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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 223 KB, 1730x1000, 1583896509434.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
15609020 No.15609020 [Reply] [Original]

I'm looking for literature that will help me out of the despair I constantly feel. I am constantly depressed and feel no joy in anything. Please recommend something that might help.

>> No.15609028

The Conspiracy Against the Human Race

>> No.15609039
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>> No.15609042

The Myth of Sisyphus

>> No.15609054
File: 58 KB, 640x786, 1574734979437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a wojak variant for every single pathetic faggot on this site? Holy fuck all of you suck so much dick I'm going to invent a way to kill someone over the internet.

>> No.15609067
File: 133 KB, 780x1085, willywonkaSoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is there a wojak variant for every single pathetic faggot on this site? Holy fuck all of you suck so much dick I'm going to invent a way to kill someone over the internet.

>> No.15609071
File: 29 KB, 326x500, 418qQPMGG-L.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you're pic related, what could really help you is The Denial of Death.
It sounds like a troll blackpill shit like >>15609028 but it actually makes you realize that you can take control of your life if you have faith in yourself, because literally everything in life is faith.
I don't know how exactly, but it really helped me get my life get back on track, give it a read.

>> No.15609081


>> No.15609084

Thank you.

>> No.15609090
File: 102 KB, 828x682, 1590152201949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's nothing wrong with being lazy, the problem is our protestant workaholic society. Monkeys don't feel shame for lounging around and playing with their balls, they eat the bananas nature gives them, laugh, and play

>> No.15609104
File: 334 KB, 1440x1388, KhQm2hmIIz7MJI5V98iV77eHS_8IBrxYeduEgnceGJ8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Is there a wojak variant for every single pathetic faggot on this site? Holy fuck all of you suck so much dick I'm going to invent a way to kill someone over the internet.

>> No.15609114
File: 23 KB, 400x400, F9E12858-C1C9-4DC1-A169-5B25E855E279.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there a book about hating your parent’s mediocrity, and consequently hating your own genetic predisposition to mediocrity while simultaneously catching glimpses of higher, more self-actualised people you’ll never relate to?

>> No.15609115

It's funny how you called TCATHR "troll blackpill shit" while the denial of death is even more nihilistic in some ways.

>> No.15609124

Live for something bigger if you can.

>> No.15609128

Fun thing, that's me although I got two master degree in mathematics and am 3/4 of the way into a PhD. What people say about the value of hard work is true, but at the same time it's also a big meme that doesn't solve the fundamental issues. Life is confusing.

>> No.15609135

Work is just a game, there's nothing wrong with it but it's still fundamentally a game.

>> No.15609138

Then where do you get the motivation to get shit done?

>> No.15609142

this is literally me what the fuck please delete this

>> No.15609149

is that limmy?

>> No.15609151

Are you into PDEs?

>> No.15609157
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I feel you OP, but I think my biggest problem in life stems from the fact that I don't know where I want to be or what I want to achieve, and not because I don't have enough motivation or whatever. Does anyone here who has went through a similar struggle have a word of advice for me?

>> No.15609158

The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho. I haven't read it in a few years, but it is a motivating book. It has a "the secret" vibe. If you enjoy it you will have a urge to take chances and "listen to the universe" for few days. As you can tell it is aimed at females.

>> No.15609165

Is there something you want to do or see ? If there is, and its possible on a material plane, why not do it, even if its frightening ?

>> No.15609169

>As you can tell it is aimed at females.
You say that like it's a bad thing.

>> No.15609176

The difference is that Ligotti literally made that book to make you feel like shit while The Denial of Death is a honest effort to find out the big "whys" of humanity and it lets you into several whitepill insights that can positively impact your life and worldview

>> No.15609189

I'm preempting the criticism that the takeaway from the book is "listen to the universe" and that the book has a instathot vibe. It's a good book, go read it.

>> No.15609203

>The difference is that Ligotti literally made that book to make you feel like shit
How so?

>> No.15609208

Bold of you to assume I haven't already.

>> No.15609278


For everyone with too much inertia to even look for it.

>> No.15609283

It's been a while since I read it but I recall two big parts:
He literally says in the early pages of the book that it's deliberately created to instill horror (not sure if those were the precise words) and that it's an utterly pessimistic book.
The last part were he describes dying in a vehicular misadventure. The moment of consummate disaster, when the puppets turn to face the puppet master.
Not to mention page after page of describing how miserable everything is.
If that's not designed to make you feel like shit then I don't know what's the point of the book.

