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File: 2.65 MB, 2904x1634, godspeed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15745393 No.15745393 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.15745400

I am really tired. Good night.

>> No.15745418
File: 134 KB, 800x1103, 1593500694200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeh oh yeh
wanna jerk off so bad
oh yeh
yeh yeh yeh
sexy lady mmmmmmmm sexy
tfw no sex
oh yeahhhhh
yeh ohhhhhhhhhhhh
sex sexsexsexexexexesex
didny wash my dick today
doesn't matter though because i'm cut
oh yeh oh yeh
im not normal haha
being a lonely loser makes me special
fag your a fag haha
sex I want sex
with uuuuuuuuuuuu
oh yeh ohyeh
(I have schizophrenia)
wrote this with one hand on my key board

>> No.15745453

I feel like butterfly would fit more in/pol/.
I've also grown indifferent to posts with anime pictures.

>> No.15745454

How do I get over my girlfriend's sexual history?

It's not extensive but she has pretty much let me know that she has had better sex with someone else. It happened like 2 years ago and she lost her virginity to the dude, she was like 22 and he was like 30sh. I wanted to know the extent and she said she did everything with him, swallowed and even had an orgasm that made her whole body go numb. So I asked her if he had a bigger dick and she said no, and maybe it was the same size as mine, if anything a little smaller. She says our sex is good, amazing, and that that kind of orgasm has only happened 2 times before, once with him and once with another guy who she says our sex is better than even though I've never given her an orgasm so strong it made her whole body go numb..

I'm at a loss. I don't know how to feel and I don't know if I can trust her word on whether anything about our sex is good. I can't talk to anyone about it because it is so embarrassing. In addition, the more I ask and inquire the more visibly insecure I become and feel her pull away a little bit and become unattracted to me. I have also given her so much power over the relationship that I feel very emasculated. I am very uncomfortable with the whole thing.

Luckily the silver lining is that I have a largeish dick so in the grand scheme of things I have some sort of redeeming endowment and she always says how much she loves it and how good it feels in her. I'm just always left with this question: "So what's missing?"

Anguish is the emotion.

>> No.15745466
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What does this face resemble?

>> No.15745506

The poison in my heart seeps outwards,
yet I try as I might, I cannot understand
why people should come to me for advice
when I have not truly lived
and I do not wish for them to die.

>> No.15745508

Those are the kind of details that don't need to be shared with sex partners. She must have known this would make you feel inferior and inadequate but she did it anyway. What a fucking cunt. I wish you the best with this one but I'd recommend you look for a way out while you still can. She cares more about herself than she will ever care for you.

>> No.15745527

If she can't lie to you then she doesn't respect you

>> No.15745545

Stop being gay/ a women. Sex is for procreation.

>> No.15745548

Also. What else should an aspiring Catholic read? I.e. besides the bible.

>> No.15745549
File: 153 KB, 720x900, 270A4249-9FB9-4BB9-BB8B-5D848BC2E8F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Open this heart and my mind
Let me believe

>> No.15745553

read this >>15745545
do you not have any work or aspirations?
this is your issue you've not generated anything of value, thus being worthless. And the only thing you have of value has outright devalued you.

>> No.15745574

I love all of you, anons, and I hope that you are doing as well as you can given everything that is going on in this world and that is happening to you.

If you keep second guessing your girlfriend's words, you'll drive yourself crazy anon. Self-doubt is not going to make your gf's toe curl in orgasmic delight. If she says that the sex you two are having is great, then believe her. Lean into the things that you both enjoy, and given time eventually you'll give her one of those body-wrecking, earth-shattering orgasms as well. But you won't if you're always questioning your own performance before you even start to perform. Hang in there and good luck anon.

>> No.15745580

I'm not being fair to her. She is very chill and what happened was that when we were having sex, she was cumming and she was so loud and dramatic. So after i commented on how intense female orgasms are. She then said that sometimes her body goes numb. So I asked if that was with me? And she said "oh, no..." and I said oh, I don't want to know those things.

I let that fester in my mind for like a couple months before sexual history was brought up again and I finally inquired because it had bothered me. So in a way, I burned myself.

She seemed annoyed when I asked and got insecure. Like she doesn't like talking about it because she knows I'm going to get insecure.

I appreciate the good luck. I love this woman, but I also wish she would love me more. I need a therapist lol.


I am working and have a promising future, monetarily. I also have music as my hobby. I just highly value the connection in my relationship. The thought of her having a deeper and more fulfilling connection with someone else is harrowing. It vacuums the meaning out of all other interactions, and I am struggling with this.

>> No.15745607

I also question whether you guys are correct. Once when we were watching community, there was a joke about black people having big dicks. Later on during a conversation about my dick she said "How big are black guys?" I told her that it was an inappropriate comment and she apologized and said that sometimes she doesn't think before speaking, and that she only said that because of a joke on the show.

