.

>> No.15771859

Daydreaming is a cope and will ruin your productivity and attention span. You don’t need it.

>> No.15771880

You don't actually think I'd care about any of that do you?

>> No.15771904

What is considered "uncool" or "cringy"?

>> No.15771913

>Turning 24 in a couple months
Shame I can't even be bothered to neck myself.

>> No.15771937
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They say chewing gum helps.

>> No.15771949

Your post

>> No.15771959

You can get vyvanse if you're diagnosed with adhd which is quite easy if you're in the uk at least

>> No.15771962

we are all gonna make it, bros

>> No.15771969

Don't mention it.

>> No.15771970

Yeah seriously.
If the hobby is 4chan, then it makes sense, but honestly if your hobbies are anything at all, this photo is extremely dignifying and talks about the core of masculine dignity, which is only basing your value in a power structure that only you're in.

>> No.15771979

I read a book a week (roughly?) and read 2-3 hours a week day and 3-5 a weekend. Buy print and start with very entertaining kino material (I recommend fantasy) and then move into boring literature / poetry / philosophy once you've trained your brain a bit.

>> No.15771980

Dude, chill it with that pic

>> No.15771990

>want to get into maladaptive X

>> No.15772009

>You just start doing this shit as a kid when your parents are fighting and you want to block the noise out.
>Or when you have zero friends so you create your own fantastical scenarios and friends in your head to cope with your loneliness.
Jesus that hits too close to home.
I wish I could actually stop it but I can't it's gotten out of control.

>> No.15772010

No we're not. Sad but true. Humanity progresses by filtering out the unwanted. Unfortunately the unwanted can live very long and miserable lives filled with self-awareness in this world.

>> No.15772019


>> No.15772035
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how do i stop pacing

>> No.15772079

Any tips on cultivating new mental illnesses are welcome.

>> No.15772088

Get a life.

>> No.15772096


>> No.15772103

instead of getting up and pacing around, keep reading
it's that easy

>> No.15772120

I doubt anyone in the world has ever successfully created a tulpa, but if I could I'd create one to fuck her all day long.

>> No.15772123

idk, sounds like normalfaggotry

>> No.15772143

I don't think it's a real entity, but some kind of mental delusion, akin to daydreaming.

>> No.15772153

Start reading more books, exercise every day, start making stuff (programming, engineering, doesn't matter, just build something), join some sort of club.

>> No.15772248
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>> No.15772305

you lack discipline

>> No.15772331

I have ideas and shapes but too slow to make anything come fast enough to be of use, I’d need to practice writing out more to get a better sense but even then I’m slower at that than my own thinking
Start out thinking about a scene visually with whatever elf or faerie or whatever you want and have them doing an action, have however many people doing an action from the start of the scene, and then start writing from there

>> No.15772343

I don't like writing my ideas down because they're always better in my mind. I guess the idea is to become a good enough writer to honor your ideas and flesh them out, but honestly I don't want to risk degrading them in the process, my few good ideas are the only things I can turn to for comfort in life.

>> No.15772382

Just get back to reading when you catch yourself drifting. It’s like a mental biceps curl, the more you do it the easier it gets.

>> No.15772405

This, I struggled with returning to reading for pleasure at first too, but you just have to keep refocusing and eventually it all starts to just click in normally

>> No.15772441

any tips on how to rape tulpas? trying to go nofap and wondering if i can cum in a tulpa instead. will my test still be boosted. i already have a tulpa

>> No.15772443

You may have maladaptive daydreaming, anon. Look it up.

>> No.15772452

Me except I have one hobby, the most /lit/ hobby of all, Magic The Gathering.

>> No.15772464

Well you already have one so that's the hard part done with. Basically, just grab her, throw her down on some surface, restrict her movements with a good hold, then penetrate her nearest hole, preferably not her mouth since she can bite though I'm relying on my own experiences not sure how it works with tulpas.

>> No.15772850

They're NPC's with no inner life, who only pretend to read as a means of virtue signalling

>> No.15772900


>> No.15772916
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>> No.15772930

Is there any decent contemporary lit about chan people like in ops pic? I don't mean incels, losers, or elaborate rants about politics but the main character is ops pic basically.

