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15579612 No.15579612[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>thanks for making me a millionaire but fuck you

Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Bonnie Wright, and Eddie Redmayne have now all publically spoken out against J.K. Rowling for daring to say that only women are women.

Rowling made the classic mistake of assuming her opponents were interested in actual dialogue and the search for truth.

What next for her career?

A groveling apology? Suicide? Defiantly accepting complete ostracism?

>> No.15579622
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knowbodie kairs

>> No.15579630

I'm pretty sure your post is against the rules.
It's gossip/politics, not literature.

>> No.15579634
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The only solution for the transgender menace is a bullet through the brain.

>> No.15579637

It's about a best-selling author's career.

>> No.15579644

Even if we agree with that, there are multiple threads about her already.
So your post breaks the extremely low quality rule.

>> No.15579656

Wasn't Rowling going crazy supporting LGBT shit with gay posting about her characters?

What happened now? She went from one extreme to the other suddenly?

>> No.15579670

rowling is trans exclusionary radical feminist (TERF). terfs don't like that men can trivialise feminity by having their balls chopped off and wearing a wig and dress.

>> No.15579692

She never has to work again, ever. She can afford to say whatever the fuck she wants.

>> No.15579712

I 100% agree with all her points.

>> No.15579727

>Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Bonnie Wright, and Eddie Redmayne have now all publically spoken out against J.K. Rowling for daring to say that only women are women.

Let's not hyperventilate here, frendo. How about this summary:

>Daniel Radcliffe, Emma Watson, Bonnie Wright, and Eddie Redmayne have now all publicly spoken out against J.K. Rowling for daring to suggest that transwomen are not women.

Better, right?

OK, good. Let us all now, for the sake of argument, agree that transwomen are not literally women. Only biologically XX types have even a shot of being women.

Still with me? Nice.

Fact is, perhaps breathlessly shouting that "only women are women!!" (though true by definition) is arguably not the best rhetorical strategy for curbing the excess idiocy the world is facing at the moment.

Let us all take a breath, exhaling all IdPol demonic spirits as needed.


>> No.15579728

rupert grint conspicuous by his silence

>> No.15579736

>What next for her career?
Does it matter? She's already made more money she could need and will continue making it because there will always be more kids who haven't read Harry Potter.

>> No.15579738

yes! silence is complicity in today's topsy turvy world. where's his twitter?

>> No.15579748

People say this but the only examples are
>saying Dumbledore had the hots for Wizard Hitler which was pretty well hinted at in the last book
>going “yeah sure why not” when a terrible fan fiction play cast a black woman to play Hermione
>making a joke about how before the invention of plumbing wizards would just teleport their poop away

>> No.15579762

I see /lit/ has become the comment section for The Daily Mail
Keep of the good work of dumbing down the internet boyos

>> No.15579775

They're all probably making money of this controversy and laughing about it in private.

Rowling can tap into the conservative Karen demo that used to not read her books bc of her shitlib political takes/demonic influences in her books.

Controversy drives up interest in movies leading to more royalty checks for the actors.

Teenage boys still masturbate to Emma Watson

>> No.15579777

XX = woman
XY = man
other = birth defect

>> No.15579779

Such is the tendency of the left wing, it loves destroying itself. She was thick enough to open her mouth on social issues that have nothing to do with her body of work and now she's being cannibalised by the exact people she was initially trying to placate. Hopefully she will learn but I doubt she will.

>> No.15579795

"No hold on... Wot if someone just smeared a gob of cum in yer face" -- Charlie Brooker, Black Mirror, Series 7, Ep #1.

>> No.15579804

No one outside your twitter/pol circlejerks give a shit
Grow up, grow a pair, and get a life

>> No.15579822
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seethe more

XX = woman
XY = man
other = birth defect

It's inside every single one of your cells, you can't do anything about it

>> No.15579833

No but really.. Wot if someone just smeared a right-old mega-gob of cum in yer face? Would you flinch?

>> No.15579854

Shut the fuck up nigger

>> No.15579856

anyone else hate british people? always going on about the daily mail and nimbies and brexit and bankers and bonuses and thatcher and the nhs. just FUCK off.

>> No.15579859

So what exactly did she say? Saw it mentioned here but I figured it wouldn't be a big deal until I saw an author I follow lambasting her this morning.