>> No.15745630

Thank you anon, I appreciate you telling me to focus on being the best I can be, I am sure you are correct, but the anxiety is tough to handle.

>> No.15745642

>given everything that is going on in this world and that is happening to you.

>> No.15745650

>going on in this world and that is happening to you.
I don't know your circumstances, but I assume that they exist, and whatever they are I hope that you are doing as well as you are capable of doing.

>> No.15745655

I also asked if the guy was more attractive and she said that he was not and he was the same attractiveness as me. So that means he was more attractive right?

This is the thought process that is hard for me bear, I just need to stop thinking entirely.

>> No.15745665

Where do you live anon? You need to go out for a drink with someone who can help you take your mind off of things.

>> No.15745666

based on what she said.
does she deserve to be part of that future?
be stern be strong be plain and be direct.
she betrayed a connection, utterly devalued you and your interactions.
attacked you with the knowledge of how it would affect you (regardless if she lies and says she didn't know). simply not valuable.
you desire to live valuably?
remove a dagger.

>> No.15745678

No thanks

>> No.15745727

I try to resist drinking, drugs, and vices. I workout 5 days a week to help manage any stress I have. I am in California.

Lol 666 digits. Spooky. I don't know. She is very open sexually with me although she said my cum gives her a tummy ache and she doesn't like swallowing. She'll do it occasionally. She is dying to marry me also. Like talks about it few weeks to every month, however her family is one that puts pressure on to marry. I sometimes wonder whether she would be honest on how much that is influencing her decision.

I dread marrying a woman who does not respect me and slowly pulls away to a lifeless relationship. One thing is for sure, I would have a pre-nup lol and I've told her that. She said it was fine and that she only wants to be with me, and to be with me every minute for the rest of her life. Her love seems genuine.

Lol, fuckin life man. It is tough to navigate at times.

>> No.15745734

>when we were having sex, she was cumming and she was so loud and dramatic. So after i commented on how intense female orgasms are
You fucked up. Do you understand that? I wouldn’t trust what she says in that situation. Let’s just say she honestly wasnt totally offended by you saying something so stupid like that, and she was being honest, so what? Aren’t you technically banging his girlfriend?

>> No.15745737
File: 47 KB, 410x425, 1593027815269.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We got a badass over here

>> No.15745754

Enlighten me how. Why would she be offended? No, I want her to be my girlfriend, and I want someone who admires me and thinks the world of me. I want to love someone who loves me to the fullest.

>> No.15745767

Come to think of it. That is how her comment makes me feel a little bit. Like she is not mine. She is someone else's.

>> No.15745771

>Lol, fuckin life man. It is tough to navigate at times.
this is very simple.
your illusions blind you.
you're mad.
just don't want it.

>> No.15745786

I wrote "female orgasms", but what I said to her was that her orgasm looks very intense. I made no comparison of her to any other female.

>> No.15745795

The female brain, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.15745807
File: 514 KB, 863x1200, 863x1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few years ago, I had a dream. I lived in a medieval world and I was a warrior, with a sword and metal armor. I was sitting in a circle of knights who were all part of a company. They were openly discussing whether they were going to allow me to join their company or not. As they discussed, a rat was scurrying around under their chairs. I noticed the rat scurrying around, but I wasn't sure if any of the knights did. Suddenly, the leader of the knights raised his voice and said that they had decided to let me into their group and formally make me a knight. He swung his mace down hard as he announced his decision, and he precisely swung it down just as the rat was passing underneath him, so that he killed the rat with that very same blow. We all let out a great shout when the rat was killed, and because I was now officially a knight.

Then we left the castle we were in, and set out across an open field. We were marching. There was a forest bordering the field, and as I looked over towards the forest, I saw a woman coming out of the forest towards us. She was a beautiful blond woman with a white dress on, with a long train trailing behind her. And as she came closer it was clear that she was a giant; she was more than twice as tall as my own height. I broke from the marching knights and went to her. She picked me up off the ground and brought me to her head's height, and she asked if they had made me a knight. I said yes, and we kissed passionately.

That's when I woke up. I've always wondered what, exactly, that dream was supposed to mean. I think I had a huge boner when I woke up, too.

>> No.15745820

>just don't want it.
Too bad anon, I wish your well regardless.

>> No.15745828

I love reading about lucid dreams. Mine are fucking weird.

>> No.15745833

She is your girlfriend.

Just don’t say anything. Say I love the way your orgasm baby. Do not fuck with her like your her buddy buddy, she will cut your dick off and then your here>>15745767
Be a man. Be glad to know all that information. Now you know her threshold and what you gotta live up to. If you don’t want to be with her then don’t play around. But if you do, remember, she will never “be your girl” until you fuck her into a coma. If you want to you can.