>> No.15609326

I read it and it was fedora shit, it didn't make me feel bad, The Mysterious Stranger by Mark Twain made me feel like shit

>> No.15609331

I felt way more shitty after reading the denial of death than the Conspiracy.
Both of these books aren't much different from each other.

>> No.15609372
File: 46 KB, 320x280, Saint_Augustine_repentance.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know how you feel, I can recommend what's helped me through those times.
For books that might grant catharsis to your current state, and will help you see the beauty in your suffering
Knut Hamsun - Hunger
Celine - Journey to the End of the Night
Faulkner - As I Lay Dying
Kawabata - Snow Country
Once you've got some strength and want to look away from suffering
Plato - Phaedrus, Gorgias, Phaedo (all of them but give these a chance)
Aristotle - Nicomachean Ethics
The Gospel According to John
Augustine - Confessions

>> No.15609383

Look up Transformation Mastery

>> No.15609395

I dunno, neither of those books made me feel like shit, but I could take a lot of positive things from the denial of death (faith in yourself, expanding my worldview beyond group-based copes, removing prejudice from my mind). Ligotti just inspired me to watch True Detective.

>> No.15609401


>> No.15609772

I've read the book basically embraces death anxiety and Terror Management Theory, which is described as follows:

>The most obvious examples of cultural values that assuage death anxiety are those that purport to offer literal immortality (e.g. belief in afterlife, religion). However, TMT also argues that other cultural values – including those that are seemingly unrelated to death – offer symbolic immortality. For example, values of national identity, posterity, cultural perspectives on sex, and human superiority over animals have been linked to death concerns. In many cases these values are thought to offer symbolic immortality either a) by providing the sense that one is part of something greater that will ultimately outlive the individual (e.g. country, lineage, species), or b) by making one's symbolic identity superior to biological nature (i.e. you are a personality, which makes you more than a glob of cells).

>The most obvious examples of cultural values that assuage death anxiety are those that purport to offer literal immortality (e.g. belief in afterlife, religion). However, TMT also argues that other cultural values – including those that are seemingly unrelated to death – offer symbolic immortality. For example, values of national identity, posterity, cultural perspectives on sex, and human superiority over animals[6] have been linked to death concerns. In many cases these values are thought to offer symbolic immortality either a) by providing the sense that one is part of something greater that will ultimately outlive the individual (e.g. country, lineage, species), or b) by making one's symbolic identity superior to biological nature (i.e. you are a personality, which makes you more than a glob of cells).

When I read about the basic theory behind The Denial of Death, it makes it sound like literally everything we do and believe in is just a cope, group-based or not. What exceptions could there be? Just seems depressing as fuck dude

>> No.15609788

Oops, I reposted the second paragraph twice when I meant for this to be the second one:

>TMT is derived from anthropologist Ernest Becker's 1973 Pulitzer Prize-winning work of nonfiction The Denial of Death, in which Becker argues most human action is taken to ignore or avoid the inevitability of death. The terror of absolute annihilation creates such a profound – albeit subconscious – anxiety in people that they spend their lives attempting to make sense of it. On large scales, societies build symbols: laws, religious meaning systems, cultures, and belief systems to explain the significance of life, define what makes certain characteristics, skills, and talents extraordinary, reward others whom they find exemplify certain attributes, and punish or kill others who do not adhere to their cultural worldview. On an individual level, self-esteem provides a buffer against death-related anxiety.

So even on an individual level, what does life have to offer besides a cope..?

>> No.15609819
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>> No.15609866

Reading won't help you. Try volunteering or something that helps someone else.
fuck you
I stopped reading. Love - Forever Changes

>> No.15609873

I used to think mathematics was my calling and I had to study it as far as I could. I also enjoyed studying it (and I still do).
Throughout the years I came to realize that I'm not good enough to make a real contribution to pure mathematics, even a relatively modest one. The current level of competition is too hard for me. So I had to settle for applied mathematics, which is still cool. Then I realized most of what I'm doing is so applied it has very little mathematics in it. And I'm not sure I would have qualified for an applied subject with substantial mathematical work. Now I just feel like a failure (and I'm one, rather objectively) and I have little motivation for anything.

So to answer your question, the motivation slowly dried out as a result of continuous failure and the meaninglessness of my current woek. There's nothing within my abilities that I would care to do as far as I can see. Of course we're all myopic when it comes to our abilities, but still it's looking pretty bad.

That's probably it, yes.