>> No.15579866

You're confusing sex with gender and ignoring all the other cultures in the world that don't have the same gender norms as yours.
In the end you're just an American claiming that you don't have an accent, you "talk normally," and everyone else has an accent.

>> No.15579869

Gender is a social category describing behavioural patterns and methods of presentation usually associated with a certain sex. This is the definition of gender. Now if there is a biological male who feels as a deep and intrinsic part of himself that he is a woman, feels that he wants to act in a feminine manner, wear feminine clothes, take hormones to develop a feminine body, and, in short, structure his life and social presentation in a feminine manner, such a person is considered a woman. The psychological literature supports this idea, but it is in line with our philosophical intuition too. Let us take a thought experiment.
Imagine you’re in a cafe and the waitress, who presents as a woman, brings you your drink. You turn to your companion when the waitress leaves and hope to compliment the waitress. What pronoun would you use? Well you would probably say something like ‘SHE was nice, maybe I’ll tip HER’. But why?Your assignation of womanhood cannot be based on a knowledge of her sex, since you have no access to her genitalia nor any way to know what her chromosomal structure is. But it is also not right to say that you merely INFERRED her sex from her way of presentation and deemed her a woman based on this inference. Rather, all that you took into account was the waitress’s method of presentation, the looks, the tone, the clothing, the voice, the gait, the intonations, the occupation, the behaviour in general — that was the only factor in your calling her a woman. This is what it means to say sex and gender are separate.
It has nothing to do, as J.K. claims, with “getting rid of sex”; it is only a conceptual extrication of gender FROM sex, a distinction that is easy to grasp given some effort and nuanced thinking. It is true that, both because our language is encoded partly to enforce heteronormative structures, and because the distinction is a relatively new one in our culture, there might be some confusion and muddling with the language used. But transgender theorists — from psychologists to philosophers to the general transgender community — have created a precise lexical field to deal with this issue in day-to-day speech, which will continue to be developed and normalised as transgender communities gain prominence in culture. It is morally imperative for someone like J.K., who has an outreach to millions, to grasp this distinction and to be able to use the language correctly and precisely, so that her words don’t cause unimaginable suffering to transgender people around the world.

>> No.15579874

>will she apologize or kill herself?
neither. She didnt take a step backwards in her essay. The time for her apologies have passed. She recognizes a few things: that the trans activist movement is inherently violent and oppressive and that that the trans activist movement is led by a small cabal of professors, activists and trannies. She believes her obligation is to those women who are affected by the corruption of the English language and the coopting of their womanhood by mentally ill men. G-d bless this woman.

>> No.15579885

>that the trans activist movement is inherently violent and oppressive
Imagine being so triggered by trans people that you're driven to delusions this insane.
I hope you find the mental health treatment you need.

>> No.15579893

>What next for her career?
Money, a lot.

>> No.15579896

>I hope you find the mental health treatment you need
irony so palpable you can sink your teeth into it.

>> No.15579900

>psychological literature
is irrelevant. the soft sciences have no value in this discussion, nor any discussion that affects real world changes and rules to our society.

>> No.15579904

you're fucking mad
a policeman stood on a black dude's head until he died, causing a wave of looting and rioting across america which has now spread overseas (thanks) and putting covid potentially back on the table and you think brits are annoying
honestly suck my fat fucking cock you burgerboy
lose weight

>> No.15579907

nothing i said is opinion. Just look at the response to Rowling and the use of violent rhetoric to silence her and women who think like her.

>> No.15579923

Retarded analogy, so you're saying if I take a donkey, dye its fur and put it into a costume so it looks like a zebra (with limited inspection at a distance), then there should be some categorization in which it truly is a zebra? Well that would be a stupid and useless category, in reality it's obviously a donkey, not a zebra, even if I change its external appearance a little bit.

P.S. MTF "waitresses" look like trannies, not women. Less than 1% of trannies actually pass, and the 1% that do still have a spurious look about them. So the whole analogy is almost completely useless a priori.

>> No.15579933
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You should read more Danish fairy tales. You're in one.

>> No.15579941

>But transgender theorists — from psychologists to philosophers to the general transgender community — have created a precise lexical field to deal with this issue in day-to-day speech
that's good for them, shan't be using it myself

>> No.15579943

What do mental health professionals say about trans people?
You wouldn't know, because you don't care. You just want them gone.

