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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 56 KB, 956x525, redditbans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15732669 No.15732669[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Given the recent reddit bans, there will be an influx of posters who's literature knowledge begins and ends at LOTR and Harry Potter. How can we convince these people to respect board rules and avoid becoming more /pol/lite than we already are?

>> No.15732672

Go back to /pol/

>> No.15732675



Election tourists have ruined this fucking website.

>> No.15732679

Why bother? This place is a lost case.

>> No.15732717

>They banned gendercritical and many of the other feminist boards
I guess TERFs were right about trannys coming in and destroying female spaces.

>> No.15732727

They unironically banned Chapo?
Aren't they like leftwing cucks?

>> No.15732733

this but unironically

>> No.15732751

Bro, this place hasn't been good since before 2010. It's just pissing in an ocean of piss now.

>> No.15732766

Maybe all those /pol/ memes were wrong

>> No.15732771
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Oh shit, do they even know about concept of containment boards?

>> No.15732781
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thedonald.win is expanding to add sub boards soon. Imagine if a forum specifically for Trump propaganda suddenly became home to Chapo and a bunch of TERFs.

>> No.15732792

> gendercritical got banned

Friendly reminder that our trans friends have done more than you or I will likely ever do to dissolve feminism's strength.

>> No.15732795

>/lit/ was never good
Fuck off.

>> No.15732797

Reddit is corporate libs, chapo is anti-corporare and communist

>> No.15732811

Can we remind everyone that this place has been decolonised from whitey for half a decade already, unlike whitedit.

>> No.15732822

>r/gendercritical is gone
Feel conflicted. Do I hate trannies or radfems more?

>> No.15732829

Discord Trannies on suicide alert for being equated with the donald.
Why imagine it? Just look around.

>> No.15732843
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Pic related

>> No.15732845


Trump knows

>> No.15732860

I really, really don't want those faggots flooding here, books on how to save an imageboard?

>> No.15732862

I haven't been to Reddit in a few weeks and I just check to see, they killed DebateAltRight too. I don't think there is any right wing left on that site aside from the Israel lapdogs.

>> No.15732864

jesus christ the influx of trannies is going to be unstoppable, think of how many of these chapofags already browse here once a week and tell themselves they "use 4chan." now they are going to start actually frequenting and posting here

happy to hear the_donald has its own site, at least we're safe from that flood.

always side with TERFs, their hatred of trannies is so bitter and so deeply ingrained that you can trust them as allies

>> No.15732870

The Trump people all went to thedonald.win a while ago, but Chapo will probably come here and shill their shitty Patreon.

>> No.15732875

There legitimately has been an influx of tranny posters lately, whining about /pol/.

>> No.15732877

Deep cover incels.

>> No.15732885

>In the Book of Judges, chapter 12, after the inhabitants of Gilead under the command of Jephthah inflicted a military defeat upon the invading tribe of Ephraim (around 1370–1070 BC), the surviving Ephraimites tried to cross the River Jordan back into their home territory, but the Gileadites secured the river's fords to stop them. To identify and kill these Ephraimites, the Gileadites told each suspected survivor to say the word shibboleth. The Ephraimite dialect resulted in a pronunciation that, to Gileadites, sounded like sibboleth.

>And the Gileadites took the passages of Jordan before the Ephraimites: and it was so, that when those Ephraimites which were escaped said, Let me go over; that the men of Gilead said unto him, Art thou an Ephraimite? If he said, Nay;
Then said they unto him, Say now Shibboleth: and he said Sibboleth: for he could not frame to pronounce it right. Then they took him, and slew him at the passages of Jordan: and there fell at that time of the Ephraimites forty and two thousand.
—Judges 12:5–6 KJV

We need a shibboleth. Every suspected chapofag MUST say nigger. It will be like presenting your papers in wartime.

>> No.15732888

4chan has always been full of mentally ill trannies and homosexuals

>> No.15732890

Most cth posters were on 4chan pre-2016

>> No.15732893

I think it was just the sacrificial lamb to allow the admins to claim some sort of impartiality.
I don't think they banned any of the other commie or anarchist subs.
Make better posts. Be the change you want to see in this board.