No, I'm doing applied statistics (don't laugh). I studied theoretical statistics which is mathematically solid in some areas. But as I say above, my actual work contains almost no mathematics, it's disheartening.

>> No.15609888

> tfw in 30s

>> No.15609895

I know how you feel.

>> No.15609917

Here's a book I don't see recommended much. Go read modern man search for soul by Jung.

>> No.15609933


>> No.15609945
File: 1.82 MB, 3393x5000, Casio_F-91W_5051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bruh when the fuck did my watch become a symbol for failure nu-contrarian males

>> No.15609955

Me too
nice trips

>> No.15609996

Only 20% of this image applies to me. That is unfair. Can you make one pertaining to Jews?

>> No.15610004

You dodint get the solar radio one plee b

>> No.15610032

do you have a kitten?

>> No.15610039 [DELETED] 

Seriously read this. He doesn't even get out of bed within the first forty pages. The book might actually make you feel worse but at least you might begin to glimpse some idea why.

>> No.15610052

It's a pretty good album. Not really my thing, but good nonetheless.

>> No.15610055
File: 28 KB, 297x475, oblomov.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously read this. He doesn't even get out of bed within the first forty pages. The book might actually make you feel worse but at least you might begin to glimpse some idea why

>> No.15610061

If you mean Oblomov then based

>> No.15610108

that wojack is fucking pathetic and needs to get it together

>> No.15610260

Glad you like it. One of few albums where i don't skip around. Too bad /mu/ brothers don't see,,,

>> No.15610302


>> No.15610334

what a nigger response after a series of decent posts kys

>> No.15610546

i guess i was doomed when i first listened to amnesiac when i was 15

>> No.15610591

It's about accepting that fact and making the most out of it. Once you know about this shit and you understand that everything is a cope you can use this knowledge to:
-Avoid falling prey to manipulative ideologies
-Avoid getting absorbed into us vs them mentalities that generate hate towards others
-Understand that everyone is literally as clueless and scared as you are, they are just doing a literal confidence trick that (you) can pull off if you're smart enough
-It's all about faith, if you have faith in yourself you can literally do whatever you want
Fear of fear is for brainlets. It's like reading the last messiah: you can either look at the "rules" Zapffe sets down as an affirmation of the meaninglessness of life and die like the deer with big antlers, or you can see it as a way to coping your way out of all your fears and shaping your retardedly big antlers in a way that is useful for you.

>> No.15610774

The person who went through the trouble of making that image just to upset random unknown people on the internet must be a very sad person himself.

>> No.15610890

Love - De Capo is also great
I always imagined that Revelation would make a great background song for a long take action scene

>> No.15610946

fuck thats me

>> No.15611086
File: 51 KB, 605x818, flowers-look-like-animals-people-monkeys-orchids-pareidolia-9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

serious answer: magic mushrooms

>> No.15611101

Denial of Death helped me a lot during my worst existential crisis!

>> No.15611107

Wtf is wrong with that dogs face?

>> No.15611108
File: 157 KB, 600x484, 1590807865961.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally fucking me

>> No.15611109

Its very pleasing

>> No.15611152

I tried, got my degree with top grades and no one wanted to hire me anyway. So, never try.

>> No.15611172

> tfw in 40s

>> No.15611173


In the USA you have to either set up internships or go to gradschool. You're fucked if you just focus on your studies

>> No.15611199

I don't know why but the including of "Categories for the Working mathematician" in that image cracked me up. It's so specific and improbable yet it rings so true.

Excellent book btw, if a bit dry and outdated in some parts.

>> No.15611231

That sucks. The level of competition in math is totally brutal. From what I've seen, pure math gets so specialized and deep that you need to be practically built and groomed for it just to push a little bit forward.

Anyways, maybe you've already considered it, but the whole bayesian thing is really blowing up in my scientific discipline. From what I've seen, there's a ton of interesting work to be done in a bunch of areas there – new MCMC samplers, bayesian deep learning stuff, techniques for modeling likelihoods without closed form solution just to name a few. Plus it seems like it's the type of thing you can train yourself for given a few intermediate shitty jobs, self-teaching, projects, classes etc., and you'd almost definitely pick up a bunch of mL skills along the way.

You asked about books. I don't really know shit about motivational books, but I remember that reading Thus Spoke Zarathustra when I was in college made me really reflect on and change lots of my values. It's cringey and cliche, but it had a serious impact on my life.

>> No.15611317

you say that like it's not.

