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15665164 No.15665164 [Reply] [Original]

>Step 1-we make capital go away
>Step 2-we make bad stuff go away
>Step 3-we make the state go away almost all by itself because we made capital and bad stuff go away
How could anyone honestly take marxism seriously? Do they honestly believe the words that come out of their mouths?

>> No.15665182

Six months ago this was the Guénon board. Now it's the Marx board. Thread after thread about Marxism. I'm getting fucking tired of these people

>> No.15665210

What is it about Marx that motivates people to make threads about him despite never having read his work, or even read about his work?

>> No.15665230

It's called being an American.

>> No.15665232

You don’t need to taste shit to know its shit. A good whiff should do it.

>> No.15665242

Unironically better than when it was a Deleuze/Gualtieri board.

>> No.15665265

Is that the best defense for marxism you got?

>> No.15665282
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>its another Marxist makes a thread as false flag bait to get people to come in and disprove him and actively think about Marxism
You aren't fooling anyone

>> No.15665361

Read Marx and come back here, lil Timmy.

>> No.15665372

Citation needed.

>> No.15665379

Explain why the state would disappear if communism hits the proletariat just right. Dont pull that “if everything is the state nothing is” bullshit that twitter trannies like to use either.

>> No.15665387

Double cringe.

>> No.15665393

Stop reading Twitter and start reading Das Kapital. It's not as difficult as you might imagine.

>> No.15665403

Learn to type without buzzwords. I genuinely have no clue what you're asking.

>> No.15665405

>start reading Das Kapital

>> No.15665407

How will you ever educate the workers to revolt if all you say it “just read this obnoxiously long 100 year old book, I don’t have to educate you bigot lol”

>> No.15665425

>Twitter is real life
This is genuinely the worst strawman. Workers aren't fucking illiterate my man.

>> No.15665436

>Workers aren't fucking illiterate my man
You know how I know that you’ve never interacted with the proles in your life? Because they may not be illiterate, but they might as well be.

>> No.15665440

Never said they were, but if I heard someone say this in a debate as some sort of circular logic argument i’d call you a huge faggot. No different then a christcuck.

>> No.15665441

good analogy, it's a shame analogies are the retards alternative to an argument

>> No.15665443
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i think even Marxists agreed that Marx himself was unnsure of the necessary steps to go from A to C
>so, comrade, how do you propose we actualize this marxist utopia? like, actual concrete steps?
>well, there will be a uhh, proletariat revolution
>yes, yes, you spoke about that, but then what?
>and then ummm, you know, there be like this in between phase, and then voila we eventually transition to the final stage: WORKER PARADISE

>> No.15665446

I am a prole you fucking smoothbrain, and yet somehow I've read Capital and you haven't.

>> No.15665467

>I am a prole
Not going to lie, I cringed. Who the hell calls themselves irl.

>> No.15665471

Ah yes, the infamous ol’ Marxist principal of even the most privileged middle class student and the most wretched factory worker being of the same social class because they technically work for employers. Genius, that man.

>> No.15665481

>He thinks journalists are also le epic proletariat comrade
Reddit’s down the hall to the left.

>> No.15665485

>How will you ever educate the workers
Almost all educated people are workers, dumbass. If you collect a paycheck, you are a worker.

>> No.15665486

>everyone on this site is like me
Projecting much? I'm not a middle class college kid.

>> No.15665490

See: >>15665486

>> No.15665496

Is Dwayne Johnson also a worker?

>> No.15665499

Cringe brainlets outing themselves as having never read Marx.

>> No.15665501

>The state of "Marxists"

>> No.15665506

Are you a nigger? Because if so Marx hated you too.

>> No.15665507

>i think even Marxists agreed that Marx himself was unnsure of the necessary steps to go from A to C

There is literally and 10 point plan in the communist manifesto.

>1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
>2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
>3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
>4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
>5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
>6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
>7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
>8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
>9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
>10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.

>> No.15665510

Read Marx.

>> No.15665517

You should too buddy. You're purposefully being retarded so you can le own some retard. Reminder that you will be killed come the proletariat revolution, bourgeoisie scum.

