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15737332 No.15737332 [Reply] [Original]

How do you juggle a full time wagey job with reading, hobbies, working out, cooking, maintaining relationships, school, etc? I refuse to believe it was rigged from the start. I often feel almost too tired to read or study after work and working out. I'd like to increase my reading from one hour a day to two or three so I guess I'm just asking for people's personal routines and suggestions for improving discipline for autodidacts and literature/philosophy hobbyists.

>> No.15737347

It is rigged from the start.
You either sacrifice some time off the other activities or you don’t.
Or you organize to end capitalism. That’ll free up some time.

>> No.15737362

Lol. Tell me when communism solves scarcity. There is no way central planning beats voluntary transaction between informal associations.

>> No.15737373

i always thought it was easy to balance lit and a normal life. i read before i go to bed and i bring a book with me everywhere i go so i'm not looking at my phone in lobbies n shit. it's a lot easier to balance then say a video game hobby is or watching netflix. tho i've never had many friends in my life so idk what it'd be like with a full social life but even then i don't imagine it'd be that difficult. don't mean to undermine you op just my two cents

>> No.15737381

DON'T sacrifice your sleep (I say this only in case someone DARES suggest that). Personally I sacrifice cooking and relationships. Maybe switch around some allotted time for your hobbies?

>> No.15737408
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>lol ur a commie marxist
>lol socialism is when the guvermint does stuff
Central planning?

>> No.15737428

You undermine yourself by attempting to lampoon me. Whether its at a "community" level or not, what is proposed by people who use 'capitalism ' pejoritively will meet less individual preferences then our current systems.

>> No.15737449

I stopped reading fiction the second i got a job.
Y'all should try it.

>> No.15737468 [DELETED] 
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You undermine me every time you lump in with authoritarian socialism.
> will meet less individual preferences then our current systems.
What exactly does this mean?

>> No.15737479
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You undermine me every time you lump me in with authoritarian socialism.
> will meet less individual preferences then our current systems.
What exactly does this mean?

>> No.15737510

How can one trip get so based? What happened? You finally drink TSwift's blood or something?

>> No.15737517

Or you buy Chainlink

>> No.15737523

It means he can't fathom a society without a focus on pointless luxury, excess, and waste.

>> No.15737798

Live frugally, which will free up money to work less and follow your passions.

Work near where you live, which will free up time. Even better to commute to work on foot or by bike, which compresses commute and cardio into one.

If your job is not intellectually satisfying, it should not be mentally demanding. You have a limited amount of mental energy, don't waste it on work. Use it on your passions and hobbies.

Don't work more than you need to, unless there is a short or medium term benefit(being able to move somewhere closer to save you time, getting enough raises you can cut hours.).

My job only takes up 35 hours of my week. 5 commuting at a jog, 30 working. I have 77 hours left after work and sleeping.

Because I get my cardio commuting and working(I'm a cook), exercise takes up 0 hours.

I spend an hour a day cooking/eating(two on weekends.when I prep for the week)

I spend an hour a day reading

I spend an hour a day socializing

I spend an two hours a day writing

I spend half an hour in the bathroom

I spend half an hour playing an instrument

I spend half an hour cleaning

I spend half an hour gardening.

I still have 40 hours left, so I sleep an extra hour for optimal rest, spend an hour with my wife(outside of doing the other things on my list together.)

That still leaves me with 26 hours a week of dead time to relax, be inefficient, do other tasks that pop up, etc.

The key is to abandon the thought of work as a means, it is secondary to everything else.

My hobbies and relationships mean more to me than material wealth, status, etc. My job is the least onerous one I could find, rather than the most rewarding.

Of course there are things I have given up or abstained from. I've never drank, smoked, used drugs, etc. I don't own a car. I only ever go to restaurants socially. My clothes are second hand. I grow my own vegetables. Ally meals are scratchmade. Most of my possessions were acquired for free. The only things I've ever splurged on were my shoes and my bed.

But ultimately, I can't imagine giving up even a single hour in my day, putting aside any of the things that I find fulfilling, for any of the things I'm without.

My goal is to become a professional writer.

>> No.15737910

pretty based, thanks amigo. good luck to you

>> No.15737949

>ending capitalism will free up time
God I fucking hate you people. Socialism makes you work too retard.

>> No.15737952

What did you expected from an adult neet?

>> No.15737956

That trip is a disgusting anarkiddie who should be sent to gulag. Anyway, voluntary transactions rarely are, demand can be created, especially for the average retard out there. Also the economy is more or less centralized right now anyway.