>> No.15745838

Is it possible for me to self learn electronics to the point of meeting the ability of electrical engineers? Not only that but I want to be able to fix semi trucks. I also want to speak Spanish and seduce any woman. I'm already good at art but I'd also like to be able to hack computers and write web scraping scripts for virtual servers. There's so much life and I want to live live live.

I want to gulp from the cup of life and let it run down my chin. I want to climb mountains and hunt game; I want start businesses and go to art galleries in Mexico City, in New York, in Buenos Aires. I want five children and they will be a nation.

>> No.15745849

No thanks

>> No.15745853

Yes, just make every hour of your free time count.

>> No.15745870

M8, it sound like you've got a decent head on your shoulders. Sure, you fucked up by asking about her sexual past, but it's only natural to be curious -- especially if marriage is on the table. As the other anons have said, your insecurity isn't exactly attractive, but if you've got a decent piece on you, you should be fine in the long-run.

My advice: Don't marry her if she's like this already. She should lift you up, not chip away at your confidence when given the chance. Then again, you know way more about her than I do.

>> No.15745873

Ya, I could plausibly, I think my issue is sexual stamina. I've tried working on it, but I just don't last very long. However, even the times I had lasted long, she still didn't reach those heights. Which would mean that my stroke is off.

I believe I have given her powerful orgasms and her legs shake and her legs and mouth go numb a little, but not her best.

The idea that she holds this dude in some special place in her mind bothers me a bit also. Like, she lost her virginity to him, and he was like 30sh years old, they only hooked up like 5 times, and she left because she didn't want to get hurt. However she remembers it as the best sex she has ever had and that she was in a good time in her life and felt good about herself. I tell her she's beautiful all the time etc., but I suppose that isn't good enough.

Idk, I'm just thinking in circles at this point.

>> No.15745886

>Sure, you fucked up by asking about her sexual past
i disagree. imagine not knowing that? imagine that in the back of her head, and you simply not knowing shit. Id want to know all the fucking details, if i gave a shit about her, if i really wanted to know her.

>> No.15745890
File: 433 KB, 1280x720, this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

went on a "date" with my acquaintance's ex

>haven't talked to a girl in literally months since the virus stuff
>she was reaching out to me, friend-wise, wanted to meet
>she's gotten 10x hotter, lost a ton of weight, looked amazing, stunningly gorgeous
>got her shit together, working, taking classes, socializing
>feeling nervous on the date with her even though I've known her 3 years and spent lots of time with her
>realize im getting mogged hard by her, people are literally staring at her as she's walking with me
>meanwhile i've majorly regressed, lost all my muscle, been back at home, feeling down, struggling with addiction
>she talks about wanting to "enjoy" her last year of college, she's living in a house with 4 sorority girls, saw that she remade an instagram
>feel happy for her but also deeply melancholy, this was a girl I used to be able to talk about anything with, came to like her more and more
>realize she's a legit 9/10 now and likely to get together with a dude who also has his shit together and is killing it
>wrote her a long letter that I'll never give to her when I got back
>said how much im happy to see her grow, see her change
>say I realize I love her in that I will the best for her
>I know that I'll think about her a lot the next year as I'm graduating, applying for work, getting back into shape
>realize that we'd never be compatible
>realize that she's a legit stacey now and I'm still here reading theology books
>can't stop thinking about her smile and laugh

tell me it's for the best.

>> No.15745900

I should've been clearer. I meant about her orgasms with another partner. You obviously want to know how many partners she's had before, if she's had any STIs -- that kind of shit. Frankly, I don't see how creating a hierarchy out of her past partners is in any way healthy.

>> No.15745912 [DELETED] 

you can’t go anywhere without being sexually harassed by an Upstanding Citizen. you can’t even go to the store anymore without getting your penis grabbed by an Upstanding Citizen. i went to the store and an Upstanding Citizen all but fondled my balls to get my attention while i was reaching for my items. i went to the store and an Upstanding Citizen nearly out three fingers in my asshole. i went to the store

>> No.15745922

you can’t go anywhere without being sexually harassed by an Upstanding Citizen. you can’t even go to the store anymore without getting your penis grabbed by an Upstanding Citizen. i went to the store and an Upstanding Citizen all but fondled my balls to get my attention while i was reaching for my items. i went to the store and an Upstanding Citizen nearly put three fingers in my asshole. i went to the store

>> No.15745925

Thanks man. I appreciate everyone who responded to me. I don't have anyone to talk to. You guys are my only friends for this lol.

>My advice: Don't marry her if she's like this already. She should lift you up, not chip away at your confidence when given the chance. Then again, you know way more about her than I do.