>> No.15665518

I can get a pay check for stocking shelves but that doesn't mean I can also perform heart surgery, or be a teacher, or invent a cure for cancer but can’t because I work to feed myself and buy netflix subscriptions (not slavery btw). Don’t know what you were trying to say bro, this whole thread is probably a troll anyways.

>> No.15665519

>10 point plan
Cringe. Read Das Kapital, mouthbreather.

>> No.15665533

If you quote huge blocks of incomprehensible text from Capital at people you will just be ignored. The communist manifesto is supposed to be read by layman.

>> No.15665536

>No u
truly the champion of workers everywhere.

>> No.15665540

Do you earn millions from dividends and interest? Or do you support yourself by selling your labor for wages? It's not rocket science, cumguzzler.

>> No.15665547

>no timeline
>no specifics
>no instructions as to how to achieve any of the goals listed in the points

>> No.15665549

This. Exactly the reason leftists fucking suck at memes and recruiting people.

>> No.15665557

Notice how everything here would require heavy government coordination. Why would the state just wither away under such a system?

>> No.15665560

Found the middle class LARPer who thinks he'll lead the revolution

>> No.15665561

If you want that read Capital, or other Marxist works. The Manifesto is just the basics, its designed to be read by uneducated workers.

>> No.15665569

>middle class LARPer
Read Marx.

>> No.15665573

You don't have to be a marxist to oppose usery and wage labor lmao

>> No.15665574

This nigger seriously thinks some walmart employee is going to read THREE volumes of capital, this guy is either a middle class stooge or just stupid.

>> No.15665575

Sorry buddy but I have, and you're going to be shot come revolution

>> No.15665576

It's a propaganda pamphlet, not a Microsoft Project file.

>> No.15665579

read theory [or insert whatever term you fancy to name drop, like Marx]
is the retard's version of
>have secks, incel

>> No.15665584

Ok but it just calls for a bunch of nationalizations, basically what all of the western countries did in the 19th century.

>> No.15665590

Das Kapital is for scholars interested in understanding how capitalism works. You're on a literature board, not a Walmart workers meeting. The prospect of reading shouldn't be so repugnant to you.

>> No.15665596

Yeah and by taking a good whiff at your post I know you're a piece of shit and a retard.

>> No.15665597

>"Marxist' who looks down on workers

>> No.15665605

>1. Abolition of property in land and
>application of all rents of land to public purposes.
How is this not already self-contradictory? It's suddenly not property if the state is your landlord?

>> No.15665607

You misunderstand the nature of the state, and what is meant by the term "state," in Marxism. The state exists to protect private property and enforce class hierarchies. But without capital or private property it lacks a purpose, if workers control the means of production directly what is the purpose of more layers of abstraction above that? The ten points are about establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat, once that is in place there is no longer a need for a state.

>> No.15665608

Because marxism is supposed to be a WORKER’S movement, run by and for the workers. Otherwise you’re preaching vanguardism, leninism.

>> No.15665609

You used the term "middle class" as if it had any meaning. You also seem to think that the only activity that counts as work is the lowest level of blue-collar gruntwork. You've never read Marx.

>> No.15665616
File: 27 KB, 714x498, B3380403-12CE-4E04-90F0-8B773A66EA6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Read marx
>Read marx some more

>> No.15665617

Do both.

>> No.15665624

As evident in this thread, even Marx LARPers haven't read Marx

>> No.15665625

This post actually gave me brain damage. You're probably some low level management staff, not a fucking member of the proletariat LARPer.

>> No.15665626

>His ideology redefines words

>> No.15665628

>Workers are to retarded
>So a marginal class must speak for their “best interest” on the account of their own cynical biases for regime change.

>> No.15665630

Are you unemployed? I don't understand what you're trying to say. There are people who work for a living that are not illiterate.

>> No.15665634

It means public, as in direct worker ownership. The ten points is also about establishing a dictatorship of the proletariat, not the system that comes after it.

The main issue with debating Marxism is online is that's its not really a debate. People who critique Marxism can't even be bothered to google basic things so they can at least pretend they've read some. Its just a tedious combative lecture.

>> No.15665637

So you're unemployed? Fascinating how many anti-Marxists are unemployed.

Read Marx, moron.

