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/lit/ - Literature

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15696757 No.15696757 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with the Greeks?

>> No.15696765

Try Plato's dialogues he's fun
or the playwrights
or the poets
or Homer

>> No.15696768
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read Hamilton's Mythology and get addicted to folklore lit while never picking up philosophy which is why you started the Greeks in the first place

>> No.15696790


>> No.15697235

my reaction is the opposite of this:

>> No.15697369

God I want to bury my dick in astolfo's bussy

>> No.15698110

Who doesn't

>> No.15698349

1. A virtuous wife and many children
2. A fulfilling and high paying job allowing me to live well off in a house in the countryside
3. A home gym
4. A huge home library
5. A maidboy who's bussy I can drill while my wife looks the other way
If I had all of that then I might consider life worth living.

>> No.15698365

I've been very sad these past few days and I thought OPs pic was a girl who was happy to see me. It made me feel nice to feel appreciated for once, to know that someone likes me for me.
Start with Phaedrus and Sappho

>> No.15698470
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Astolfo is the perfect boywife anon, he would be probably be really happy to see you.

>> No.15699568
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Astolfo looks better in men's clothing

>> No.15699588

Homosexuality is so traditional and life-affirming!

"I fuck man ass"
-Gaius Manus

>> No.15699595

All clothing is men's clothing if you're not a coward.

>> No.15699649

Anabasis is the traditional starting point for Ancient Greek learners. If it doesn't interest you go for Plato.

>> No.15700237
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Diogenes is the only one worth knowing about. How many people can claim to have BTFO'd Alexander the Great?

>> No.15700460
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I'd want all that except for a trap because I'm not a faggot (yes wanting to fuck or get fucked by traps is gay)

>> No.15700503

Is it gay if you are a woman?

>> No.15700524 [DELETED] 

The whole idea of a wife is that she's your companion/helper for a family/life you build together. Her initial attractiveness is in service of her broader function, and not and end unto itself. Romance happens as a part of the process.

With traps/femboys/catamites or even just regular non-marital relationships, the romance it it's own end. It becomes about making gods out of each other. It's evil and unsustainable.

>> No.15700548

Based as fuck

See: Antinous

>> No.15700553

The whole idea of a wife is that she's your companion/helper for a family/life you build together. Her initial attractiveness is in service of her broader function, and not and end unto itself. Romance happens as a part of the process. Recreational sex within marriage is conditionally allowed as a practical consideration (so husband and wife don't "burn in their lusts" for one another).

With traps/femboys/catamites or even just regular non-marital relationships, the romance it it's own end. It's about making gods out of each other. It's evil and unsustainable.

>> No.15700569

Antinous was deified after his death, you're proving my point

>> No.15700581

Which was my intention. Odd that the post I replied to has been deleted and placed below mine. Are you a bottom?

>> No.15700587

I added something to the second one and didn't realize the first had gone through. Also yeah my reading comprehension wasn't great there. I've never done anything anal

>> No.15700604

lgbt+ are sick in the head

>> No.15700606

I was joking about the bottom part. It's just that your post relocated to the area below mine.

>> No.15700655

>It's about making gods out of each other.
You should try to discourage all this stuff, not to glorify it.

>> No.15700705
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Why am I surprised that /lit/ lacks reading comprehension? You are retarded.

>> No.15700756
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I'm a little slow this afternoon


I'm not trying to glorify it. It erodes the capacity to connect with other people. If you ever talk to a man or woman who's fetishisitically interested in you you know what I mean, especially if it's not something you're into. Go into any /trash/ BLEACHED or BLACKED thread and you'll usually find at least one white or black guy freaked out by the inhuman deity that those cuckolds project onto them. They don't care about you, they care about a demon they expect you to channel. When two people find each other who are both into that it just creates a feedback loop until everyone involved is a narcissistic sociopath

>> No.15700761

It's you who lack rhetorical persuasiveness and instead of destroying something show it as a true raison d'etre.

>> No.15701077

I started this and it's just dryly saying 'so and so was the god of snakes and also invented saddles and also was the god of mice'
does it get good at some point?

>> No.15701173
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The introduction and the part about flowers later on are incredibly dry, yes.
However, it really picked up for me when it started on Jason, Theseus, Hercules, and the Trojan War.
My advice is to take it slow or hell, even skip ahead to the stuff you want to read about if you're not having a good time. Once you hit the good stuff that I've mentioned above, any big references are mentioned and tell you where to go find them in the book.

>> No.15701183

I like you, bro

>> No.15701318

>he can't impregnate his boywife
You are a disgrace

>> No.15701749

the hindi dude who fucked alexander's ass

>> No.15701854

>not being gay

>> No.15702826

god i wish that were me

>> No.15703050

The Greeks are only important because of Aristotle's Organon (logic) and Euclid's Elements (geometry), not because of retarded fairy tales about stronk men weeping that are in some way or another supposed to serve as examples of "virtue"

>> No.15703100

read what you want, senpai

>> No.15703117

If I wanted to learn logic and math, I'd just use a contemporary textbook instead of +2k year old treatises on them.
Greek drama and epic poetry, in contrast, have complex and refined displays of human emotions as well as poetic beauty unparalleled by contemporary works.

>> No.15704266

>tfw no masc trap bf that hangs off your arm in public but isn't afraid to top you hard in private


>> No.15704707

> masc trap
isn't that just a man

>> No.15704774

Homer's Iliad
then read some of the major works of the tragedians before you read philosophy
Then you're good for Plato
Xenophon is also cool, would read alongside Thucydides
I don't really like Herodotus, but he was the first historian, so he is very important in that regard

>> No.15704816
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Being straight is cringe.

>> No.15705580
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>faggot cope
Having a prolapsed anus, higher rates of sexually transmitted diseases like AIDS and a dangerous, anti-natural promiscuous lifestyle is not something to be proud of.

>> No.15705608
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>> No.15705613

>t. Plato

>> No.15705684


>> No.15705757

I thought Astolfo was canonically heterosexual.

>> No.15705914

This is the rabbit hole I'm currently in. What can I say, this rabbit hole is nice and cozy.

>> No.15705934

she is

>> No.15705975

So is Achilleus.

>> No.15706047
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>women authors
Stick to your baby mythology books, kid.

>> No.15706127 [SPOILER] 
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>not having a buff gf (bf)

>> No.15706173

>statistics define reality

>> No.15706206
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>> No.15706248

Keep on coping cocksuckers

>> No.15706540

nu-right manchild

>> No.15706585

>Everyone I don't like is alt/nu/boomer right
Whatever retard. Keep on denying reality.