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/lit/ - Literature

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15748088 No.15748088[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


well /lit/?

>The point here is not a moral one. After Labour lost, one exasperated member and activist despaired over how blind the workers were, how easily fooled they were by tory propaganda. “Don’t they see how evil capitalism is? How brutal and unfair it is?” this activist wrote. “I have many friends with good grades who are stuck working at grocery stores, stocking shelves.” Anyone who pretends to be some sort of materialist cannot in good conscience make fun of sentiments like this; it is completely rational for someone in that position to think that the evils of capitalism are somehow laid bare for the world to see when their friends are forced to stock shelves like a common peon in order to pay the rent. That the other workers at the grocery store probably find this way of thinking completely ludicrous and arrogant is obviously besides the point.

>This is what creates a situation where you can have a debate between Cenk Uygur on the “left” saying, “If we deport the illegal immigrants, who will work in the chicken plants?” and someone like Tucker Carlson on the “right,” replying “Maybe the chicken plants should pay a liveable wage, even if it makes chicken more expensive.”

>> No.15748112

> It is not controversial or shocking in the slightest to point out that an organisation like the DSA consists almost entirely of middle class people, or that identity politics scares away workers, or anything of the sort. You will not be branded a ‘Strasserite” for saying any of this, because everyone knows it. In fact, it is in some way necessary for the ideological reproduction of the left that everyone involved in it sort of makes fun of just how “out of touch with the workers” it often is.

>Partaking in this ritual of self-depreciation does not mark you as an outsider. It is only if you break the rules of the game, only if you acknowledge the man behind the curtain, only if you point to the basic truth hidden behind this outer layer of ironic self-mockery that you become one of us, one of the so-called Strasserites. This truth is a fairly simple Marxist truth. Classes have class interests, and so the idea that you could have a political movement—the left—that was well and truly dominated by one class, yet still wholly committed to the class interests of another class, but also just too bumbling and out of touch to ever do a good job of looking out for the class it supposedly cares about is, to put it extremely mildly, a dubious idea. It is much more likely that a political movement dominated by one class will also be more or less entirely dedicated to pursuing the class interests of that class, while also being unable to take any strong action that goes against the interests of its dominant class.

>> No.15748124
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>> No.15748139


>> No.15748154

>I bring my own example up not to relitigate old battles but to underline the point that the sin which earns people the label of “Strasserite” or “chud” or “red-brown Nazi” has nothing to do with racial animus, or even the issue of immigration more generally. Conjuring up the threat of racism and the ghosts of Nazi Germany is not done because it is true, but because it is necessary. In my case, having a father who came to Sweden to work from central Africa proved to be an embarrassing but fairly minor speed bump on the way to declaring me a fighter for Aryan blood purity. There is nothing foolish or irrational about any of this; our esteemed comrades are simply doing the only thing they can do, faced with a contradiction they are unable to resolve and a movement that is rapidly falling apart.

oh no no no no

>> No.15748230

not literature

>> No.15748238

Then what is he quoting?

>> No.15748265

I thought this would be fun for our Marxist friends, I believe it's referred to as 'concern trolling'. Sounds to me the writer of the article has a point about the class interests of the(middle class) Left in reality as opposed to their stated commitment to workers' interests.

>> No.15748310
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The book that marxist "revolutionaries" of all ideological orientations fear.

>> No.15748414

surely the nazis will not purge us this time!

>> No.15748471

These types are just reactionaries still living in the early 20thC. "Guys, we need to get back to class struggle and scientific socialism!" Time has passed them by - postcolonial subalterns and transexuals are the revolutionary subject of the 21stC Left. The author probably just offended someone more oppressed than him in his local socialist org and is upset about it.

>> No.15748496
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All times of socialism have been crushed by capitalism