>> No.15665642

You keep sayinf read Marx, I have. Explain what I'm wrong about exactly? Wait you can't because your only "argument" works on illiterate morons.

>> No.15665643

>There are people who work for a living that are not illiterate.
Do you even understand what the concept of a normalfag is?

>> No.15665648

If you actually made any points it was lost in a sea of inanity.

>> No.15665652

You haven't made any arguments. You're just calling people names and hoping that will be enough.

>> No.15665653

Still no argument

>> No.15665654

read 18th brumaire of louis bonaparte

>> No.15665655
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Marx was right about everything. Capitalism is a positive feedback control loop. The signals that run through this circuit are concrete labour and capital is the controller which allows abstract labour to be maximized at the output

>> No.15665658

I have, I'm saying middle class managers aren't proletariat and this guy just keeps saying "Read Marx" when I have.

>> No.15665669

he keeps saying "read Marx" because he himself has never read Marx, but he knows no ones actually read Marx, and that by saying "read Marx" he can pat himself on the back and call it a day
notice how he doesnt come up with anything substantive

>> No.15665670

>proletariat LARPer
If you work for a living, you're proletariat. You don't have to be a ditch-digger to be a worker.

>> No.15665678

If it's public ownership then who pays renbts?
>The main issue with debating Marxism is online is that's its not really a debate. People who critique Marxism can't even be bothered to google basic things so they can at least pretend they've read some. Its just a tedious combative lecture.
I don't think you understand what it means to have a conversation. Differing knowledge is a requirement of having a meaningful exchange in the first place. Do you want people to make all your points for you? I'm loose tongued but I genuinely would like to know how property abolition works, I'm not just here to stir shit.

>> No.15665682

>Nobody here actually reads this dumb fuck besides skimming through a wiki page.

>> No.15665685

Read theory

>> No.15665696

I've read him. He makes a lot of sense even if he is wrong about some stuff but good lord is he a bad writer. It's so bland that it feels like it takes an hour to get through one page.

>> No.15665697

Even the PMC are technically proles since they live off wages rather than interest and dividends. Your average middle-class 'manager' is certainly proletariat. It isn't about the kind of work you do, it's about whether you work at all.

>> No.15665702

Probably because he was influenced by hegel, no doubt about it.

>> No.15665708

Sorry, I'm not a homosexual.

>> No.15665718

>The tradition of all dead generations weighs like a nightmare on the brains of the living

>> No.15665719

Everybody talks about Marx. But nobody talks about Engles. Did he write anything worth reading?

>> No.15665730

Literally the same as marx but he’s written about genocideing Hungarians kek.

>> No.15665736

i read excerpts of the condition of the working class in England by him. he argues that medieval peasants lived better than the urban workers, their workload was lighter and they had more free time. is he right?

>> No.15665741

he paid for marxes drugs, which we all agree is an important contribution

>> No.15665744
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>is he right?

>> No.15665772

step 3 happens before step 2

>> No.15665784

Is Das Kapital still relevant today, insofar is it is important to understanding modern political philosophy based on Marxist systems/principles? What is it relevant for, and what's the overhead in understanding it?

I'm reading Empire and so far I haven't had any issue in understanding the mindset and position of the authors.

>> No.15665787

based tedposter

>> No.15665821

He may have been, but this in itself is evidence of how wrong Marx was. Marx's philosophy is a kneejerk sensationalist reaction to the poor condition of the working class of England (who went on to pass the 10 Hour Act). Marx believed the condition would further deteriorate and the middle class would stratify into the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, and, as we can see 150 years later, it hasn't.

Marx was wrong.

>> No.15665846

This, material conditions have changed A LOT from that of the the start of the industrial revolution, so much so that people do not feel the need to revolt.

>> No.15665871

a society is not a fixed system. ruling classes threw us some bones in the 20th century to avoid a revolution from happening in europe and usa like it happened in russia.
but now that ussr is gone, so is the threat of revolt.
middle class is being destroyed right now, what do you think are the austerity programs in europe and usa for?
if things go on like they are, we will all end up part time temporary workers enslaved by apps like uber. so yes, conditions are deteriorating, it just happened at later date

>> No.15665902

Every time some retard tells you the Labour Theory of Value is wrong, send him this way:


>> No.15665936
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It's quite simple.