>> No.15579947

Instead I'm going to use /pol/ memes created by deranged neckbeards to create my map of reality. Only truly informed opinions for me!

>> No.15579950

The point isn’t that you mistook something for something else, it’s that your calling her a woman had nothing to do with her sex. We don’t call people women in culture based on their genitalia or chromosomes, we do it based on their gender presentation. I don’t get how such a simple point could be so hard to understand.

>> No.15579965

Yes, but there is a 99.99% correlation between "gender presentation" and "genitalia/chromosomes" (the 0.01% being birth defects) therefore the categories are isomorphic.

>> No.15579975

So can someone give me the conclusion to JKs rant here. From what I can gather it basically boils down to "I'm a women and it's hard, so they can't be"? Some of her points are intriguing for sure but that seems so childish to me.

From my point of view I think trans people can indeed be 'valid', and that it can be no more of a mental issue than being gay. I do think though that due to today's prevelance of echo chambers and acceptance from online strangers that a lot of these supposed trans people just have some kind of mental disorder, for lack of a better term.

I think therapy should be mandatory before any transition should be done.

>> No.15579979
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>You're confusing sex with gender and ignoring all the other cultures in the world that don't have the same gender norms as yours.
HEY GUISE some stone age tribes in the jungle islands off Cathay have some strange rituals where they dress up in funny costumes and chant to the gods, THEREFORE AKSHUALLY all of Western biology, biochemistry, genetics, and evolutionary theory is completely wrong and sex chromosomes don't determine gender lol gottem

>> No.15579983

No, transgender people present as the opposite gender all the time. And I already stated that the designation of her as a woman wasn’t based on an INFERENCE from her gender presentation to her sex. In other words, your line of thinking didn’t go: “Presents as a woman” —> “therefore likely to have female chromosomes” —> “therefore I will call her a woman”. Your line of thinking stops at “presents as a woman” because that is all it means to be a woman externally. Internally, of course, you have to genuinely feel like a woman, which transgender people do.

>> No.15580006

>And I already stated that the designation of her as a woman wasn’t based on an INFERENCE from her gender presentation to her sex.
State what you like, that doesn't make it true. I wish to live in the real world and not some absurd postmodern performance like you do, and therefore my designation of male and female categories IS absolutely based on my inferring their biological sex. As I said, I can do it with roughly 99.99% accuracy. Even the MTFs pretending to be woman but not passing (i.e. virtually all of them), I still categorize as men in their mind, because they are men.

>> No.15580011


Many do. Average people are tired of tranny shit.

>> No.15580012

>I refuse to bow down to a movement that I believe is doing demonstrable harm in seeking to erode ‘woman’ as a political and biological class and offering cover to predators like few before it.


>> No.15580020

I'm Australian you stupid worthless pom.

>> No.15580021

The transgender movement is full of contradictions. It holds that the real self is fundamentally separate from the material body, yet insists that transforming the body is crucial for personal wholeness. It attaches a notion of authentic gender identity to stereotypical activities and dispositions, yet it grows from a philosophy holding that gender is an artificial construct. It promotes a radical subjectivity in which individuals should be free to do whatever they wish and to define the truth as they choose, yet it calls for enforced conformity of belief in transgender dogma.

If you're going to be a feminist you should be in line with Rowling because it is the most coherent, at least in terms of sex.

>> No.15580025

Based. Sick of seeing threads about her.

>> No.15580055

1. She's the best selling author of our time
2. "Philosophical discussion" in a literary context is explicitly allowed
3. This board is barely moderated and half the threads on here are retarded and/or "gossip/politics", but it's still better than having jannies deciding what should and shouldn't be discussed

>> No.15580078
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>The only solution for the transgender menace is a bullet through the brain.

Good one, trans people and fucking faggots should die and leave this world suffering.

>> No.15580089

>This is the definition of gender
I can make up all sorts of stupid and useless definitions and you have use the corresponding terminology because I say so.
>Now if there is a biological male who feels as a deep and intrinsic part of himself that he is a woman
What if he truly feels like a dog? Does this make him a dog? No. Does he have the right to be treated as a dog and as a dog only? No.
>NOOO that's not the same thing muh gender is special
Arbitrary bullshit.