>> No.15732897

>kike war tactics
desperate times require desperate measures.

>> No.15732899
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>been overrun by 16 year old trumptards for the last few years
>now about to be overrun by 16 year old leftoid edgelord
Will we never find peace?

>> No.15732902

>Deep cover incels.
fucking lol

>> No.15732906

>banned Chapo
fucking based

>> No.15732912

I legit start threads quite often and not shitposts of political bait.

>> No.15732941

The solution is obvious but /lit/ lacks the will to implement it. Jannies have to proactively delete every thread that isn't actually about literature, and that includes every single "books about [off-topic thing that I want to discuss]?" thread.

>> No.15732963

I agree that effortposting is the best thing an individual poster can do. Even shilling memebooks is better than off-topic BS
life is suffering
Reddit has enough mainstream appeal and heavy moderation to stamp out ideas they don't want, compared to a looser platform like chan

also janny don't delete this fucking thread I started it as a legit meta-discussion.

>> No.15732978

Agreed. A genius anon a while back had an idea for a general recommendations megathread, where all the "Books for the feel when I'm sleepy?" shitposts can go, combined with a stupid questions that don't deserve their own thread motif

That combined with the what's on your mind threads would justify cleaning up most of the trash.

>> No.15732979
File: 438 KB, 794x601, LOL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> tfw the people you are arguing with are either underage, leftoids, neoliberal cuckservatives, or some bizarre mix of all the above.

>> No.15732980

Effortposting and both being intelligent and balanced enough not to respond to blatant bait.

>> No.15733007

just spam gore until they leave

>> No.15733013
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>Make better posts. Be the change you want to see in this board.

>> No.15733027
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The thing that pisses me off about the Reddit shit too is their lame virtue signaling about Ohanian quitting to be replaced by a POC. Sure the guy who replaced him on paper he is a POC due to being a really "lightskinneded" black dude, but he's a Silicon Valley tech bro insider who is currently CEO of Y-Combinator which owns HN. Stepping down in the name of "diversity" and then just passing the spot to your homie is kind of disingenuous.

>> No.15733056

Things like this conveniently symbolize and epitomize the whole problem with pseudoleftists substituting bourgeois race fetishism for class warfare.

>I demand one negro!
ok, here you go, he's a banker who sucks Dershowitz's cock and there's 500 hours of him doing strafing runs of Somali children in an A-10 Warthog
Yes, he is technically not white
>Great, now give me a button I can push to turn my profile picture into a faggot flag or whatever in celebration

It flattens all analysis to "nig or no nig?" But they like that, because it makes it easier to deploy their morality in literal black and white categories. These people aren't real activists, they are dabblers and tagalongs who dilute true leftist activism by usurping it into a weekend hobby and occasional excuse for partying

>> No.15733071

The Donald should have been left alone, now we're going to have an influx of boomers whose families won't speak to them anymore and school shooter wannabes. Reddit banned incels and as a result there are 15 threads per day about trannies and how women are evil because they don't touch my pee pee.

>> No.15733075

>Killed Chapo and Cumtown but not Stupidpol

>> No.15733092

They already left reddit because the admins kept fucking with them. Donald cultists have their own reddit knockoff now.

>> No.15733134

Thank god gender critical is getting banned. These guys are better at dog-whistling than alt-righters. I sincerely hope the majority of the influx of them goes to /pol/, though.

>> No.15733149

What was r/consumeproduct? If it got banned shit must have been spicy!

>> No.15733154

A subreddit about consumerism

>> No.15733162

>gender critical
>going to /pol/
GC are literal radfems, they'd have a brain aneurysm on /pol/

>> No.15733167

This has been the standard procedure, and it's the only one that works.

>> No.15733187

>always side with TERFs, their hatred of trannies is so bitter and so deeply ingrained that you can trust them as allies
but terf's want to castrate all men and are bitter misandrists, there's no reason to take either side.

>> No.15733190
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The funniest thing was that the_Donald originally got quarantined for "threats against law enforcement". I guess they were ahead of the curve!