>> No.15665938

>Every time some retard tells you the Labour Theory of Value is wrong, send him to my blog

>> No.15665961

yes the correct action to take is to insult their ancestry and move on

>> No.15665970

It's not my blog retard, it's the blog of a Professor at The Open University of England.

>> No.15665984

Doesn't make it less retarded.

Learn basic economics.

>> No.15666002


>> No.15666007

>Learn basic economics.
yes I agree, everyone should read capital

>> No.15666009

But in the interim, which is not only a drop in the pond of history, even the proletariat have enjoyed immense improvement to quality of life. I've only read the Manifesto, still haven't read Kapital (asked this question here: >>15665784
), but we haven't seen the continuing and worsening crises that Marx/Engels describe at all really, contrasted with for example "Communist" nations like the USSR and China, which funny enough more closely seem to mirror what Marx describes in the Manifesto. We haven't seen the break of political parties that Marx describe in the United States, for example, and in other countries with Labour parties, they don't have the support or manpower that Marx describes.

A lot of what he writes is pretty hauntingly accurate, I admit, but at a point isn't accounting for all that's happened as reason for why revolution HASN'T occurred more self-serving and not so honest? Except for the poorest demographics (quartile or quntile), upward mobility between generations has been fairly consistent, though today it seems like it might be in the balance.

>> No.15666013

>doesn't even understand what subjectivity is
oh no no no no

>> No.15666020

lol, can't make this shit up

>> No.15666026
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b-but the LTV will work this time around

>> No.15666031

Wasnt marx a mathlet?

>> No.15666054

see >>15665902

>> No.15666074

Already seen, it's utterly stupid. Basic economics is so so simple, how can you still not understand such a simple concept as supply & demand or price systems?

>> No.15666094

yeah, well, you better tell that to the PhD on Economics who runs the blog I linked

he'd get a good laugh for sure

>> No.15666145

that's fallacious, are there no PhDs in economics who disagree with that blogger?

>> No.15666168

Of course it's fallacious. But it's ok because this stopped being a logical discussion the moment you said "learn basic economics". And I don't know. Probably most PhD on Economics disagree with it, but merely on a ideological basis. The point is that they can't disprove it.

>> No.15666204

stop jerking off about a thousand year old concept like it's ultimate profound truth

>> No.15666252

Wasn't that guy, but doesn't the entire premise of Marx's work and the LTV rely on one having been convinced sufficiently by Marx? In other words, it is not built on solid foundations supported with solid evidence as much as it is supported with persuasion, and it isn't proven either?

Would you agree that competing viewpoints (ie, the ones that most with PhDs in economics typically have), especially those with history of implementation, typically have a better track record in implementation than yours? If yeah, why is that in your opinion?

>> No.15666319

Empirical data has shown that the LTV is right. It's not any more or any less proven than, for example, Einstein's Laws of Relativity or Darwin's Theory of Evolution. You need no more convincenment than what the empirical data shows you.

And implementation doesn't mean anything. You can implement milenia-lasting institutions based on theories that are pretty much false. See: churches, kingdoms, etc.

>> No.15666441

I haven't read any economics, is LTV specifically marxist? Couldn't capitalists argue LTV based on the following two principles
>a good supplied to the market must be sustained at labor-cost or higher, if the price drops below the cost the supplier self-destructs
>free competition serves to reduce the profit margin of goods on the market to the lowest tolerable level, the lowest tolerable level being the labor cost (including the actual supplier's labor)
>therefore goods on the free market should naturally all correct to labor value
Sounds like something I'd hear in a Mises talk.

>> No.15666460

perhaps you could try reading him to find out

>> No.15666482

Doesn't matter if they were right(they were).

>> No.15666497
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>> No.15666499

For replicable goods (commodities), the LTV is the only possible theory that makes sense. For truly 'unique' things like Lady Gaga's last turd, maybe you have to supplement with some sociological approach. But for explaining the prices of standard things like food, housing, manufactured goods, health care, petroleum, books, haircuts, etc., LTV is all you need.

>> No.15666513

Reminder the only people that say "basic economics lolol" haven't read Marx. He constantly cites "basic economics"(the Wealth of nations)

>> No.15666555

>conflates price with value
lol, not a typical failing of marxists

>> No.15666569

Did your even read his post fucking smoothbrain?