Inb4 catcher and the rye

>> No.15772946


>> No.15773189
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Subarashiki Hibi by Sca-Di.

>> No.15773666

Things you like. cf. thing I like

>> No.15773678
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Should've played team sports to instill discipline.

>> No.15773957

Honestly the internet is a fucking huge phenomenon, and every curious person of course is going to spend as much time as they need exploring before they can move on. It’s simply the most interesting thing in the world (until you can really wrap your head around it). On forums you’re getting exposed to way more people and their trash opinions than you ever could at a conference or whatever. You’re consuming new art forms, some of which are collectivized in a way that you’d never see irl. You’re reading more widely than pre-internet people could dream of. You’re watching Japanese cartoons which are themselves warped by the internet communities you participate in. You’re watching middle eastern freedom fighters’ beheadings, then drone footage of those same people being bombed (or weddings and hospitals). You’re watching 5 second snippets of people’s ordinary silly lives. You’re watching communities begin and grow and self-select and change and fall apart. You’re doing yourself a disservice if you aren’t putting your attention into the most interesting phenomenon around.

Until, that is, you’ve seen all that, you’ve read similar things, you know where it’s all going, and where it arose from. Eventually you understand, and the internet becomes predictable. Then you’re bored. You have to find something new. You have to dig down deep into a subject instead of running across the endless shallow horizon of attention-kidnapping “content”. You have to read a book, create something for yourself, delve deeply into irl relationships. Maybe check in on the internet once in a while, see that it’s still behaving how you’d understood it to. Then get back in the mines of experience deeper than the internet can offer. Hundreds of pages on a topic of interest rather than an article, the type of learning that only trying and failing can offer, getting to know one or two people well instead of reading blurbs from a thousand.

Now that you have the immensely broadened horizons the internet gave you, you can get more from the deep things than you could without. You can map them better in the world and understand how small and precious they are. You gave up surveying oceans to look closely at a few small gems, a few kind people. And they mean all the more to you for the vastness that you’re sacrificing in the choosing. Guacamole nigger penis.

>> No.15773976


>> No.15773992

It's a psy op don't worry about it

>> No.15774059
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based post

>> No.15774065

Try NoFap + NoSurf for AT LEAST a month

>> No.15774072

>Do you have characters and stories of your own?
its just lord of the rings but including my self insert into the fellowship

>> No.15774227

I verbalized everything you wrote in this post to myself with almost the same wording/logic-flow before. Good to see someone have the exact same ideas as you, because it means there must be some truth to them.
I would say based, but it would be tantamount to an upboat for agreement.

>> No.15774243

I've done NoFap for three years now (spiritual reasons). Not a huge amount of difference honestly.

>> No.15774390

>read page
>see interesting sentence construct and brain forces your attention to an incredibly livid day dream about the concept/topic/idea
>become aware of dream when given the option to branch further down the dream
>snap out of it
>sub(human) consciousness has continued reading but not really stored it in conscious memory
>re-read page

every other fucking minute
am i autistic?

>> No.15774397

Literally me, except I do spend my money on books.

>> No.15774928

What the fuck is NoSurf? Also I have this problem and I have unironically never fapped.

>> No.15774931

Doesn't adderall hurt your brain?

>> No.15774950
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>> No.15774951

turns you into a meth addict and voila big pharma has another junkie for life

>> No.15774973

I thought it had long term neurotoxic effects though, beyond reliance.

>> No.15775122


>> No.15775171

I have never had problems with it.
This is correct but it's nowhere near the levels in other amphetamines. Consider for a moment that this drug is medically subscribed widely all over the world to millions of people. It is generally safe for public consumption and generally when people take it recreationally it is never as common as those who take it daily. Just be sure to take healthy tolerance breaks and don't mix it with alcohol.

>> No.15775219

So if you take it recreationally, do the effects fade or s the buildup of damage so low that you don't notice it?

>> No.15775385

>medically subscribed

>> No.15775399

Surfing the web, I believe?