>> No.15733204

Wow, how hateful, good thing it's gone!

>> No.15733205

Cumtown is the only one I'm really sad about.

>> No.15733214

It was a right wing place to critique consumerism. Eventually it turned into a mix of people bitching about brown people in advertisements and people who wanted to talk about permaculture without any hippies to bother them.

>> No.15733215

A new age of slacktivism is upon us

>> No.15733220


>> No.15733226

Is it socially acceptable to hate glowies now or are we only allowed to hate cops?

>> No.15733235

I've seen a lot of radfems that have no problem with that shit. Many are (or were) subscribed to consumerproducts and I see a lot of them on 4chan. They only need a place to hate, and there isn't a better place for that than the cesspool that /pol/ is. Also the way they talk about free speech really isn't different from race-realists, at all. Not to mention the same talking points on a lot of issues and countless times they reposted conservative journals and sites.

>> No.15733236

alright I don't browse reddit obviously; explain to me what this shit is, porn?

>> No.15733241

They didn't ban mgtow? Weird.

>> No.15733251

prefer my son to be castrated instead of castrated and i having to call him a girl.

>> No.15733256

they didn't ban the pinkpill subreddit either, which is much more extreme

>> No.15733262

oh fuck do I dare

>> No.15733263

yeah but radfems are the polar opposite of /pol/ on feminism. It would be hilarious I guess if there was a /rfg/ but I seriously don't think they could handle /pol/ style misogyny

>> No.15733264
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Had I not already gone insane from clownworld it would be intolerable.

>> No.15733266

Damn, who would have thought that people's whose speech is being actively suppressed might hold similar views on the subject of free speech.

>> No.15733267

it's some kind of podcast, political I think

>> No.15733285

cumtown is one of those wannabe 4chan for people who are afraid to say mean things type deals

>> No.15733293

no, glowniggers are honorary niggers.

>> No.15733305

But so long as they don't have men on their side, TERFs are powerless, so they are our ally in the meantime but no longer once the enemy of free speech and biological realism is defeated

>> No.15733308

It's funny. Radfems used to be mainstream and respected by woke people, but they were immediately kicked out the second transgender issues outweighed them in trendiness. Now they all live in their own quarantined communities and are beginning to adopt even more extreme worldviews.

They are women who agree with redpill people on women, but add "and that's a good thing!" and conspire ways to manipulate men out of their money and other material possessions while giving them nothing.

>> No.15733310

Wow, Trump got banned off Twitch today too. Totally not coordinated action to influence the election!

>> No.15733326

what is Twitch?

>> No.15733334

The NY Times still supports them. Just last week they published a belated obituary for the mass shooter who tried to kill Andy Warhol, a gay Catholic man, because she wrote some kind of extreme radfem manifesto that was hip for a minute in the 70s. They even had the nerve to include it as part of June LGBT month articles. Like what the fuck? This bitch tried to murder a gay dude?

>> No.15733337

There's also femaledatingstrategy, where genuine femcels give themselves mental illness in an attempt to find high quality men to marry.

>> No.15733346

Seriously man? It's a livestreaming platform that Amazon bought for one billion dollars a couple years ago, co-founded by the guy replacing Alexis Ohanian on the Reddit board.

Check out twitch.tv/woke for aggregated protest livestreams during American night time.

>> No.15733354

and it was the fucking Scum manifesto lmao. It's like if the NYT ran a piece commemorating Elliot Rodgers

>> No.15733367

lmao you were only a janny for a day get fucked

>> No.15733372
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oh great
it will be like the flood of reddit refugees in 2016. That worked out fantastically well for /lit/

>> No.15733374

They used to burn women for reading books. I am beginning to see why.

>> No.15733399

>r/antifa has been banned from Reddit

Wait, when did this happen? Is this part of the purge or was it already gone?

>> No.15733403

Genuinely surprising

>> No.15733410

I think r/antifascistsofreddit is the official one. wouldn't be surprised if its on a tight leash.

>> No.15733417

Was supposed to be anti-consumerist, ended up being "based Tucker Carlson clip!" Capital subsumes everything

>> No.15733422
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Redditor here.