>> No.15666609

Sounds like it’d be needed a fucking totalitarian state to make this happen. But surely communism doesn’t degenerate into totalitarian regimes, no sir.

>> No.15666617

Read theory

>> No.15666642

>Thinking that economics hasn't evolved since Adam Smith

>> No.15666655
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Well, it removes the middleman. Why pay a landlord, who then pays the state-when you could just pay the state directly? That would mean cheaper housing for the tenants, and it would also mean the state gets more funds to redistribute into better things.

Or you could have the the alternative from state-ownership, which would be communal ownership. Tenants could democratically self-manage their own housing collectively, which again, would make housing a lot more affordable for everyone-because they’re paying rent for the sole purpose of managing the property, not to keep a landlords pocket fat. They would also get a say in where their rent money goes.

Either way, there is virtually no reason for landlords to exist. Either system would be more preferable than the current one.

>> No.15666657

Right please explain in great detail how much BASIC economics have evolved that they totally disprove Adam Smith and Marx

>> No.15666660

How can you even try to apply LTV logic to books? or haircuts?

>> No.15666670


>> No.15666673

I genuinely feel bad you're this retarded, what's it like for your parents?

>> No.15666681

Found the poorfag. Have you paid your rent yet?

>> No.15666691

Not an argument. Landlords are literally out of feudalism, there's no denying this. It's hilariously a bad and outdated system.

>> No.15666763

How do LTV believers consider the technological advancement of price and the Internet? How can you measure the value of an advertisement by the labor that went into it and not in a more utility-oriented manner?

>> No.15666826

They can´t. The fact that marxist can´t admit that something a guy wrote in the 19th century about the value of commodities(commodities from the 19th century, by the way) is a flawed concept just shows that these people are clearly ideologically possesed

>> No.15666841

Not responding the questions just shows what my point was.
Sorry to give you the reality check but the 'new' left has accomplished more with progresivism than the marxist left ever. You guys lost the war.

>> No.15666852

90% of the far left is willing to admit that he was wrong on some things dude. In fact, 90% of the far left has never read das kapital and doesn’t care about the LTV.

>> No.15666861

>Imagine having your labour-value theory debunked by onlyfans

>> No.15666865

I meant marxists on /lit/ i've had plenty of debate with marxists irl. I even agree with him on a philosophical standpoint, his economic insight is complete bullshit.

>> No.15666882


>> No.15666923

u gotta read a bit of marxs other work before you hit up capital

>> No.15666944

The same people who do these again and again, because it generates a lot of posts. Almost everything has been said. Maybe people should read/finish to read Marx, and come back when this is done, so in a few years.

>> No.15666961

Not an argument.

>> No.15666975

His economic theories remain unrefuted to this day.

>> No.15666981

If you stay in the application field of the LTV (newly output goods, tradable, reproducible), the LTV is mostly right, with a small marginal error.
LTV doesn't apply to handcraft goods, or monopolies. Other than that, it works pretty well.

>> No.15666995

But in what? Indicating value, or indicating price?

>> No.15667008

An advertisement doesn't creates value. It enters into what Marx called the faux frais of production. Same for facebook and social networks (which are data mining).

>> No.15667034

Regarding newly output goods, tradable, reproducible, the amount of time of factory workers used to produce the goods correlate with the exchange value, so the price. Paul Cockshott proved this, no matter how much seething he caused.

>> No.15667049
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I know, right?

He used a dumbed-down, over simplified model of society to create over-simplified "solutions" which, while I am sure that he meant well, just make things worse.

I am not trolling when I say that Marx' main prob was that he had never had to work for a living. He had no real, visceral feeling for the way working people think and feel. He was an outsider, looking in, with little thought-projections inside his head about what "the workers" MUST be feeling.

We all go through this as kids watching adults at work, maybe listening to the grown-ups belly-ache about it so that we think we have some grasp of their lived experience...

But we never really UNDERSTAND until we, too, experience what it is to work with others, whether that labour be mental or physical. Marx never learned that, never gained that aspect of mature experience.

Thus a certain inherent childishness in Marxism, and its adherents.

