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15634424 No.15634424 [Reply] [Original]

Immortality should be literally your number one priority in life. If you die it's over, you didn't make it and all your efforts were in vain. But if you manage to make enough money to buy the cure to aging, then you might have a shot at living long enough to be immortalized.
Why is no one talking about this?

>> No.15634428

>buy the cure to aging
>Why is no one talking about this?
Because it literally won't happen despite whatever gay science fiction story you read.

>> No.15634429

Become enlightened. Be beyond birth and death, and that's basically immortal, and its free also.

>> No.15634438

Seattle-based, entry level, start-up tech employee opinion
An immature one at that

>> No.15634442

Imagine thinking immortality is worth pondering while living in a capitalist society that will exploit it and ruin it

>> No.15634445

Why would I want to be a material slave for eternity?

>> No.15634468

You and I both do not want whatever energy inside of me that guides my stupid decisions and thoughts, to be around forever. I can't wait to die. When I start feeling like it's going downhill I'll happily begin orchestrating my funeral procession and final words.

>> No.15634473


>> No.15634476

Trying to do ai fuck biology

>> No.15634487

The present is infinite therefore i'm already immortal.
Get rekt you time-speculativist, angsty ridden mysticist.

>> No.15634504

We are already immortal in spirit. Achieving it in the material is possibly the most foolish thing one could ever do.

>> No.15634507

>If you die it's over
thank god

>> No.15634515

The present and my regular life is just fine really.

>> No.15634585

I'm betting on Taoist alchemy myself. Transhumanism is for bugmen

>> No.15634739

In a single, spectral second, I saw my (psyches) foreskin stretched out a million miles in a million directions, looping this and that way, obscuring and disseminating my view, I saw myself live and die, all my bones (and boners, as well as all my past, present and possible boners) grow and shrink, join the ebb and flow of dust, here and there. I do this every second, for every second inside the next second and so on.

>> No.15634813

there won't be a cure.

>> No.15634980

immortality seems like youre getting monkey pawed

>> No.15634985

Immorality is my number one priority. Everyone's goal should be to live as decadent and depraved an existence as possible

>> No.15634994

You could become hypersphere-brained though

Maybe it'd be cool to be immortal but if you can imagine you're more than your body and labor then sure immortalize your legacy anons

>> No.15634997

>Immortality should be literally your number one priority in life
Wrong audience
No one shitposting on /lit/ has any idea what to with themselves from day to day, much less for eternity

>> No.15635021

I just want peace and quiet desu. Getting too old to want to exist like this forever.

>> No.15635026

>implying immortality is even a realistic possibility according to our current understanding of the physical world
>what is entropy?
>implying that prolonging your mindless hedonist existence into eternity will somehow make it more meaningful

Next year will be so much better than the year before, right?

>> No.15635039

That's what is so ridiculous about God and going to heaven. Everyone can imagine these lurid tortures people have to endure in hell but when it comes to heaven it's the most insipid crap imaginable. You'd want to die from boredom. And they can't just imagine heaven as the opposite of hell because the opposite would just be an eternal heroin high.

>> No.15635042
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>wanting to live forever
>wanting to live
All I want is to die with dignity, that's why I go on.

>> No.15635061
File: 48 KB, 720x488, the men who enter paradise spend most of their time tearing hymens.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The muzzies have it right.

The only viable kind of heaven is one where you fuck young cunny all day long.

Too bad Christians are too scared of sex because St Paul was a closet faggot.

>> No.15635113

>coom brains can only think of hard drugs and constant sex as a worthwhile existence instead of eternal bliss
Not going to make it senpaitachi.

>> No.15635493

Why would you want immortality? I loathe accomplishing goals, because then I'll need to find a new one. I'd rather die 9/10ths of the way there.

>> No.15635885

I don't even want to be alive right now, why would I want to be alive forever?

>> No.15635894

As a complex, biologically vulnerable species, humanity is on a clock. Whether it's in the minds of future generations or through some age curing bs, immortality isnt on the menu.

>> No.15635905

And if you become immortal, then what OP? I'm not being rhetorical, I genuinely don't understand where this line of logic is leading.