I think about that man. It's hard thinking clearly when you're bonded and love her already. I don't want to leave her and end up feeling like I made a mistake because I want to find someone who treats me better. But what if you're right, what if I did deserve better? I know this would devastate her.

I think I wanted to know regardless. If she was with some huge dicked dude that fucked her to oblivion then that would have been a deal breaker, as insecure as that sounds. At least right now I feel like I could still compete.

>> No.15745930

I went on a long internal tangent in the shower earlier. My mind was reeling it felt like my brain had been kicked into overdrive. I felt like I was trying to process all the information I had ever absorbed all at once and the formerly tranquil water behind my eyes gave way to a ceaseless stream of consciousness of which I was not prepared for

>> No.15745932

you’re such a fucking simp

>> No.15745955

Oof bro. This is a bad post. She is going to ride a cock-carousel. She is looking to sample the different kind of men out there. The only way you can redeem this situation is by making a move on her and being irreverent to her friendship. Romance for you guys would come after your prove to her you're not a pussy. Even then you would have to be irreverent to her leaving as well and be ready to depart for another pussy.

>> No.15745958

no I'm going even further than you. if she's willing, i think its really good for the relationship to be as open as possible about what turn you on, and that sometimes includes her past. I think the insuring comes from a real place, she is not yours, you don't own her, thats a secret because we want to pretend the world is how disney said it was but its not, its actually a lot better albeit kinda weird and trips. Anyways, if she's your friend, and she enjoys fucking you,and doesn't want anyone else, and you really like her, bro do you understand how lucky you are? Listen take in her history and realize its her history not yours, and if finding out your girlfriend is down af makes you turned off, i don't think your ready for anybody honestly. Of corse it should piss you off, and your not gonna fucking be ok looking at the dudes face, at least not while he has one over on you. She likes you your obviously insecure cuz you like her, its very sweet congrats

>> No.15745983

>huge dicked dude that fucked her to oblivion then that would have been a deal breaker
not for me. id get creative lol
in a way she wants you to one up him, so come up with a plan and i bet you not only will she be down you'll get that smile girls get when their about to do some real fucking kinky shit

>> No.15745984

How are things outside of the bedroom? I noticed you said you compliment her a lot and all that. Do you buy her gifts and give her lots of attention and all that? I ask because you sound like the attentive type, and women, in my experience, take advantage of that sort of thing almost right away.

>> No.15745985


>she's going to ride the CC

no shit, i'm fully realist, I assure you, but it's complex. it's not that I want *her*, it's just a moment in time sort of thing. there's no naivety here

I think I just want to begin to refuse to live life emotionally lobotomized, ive played the hardass game for a while and it's tiring. if i'm a faggot so be it

>> No.15745994

"You miss 100% of the pussy you don't take" -- Wayne "Gash" Gretzky

>> No.15746000


>> No.15746007

Watch donnie darko

>> No.15746016

I want to fall back into depression because I felt something then. My emotional state is very grey most of the time (basically whenever I’m not reading a good book)

>> No.15746018

That's certainly the most romantic way to look at it. I've tried asking more and she just doesn't even want to talk about it. Idk, it is nice, but ya I'm just struggling to get over the fact that she might feel like she's settling sexually perhaps or doesn't think of me sexually.

Perhaps, I'm insecure about bringing toys, in that way I am a bitch. We are about to go LDR for 5 months too, so maybe my problems are going to resolve themselves lol.

I have given her gifts for occasions. I am definitely very attentive. I have written her a song, bought her thoughtful gifts for her birthday and once for no reason, buy our groceries, our dinner (although she offers to pay occasionally to often, which is fair because her job pays much less than mine), however I try to reign it in by ignoring her at times and letting her know I am not emotionally reliant on her and can move on, but it seems likes maybe she takes me for granted at times.

>> No.15746044

it doesn't sound like a serious relationship
have fun while it lasts

>> No.15746052


>> No.15746093

bump as I like these threads

>> No.15746099

Good on you for not going overboard and doing everything for her. A woman should always know that you have other options and that you have things to do beyond paying attention to her.

Still, if shit's causing you this much discomfort/stress, you might want to consider giving it up or just taking things a bit more slowly at the very least (no marriage). I guarantee you she isn't messaging strangers on a Jamaican lepidoptery forum about you.

>> No.15746102

I'm fully serious. Read the coiled serpent and grow up. I pray that you'll mature.

>> No.15746103


>> No.15746125

the catechism, 7 storey mountain

>> No.15746134

Ya, I agree, I told her we wouldn't marry for another year at least. She still loves talking about it and running away with me and anything I want to do. But I am a textbook overthinker so I just feel sometimes the idea of marriage is what gets her going, and I'm good enough to fulfill that fantasy perhaps

Ya, celibacy, Idk sounds repressed. Even if the world is hypersexualized, sexual energy has always been released.