>> No.15580096

Fair enough, when I said “you” I really meant my ideal person. Maybe you think differently. But surely you acknowledge that biological males and females act differently in general? This different way of acting (which encompasses the entirety of one’s identity, from the way you present yourself to the way you perceive yourself) is termed in mainstream discourse as “gender”. If you object to such a distinction, do you also object to “women’s fashion”, “women’s clothing”, “men’s fashion”, etc. industries, since those are entirely predicated on this concept of “gender”, which you deny, and have nothing at all to do with the chromosomal makeup of males and females? Please explain to me how you account for the vast differences between the sexes in terms of behaviour and self perception without invoking gender. Moreover, what is the term you would use to describe a person who in all manner of behaviour and self perception is a woman, but who does not have a traditionally Male chromosomal makeup? Or do you think there’s no essential difference between such a person and a typical man?

>> No.15580099

How about you stop being a rulesnigger

>> No.15580101

Is a woman, but does not have a traditionally female chromosomal makeup**

>> No.15580144

What exactly is feeling like a woman?

>> No.15580150

>Philosophical discussion
Is this what counts as philosophical discussion? I'd rather jannies nuke all off-topic threads than let shitposters who don't discuss books swarm this place.
There is an entire board dedicated for gossip and politics

>> No.15580154

give up anon, this place is a /pol/ colony now
/sffg/ is the only place left on this board that actually discusses literature

>> No.15580184

There's nothing wrong with separating the biological differences and behavioural differences between men and women. The fault is where you suddenly assume they are not linked. In reality they are so closely linked that they can almost be treated as interchangeable. I don't deny the concept of "gender" or the existence of men's/women's fashion, etc. I just claim that those aspects are perfectly correlated with, and to a large extent determined by, biological sex.

>Moreover, what is the term you would use to describe a person who in all manner of behaviour and self perception is a woman, but who does not have a traditionally female chromosomal makeup?
"Mentally ill". But seriously, if they are XY, then they are a man behaving like a woman. If they are XXY or something, they are a one-in-a-million birth defect, the medical literature already includes terminology for them, and they are so rarely encountered that it doesn't really matter what I call them, and they certainly can't be used as an argument for the nature of humanity.
>"What is the term you would use to describe an animal which is in all manner of behaviour and self-perception a walrus, but who has the genetic and physical constitution of an antelope?"
This question could very well be nonsense.

>> No.15580187

didnt she just say that sex is real?
what kind of mental gymnastics do trannies have to go through to take offense at that?

>> No.15580243

>/sffg/ think they're anything but a containment thread

>> No.15580409

>people aren't convinced by the tranny delusion
>"waaah muh pol muh nazis waah!!"
In the real world (outside reddit and twitter), few normal people support this shit. I know loads of neolibs, Democrat voters, and various assorted normie moderates and lefties who all think trannies are weird and the "chromosomes don't real" stuff is stupid. 90%+ of normal, non-/pol/ people would agree with what Rowling writes in OP.

>> No.15580430
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>> No.15580435

She expressed nuance and is now branded heretic by the cult(ure) mob.

>> No.15580454

>tfw no TERF gf

>> No.15580461

shut the fuck up nigger, I don't give a fuck about trannies, if I want to shitpost about them I'll go to twitter or /pol/
I don't come to this board for this shit, I come to talk about books, nigger, BOOKS.

>> No.15580466

Just like the Minecraft Notch guy, shes rich enough to affors being "canceled" so who cares, really

>> No.15580490


I would rape trannies but im not a homo so they should just be bullied until they kill they selves

>> No.15580642
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>There's nothing wrong with separating the biological differences and behavioural differences between men and women. The fault is where you suddenly assume they are not linked.
This might be the case for the vast majority of people, but transgenders are an anomaly. They are people who, for all intents and purposes, view themselves as the opposite gender than that which their biology dictates, and act in that way. That sex and gender are linked in the vast majority of cases doesn't disprove the minority of cases where they are not.
I would also push back on your assertion that gender and sex are so closely linked as to be interchangeable. This is not the case for all aspects of gender. I already mentioned clothing; just look at how different the various male and female fashion trends have been throughout history. There's nothing in my male biology which dictates that I should wear suits instead of skirts, dresses, togas, kilts, earrings, bracelets, or whatever else. This is just a cause of societal gender influences. A male who is more at home wearing skirts over suits is not yet a woman -- but if he is more at home presenting as a woman in literally all aspects of gender, then he is a gendered woman, even if his sexual biology is male.
>But seriously, if they are XY, then they are a man behaving like a woman.
Again, this just isn't how the words 'man' and 'woman' are used in culture. If something can be called 'men's fashion' without being linked in any way to the chromosomal makeup of males, then surely a transgender man can be called a man without having male chromosomes. If we do enter a genderless society then I would agree with you that sex is the only important distinction. But in our culture gender seems to be so far abstracted from sex that one can cross over into the other gender while still remaining part of the same sex.