We actually read a lot.

Ask me anything.

>> No.15733427

Holy fuck bro that place is like female /r9k/. Their whole mindset is just
>I shouldn't have to be attractive to attract an attractive man

>> No.15733430

It's not that r/politics is significantly different, so why not ban a few smaller ones.

>> No.15733436
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also check out Reddit's new rules for hate speech

looks like yt is open game

>> No.15733454

the difference between incels and femcels will always be that incels can fundamentally take the piss and laugh at themselves, while women are incapable of humor

fewer women become femcels because the social and cultural safety net is much larger for women, someone is always willing to "save" a woman unless she truly falls off the map. but for any woman who does fall off, she can fall much deeper than any incel. only a few incels will become truly deranged, most will be continuously stabilized by the male tendency to self-deprecate and self reality check. women do not have self-checks, they rely on the group to check them, so a group of women dedicated to insanity can go flying off into crazy land with nothing to hold it back, while they're all giving eachother "positive affirmations"

>> No.15733455
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>> No.15733457


lmao at all the chapo hate on there

>> No.15733461

People that aren't pathologically obsessed with 0.1% of the population and want to make jokes about other things

>> No.15733463
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>edit: woops guess i shouldn't have used the same account in which i posted nudes of my wife
>edit: don't gild this comment instead donate to black transwoman

I need to get out of this country before God nukes it

>> No.15733465

>tldr: open season on whites, only "protected" groups may be worshipped and have all their crimes excused at the expense of the universal scapegoat race

As usual. This shit is really taking on the character of a religion fast.

>> No.15733474

The SCUM Manifesto is hilarious. Grow a pair

>> No.15733484

However you justify being a pussy who can't take the training wheels off. Enjoy hanging out with thin-wristed greasy leftists with femmy voices and their BPD slut girlfriends (who you can't criticize or joke about because that's misogyny).

>> No.15733486

I look forward to a facist regime emerging by the 2030s to combat this nonsense.

>> No.15733490

>the majority
So attacks against women are fine?

>> No.15733491

Pretty based

>> No.15733495


We're probably fucked m8

>> No.15733497
File: 269 KB, 343x380, m1mSbLt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I keep telling you fuckers that all we REALLY need is for the mods to do their fucking jobs. We need mods that will actively patrol the board and delete off-topic threads on an hourly basis.

Basically we need to harass and bully Jap Moot until he gives us what we want.

>> No.15733501

I'm not sure if it's died down recently but back when everyone thought Robert Mueller was going to prove Trump needed to be impeached reddit hysterically worshipped him and the FBI as heroes. People were knitting Mueller blankets and getting Mueller tattoos, shit was hilarious.
If I had to guess it's shifted in the other direction because the FBI used to love killing black activists. I bet that part of the reason BLM seems so fragmented is because the feds never really stopped, they just found less overt ways of getting rid of them, so the movement remains leaderless.

>> No.15733508

>incels can fundamentally take the piss and laugh at themselves
Some can. Some are bitter little bitches with no sense of humor about anything

>> No.15733510

>only woke neo-liberalism allowed

>> No.15733517

>cum town subreddit hates misogyny
Enjoy pulling shit out of your ass all day

>> No.15733525
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Jesus fucking wept!

In the name of god, can we not get a separate literature board for people who actually read literature before this new wave of human waste shits up the board further?

watching the semi-illiterate indoctrinate the illiterate on /lit/ sincer 2016 has become tiresome.

For Fucksake. we're doomed.

>> No.15733527

Yeah there's a weird resentment in that place against women who have bfs. Like they see women in healthy relationships as inferior whereas incels treat Chad as a superior godlike form to strive for.

>> No.15733528

I think they mean "majority" in a sociological sense (i.e., one who holds the majority of the power) rather than a literal one.

>> No.15733531 [DELETED] 

Also, the FBI has started pinching some of these rioters and vandals. The FBI may functionally be the Democrat's secret police at this point, but they do still have to to enforce laws and not just keep trying to overturn the results of the 2016 election.

>> No.15733535

give me Moot MkII's phone number

>> No.15733543

Wait, are you implying unchecked immigration could affect our culture? Nice hate speech, asshole.