>> No.15746137

not much to say just dropped in to say that painting is real swell.

>> No.15746144

That is some power play right there. She is trying to solidify her power over you, letting you know that you are not the man in this relationship.

>> No.15746155

Naw I think she was mad and retaliating for him making fun of her orgasm
>well the last guy made me numb sooo

>> No.15746162

Right? But I asked, so I set her up and she spiked it down. Do you think it was malicious?

>> No.15746170

youre overthinking this - what do you want to do: do that.

>> No.15746172

There was no sense of her taking offense or taking it in jest. The conversation was very secure until she said that. I introduced the first signs of insecurity upon hearing her say that.

>> No.15746188

Bro, put her on her back, bust a nut, stfu
U wanna Give her something she’s never had, go to the Cemetary, take her to grandpas grave, and fuck her to kingdom cum

>> No.15746194

I want to make her desire me and view me as a sexual stud. That's my only issue. To make her want to be near me and touch me all day. To make her needy. Once I pulled away and starved her off attention and it happened (I'm a jerk I know), and sometimes it happened from sex, but not in a while by now. Idk, I'm just feeling insecure and trying to soothe myself man.

You're right. I'm still mulling over how I feel and I can't do something until I understand how I get to where I want to be.

That's pretty much what happens. But I bottle my emotions.

>> No.15746203

I wish I could induce them more often, though my dreams are usually still pretty fucking nuts haha. Honestly they can be much better than movies since you're right fucking there, and the storyline/setting is some crazy shit lmao.

>> No.15746233

i only started going on /lit/ because my tastes are exceedingly middlebrow (hemingway, pkd, faulkner, sillitoe, o'connor etc.) and i started getting into a pretty serious thing with girl who frequents this place. i have a pretty above-average grounding in history and philosophy and music and art and all this other shit but sometimes i just feel like an idiot when i talk to her because i haven't read fucking gravity's rainbow or whatever. i know she's not doing anything intentionally but i get this gnawing feeling that i'm not good enough for her, which is awful because i don't think i've ever cared about someone this much in my life - likewise with her. i really can't emphasize enough how unintentional this is on her part.

i've talked to her about it - mostly being apologetic for not being able to follow a lot of conversations about literature and not having a solid grounding in a lot of literary theory, but i always try and keep up because she's so passionate and i love hearing her talk about that kind of stuff. combine this with the fact that she goes to a grammar school in the south of england and i'm autodidact white trash, and that i feel like the most i can ever do for her is extremely little in comparison to what she already has, and it's a weird stew of feelings. all of this is mostly blocked out by the fact that i legitimately believe i'm in love, but it still nags my subconscious.

sorry if any of this is rambling or nonsensical - i'm not much of a writer. feels good to put this somewhere regardless.

>> No.15746234
File: 38 KB, 726x678, rewriting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I get better at rewriting and editing?
Writing is easy. I'm writing this post right now.
>Should I have edited it to "I'm writing this post at this moment" to avoid homophony? or is it a feature, not a bug?
However I have a detestable habit that when I rewrite something I am a xerox machine, it comes out pretty much the same.
Especially if we're talking about stuff like plot, or environmental details - those little touches that can improve a story.
How do I stop being an auto-xerox, and learn to rewrite and edit myself?

>> No.15746240

I have been afraid of the light for dozens of years.
But, now I've found the shadow, it dissipates my fears.
And it tells me that all the shit that I've done is forgiven.
Everything is forgiven.

And I have been afraid to feel, to turn myself around.
But, now it looks to me so deeply and to it I am bound.
And it tells me that all the evil that I do will be forgiven.
Everything will be forgiven.

>> No.15746262

There's passive-aggressively backing away just to piss someone off, and then there's actually being too busy with worthwhile shit to talk. Women can tell the difference. You just seem petty if you ignore them but have nothing going on.

The "sexual stud" shit is something else entirely. It sounds like you're putting in good work already, m8. If she's not happy, it's either a her thing, or she can sense you're a bit of a pussy.

t. guy who used to be in your position

>> No.15746283

Are you planning on becoming a writer or teaching English? If not, you shouldn't worry too much about not knowing shit about literary theory. Sure, it's interesting, I guess, but the average person has no need for it. Hell, most academics don't even do a good job of explaining it. What matters is that you have a profession or interest of your own that you're clearly passionate about and that you might be able to share with her in kind. Don't try to catch up to her if your heart's not in it. She'll be able to tell you're just following her lead.