>> No.15611336

Every time you add more words to these and every time how humorous it is negatively corresponds to that.

>> No.15611383

Man what the fuck is wrong with you? Get your fucking shit together.

>> No.15611487

>under 100s
>tfw immortal alchemist in his 400s
Doesn't get any better pueri

>> No.15611500

>Anyways, maybe you've already considered it, but the whole bayesian thing is really blowing up in my scientific discipline.
I've always been interested in bayesian stuff, so it's good to know there are viable applications. I've already neck-deep into ML, even though I'll probably never get around to defend my thesis, I might try reorienting my career alongside that kind of methods.

Anyway thanks for taking the time to answer me, that was thoughtful of you.
Out of curiosity are you fully employed right now? Or still in gradschool?

> It's cringey and cliche, but it had a serious impact on my life.
Not that cringy, Nietzsche can be a genuinely uplifting writer. I had a Latin teacher for could fluently read Ovid and Virgil and who still claimed Nietzche helped get him out of depression.

>> No.15611576

it's the ol' reliable boomer approved cheap as fuck watch with absolutely NO status symbol value. for only 20 bucks you can say to women 'I have given up on my dreams and I no longer feel touched by social dogma' without even talking to them.

>> No.15611635

Of course. Going into a technical discipline can get really depressing. I'm really still not sure if I have what it takes. I know it's a strong possibility that I'll have to give up on academia.

I'm glad to hear you'll consider it though. My first full-time research job was centered around bayesian stuff, and I really loved it.

I'm in grad school right now, but defending is a long way off for me.

>I had a Latin teacher for could fluently read Ovid and Virgil and who still claimed Nietzche helped get him out of depression.
That's pretty cool. He definitely helped me.

>> No.15611650


>> No.15612000


>> No.15612078

Who told you you shouldn't be depressed? It's a natural state when you take the world around into account.

>> No.15612085

couple things i read during my years of solitude and sadness/inaction blablabla
just read it, its good for your soul
>karamazov brothers
>quietly the don flows
>east of eden
>grapes of wrath
and couple others you wont know/not in your language, all of these pushes you a little to do SOMETHING, because once your life ends, you wont be able to do anything

>> No.15612101

Nietzsche and Mishima. Memed so much here but apparently still no one reads them

>> No.15612171

You need to compare yourself outside of your bubble of autistic math geniuses and you'll see that you have a level of intelligence and ability most people don't, including midwits like myself. You could just go into financial mathematics, cash in for a few years and then just NEEt, travel, study maths for your own enjoyment. Life is wide open.

>> No.15612204

Thanks, you're right in general. Although financial mathematics is actually very hard, huge pay and lots of technical requirements, hence competition comparable to that of pure math (a classmate of mine who also got two master in maths tried to get hired without avail for an entire year before trying something else).
And being an autistic fuck is a big liability in any case. But you're right that I can probably find a way, at worst I can become a tutor for rich kids.

>> No.15612221

>is mean to mom and dad
You're right. I am deeply ashamed of myself, and am improving my ways.

>> No.15612230

It was bred to live a life of looking goofy as shit. Slightly less agonizing existence than a pug or other brachycephalic breeds or a bull terriers.

>> No.15613038


Based beyond human belief, my favourite book in prison and the one that changed me most as a man - I wouldn’t have gotten through that time without it.

>> No.15613056

> The Alchemist
> The Secret

You will die forgotten.

>> No.15613084

stale bait reeking like dead fish

>> No.15613127

Damn that hurts bro

>> No.15613395
File: 291 KB, 1242x1111, A2C5D7E9-C2FA-4CFA-9E68-F94906B1337B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds good

>> No.15613502

woman like me regardless of my watch anon
shame that's how you have to justify your consoomer purchases

>> No.15613528

no why

>> No.15613543

>What do I want to do? I don't know...
>What am I supposed to do again?
>Yeah I've been meaning to do that haha..
>This is the day. I'm gonna turn things around


>> No.15613948

The Alchemist is good, but its good to know that it has a "the secret" vibe going in.

>> No.15614180

Pongo thread?

>> No.15614640

Can't Hurt me by David Goggins is what you're looking for. Story of an unremarkable man whose life falls apart in his early 20s and how he developed the drive to turn it around.

>> No.15615150


It's scary to me how accurately a stranger can skewer you. No matter how original you think you are, someone can put you in a box. But I wouldn't say I'm in despair about life

>> No.15615153

Do 6 grams of mushrooms.