>> No.15775401

i assume he means nosurf is no surfing the internet as in dont use the internet unless for productive reasons since it is easy to waste time here

>> No.15775497
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>> No.15775762

This used to be me. I got back into reading a few months ago so it took a while for it to go away.A month and a half I'd say. Now the pages just flow. You just have to stick it out. Build up a tolerance.

I only have this problem reading philosophy now.

>> No.15776014

I just visualize myself smugly explaining the concepts that I just read to the imaginary friend. Can't help not doing that, it's too pleasant. I've heard this how people turn into schizos.

>> No.15776038

I'll do this, but usually about the actual book I'm reading. I think it's fine when it's a dive and not an escape.

>> No.15776077

KEK anon. Quit the internet. Start living and start reading on your cellphone. You can probably read at least 20 pages a day of a medium brow book. Around 40 or more of a YA or some other stuff. In, say, an hour or so. Considering that you do that for 7 days. You get your 210 pages a week if you read 250 wpm which is a reasonable amount if you are going to quantity. I read a medical textbook about vision in a week or so. While doing my physics course, but I neglected a lot of stuff of my course during that week. And it wasn't that dense of a book, more like a book to get into this kind of thing. But took me around 15 hours or so.

>> No.15776198
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>> No.15776714
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sometimes I read less than a page a day, sometimes i read for 6+ hours without leaving my bed at all
I think doing it every day is more important than how much you do per day.

>> No.15776733

KEK calm down. I know people are fucked. I'm not that person anymore, anon. I didn't used to shit post on 4chan. I used to mainly pick some piracy shit and that was it. Now I'm a fucking mess and honestly don't know how to get back to that state again. I'm probably going to turn off wifi or something like that. I saw a video of Luke Smith saying some bs like that and it makes a lot of sense. Just turning off wifi is a great idea.

>> No.15776770

>read a page
>get horny

>> No.15776798

having feelings

>> No.15776799

>read a single page of any book
>get up and start pacing around my room daydreaming about literally anything for 10 minutes
>read another page
>pace around again
Everyone does this, but usually a dozen or few pages and pace internally. Stop drinking coffee on an empty stomach or switch to tea

>> No.15777016

I have the same problem, even when i'm watching videos on youtube

>> No.15777029

This post is more relatable to me than you could ever possibly comprehend. Saved

>> No.15777280
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>pace around the room
>everyone does this
I've never got up and paced around the room after reading just one page wtf

>> No.15777298

I just walk in a circle outside while reading. I also read before sleeping.

>> No.15777303

Shit I do this too, and I'm bit of a midwit as well so I'm always embarassed afterwards.

>> No.15777305

thanks for the insight Satan

>> No.15777331

fuck, this is me

>> No.15777335

Are you a coomer? How many browser tabs do you have open atm?

>> No.15777355

i guess? nightly, i've ran through hundreds of hentai manga and millions of words of erotica by now
>browser tabs
hundereds on each of my devices

>> No.15778377

we're gonna make it

>> No.15778399

this is dangerous talk, anon

>> No.15778408

destroy your computer. force yourself to make a new life.

>> No.15778451

based effort poster

>> No.15778589

extremely well put and truthpilled

>> No.15778611

>dude this drug which is in essence an amphetamine is perfectly safe if you [do a bunch of shit that a large portion of the population, especially those likely to already be on the drug, are cognitively incapable of doing, which you and the people you shill for know and rely on in order to rape society]

>> No.15778640

wait so reading half of a book or even the entire book in one sitting is not normal?

>> No.15778688

I don't daydream, but I'll occasionally be reading and my mind will drift off onto some other line of thought; I'll keep reading somehow but it will just go straight through me with no comprehension.

>> No.15778700

I think most people take at least a few days to read a book.

>> No.15778727

This desu
Also, your current state of mind can conflict with stuff that requires attention
I read Karamazov brothers without much drifting(but a shitload of procrastination) in like 2 weeks. Now I’ve been reading The Prince for a week and I’ve had read probably 20 pages or so. I find myself reflecting on my work + had a rough week at the office. But yeah, those curls are helpful