>> No.15667056
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>> No.15667057

So how does that relate to exploiting the working class and price
Or does it not exploit the working class?

>> No.15667068

The reason a minor Hegelian like Marx is relevant at all is because one of the biggest empire's of the 20th century made him the foundation of their state religion. That is all. If the Germans had never sent Lenin back to force Russia into surrendering out of WW1, Marx would have be about as well known as Babeuf. That's the true facts of the matter.

>> No.15667079

Cartoonist BTFOs entire economic theory in 1 speech bubble

>> No.15667107

An ad technically exploit the working class: the wage workers who are paid to make this ad. But work spend to create the ad doesn't create value in itself. It only contributes to increase the selling of goods of real value, thus allowing more of the items who have value to be sold.

>> No.15667126

>What is an application field?
>What does he means by new output by producers of traded, reproducible labour-products?

>> No.15667133

I see the validity in marxism because it is nothing new. Our perception of the world is created through our society and the structures that are in place. Call it capitalism, call it whatever. Ideology shapes our perception of the word

>> No.15667138

Depends on the metrics, really. On the one hand they had more free time because there wasn't much to do for a substantial chunk of the year except indoor activities but on the other hand the same developments that allowed labor to be performed throughout more of the year (reducing free time) also led to things like greatly improved medicine, greater food security and variety and higher quality food, access to wider markets for both import and export purposes, many goods that were previously manufactured domestically (literally, as in "in a house") became available for purchase and so on. You might work an extra 60 days a year but you also got bread that didn't have millstone grit in it, medicines that actually worked, better fertilizers and more productive cultivars of plants, etc.

>> No.15667145

The state would go away because it would no longer be materially necessary and would be getting in the way. It wouldn't be overnight though, this would be a drawn out process.

>> No.15667186

People had better quality food in the 15th century than during the industrial revolution. Also, about medicine, it's scam, since them crammed people into unsanitary factories, and crammed small working class appartment, they got sick, and then claim that modern medecine save them.
Longevity in the middle age (not life expectancy, longevity, that's not the same thing), was around 70 years.

>> No.15667203

man, more people seriously think that they believe in jusus, god, think what they do is praying, think they will be saved, think some dude walked on rivers and lakes and made alcohol from them, fish excluded, man, how can you seriously think people are not stupid faggots?

>> No.15667224

state would go away only if everyone becomes a state on his own. but states tend to compete and fight. communism is nothing than a promise of communism, salvation, for stupid pederasts.

>> No.15667242

It would dissolve into anarcho-communism because that system would become practical enough for the centralized state to be more of a burden than an any kind of aid. Marxist-Leninists and tankies hate ancomms because they think they're a bunch of naive utopians who want to jump right into the endgame when the material conditions are not there.

>> No.15667246

>people who never read Marx literally believe this

>> No.15667250

Is this post a sneaky joke? Because it just describes public housing projects and co-ops. Two things that have existed for half a century. Worth noting, the state owned housing aka "projects" were an absolute shitshow and are gradually being torn down.

>> No.15667277

Imagine being this retarded.

>> No.15667294

Imagine thinking owning a co-op with a bunch of nosey Karens, or living in public housing along side a bunch of felonious neets, is better than just renting an loft downtown.

>> No.15667448

>he thinks the government becomes a rent seeking enterprise
You don't pay any rent to the state dingus

>> No.15667549

>dude, just rent an English country estate, it's way better than the ghetto

>> No.15667555

>application of all rents of land to public purposes.
So where do the rents come from?

>> No.15667561

>public housing projects are shit and they’re filled with “criminals”, therefore perusing this idea is stupid
1) Public housing has often been seen as a “last option” for people who have nowhere else to go, and that’s why it’s filled by people with criminal records, drug addicts, and other similar people. It’s just basic statistics. They’re the only ones who use it. However, if EVERYONE lived in government-owned housing, then those people would quickly become the minority.

2) You’re ignoring the other option. Communal ownership.

>> No.15667586
File: 84 KB, 233x533, 1585251319160.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of Marx's writing
>150 years of thinkers critiquing, improving and progressing Marxian ideas
And yet you have read neither. Great.