>> No.15746299

i mean, i agree, honestly - but i still read stuff like wittgenstein with very little practical application, and i adore mark fisher's writings on music - useful because i plan on going into music, i guess, but really only tangentially. i think it stems from some subconscious desire to seem good enough for her, you know? and on some level i know that me reading so-and-so's thoughts on so-and-so isn't going to fix whatever deep-seated issues i have confidence-wise, but it's still a strange compulsion. sorry if this all just sounds like whining, but i figure an anonymous imageboard is probably the place to purge all this.

>> No.15746300

The closest historical analogue to what is happening in America right now is the Maoist Cultural Revolution, except more tame and ideologically devoid. These attempts to dismantle the past by tearing down statues, the regular "struggle sessions" in which some Karen is pilloried on Twitter for being scared of a random black guy, this aggravated striving for moral regeneration: it has all the hallmarks of a maoist insurgence without the organized militancy of a Red Guard. The similarity can be located in the aggressive crusade to purge elements of the culture perceived as backward, but lacking a perfect concept of what is exactly "forward", the movement's definition of backward grows rampant and becomes ever more unhinged. The cultural revolution was soon regretted by future CCP leaders, because they realized that negating the vestiges of the past did not automatically spell positing a fully formed replacement for it. A revolution lacks advantage of accumulation and rest, the slow and unconscious crystallization of habits which defines the social order-- it is never a fully formed, planned product, but a natural resting state of stagnant historical inertias. Revolutionary fervor therefore always anticipates a period of cultural insanity and unrepressed emotions that can cause incalculable damage.

>> No.15746307

Ya I usually just drown myself in my hobbies and work and then I stopped initiating all the I love yous and wheneve she got me at me I just didn't even dwell or try to appease her. Then we just recently went on vacation and got an airbnb and she was obsessed with me, so I gave in to my simp side and then she backed away a little. She then confessed that she though I was falling out of love and that was why she "freaked out".

As far as sexual stud, I used to make her really wet and grab her hair and call her my little whore etc etc, really dominate her and she would get so wet from it, but now she seems like she saw through the illusion to a child wearing his dads suit or something. I'm probably making too much of it.

>> No.15746311

Being good enough =/= the same as. You're meant to complement each other rather than replicate each other. Develop your own interests and you can mention books or things she hasn't come across yet.

>> No.15746316

i mean, i think the main difference is that the cultural revolution was primarily a conscious project on the part of the CCP that got wayyy out of hand - if anything, what's going on know is a totally unconscious project of the professional-managerial class. you can make analogues in a symbolic sense, but why not then compare our current moment to the terror of the french revolution (which would fail as analogy for different reasons) or any myriad of instances of civil unrest?

>> No.15746320

you're right. seems almost obvious in hindsight and she likes me because of said interests - but i guess it helps to have someone say it. thanks, man.

>> No.15746518
File: 12 KB, 512x510, 75354805_2499316656789868_2082341445229871104_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's my birthday today and not much to my surprise barely anyone wished me. What surprised me was this one chick wished me and wrote a heartfelt message about how I've inspired her to be a better person. I'm not gonna lie, I was flattered at first but I felt a little proud of the fact that she was taking steps to being better. also my fucking dog bit me

>> No.15746568

happy birthday, man. :)

>> No.15746632

Sex for procreation is not celibacy. Get over the idea life is in anyway about you, your pleasure or individualism. Your a limb not a whole body.

>> No.15746654

I’m in love.
What is there to say about love born among isolation, where both lovers are kept apart? It fills me with joy, with a part of dread.Who can guess if her feelings are similarly intense; and even if so, will they stay this way until freedom is finally here?
God only knows.

>> No.15746742

Thank you anon.

>> No.15746752

I love you (platonically and sexually)

>> No.15746774

>Your a limb
My a limb what?

>> No.15746791

Happy birthday, anon. Sorry for not replying when I first posted on the thread.

>> No.15746821

I want to continue writing, I think I have what it takes. But I have no dedication to the work.

>> No.15746839

>No matter how much he changed later in his life, he always kept alive the letters
of psychoanalytic dogma and fought against a watering-down of the motives
he thought he uncovered.

>No matter how much he had changed later in his life, he always kept alive the letters
of psychoanalytic dogma and fought against a watering-down of the motives
he had thought he uncovered.

Which of these sentences is correct? If both are correct, then what is the difference?

>> No.15746845

My death shall be of my own will.