>> No.15580651

Who gives a fuck about what some actors say?

>> No.15580683


>> No.15580694

"Gender" is nowadays something that you can define for yourself and change several times a day based on your mood or what is fashionable. "Gender" as currently defined is therefore meaningless, like your favourite colour: it might be important to you but it tells my nothing interesting or useful about you.

Sex on the other hand is an absolute fact. All humans are either men or women. Women cannot become men, men cannot become women: anatomy is destiny, no matter how many people you can force by law to play "let's pretend". At the end of the day the man or woman who mutilates his or her body and pumps it full of hormones it was never designed to deal with is simply a damaged fool.

>> No.15580710
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>selling out your benefactor for twitter likes
Loyalty really is a lost art

>> No.15580712

>but transgenders are an anomaly
These people are mentally ill and need treatment to help them accept the object fact that they are not the sex they want to be and never can be. They need to learn to accept themselves for who they are, not what they think they are. You make them sound almost appealing. They are to be pitied and helped, like anyone else with a mental illness. Bt they are not to be encouraged.

>> No.15580720


She made these statements but wasn't she aware that a large part of her fanbase are trannies and delusional tranny loving idiots?

>> No.15580726

How about you move to CHAZ and see what you rideology leads to.

>> No.15580746

Redmayne took a trans role from the trans community. He'd be a TERF if men could be feminists in that trans ideology.

>> No.15580756

>"Gender" as currently defined is therefore meaningless
That doesn't make it meaningless, try again.

>Sex on the other hand is an absolute fact. All humans are either men or women.
No. Intersex exist. Where the debate fails is in assuming intersex and trans can be switched around, they cannot. They're not similar at all.

>> No.15580826

I'm not sure your line of reasoning on the flexibility of gender symbols can lead to the destination the transgender movement arrives at. If someone says, I'm a man, but I want to dress as a woman, sure, some people will be dicks about it, but you won't get biteback from feminists of the sort Rowling showed. It's when someone says, I want to have all the rights and accesses associated with being a woman that actual women get unhappy. Because some, not all but some, of those rights are tied to physical difference in a way that fashion isn't. Mostly, it seems to me, the biteback is about the safe spaces and protections that women receive on account of their physical vulnerability. That's in the realm of gender, it's a social construct, but a social construct that can't be divorced from reality.

>> No.15580886

we don't call animals 'donkeys' based on their evolutionary tree but rather based on them looking like donkeys

>> No.15580921


yes and they said they want nothing to do with you tranny fucks

>> No.15580931

I mean it varies, but that was kind of my point.

>> No.15580937

Horses are donkeys.

>> No.15580944

>No. Intersex exist.
You motherfuckers are either very dumb or very dishonest. People with disorders of sexual development do not constitute a third sex. Rather, DSDs are a pathology in the development and formation of the male or female body. As pediatric endocrinologist Quentin L. Van Meter writes, "The exceedingly rare DSDs are all medically identifiable deviations from the sexual binary norm. The 2006 consensus statement of the Intersex Society of North America and the 2015 revision of the statement does not endorse DSD as a third sex."

Biological sex is grounded in the organisms organization for reproduction. There is no third gonad, so with DSDs what can develop are dysfunction ovaries or testes.

>> No.15580980

oh so you're jealous
got it
enjoy your penal colony

>> No.15581002

Rowling is rich and never needs another deal again. Her series is the most popular children's fantasy ever written and will continue to be so, rrgardless of the kvetching. She can do and say what ever she wants with financial impunity

>> No.15581004

This - there are people out there that just hate trans people and want them to die, and they've taken over a lot of GC / radfem online spaces , but most of us just want push back on males taking away our spaces and resources.