>> No.15635968

Maybe. If you actually had the tech to seriously do it (not just meagre life extension), then ostensibly you'd also have the tech to prevent yourself from going insane, from getting bored, cynical and so forth. Although I suppose one might get to a point where they're altering themselves so profoundly, they'd have to ask what meaningful continuity is being preserved.

>> No.15635979
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>that pic
Lost cause.

>> No.15636371

>Why is no one talking about this.
Dude, seeking immortality is literally the oldest story ever written. Everyone has has his thought, from Gilgamesh to conquistadors searching for the fountain of youth to Frankenstein.

>> No.15636449

I smoke tobacco just for the satisfaction of dying early, why would I want to be immortal

>> No.15636497


>> No.15636534

exist until the end of the universe yaaaaaaay

>> No.15636582

Only living things can die and we're just moving matter, what you think dies is your self-constructed identity, which is what enlightenment supposedly sheds.

>> No.15637664

depraved and decadencepilled

>> No.15637689

>Immortality should be literally your number one priority in life. If you die it's over, you didn't make it and all your efforts were in vain

This is the most arrogant pre-supposition on the purpose of humanity ever, how much of an ego do you have to have that your entire existence should be predicated on 1 goal; eternity, of which you would get bored of eventually and an hero for more reasons than you could count, and thats not even taking into account the problems that arise if humanity suddently became immortals overnight.

Have you even read a single fictional story on immortality? They tend not to end well, and the people who wrote those stories thought about the implications of immortality through far better than you have, you seemed to have gotten excited by that prospect of infinite time and just stopped there because you're lazy.

After all, you're posing this dumb idea on /lit/ instead of making your 'number one priority in life' a reality, so time's a tickin' kiddo, get off the tibetan pottery boards.

>> No.15637934

Whatever immortality you find will probably fail as the universe entropies so it doesn't really matter if you live for ten years or ten billion years as both lifespans are incomparable to the eternity after your death.

>> No.15638033
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OP here, suck my cock fatalist cucks

>> No.15638040
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the only true immortality is that which comes through spiritual illumination and the realization of the intrinsic divine nature of the eternal soul

>> No.15638042

Any percentage of infinity is zero; it doesn't matter whether you live 80 years or from now on: You're life is still utterly meaningless.

>> No.15638051

We need a /gue/

>> No.15638056

> op spends 40 years finding the cure to mortality
> out hiking, trips, falls between two large stones, stuck there for the next 500 years
Sounds great man

>> No.15638077

Unfortunately it would become the only frequented board in the entire site.

>> No.15638147

You can't make the body immortal. This should be obvious to anyone who can rub two brain cells together. (joke)

But seriously, we may be able to extend life via science in the future, but ultimately we will all die someday. You simply cannot make the body immortal.

>> No.15638164

>thinking boredom can exist in an immaterial condition
slit your throat faggot

>> No.15638210

how do I cope with the fact that Genghis or Charlemagne lived more of a life in a single day than I could do with several hundred years

>> No.15638244

stop worshipping mass murderers

>> No.15638332

this but unironically

>> No.15638434

>If you die it's over,
Citation Needed

>> No.15638457

I will burn the fat thighs of a bull for mars tonight to forget your bad post

>> No.15638654

>if I kill millions maybe people will like me
kek. cringe. cope.

>> No.15638941
File: 197 KB, 1080x1048, 1592361723869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>read Ecclesiastes

>> No.15639163

What's the point of living if you can't do great things, like God can?

>> No.15639573

Achieving eternity is living atemporally, not living forever

>> No.15639643

How to live atemporally?

>> No.15639669

don't care about the future

>> No.15639679

Jesus Christ has immortality (eternal life in Heaven) and gives it to his followers.

>> No.15639714


>> No.15639732

>OP wants to live endlessly on earth
>OP got BTFO by this christianon for skipping the New Testament in the canon

>> No.15639742

you sure? so every action you do is an end in itself and not a mean for something else? congratulations then

>> No.15639772


>> No.15639819
File: 169 KB, 1121x981, Canada anal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly I would rather we get longer lifespans in the 150-200 range so we have more time to do everything we want to and that we stop aging somewhere between 15-20 because being old fucking sucks.

>> No.15639941

>new age gnostic heathenry
>attachment to the material world
>transhuman genome manipulation


>> No.15639950

>stop aging somewhere between 15-20

based animecoomer