>> No.15733544






>> No.15733545

Everyone on Reddit is a liberal (except me)

>> No.15733547


>> No.15733553

We're in neo-weimar where the materialist left is tranquilized by woke capitalism and is incapable of doing anything meaningful. The contradictions in the current system are too strong, it will either be destroyed through revolution or reaction because western democracy can no longer allow people to enact any kind of meaningful change on any level of society.

>> No.15733554

>group who holds the majority of the power
>allowed to be criticized

>> No.15733569

You have no power here

>> No.15733588

I looked up the thread where they announced this to find out what was going on and if you sort by controversial, some guy did hilariously talk about how it would justify anti-semitism. I think he was just using that as an accusation ("look how horrible this rule is, it would make it okay to criticize Jews, and we know that's evil") but maybe for just a second he had a moment of critical thinking.

>> No.15733596

I sincerely hope.

>> No.15733601

The problem is that the revolution will come from below, from the barely sentient "Latinx" and muzzies who can't even fucking read and whose entire reality has been structured by social media from their smartphones. There's nothing left of real humanity.

My friend said recently that the really scary thing is that the elites don't care about turning the country into an anarchic concrete jungle, because they can go live on their private estates. But the people living in the concrete jungle don't care either, the kind of perpetually excitable cultureless racially ambiguous retard who now lives in any generic mega-city is already habituated to crime and filth and poverty. It's like when you see some war-torn shithole country and the average joe is simply indifferent to whether he lives or dies, because for him life has never been anything other than chaos and horror. The immigrant populations of Europe and the African/Mexican populations of America do not give a fuck if they live in Mexican conditions where gangs roam the countryside mass beheading people, they don't care if they live in a perpetual carnivale with no running water where malnourished mutants shoot fireworks at eachother in the streets. They will accept the transition to Mad Max world with very little comment and the elites will simply go live elsewhere.

It's the tiny minority of middle class ordinary people left in the middle who will be killed, massacred and crushed between the private security forces of the elites and the happy hordes of mongrels at the bottom. There's no revolution coming, it's all just going to decay into slime.

>> No.15733605

Sounds like run-of-the-mill trolling to me

>> No.15733608

fuck them and fuck you.
burn 'em clean.
every last motherfucking one of them needs to die or get out of /lit/. if you were born after 2002 get fucked and burn

>> No.15733613

>the tiny minority of ordinary people

>> No.15733614

A whole new chapter in the big book of reddit.

>> No.15733620

I'm 38 and I was on here 12 years ago, well before I started listening to chapo

>> No.15733627

Is it really a bad thing if this board becomes a little more like Reddit? I hate to break it to most /lit/izens, but the quality of discussion over there often outpaces some of the dreck that gets posted here.

>> No.15733628

De-Bernification effots to go alongside a larger De-Trumpification effort, they're clearly going to try to spin this as the new Civil Rights era and marginalize what remained of the last generation of leftism and use it as a unifying narrative for the pivot towards China.

>> No.15733631
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I'm here from the discordgroup!!! like this post if your from the discord group also.

this place is ours now, book nerds

>> No.15733642

>38 yr old chantard

>> No.15733649

le 12.5% face

>> No.15733652

Dude, get a fucking grip. Crime has never been lower in the biggest cities. Turns out the surveillance state actually just reduces crime and never gave a shit about you cheating on your wife with a dude.

>> No.15733662

the degenerates from the banned subreddits don't read, but neither does /lit/ so the quality is mostly going to be the same

>> No.15733665

>Crime has never been lower in the biggest cities.
yes in fact it had, before the Civil Rights Movement

>> No.15733669

but its the shit-tier reddit that will swarm us.
its not like the erudite members of /r/books will come here to discuss actual books.
its going to suck

>> No.15733675

Crime still hasn't recovered from de-segregation. It's only down from the local maximum in the 90s.

>> No.15733689

>Crime has never been lower in the biggest cities.
You don't believe this do you? It's well known that government bodies will change definitions specifically to be able to report things like this as true. For example, nobody in the Grenfell Tower fire incident in London died from fire; they all died from smoke inhalation. The truth is, they would rather change the definition of crime, or report, than ever admit an increase had happened under their watch. The same shit happens in almost every public sector.

We keep making boots, more than last quarter, but there are no boots to be seen.

>> No.15733733

The current system has another five years, tops. Climate change + the imminent depression (which will be bigger than the great depression) are going to completely tank the system.

>> No.15733745

What happens then?

>> No.15733759

I don't know. It probably won't be fun for most people.

>> No.15733770

Climate Change is God's unironically greatest gift to humanity. I don't know where it'll lead us, but it will be interesting.

>> No.15733774

a lot of people will go searching for answers

>> No.15733785

wtf trannies are valid now

>> No.15733793

If only it was real

>> No.15733817

I wasted weeks every year in school learning about it. It better be real.

>> No.15733823
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>chapo is anti-corporare and communist
Last time I checked they were full of tranny pandering, just like the corporations.

>> No.15733829
File: 252 KB, 432x557, 1591402965599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reddit is a shithole owned and operated by glow in the dark CIA spooks. any wrongthink that's even marginally opposed to muttoid global reterritorialization at the hands of blood drinking moloch worshiping adrenochrome addicts and omnicidal neocon death cultists will be purged and silenced with extreme prejudice. liberal reddit politics went from lionizing julian assange to cheering for his imprisonment and torture. with their glassy dead eyes and soft microcephalic pitted infantile skulls, the lib is the greatest consumer of all; they buy absolutely EVERYTHING the so-called "intelligence" community says.

the chapo reddit, despite being a poxy sewer of identity obsessed wokescolds, at the very least held a heterodox attitude regarding amerigolem interventionism. that kind of dissidence is a legitimate threat towards the elite psychopaths and their plans to build not a kingdom of ends but an empire of means, wherein every last soul is a means to be discarded or sacrificed on the altar; that end being not an end but simply "the end," not just of history but of humanity, because neocons are legitimate thanatos-brained death cultists who lust for nothing but misery and devastation

there exists only one moral axiom and that is to oppose american imperialism at all costs and by any means, and this website remains perhaps the last popular place on the internet where you are free to say this. everything else has been consumed and raped by the literal demons from hell that occupy the state department and its leviathanic surveillance apparatus. death to america. DEATH TO FUCKING AMERICA DEATH TO THE GREAT SATAN

>> No.15733847
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Why don't the mods just, I dunno, delete off-topic threads and thinly disguised /pol/ shill threads??
The board would be healthy in no time flat

>> No.15733848

More extreme movements will become mainstream. Almost every elected official in the west is a neoliberal or weak social democrat, neither of which will be willing to pass any strong legislature.
It'll be particularly bad in the USA regardless of who wins, because both Biden and Trump are on record saying they will veto M4A, universal jobs, green new deal, any basic reform that would calm people down if one made it to their desk.

>> No.15733877
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We need to let them know they're not welcome here.

>> No.15733905

what could be an oasis general like /film/ or /classical/?
/poetry/? (would allow for low effort but potentially worthwhile bumps consisting of copypasted poems)
i reported both the dysgenics thread and the shyness thread and only the latter got deleted, implying that the moderation team considers non-literary smartypants threads to be on topic, in which case they should just rename it /lit/ - literature & philosophy and change the sticky

>> No.15733915

I was here first. You're not welcome here

>> No.15733931

generals are a fucking cancer. stay on reddit.

>> No.15733930

Gibberish argument. Corporations also pander to people with kids. Being a tranny or having kids aren't pro-corporate positions just because corporations try to market to those demographics

>> No.15733948

This all could have been avoided if only we had read the philosophy of Buber...

>> No.15733957

Being a tranny is peak burgeoisie, though. It has nothing to do with communism.

>> No.15733985

Where did they go now?

>> No.15733987

Based chapo schizo

>> No.15733989

great post

>> No.15734003

No one said it had anything to do with communism. The fact that some communists are trannies is no more meaningful than saying some communists are South American or some communists are disabled. What corporations do for marketing is whatever's gonna be profitable. You're trying to say any group acknowledged by a corporation can't be anti-corporate?

>> No.15734008

fellow buber reader???

>> No.15734025

That makes me wonder, what kind of tax structure do they use for all the money they make with Chap? It would be funny if it was a Delaware S-Corp or some shit.

>> No.15734038

this is the real evil of rootless cosmopolitanism. only the wealthy can afford the luxury of being a "global citizen." the rest of us are stuck on this sinking ship

>> No.15734055

based gatefaggot

>> No.15734059

They spend it all on cocaine, ludicrously expensive 200sqft NY apartments, and travel (until a few months ago obviously)

>> No.15734094

Imagine posting on Tinder that you love to travel hoping some silverfox banker dad will take you to Europe, but instead you get hit up by some fat kid with a communist podcast.

>> No.15734109

You cannot take hundreds of billions of tons of inert carbon, burn it in the geological equivalent of the blink of an eye, and expect nothing to happen. Liberals don't know how to react to the problem and come off as retards, but they're nowhere near as retarded as people who think humanity can do anything we like with no consequences.

>> No.15734125

nigger you have no idea what the effects on burning carbon will be. It is unironically complete larping to pretend you can model the climate, you have been taken in by charlatans

>> No.15734145

>Hurr durr the climate only changes because humans burn up fossil fuels.
When will you accept the fact that anthropological climate change is not real? The timeline that climate activists and lobbyists have purported over the past century is so inconsistent that it's almost amazing how many people subscribe to the de facto belief that it's real.

>> No.15734183

>We don't know exactly what is going to happen, so it's safe to assume nothing will occur at all
The effects of carbon gas trapping heat are well known. Do you know why Venus is hotter than Mercury despite being almost twice as far from the Sun?
Your problem is that you apparently listen to "activists and lobbyists." Of course they're going to be charlatans, dumbass.

>> No.15734235

No, I don't listen to activists and lobbyists, that's how I came to realize that everything they say is bullshit. I actually understand and am up to date on climate science, and readily acknowledge that whatever agendas pushed under the veil of climate change are always false. I honestly hope, in the vested power of some long forgotten supreme being, a meteor is flung upon us, annilihating humanity in whole.

>> No.15734247

I hardly ever see anyone say lurk for 2 years before posting anymore

>> No.15734266

While I don't want to die I still think it would be cool to feel what the Earth being hit by a massive meteor large enough to destroy it would be like in the short time before death comes.

>> No.15734272

Capitalism is insanely resilient to crises. It will collapse eventually but i wouldn't bet on any timeline.

>> No.15734299

I don't give the least bit of a fuck about any political agendas, which is why I never brought any up, faggot. If you genuinely are up to date on climate science, you should know damn well that anthropogenic contributions to climate change are real and not stopping any time soon.

>> No.15734303

>incels can fundamentally take the piss and laught at themselves
Wishful thinking. The guys that identify themselves as incels have everything but a sense of humour.

>> No.15734505

lotr is good tho

>> No.15734515

>The immigrant populations of Europe and the African/Mexican populations of America do not give a fuck if they live in Mexican conditions
Then why do they leave Mexico? Why come to Europe or America if this is true?

>> No.15734529

Shut up hag

>> No.15734551

I can understand why someone who posts soijacks would look down on people putting effort into their posts

>> No.15734557

it’s a funny podcast, watch some clips on youtube. not political like some anon said, pretty sure their politics are status quo but they make fun of a lot of things

>> No.15734575

i thought this was a lit board? go and leave me some long book recommendations on my thread and stfu about politics faggots

>> No.15734591
File: 1.63 MB, 1000x2000, occultchart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no one rlly reads here but here are some good occult books

>> No.15734692
File: 86 KB, 310x451, large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i reported both the dysgenics thread and the shyness thread and only the latter got deleted, implying that the moderation team considers non-literary smartypants threads to be on topic, in which case they should just rename it /lit/ - literature & philosophy and change the sticky

MotherFUCKER this makes me mad. Our mods are RETARDS. I wonder if we have a single fucking mod or janny who actually likes books. Motherfucking SON OF A BITCH.

>> No.15734720

>i reported both the dysgenics thread and the shyness thread
Why don't you just fuck off with this "captain save a forum" shit.

>> No.15734876

The hosts are all in long-term relationships/marriages (Will, Matt, Chris) or are asexual (Felix, Justin) or are women (Amber)

>> No.15735001

Now who's the real thugs, killers and gangsters?
Set the revolution, let the things bust and thank us
When the smoke clear, you can see the sky again
There will be the chopped off heads of leviathan
My friend, they call em strangers
Anybody talk to em end up in some danger

>> No.15735040

holy fuck what the hell? this is the best post you've ever made; are you high or something?

>> No.15735146

based and hormone-pilled

>> No.15735205

even your rethoric is pathetic

>> No.15735228
File: 3.03 MB, 359x202, 1486967409618.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao this butterfly nibba is too much

>> No.15735233

no one is gonna wait before posting. get over yourself

>> No.15735237

I waited

>> No.15735239

>any basic reform
>literally batshit insane ideas with no rational basis
haha ok

>> No.15735257
File: 140 KB, 710x549, 19bc28995157ba10d322eddd87a7f6d173174374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.15735286

we are reaching levels of basedness that were never thought were possible. it's like an unholy concoction of zeitgeist-busting radicalism

>> No.15735557

I agree with this tho

>> No.15735587

>pretending the Green New Deal was good to begin with
>universal jobs

Fix the govt. first before you want to implement more bad systems. Giving an inept and inefficient govt. MORE power and MORE money does not fix it, ever.

>> No.15735590

how long did it take you to figure out that half of 4chan is just newfags and crossposters shitting on themselves to fit in with locals

>> No.15735622

Now that is a hard truth right there.

>> No.15735666

This is a fantastic video essay. I highly recommend watching this and paying attention if you're scrolling through this thread.

Anybody have any books related on this smorgasboard of subjects? Literally anything, i.e., from the history of organized political parties to a potential whitepill against this massive blackpill. Anything touched upon in this video essay, I'd appreciate it.

>> No.15735683

Pathetic lmaoo, imagine waiting 2 years to discuss anything here because some autist dick head told you too,

Patheticccccc lmao.

>> No.15735696

sam francis, leviathan and its enemies is basically that video: the book

>> No.15735798
File: 275 KB, 795x873, 1591283851830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh no!
>The website that censors and bans people for having opinions is CENSORING and BANNING people... FOR HAVING OPINIONS!
How many times have these mass ban immigrants from reddit happened now? Like twelve times? Why do people still use that website at all? Pic unrelated.

>> No.15735805

We should convince the newfags to leave, not read, they’ll be too stupid to understand it even if they did read. I propose radically stepping up gatekeeping, berating everyone who admits to reading less than 100 pages of classic literature and philosophy daily, other ideas?

>> No.15735848

full hearted kek my frens

>> No.15735860

Also as far as I can see he had no fractures in his neck cartilage, meaning the officer put less than 40 lbs on his neck.
Side note- if you can talk, you can breath.

>> No.15735871

Not long desu

>> No.15735881

constant berratement is the best deterrent

>> No.15735898


>> No.15736064

Damn, that was one of the few subs I browsed.

>> No.15736092

I feel it should be more complex than that, but it should do in the short run.

>> No.15736096

post feet don't hurt me

>> No.15736131

your sex is a disappointment the only feet one should post your way is a kick to your forehead. go and read a book.

>> No.15736147

so so many trannies itt

>> No.15736184

>erudite members of /r/books

>> No.15736248

Is a shame you aren't the real butterfly because this based. The real one has a different tripcode.

>> No.15736292

It doesn't matter. Expel the newfags.

>> No.15736327

I also waited. It's only you fucking degenerate nigger newfags that don't wait.

>> No.15736340

kys roastie. Just because I hate trannies doesn't mean I likr your garbage ideology.

>> No.15736347

Yeah, sure male jus created the whole civilization and made the most important discoveries of humanity. Truly a disappointment.

>> No.15736391

Dykes fuck off.

>> No.15736409