>> No.15738022

Capitalism only operates based on extreme central planning. Corporations are totalitarian top-down structures.

>> No.15738040

The difference is that under socialism you keep what you earn.

>> No.15738046

You dont

>> No.15738054

> To separate labor from other activities of life and to subject it to the laws of the market was to annihilate all organic forms of existence and to replace them by a different type of organization, an atomistic and individualistic one.
>Such a scheme of destruction was best served by the application of the principle of freedom of contract. In practice this meant that the noncontractual organizations of kinship, neighborhood, profession, and creed were to be liquidated since they claimed the allegiance of the individual and thus restrained his freedom. To represent this principle as one of noninterference, as economic liberals were wont to do, was merely the expression of an ingrained prejudice in favor of a definite kind of interference, namely, such as would destroy noncontractual relations between individuals and prevent their spontaneous reformation.

—Karl Polanyi, The Great Transformation

Oh I’ve never said otherwise. It will free up time because we’ll be rid of thousands of bullshit jobs that support state capitalism, and automation will continue to advance. We’d work less, by a lot.

>> No.15738059

Sure, but it's not like you'll be working way less.

>> No.15738070
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>automation will continue to advance
Lol, you realize that hardware limitations will prevent that from happening, right? Moore's law has collapsed and transistors will hit the absolute limit of their advancement in less than a decade. That's also not even addressing the problem of collapsing natural resources.

>> No.15738088

Wow. A real materialist.
Glad to hear from ya
I think we can still pull through. So many variables to consider, that is one on my mind too.

>> No.15738092

>It will free up time because we’ll be rid of thousands of bullshit jobs that support state capitalism
Like what jobs?

>> No.15738122

There's not away around massive resource collapse and if it can be avoided, there will still be a collapse in living standards.

>> No.15738144

Why is a plateau in computational power considered an exhaustion of resources?

>> No.15738166

You have misread my post, I'm saying both are going to occur, though the former occurring is gonna make dealing with the latter a lot harder.

>> No.15738171

If you will do 5 things with 20% of your effort, you will end up mediocre in all five things, but, at least, you're doing them. if you want to succeed in let's say writing, you'll have to put 80% of your energy into it. all the time. for years. and some of the times you have to give 120%, which is to say you sacrifice sleep, health, jobs, friendships. In the end, it's a gamble. set goals, write them down, achieve them one by one.

>> No.15738176
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Politicians, judges, lawyers, military, cops, bankers, tellers, insurance agencies, stock brokers, Advertisers, salesmen, middle and upper management, others.

Today’s living standards are absurd. We obviously need to rethink and ration our way out of this century. Making do with what resources are left to is and finding new sources from space perhaps

>> No.15738185

>military, cops
I'm not even going to address your other points because this one is the most transparently false. Military and police will always exist as long as mankind exists. If abolished, they will simply take the same form under a different name.

>> No.15738203

>finding new sources from space perhaps
This is a complete pipe dream, there's not even a robust hypothetical model for efficient space travel. You will always lose far more than you could possibly gain.

>> No.15738227

>World peace will never break out! I swears it!
We will govern and defend ourselves. Total war would end.

A problem to solve later after the first crises

>> No.15738264

>World peace will never break out! I swears it!
Historical precedent would suggest this, so yes.
>We will govern and defend ourselves.
So form other, smaller police and militaries? I don't think the current police and military are good things, but it's not like the concept is one that can be abolished. At the very least, you need a military to fight against those who want to smash your worldview.

>> No.15738280
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Oh great, its another thread with butterfly arguing with everyone in mass replies

>> No.15738291

This truly is the key to a happy life.

>> No.15738294

>I swear I’ll kill you for trying to bring peace and prosperity to all humanity
Live free or die

>> No.15738303

You tell em anon!

>> No.15738305
File: 63 KB, 660x811, C84E4DD4-3443-4F70-9D40-8D3A7F938A88.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sure hate optimism and clean livin

>> No.15738330

What are you even talking about lmao? Engaging with the political at all entails having enemies who will try to eliminate you. Anarchists should know this considering they've gotten shit stomped by political enemies every single time. Even barring enemies, which are a constant in one form or another, there's also a portion of bad actors in a society you have to deal with.

>> No.15738408

>A problem to solve later after the first crises
But the industrial base required to do that won't be there by then.

>> No.15738408,1 [INTERNAL] 

This is the race we’re in.