>> No.15746890
File: 2.93 MB, 4800x2700, f09353fb-e012-4d30-a8c8-1825b6641ba3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




IM evil... BUT IM PROUD :-D

>> No.15746900
File: 61 KB, 500x425, hhahahahaahaha-amazing-use-of-that-good-mene-my-old-chap-52199353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is some good stuff (wine, alcohol, do not drink you are underaged)


>> No.15746918
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x775, 17.11.30_Zionism_RichardSchofieldTheHoya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro-Israel activist Chloé Valdary argued against inter sectionalism as a lens to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict

>> No.15746926

normies are still judgemental about social media despite now knowing the truth about it, how it is designed to ensnare you and engineer behaviour... you will never be normal if you cannot get 200 likes on a relationship status update with normie gf, you are a freak if you do not snapchat or instagram

>> No.15746954
File: 8 KB, 225x225, images.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I'm stupid and evil but I thrive off of freedom of expression :)

Up yours, losers


>> No.15746960
File: 184 KB, 1080x1080, 106664339_2616370135252250_6192986027750491861_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm an independent man.

I think for these things.

It's all I got.

>> No.15746990
File: 255 KB, 800x538, bleeding-hearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My heart BLEEDS for beautiful existence...


Icky gross (monster? Scary!)

I'm for the good side.

>> No.15747007
File: 135 KB, 1080x885, 106101817_571687536876967_8866236513303498565_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.15747018
File: 1.17 MB, 760x663, 2020.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always struggling with the impassable divide between my will and my actions. I never do what my soul wants me to do. Does anyone know this feel?

>> No.15747024

Relationship Status: Single, but pining after a girl who I had a brief talk with. Religion: Atheist. Political views: Socialist with anarchist tendencies. Hobbies: Smoking weed, consuming media en-masse and writing. You mentioned recreational drugs, how often do you take them? Nearly every day, I’m not addicted or anything, in fact I work better on them! I use them to de-stress and chill out, nothing wrong with that, it’s good for you you know? You enjoy writing? How is your book getting on? I just started it, I have this great idea for this dystopian future where the corporation controls everything. Much written? No, not yet, I might put it on the back-burner though I can’t work for very long or I’ll get stressed and won’t write too well. I have a lot of plans though, bits and pieces written that I’ll finish one day. I feel I have a lot of intelligence. I would get even better grades if I was driven to do the work.

>> No.15747038

I’m tired
I keep refreshing the feed
hoping it’s more of her I see
before I fall asleep again

>> No.15747054

DO YOU guys like uhm the cool guy from blade runner 2049 like the main actor he was really cool and nice and silent, kind reminds me of me, hehe.


do you guys know of anymore movies about nice guys who are quiet and cool?

>> No.15747060


>> No.15747062

:/ (what?)

>> No.15747081


>> No.15747087
File: 19 KB, 315x314, greedy_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you like some hyper-actor for a PMC (private military company) conducting wordly super-data collecting machine algorithims for china nad social media netowkrs?

am I being data mined, officer?

>> No.15747090

100% kosher

>> No.15747099


I have no idea what "home" would look like

>> No.15747105

I’m am absolutely terrified

>> No.15747106
File: 34 KB, 640x427, jones-day-gets-212m-in-legal-fees-from-chrysler-12525_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So like, you're data mining the gamers (super man shooter algorithms for our worldy earth minerals...)

Stop hurting us. (and start paying us for our personal data)

>> No.15747136

Thank you. No worries.

>> No.15747141

>Stop hurting us
K promise

>> No.15747150

Do you have a pgp key to verify this confirmation?

>> No.15747163

I’m more of a blood than a crypt ya know

>> No.15747164 [DELETED] 
File: 255 KB, 527x537, 10233942031.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw girl who was interested in me asked me if I have an instagram or snapchat
>I tell her when she has neither
>she looks at me like I'm some sort of ghost
>has never talked to me since

It's so tiresome

>> No.15747168

I uh...
just like, right click on the file and down

do you have pgp program installed... it's free...

>> No.15747175

Romantic love doesn't exist outside of fiction and all love stories in fiction are trash. I am sad and lonely.

>> No.15747176

I don’t, which program

>> No.15747187

Me2 ;(

>> No.15747192
File: 565 KB, 679x853, 1592946506648.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one designated by the Pentagon (smart powerful men in power, hence the captical "p")

Click to play ( continue ? ) ?


>> No.15747213
File: 398 KB, 220x160, 374366D1-C942-42F9-8A8D-CBB15D6109D4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15747214

I’ve simped again /lit/. The girl is having some health issues and I came on too strong when talking about it and wishing her well. I’ve figured out the best thing to do is to just be honest and say I exaggerated the next time we talk.
It’s frustrating to still do shit like this. Fucking insecurities, man. hope I haven’t managed to fuck everything up

Anyways, hope you anons are all doing well. People on /lit/ have done a lot for me in the past, and the least I can do is wish all the good will back at you.

>> No.15747217

Happy birthday anon, hope the dog bite is okay. Why did it bite. you?

>> No.15747220
File: 63 KB, 960x540, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry 2 scare you baby boy.

