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File: 179 KB, 839x648, C8042562-99DD-434E-892A-A3667841D56C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15635838 No.15635838 [Reply] [Original]

Do we shape culture or does culture shape us?

Any recommended reading on this question? Maybe the situationists or trasnscendentalists or the Frankfurt school or something? (Haven’t really read any of these.)

I’ve been wondering about this as civil rights activists are arguing that the entire US cultural apparatus be directed to the end of anti-racism. Will this work because the individual is shaped by his culture? Or are racist cultural artifacts just a product of racism across millions of individuals? Or is a feedback loop that needs to be disrupted? How successful have cultural revolutions (e.g., in the USSR, PRC) been in doing away with the dominant ideology?

Anything in general on whether society shapes the individual or vice versa is helpful too, but I know that’s broad.

Sorry for the dumb post I’m just curious if anyone has any insight.

>> No.15635845

>I <3 Justin
What did they mean by this

>> No.15635849
File: 1.56 MB, 1914x2112, Spengler high culture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Origin of culture is genetic

>> No.15635853

If we don't shape culture what does?

I recommend looking up studies on heritability anyway from twin-studies and GWAS, starting with this:

>> No.15635857

>Do we shape culture or does culture shape us?
well obviously both. but for any given individual the amount of influence culture has on them vs the influence they have on their culture will be extremely asymmetrical

>> No.15635872

>what does?
Those that control the propaganda organ.

>> No.15635879
File: 120 KB, 800x1017, 800px-_Freedom_From_Want__-_NARA_-_513539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that picture supposed to be a parody of rockwell?

>> No.15635881

Well it's an exchange of sorts, isn't it? You're born into something whether you like it or not, it shapes you, and then you have the opportunity to shape it back.

>> No.15635944

Thank you.

> If we don't shape culture what does?

I guess I can clarify a little bit: obviously not equating, but I’ve always sort of seen efforts to control culture (eg., censorship) as a quixotic effort to control things are beyond control. So, for example, if the Soviet state is trying to censor a movie, they’re censoring it because there’s a demand for it, and there’s a demand for it because it reflects something people are already feeling. Thus censoring the movie doesn’t eliminate the reason for it existing, which is really what the Soviet officials are concerned about.

So, I guess I’m wondering whether modifying racist American cultural artifacts will do much other than compromise the values of cultural liberalism (e.g., art existing for its own sake, open discourse). Maybe they are just products of individual attitudes, which need to change before the cultural artifacts change?

>> No.15636897

>Do we shape culture or does culture shape us?
Its been manufactured for you. Your thoughts, opinions, perceptions of reality, and everything you think you know to be factual, is just an illusion.

>> No.15636907

There's nothing wrong with MSG you twat.

>> No.15636914

Why is there a disembodied child's head in the fruit bowl?

>> No.15636955

That's literally not at all true. If it were, America wouldn't be so fucked, neither would the UK, France, Scandinavia, or the rest of fuckin Europe for that matter.
Culture stems from worldviews. The current worldview of universal nihilism and the failure of the modern man to reach the status of Übermensch, instead living meaningless lives as slaves to themselves, is what has created the cultural slump we are facing.

>> No.15636967

>civil rights activists are arguing that the entire US cultural apparatus be directed to the end of anti-racism
So you're saying this whole thing is a psy-op to promote racism? Neat.

>> No.15636975
File: 92 KB, 600x600, schenkerchrysalisfront.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quite right anon, schenker is a great guitarist whose influence on rock music is astounding

>> No.15637239

This is the classic question of the relation between structure and agency, important in sociologic theory.
Try reading Giddens.

>> No.15637276


>> No.15637376

>Architectural expression
>Not yet developed

Oh no oh no oh no oh no

>> No.15637426

No I’m not lol are you dense?