>> No.15667600

Ad hom

>> No.15667924

>We all go through this as kids watching adults at work, maybe listening to the grown-ups belly-ache about it so that we think we have some grasp of their lived experience
This is why Marxism is so prevalent among people that, for the most part, don’t fucking have a working experience: college students, intellectuals, and people that still leech off the state/their parents after 30.

>> No.15667931

>Step 1-we make capital go away
no. We take control of it.
>Step 2-we make bad stuff go away
Yes. Because we're in control of it.
>Step 3-we make the state go away almost all by itself because we made capital and bad stuff go away
Yes. Because once the bad stuff has gone away, the machine will manage itself, it will be automatic.

>> No.15667959
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>marx's ideas don't work!
>marx's ideas don't reflect reality!
Can someone explain this to me, in light of the fact that many leftist revolutions happened? And in the countries that they did happen, productive capacity, population, overall prosperity dramatically improved?

>b-but the gulags!
But rightist states in Marx's time, and still to this day imprisoned, enslaved, genocided, starved, invaded, and deprived countless more people. If you're saying that mass violence against peoples is bad, this is inherently arguing for leftism, because rightists always do more of it.
>b-but leftist states became rightist later! China is capitalist now! USSR became right wing Russia!
This is just a roundabout critique of Capitalism. You're saying that the previous leftist projects were not sufficiently leftist enough, because they became something bad; Capitalism.

>> No.15667963

>People had better quality food in the 15th century than during the industrial revolution.
Again, depends on how you measure it.

>Also, about medicine, it's scam, since them crammed people into unsanitary factories, and crammed small working class appartment, they got sick, and then claim that modern medecine save them.
I was talking about MEDICINE, retard, not health. Isopropyl alcohol is going to be way better at disinfecting a cut than an herb poultice regardless of how you get the cut in the first place and surgery is going to be more successful with chloroform as anesthetic instead of opium.

>Longevity in the middle age (not life expectancy, longevity, that's not the same thing), was around 70 years.
And industrial medicine has greatly improved the quality of life of pretty much everyone at some point. But hey, have fun living the last four and a half decades of your life as a gimp because your leg was amputated without anesthetic due to gangrene setting in after a cut got some cow shit in it.

>> No.15667976

That was the most retarded explanation of Marx I've ever heard. You can point out flaws in the writing but maybe actually know what it's about first.

>> No.15667979

You can say that about every intellectual endeavor. Doesn't mean all higher learning should be abolished.

>> No.15668697

>using buzzwords to say practically nothing of substance
why are theory cucks so cringe

>> No.15668712

>>15665164>>15665182 >>15665372 >>15665443 >>15665772 >>15666460 >>15667049 >>15667133 >>15667145 >>15667203 >>15667976
Step 1- be a good goy, work hard, change nuffin, but cope by thinking that if you shill in the internet for tax change by 0,000001%- you are a revolutionary
Step 2- be a good goy, work hard, oppose change, risk nuffin, but cope thinking that if you die you hair red- you are special
Step 3- be a good goy and die of old age or disease.
KYS, stupid, boring, centrist scum. THE REVOLUTIONARIES (sunless sea)/UN THE SUN THE SUN THE SU>The Imperium of Man/Oceania 1984>commies/fash/anarchists>urine and fecies>centrism

>> No.15668716

>you die you hair red

>> No.15669151


>> No.15670201

Based workers selfsegregating from scum by being in control of means of production.

>> No.15670251

"Middle class" in 1880 and in 2020 mean two very very different things

>> No.15670443

>But hey, have fun living the last four and a half decades of your life as a gimp because your leg was amputated without anesthetic due to gangrene setting in after a cut got some cow shit in it.
Have fun living depressed all your life because of alienation, taking pills because you can't stand living, and ending killing yourself or dying of cancer.

>> No.15670600

>We take control of it
What do you mean by “we?”

>> No.15670772

>Writing isn't work - Thomas Sowell, a writer
Clearly Mr. Sowell is a welfare queen by his standards

>> No.15670812

Just no, there's a difference between critiquing the works of Marx and just making up bullshit because you didn't understand it. A valid critique of Marx is a valid critique, if you say "Marx wants free stuff" then you clearly didn't read his work

>> No.15671258

>t. hasn't read Dad Kapital