We gotchya (in the crib)

(seriously post the fucking pgp)

>> No.15747231


>> No.15747235
File: 126 KB, 955x1300, money-maker-funny-businessman-dollar-hornes-head-counting-against-grey-background-32281030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm trying to MAKE THE DEALS HERE and get into the democratical underpinnings of reality with peronsal...

Catch my drift? ;)

>> No.15747242

Yes, what’s the play

>> No.15747246
File: 2.37 MB, 400x200, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry this card game doesn't have jokers.

>> No.15747251

>sexy lady

>> No.15747253

Can we play Uno

>> No.15747260
File: 337 KB, 500x333, 12-card-star-animation.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah but can will power change the hand of fate (god or something)


>> No.15747273
File: 1.07 MB, 1404x1770, 865A90C3-FBDA-4216-A267-18385CC2FF3E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can 2 become 1 (sometime soon)?

>> No.15747282
File: 2.44 MB, 480x480, just stop.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No get fucked, I fucking hate you faggot suicidal faggots holy fuck I can't believe you fucking live. Like holy fucking damn I can't believe you fucking did this fuck you. Just stop fucking breathing and stop fucking things up like fuck it fuck off just fuck off.

>> No.15747286

K bye

>> No.15747294
File: 1.84 MB, 320x240, how-to-fold-a-shirt.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another one bites the dust (who's next?) ?

>> No.15747302

Post tits faggot

>> No.15747318

Ignorance is bliss anon

>> No.15747326

dudes completely lost his mind

>> No.15747346
File: 403 KB, 1023x1134, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So anyways 4chan culture is designed the pervert public discourse and uh, generate a weird Zionist controlled "hate" culture...

>> No.15747353
File: 359 KB, 2160x2160, bUIacfk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They sort of, uh, took over western democratic institutions silently and covertly...

>> No.15747363

bruh you're a cuck lol just dump her and play video games honestly

>> No.15747365
File: 47 KB, 750x750, ECRbuVuX4AAliQx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No! I'm a smart cool guy and telling you about The corruption of Man.

Sorry if I'm super cool and you're apparently dumber than me. Which is slightly hilarious but tragic. I'm like good.

>> No.15747378
File: 93 KB, 1024x1001, 0DFF3A18-BE79-4E6A-8426-A1FE94D117CE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw your daughter is also your gf

>> No.15747383
File: 844 KB, 3024x4032, pjerorarz2q11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Where's me misses she spose to tell the boys... tellin thus ol' bugger off



>> No.15747405
File: 236 KB, 1000x1000, A7D2E2CE-1A91-48A9-BD33-9DC8857837AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15747414
File: 60 KB, 1024x948, meat_by_sinkcandycentral_ddd3aha-fullview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a faggot that hates human beings. Another fucking nothing. Get fucked you stupid shit.

>> No.15747416

When am I ever going to look at something I write and see value in it? When is the novel I'm writing going to lay itself out completely in my head, start to finish, all the details and interactions all tidy and ready to be written? Why do I have to sit here and get 1 or 2 chapters in before arriving at another block?

>> No.15747424
File: 307 KB, 1280x1440, meat_clown_by_jackaerror_ddanwzb-fullview.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bah! More esoteric shit for another loser to decipher.

Just shout it mate!

>> No.15747426

that hurts

>> No.15747435
File: 44 KB, 385x216, 97745-1557978815-709841315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as it should! The nature of man has endured way too much brutish oppression

>> No.15747440

I’m going to sleep now

>> No.15747444

Suck my dick, hope the mental boys make a good dream for you.

Pray for israel.

>> No.15747467

Thanks for the advice, anon. I will.

>> No.15747486
File: 988 KB, 400x225, tumblr_mhagrkuZwc1rowobho1_400.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I'm dealing.

>> No.15747535

Thanks anon. My dog is old and is suffering from hip dysplasia, so lying down is a pain for him. Problem is he's really stubborn about it, so when I tried to lie him down he was in pain. In protest he moved his head to my hand but ending up biting me for a split second. It broke a little bit of my skin, about the size of a needle pin, but still it kinda pinches. Hopefully it won't be infectious.

>> No.15747751

Fauklner and O'Connor are not at all middlebrow.

>> No.15747881

I will now write with only one speech sound per word.
One thing of words per line.
This is for easy reads.
To read up-down is good.
Smile for me.
From now on this is how I write.

>> No.15748587

They deleted the cheese school of thought thread and I am mad about it

>> No.15748741


>> No.15749142

Ya, imagine not knowing though and continuing thinking you're the shit.
Nah, it doesn't turn me on to think about it or be humiliated. It just makes me want to leave, but I also feel like I'm being irrational and I also love her and I think she loves me. I don't want to cause her and myself that harm.