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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/lit/ - Literature

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15735191 No.15735191 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the discord coordinated effort to improve our subreddit?
i remember that it was something like
>2000000 words per post and no images
What happened? did jannies cared or they just got BTFO?
Also, just started reading The Hobbit and it's too childish, does it get good? i'm 50 pages in. Is LoTR any better?

>> No.15735334

Do you mean our board? There were 50 other discord coordinated efforts to derail it; there was a major increase in posting frequency and decrease in post length shortly after lockdown was instituted. The effects can be seen today in the catalog and in the endless low-effort and overly argumentative replies, derailing threads with off-topic political statements, and of course the endless slide threads about Marx, Nietzche, Japanese videogames, whatever, as long as it edges out the people who used to contribute to the board culture. Then they blame it on /pol/ and say things like "/lit/ was always shit," "/lit/ doesn't read," "/lit/ always hated X." This happened two to three months ago. Previously, /lit/ didn't have consensus opinions, just good faith discussion and inspired recommendations. There seems to be a new homeostasis being formed out of this, however, as the supposed derailers are influenced by having to largely restrict their shitposting to literary topics. Mods have picked up their game recently by deleting some of the more blatantly irrelevant threads, this board could go anywhere over the next few months but if anything is for sure it's that the old /lit/ is dead now and laid-back conversation is not to be had anymore. If 2016 4chan was the unexpected site of political cyberwarfare, 2020 4chan is the ground zero of unprecedented proxy cyberwarfare, with the whole of the internet as the proxy.

>> No.15735356

thanks for the honest response.
Is there really nothing to do about it?

>> No.15735382

Ride the tiger nigga

>> No.15735396
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I posted sneed so they had delete their threads in shame

>> No.15735410

You’re the cancer that’s killing this board

>> No.15735419


>> No.15735422

If there was one rule that would improve the quality of this board above anything else it would be to ban threads with no substantive content in the OP.

>> No.15735444

i disagree
sometimes honest questions are made and the replies help elaborate on it and how it may or may not be possible to answer it.
Now this is different from >books for this feel?, >Why is society collapsing, etc

>> No.15735447

Boards on 4chan only ever successfully prevent being shit with self-moderation. As long as there are users who participate in creating and sustaining shit threads, there will be shit threads. Unfortunately that's just how it goes.

>> No.15735451

Oh yes, one of the major shilling techniques going on across the site is an attempted ruining of "based" culture. If somebody manages to come in as the first response with some placeholder lefty opinion like "transwomen are women" or something similar there will be two or three people who reply "based" to this. It's usually really easy to spot because the original post is the opposite of based.

>> No.15735453


>> No.15735470

this is why /lit/ is the weakest board
you can't even handle a literal meme

>> No.15735472

I was going to tell you to fuck off and check my digits but apparently you make a fair point. Threads like "What am I in for?" should not be allowed and threads like "What did he mean by this?" should be allowed.

>> No.15735499

This point might have been the case previously, but we have entered into a new paradigm with the run-up to the US election wherein there has been a massive influx of literal shills who are specifically trying to sustain shit discourse. There are no longer any "users," only influencers.

>> No.15735561

>transwomen are women
Um, based department?

>> No.15735575


>> No.15735592

I think what I said still applies - if enough people are trying to shill on a 4chan board, it is going to be shit. It is unavoidable, that's just the nature of 4chan as a medium. If you can still find a way to enjoy /lit/ despite that, great, otherwise you just have to move on. Maybe some day in the future the userbase will change again and you will like it again.

>> No.15735605

this is pretty much the cold, harsh fact
/lit/ is shit because /lit/ has shit members
truth be told though, im def a shit poster. but at least i dont create shit threads.

>> No.15735653

This board used to be something of an oasis relative to the rest of 4chan and there are still very often pockets of quality discussion, sometimes whole threads of it. Here's one right now: >>15734614

It's usually something pretty highbrow that only the basedboys have heard of so it doesn't attract the attention of either the plebs or the shills.

>> No.15735733

You said something about self-moderation; I don't see how that comes into it. From what you're saying right now the only option seems to be to give up and hope things get better organically. This is another idea that's being progressively shilled: saying I'm leaving the board forever because it used to be good and now it's gone to shit; clearly a part of consensus cracking and attempted stripping of the old guard. If there is opposition there must be an original force being opposed. Your position advocates no force whatsoever, or perhaps merely no resistance. inb4 404

>> No.15737252

Self-moderation comes into it because if many of the board's users (here I am including every single person/entity that uses the website, including shills or whatever) has no interest in self-moderating to maintain the quality of the board, the quality will be reduced. I am aware this is defeatist, but that is the nature of something like 4chan. As was discussed earlier in the thread, I do still enjoy threads on /lit/, and I don't shitpost (meta threads aside), but that is meaningless if there is always going to be a huge number of shitposters and shills and whatever else using the board. There is literally nothing that can be done to shape board culture unless it is done by a considerable proportion of users. As long as a large proportion of users on the board are shitposters, the board will continue to be full of shit.