>> No.15615220

I'm that pic if you replace the NEET/low IQ part with the fact I've been in school for 20 years, got a BA and a MA and now on way to PhD, but I don't work during the summers. Also I actually cook instead of making ramen. But everything else is the same.

>> No.15615318

but how?

>> No.15615490

Anon, you need to work on your impulse control. Cancel the order, get your maple syrup coins back, and download the book for free online.

>> No.15615691

It's a borzoi. Maximum aerodynamic efficiency.

>> No.15615934

Eckhart Tolle
I do suggest his audio/video recordings of his live events.
Favorite and most life changing to me: "Transmuting Suffering into Peace"

>> No.15616358

bumping the OP's psy op :)

>> No.15616477
File: 29 KB, 332x500, 594317afc9af562b84eacaf0a5dcd05b-g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have a parent (or parents) who were toxic in your youth? Try this book, it'll genuinely help you see that there's a pattern and that trying to fix that pattern is impossible because the only person that you can fix is you. If that's not the case then I'm sorry to hear you feel no joy in life and I hope some anon makes a suggestion that helps.

>> No.15616536


Why don’t you go manifest yourself a life, you failure of a man.

>> No.15616778

Do people actually relate with the OP pic? Damn I thought I knew what self-loathing is, but I'm nowhere near his level :(

>> No.15617722

some nice arabic literature translated of course
like The Committee and The Smell Of It both by Sonallah Ibrahim

>> No.15617824


>> No.15619062

Do you really think most of 4chan doesn't fit that pic or did he just offend you? Also your meme is even more stale than his, I've seen it 100x

>> No.15619078
File: 19 KB, 318x382, Soi 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>06/15/20(Mon)22:39:57 No.15619062
>>>15609039 (You) #
>Do you really think most of 4chan doesn't fit that pic or did he just offend you? Also your meme is even more stale than his, I've seen it 100x

>> No.15619154

What'd you go to prison for?

>> No.15619162

Good arguments, you really hurt my feelings with that one

>> No.15619213

You're not that smart if that's (You're last comment) what you got out of it (the greentext)

>> No.15619612

12 rules for life

>> No.15619620
File: 55 KB, 323x570, 3388.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>06/15/20(Mon)22:54:52 No.15619162
>>>15619078 (You) #
>Good arguments, you really hurt my feelings with that one

>> No.15619633
File: 22 KB, 474x331, tgdd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read Celine

>> No.15620380

jordan b peterson's 12 rules of life, white identity by jared taylor

>> No.15620829


Manslaughter. I got out after three years, still on probation though.

>> No.15620869

You should feel happy then :)

Not him, but what did you get out of that greentext?

I wish you good luck. If you plan ahead and don't neglect networking research can be great, I've seen friends having the time of their life during their PhD. But it's rare, so make sure you have backup plan and the support of friends and family.

>> No.15620930

Is that Limmy?

>> No.15620946

Everyone in my family is nice but mediocre. The ugliness is really depressing.

>> No.15620952

Most people are mediocre by definition. It's hard to accept but most of those you will ever made and in all likelihood yourself aswell are mediocre. Mediocrity is not a sin, however unseemly it can be.

>> No.15620980
File: 69 KB, 440x527, 440px-Plotinos.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inspiration is to overflow.
To become a source of creativity.
Depression is to let this light dissipate without creating anything. To not cause beauty will eventually make yourself lose your receptivity to beauty, dulling the world. You must actualize, or like a muscle atrophy your soul.

>> No.15622430

there are people who want to do things and people who want to be things, the second group are never fulfilled

>> No.15622759

I am very comfortable in saying that my goal in life is to support an abstract idea, and some of what he is saying is correct. (The vegan stuff a little less so). But anon was somehow taking his analyses to act as if that somehow undermines the logic of motivations of the people he's talking about. Things are obviously more complex then that, and I didn't take it that the author even was trying to do that. He doesn't address the specifics (Being very vague about abstract concepts or people instead of specifically debating ideas or people). How anon took that to mean that this very cursory analysis of one aspect of a side-motiviation that people with an "I am the law" mentality may have is beyond me and smells like Katy the penguin entry-level post-modernism where the focus is on "If I look at things in a meta way, then that means I've undermined them purely by virtue of looking at things in a more meta way then other people are choosing to do even though I have absolutely no substance myself."

>> No.15623775

I'm saving up to visit hookers in Germany.
I want to fuck a japanese, Romanian, blonde, Russian, maybe a black chick who knowns.

You can have this for 50€/hour: