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/lit/ - Literature

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15590750 No.15590750 [Reply] [Original]

I want a book recommendation.
Written by a female author.

>> No.15590757

"My Pussy got destroyed so hard" by your mom

>> No.15590769

Why not read something good?

>> No.15590776

Go Ask Alice

>> No.15590797



>> No.15590799
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>> No.15590801

Wuthering Heights

>> No.15590810

Jane Austen, hail realism

>> No.15590811

Try Woolf.

Or for something easier and comfy, Betty Smith.

>> No.15590817

Read this. Anything else?

>> No.15590834

I liked Emma

Never read Betty. What does she write about

>> No.15590861

Hi OP I'm a female and below I will author a book recommendation for you :^)

Read Hugo Claus you fucking simp

>> No.15590887

s.s. proleterka by fleur jaeggy

>> No.15590894

Her own life experiences mostly. Family, relationships, day to day life - around the beginning of the 20th century in America.
That might sound boring but she's got a great style.

"A Tree grows in Brooklyn" is a popular one. Personally I would recommend Joy in the Morning because it's shorter.

>> No.15591009

anything didion
read year of magical thinking

>> No.15591029

Think of the roastie posts you've read during your time here.

Would you want to read something by one of those people? They're retarded and all they talk about is their pussies and who "deserves" their pussies.

>> No.15591053

Hi OP I'm a female author and I recommend First and Only by Dan Abnett

>> No.15591066

Story of my life - George sand

It’s only a pen name

>> No.15591080

Okay Chopin

>> No.15591087

Talented Mr Ripley

>> No.15591091



>> No.15591119
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it's poetry but you only asked for books. the greatest of all time.

>> No.15591126

The Passion According to G.H. - Clarice Lispector

>> No.15591153

I've had Flights recommended to me
But I have a sneaking suspicion OP just wanted an excuse to post a girl

>> No.15591170

What makes her great

>> No.15591177

It's weird how so many /lit/ posters claim to never read female authors while this is also the only widely used literature discussion forum where you can find people who have actually read the feminists from de Beauvoir on, substantive discussion of Tartt, Didion, even fucking Rand. People on this board are probably the most prolific scholars and critics of a certain female cat murdering instagram poet and foot model.
This board definitely reads women, it just doesn't read all women on principle. Highly equitable, despite what you claim about yourselves.

>> No.15591185

Do you despise girls?

>> No.15591208

Why wouldn't a feminist literature circle read Simone? She's the first thing that comes up in such circles

>> No.15591216

Also, tartt is extremely popular

>> No.15591232

Who murdered a cat?

I hate women because it's the only way to rescue the few women capable of change. Male feminism is one big crypto-simp operation. At least when I ask to lick your feet I'm being direct.

>> No.15591234

idk what to tell you man, most haven't read her.

>> No.15591280

harry potter

>> No.15591303

Where do you live?

>> No.15591311

Mira killed a cat?

>> No.15591424

So write a female author and ask her for one, faggot

>> No.15591467

Nightwood - Djuna Barnes

>> No.15591477

>Where do you live?
Portland, OR

>> No.15591489

Good Morning, Midnight by Jean Rhys

But also obviously anything by Virginia Woolf

>> No.15591496

I wanna fuck Imogen

>> No.15591521

There are plenty of readings before Simone

>> No.15591768

Hey, good taste

>> No.15591804

i want a recommendation of a book by an author who mentruates

>> No.15591818

the mirror of simple souls

>> No.15591859

A Visit from the Goon Squad - Jennifer Egan

>> No.15591869

Rossetti is really good, which makes sense considering how much Dickinson liked her and took inspiration from her, Dickinson being maybe the greatest female poet of the past 3 centuries.

>> No.15591895

>Who murdered a cat
Rupi, it’s like the /lit/ version of Raimiposting

>> No.15591909

Hell, anything written by Lispector is gold

>> No.15591943

What does / lit/ think Ursula guin?

>> No.15591946

Haha gay

>> No.15591977

Generally well liked speculative fiction but usually a few potshots are taken at her for dovetailing with SJW shit

I like her, thoughtful author. Lavinia was a fun read too

>> No.15591991

I'm ashamed that I lol'd

>> No.15592004

Probably because you're underaged

>> No.15592006

Great author. Haven't read much but what I have has been fantastic.

>> No.15592012
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comfy mystery

>> No.15592061

Seventh Cross by Seghers

The Artificial Silk Girl by Keun

Early stuff from Jenny Erpenbeck

>> No.15592079

kill yourself

>> No.15592096

"How i gave birth to a mongoloid" by your mom's hairy cunt

>> No.15592098

Kitchen by Banana Yoshimoto

>> No.15592106

pretty male-supremacist to impose your medium of choice on women for them to explain themselves to you. jews do this with kubrik and hollywood

to truly grasp a womans character you should instead watch a tick tock

>> No.15592271

>The Artificial Silk Girl by Keun
Thanks for this. How did you find this?

>> No.15592280


>> No.15592287
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Darkmans - Nicola Barker

>> No.15592310

based pick anon, Christie is comfy AF

>> No.15592404

The Glass Hotel by Emily Saint John Mandel is new this year and it was pretty good.

The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa is a significantly older and I found it very beautiful.

First they Killed my Father by Loung Ung is nonfiction and very moving and interesting.

An Excess Male by Maggie Shen King is not terrible, but mostly just interesting because it's a dystopia from a very different perspective. No clear-eyed individualists bravely dying for a principle here.

That exhausts the list of things written by women that I've read in the past year AND can recommend.

>> No.15592406

What in my post raised that question?

>> No.15592458

Rachel Cusk outline trilogy. It’s like Sebald.

>> No.15592916

University. First had it in a student led course about trivial literature (and what possibilities lie in the so called corpus), and then it was due to come up in a lecture about canon german lit of the 20th century. The prof nearly didn't talked about it due to his semi-optimal time managment, but I convinced him otherwise. I also used some excerpts of it in a play about the metropolis/berlin in particular, along a bunch of other quotes from writers, musicians and philosophers.
I'd recommend Kästner's Fabian as a companion piece. They are both great, but I think Keun is more enjoyable and doesn't quite fall into the trap of cynism and pessimism that prevails in Fabian, instead managing to keep a human and somewhat hopeful edge in the madness that was pre-war Berlin.

>> No.15593214

Helen DeWitt - The Last Samurai
Book of the century so far

>> No.15593303


>> No.15593536

Iris Murdoch - The Sovereignty of Good

>> No.15593586
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>> No.15593753

Having read women is exactly how we know others ought not bother doing so. Even those women with the most technical prose talent write pretty but utterly vacuous works.

>> No.15593761

unironically accurate

>> No.15593810

Frankenstein by Perc...Mary Shelley.

>> No.15593831

Virginia Woolf is a pretty safe bet. My favourite is The Waves, though I recently quite liked Orlando.

>> No.15593849

Malina by Ingeborg Bachmann

>> No.15593852

Taisha Abelar wrote two books. Both are good.

>> No.15593887
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Have you read Tom Wolfe's thesis on realism in his essay "My Three Stooges"? (He also more or less articulates the same thing in "Stalking the Billion-footed Beast", which is online.) His tricks and hackery aside, what do you think of it? Do you agree with what he outlines as realism's main advantages over other schools?

>> No.15593958

The Princess de Clèves
By Madame de Lafayette

>> No.15593974
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From what I've read this year:

>N.P. by Banana Yoshimoto; translated by Ann Sherif
excellent; novella

>Chilly Scenes of Winter by Ann Beattie
quite good, nicely frigid meditation on how we're often incapable of deciding who's similar to us

>The Secret History by Donna Tartt
really really comfy, engrossing

>I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith
not perfect but I admired it for how bleak and flailing it was by the end

>Finn Family Moomintroll by Tove Jansson; translated by Elizabeth Portch
obviously charming throughout; novella

>Victoria: the Queen by Julia Baird
illuminating gossipy well-written

>Morning in the Burned House by Margaret Atwood
excellent poetry collection

>Black Unicorn by Tanith Lee
pretty good fantasy novel, ends up going to pleasantly weird places

>> No.15594350

>Beatrice of Nazareth
The Seven Ways of Holy Love
>Marguerite Porete
The Mirror of Simple Souls
>Catherine of Siena
Dialogue of Divine Providence
>Julian of Norwich
Revelations of Divine Love
>Frances of Rome
Treatise on Hell
>Catherine of Genoa
Treatise on Purgatory
>Tullia d'Aragona
Dialogues on the Infinity of Love
>Teresa of Ávila
The Interior Castle

>> No.15594693

The Breakdown by B A Paris is a pretty decent psychological thriller, nothing amazing but I picked it up at the airport and for the last 100 pages or so I literally couldn't put it down.

>> No.15594719

why does that copy of the last man have the same cover as my cheap copy of frankenstein
is that just the cover they use for mary shelley now

>> No.15595801

Can you recommend any other works that are kind of 'hidden'? Your taste seems to align with mine.

>> No.15595805

Shirley Jackson

>> No.15595810

Is it from a Christian perspective?

>> No.15595813

Wonderful recs

>> No.15595835
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The Alexiad by Anna Komnena.
Action history book. Synthesis of Greek, Roman, and Medieval worldviews. Vivid battle descriptions. Female author does not omit the historical fact that every man of account in history is a sexy chad, gives paragraph after paragraph descriptions of how attractive and magnetic the men and women are.

>> No.15595836

Lewalski’s biography of Milton is a real delight.

>> No.15595849

Better, a Platonist perspective.

>> No.15595875

Iris Murdoch - the sea the sea

>> No.15596016

I want to be humiliated be a female author

>> No.15596019

In verse or in prose?

>> No.15596022

That's only slightly better

>> No.15596026

In strap on dildo

>> No.15596027

holy shit. Did language even exist at that time

>> No.15596036

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.15596041


>> No.15596070

Because Caspar David Friedrich's paintings are popular among kike publishers (Penguin, Oxford, Wordsworth).

>> No.15596147


>> No.15596475

I wouldn't say that's my main taste, but I'll try.
Manfred Hausmann: Salut gen Himmel / Salute to the Sky (?). A novel more or less made up of a few shorter stories about a bum roaming around the country, both in citys and the countryside. I don't remember it that well, but the ending of the first story has always stuck with me. I don't wanna spoil it but it is absolutly surprising and gut wrenching. Although the book ends pretty romantic (in the 19th century sense) and sappy with the protagonist literally hugging a tree so it doesn't get uprooted in a storm. Haven't found a translation though.
Arno Surminski: Kudenow oder An fremden Wassern weinen / Kudenow or To cry at strange waters (?). Family of three has to relocate to a small village in northern germany after the 2.WW. Told from the perspective of the adolescent son. Has its tragic moments, but mostly honest, lighthearted without being disrespectful, well, just human.

>> No.15596760

3rd person to say it, but Frankenstein.

>> No.15596811

Thanks, now what are some of your 'main taste'?

>> No.15596821

My Twisted World

Don't be fooled that some man penned the words, Woman is the authentic author

>> No.15596843

Why would you do that?

Why would you chop off her feet from the pic?

>> No.15596931

Was given copy of The Lathe of Heaven and was excited to read it but was disappointing. Did I just start with the wrong book??

>> No.15596933

Absurdist literature and theatre (Beckett, Ionesco, Charms, Vonnegut).
Concrete and visueal poetry.
Violent Comics (Punisher MAX is a favorite).
Italian Futurism has a special place in my heart.
And metafiction in general.
Also SF.
I dislike things like surrealist or expressionist literature, as I just find them a pain to read. I like them as visual arts fine enough though.
I guess history wise my main interest lies in early and middle 20th century, mostly german or european in general. I don't read as much contemporary fiction except for comics and webfiction, especially the SCP Foundation. That doesn't mean I strictly dislike them, it's rather that I try to catch up on some classics. Christian Kracht is a contempory novelist I really enjoy, Imperium was freaking amazing.

What about you?

>> No.15596960


>> No.15597141

Will I get anything out of these if i'm not a catholic?

>> No.15597890

not that anon but with Caterina (Siena), Teresa and also Anna (Foligno) yes

>> No.15597899

Angela not Anna sorry

>> No.15598098

I'm not and I found Divine Revelations to be quite insightful. Bit of a slog though.

>> No.15598750

>Will I get anything
Eternal life.

>> No.15598764

Ann Beattie is great

>> No.15599258

thought Chilly was good, what else would you recommend by her?

>> No.15599271

The complete poetry of
>Emily Dickinson
>Anne Sexton
>Sylvia Plath
>Wilsawa Szymborska

>> No.15599387
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>> No.15599390

Diotima's speech in the Symposium

>> No.15599394
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>> No.15599408
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>> No.15599444

Love her. Earthsea was a huge part of my childhood and Left Hand of Darkness is amazing.

>> No.15599467

I've never read a book written by a woman

>> No.15599823


>> No.15599848

why are you people like this

>> No.15600346

well technically its both a Christian and Platonic perspective like Ficino or St. Denys
but the Platonism does seem to prevail over the Christianity in the text

>> No.15600691

Harry Potter and the magic spell that turns his penis into vagina he has menstruate problems was my favorite

>> No.15600704
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>> No.15600714

I've just read LHoD but I really don't remember all the SJW topics people complain about it for, except the surface level premise of genderless planet. I remember the one Soviet Union stand-in country has a "attractive" gayish senator but you can pretend all the other characters are men and it reads pretty standard

>> No.15600788

emilly dickinson
silvina ocampo
carson mccullers
fernan caballero
maria zambrano
shirley jackson
edith wharton
joyce carol oates
gertrude stein
saint teresa of avila
rosalia castro de murguia
flannery o'connor
gillian flynn
sor juana
the bronte sisters
toni morrison
simone weil
james tiptree
anna akhmatova
fumiko enchi
fleur jaeggy
mira gonzalez
anna kavan
ann quin
anais nin
anne sexton
agata kristof
annie dillard
eleanor catton
rachel carson
edtih stein
alison bechdel
susan sontag
anne rice
fuka mizutani
frances burney
mary renault
clarice lispector
maria firmina dos reis
simone de beauvoir
natalia ginzburg
herta muller
hilda hilst
marguerite duras
marguerite yourcenar
djuna barnes
marilynne robinson
alice munro
sylvia plath
alice walker
rachel de queiroz
conceiçao evaristo
natalia borges polesso
geni guimaraes
george elliot
marguerite radclyffe hall
ali smith
virginia woolf
mary shelley
tove jansson
elena ferrante
selva almada
gabriela mistral
carolina maria de jesus
jane austen
angela davis
sei shonagon
hannah arendt
rosa luxemburg


>> No.15600800

Hour of the Star by Lispector

>> No.15600824
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>putting mira gonzales/shaggy on a list with emily dickinson, the moomin artist. and anna akhmatova
ok anon

>> No.15600960
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mira "dude weed" gonzalez aka mira "25 going on 45" gonzalez

>> No.15601749

fun fact: one of mira's tree buds made a fake incel rage meme to promote mira via adversarial marketing

>> No.15601756


>> No.15602005

get em!

>> No.15602965
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No one is here except all of us by Ramona Ausubel. It's contemporary and reads beautifully. A book about world war two but also not really. It spans time and place and it feels surreal. Probably one of my favourite books I've ever read the way she manages to mix the beastly and the beautiful is wonderful.

>> No.15603057
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>> No.15603070

what is a tree bud, what is an incel rage meme
can you talk like a normal person

>> No.15603074

Fun fact: Mira looks 40 and her Twitter image is from when she was 19.

>> No.15603232

Yeah. Language has been around for a long time--it's p crazy, actually.

>> No.15603337

Sounds kino, anon.

>> No.15603358

The Talented Mr Ripley by Patricia Highsmith. Great writer.

>> No.15604008

Thanks for the rec anon. Never heard of this, seems awesome.

Edit: reading a translation, and it is awesome

>> No.15604319

why would someone other than Mira care this much about her appearance? were there expectations she was immortal?

>> No.15604341

Thread ignored. Who's the cleavage?

>> No.15604952

The Captivity Narrative of Mary Rowlandson

>> No.15605910

The Night Circus

>> No.15607447

Read the realms of the elderlings books, they are amazing and so is the author