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15702049 No.15702049 [Reply] [Original]

>be me the past few days
>wake up, do work, have a lunch break, do more work
>yesterday it was really fucking sunny so I went for a walk
>left flat at 9 pm for the walk and realised I had missed out on prime sun
>go for a long walk while listening to Moldbug on a podcast
>go jogging afterwards
>lie in bed, intending to read, but just watch Nick Fuentes clips on my phone
>today was almost a repeat but I only went out to buy binge food

I've been literally mainlining Nick Fuentes videos lately. There's not a lot else to report.

>> No.15702060

kek, relatable except I'm actually reading a ton instead of working

>> No.15702069

>/lit/ - Incel Ramblings

>> No.15702577

>I've been literally mainlining Nick Fuentes videos lately. There's not a lot else to report.

We literally told you last time that Nick is a retarded pseud. Watch E Michael Jones instead

>> No.15702586

don't cry, baby

>> No.15702611

What's the appeal of watching some random asshole talk about his views and opinions? I can't get into youtube or podcasts because I can't bring myself to care about what these people have to say

>> No.15702627
File: 206 KB, 409x480, CBD6DB5E-92A3-4B30-89C6-5D7DF4FF0996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stay in my room the whole day to avoid my parents, besides tanning while drinking my morning coffee (at 1 pm) and do a workout at my home gym if I have one on that day.

My parents leave Saturday so I can read where ever I want without being bother by their normie retardness.

Feels good to finally be a neet.

>> No.15702628

That's exactly why I recommend E Michael Jones. Unlike most of these political commentating jerk offs like Nick Fuentes, E Michael Jones has a PhD and has been spending the last 30 - 40 years of his life as an investigative journalist. His stuff is much more substantive and informative as a result. He isn't just some random guy spouting his opinions, but rather a knowledgeable person sharing what he's learned from his years of researching various topics.

>> No.15702638

No, he should watch Paul Cockshott and stop being retarded.

>> No.15702655

>Paul Cockshott

If you insist, then at least give me a run down of the guy. A quick google search says he's a computer scientist and Marxist economist. The first part could potentially be based, but the second part is very cringe if true.

>> No.15702661

Is all his casts just anti semitic shit?

>> No.15702686

None of it is anti-semitic, he just states facts and connects them. And he isn't afraid to tackle controversial questions. But he always backs up his stances with lots of research.

Here is a good speech he gave if you want to have a sample of him where he doesn't talk about "jooos":


>> No.15702854


>> No.15702910

>None of it is anti-semitic
Lol, please. If that was true he would have no audience.

>> No.15703098

no he actually loves jews so much he thinks god is literally a jew