>> No.15581031

>Gender is a social category describing behavioural patterns and methods of presentation usually associated with a certain sex
I disagree with this definition. What now?

>> No.15581033

>Rather, DSDs are a pathology in the development and formation of the male or female body. As pediatric endocrinologist Quentin L. Van Meter writes, "The exceedingly rare DSDs are all medically identifiable deviations from the sexual binary norm. The 2006 consensus statement of the Intersex Society of North America and the 2015 revision of the statement does not endorse DSD as a third sex."
Am I saying they're a third sex? I am saying they deconsruct the male-female sex dichotomy. Labelling many intersex people male or female doesn't make sense, and it becomes clear in those situations how impotent sex labels can be.

On the rarity, that's not true, in any given community there is the potential for intersex to become pretty common and make up a significant proportion of a population. Who cares about the Intersex Society of N America, or endocrinologists, they make up a vanishingly small percentage of the Earth's population.

>> No.15581068

If DSDs "deconstruct the sex dichotomy" then what else could they be than a third sex? Pediatric Endocrinology states that after "an assessment of the anatomy of the sex organs," the decisions regarding a course of treatment should rest "on the likely cosmetic appearance of the reconstructed genitalia, on the potential for normal sex steroid secretion at puberty, on the potential for normal sexual intercourse, and on the potential for fertility." It makes perfect sex when you recognize deviations for what they are.

>> No.15581127

Autism, the post.

>> No.15581129

Some people are born without legs but this doesn't deconstruct the bipedal nature of humans and it certainly doesn't constitute a new species.

>> No.15581135

Based Rupert

>> No.15581168

less than 1% of gender (muh feels) traits do not match up with the sex, and this is reason enough for you to make your claim. Your position has nothing to do with any altruistic claim you make, and even less to do with a scientific claim. It would do you well to evaluate your presuppositions.

>> No.15581186

Why does no one have any respect for each other anymore? These people would be nothing without her writing. On top of that, they're just enabling the mentally ill who are just looking for a way to disrespect and destroy anyone who has achieved success.

>> No.15581211

What the fuck does this have to do with /lit/? Please stop these threads ..fuck

>> No.15581268

>Intersex exist.
muh birth defects

>> No.15581410

*ice cream van noises in the distance*

>> No.15581591

It's a discussion about one of the most popular modern authors who is in the news. How about you just stop being a nigger about rules? Go to Reddit if you want to be a moderator. That's not what chan culture has ever been about.

>> No.15581636

how is she a radical feminist? I know you have your epic buzzword, but it makes no sense here. get the fuck back to leftypol braindead teenage commie.

>> No.15581640

Rupert is a brony, he is probably right wing.

>> No.15581645

trannies are a part of that idiocy.

>> No.15581662

dumb britcuck.
>look at me I care about niggers, the plight of niggers is terrible, hey everyone I care about the niggers I really do, he was black he was a BLACK MAN a WHITE police killed a BLACK IT'S ANOTHER SHOAH

>> No.15581668

This will be the grave the neoliberals have dug for themselves, to be honest. It's still going on with corporations openly supporting BLM rubbish. People who tout the freedom of the individuality within a framework of capital have erected a system which must necessarily bury them under a tidal wave of the complaints of the wronged. Watching JK Rowling get shot by a gun she helped load is a magnificent Greek drama.

>> No.15581691

man: adult human male
woman: adult human female
no sane person gives a shit that you're trying to redefine the words "man" and "woman" to mean something completely different from what they've always meant. you are a retard and all your "transgender theorists" are worth fuckall.

>> No.15581733

The Jews will survive this because while they're at the forefront of promoting individualism, they themselves don't buy into it. They have always expressed the need to retain and protect Jewish identity while hypocritically pathologizing the exact same behavior in gentiles. The Jews benefit from BLM and all this nonsense because their biggest competitor and most dangerous potential enemy is white people. It's not them who are being weakened by this and being replaced by black people in the name of diversity and it's not their statues being torn down. It's no coincidence that every major corporation run by Jews has come out in support of it.

>> No.15581775

Jewish birthrates are just as atrocious as white birthrates, perhaps worse, and when the USA goes down in flames, it won't be able to support Israel from the barbaric hordes surrounding it. The notion the Jews have engineered this like Saruman concocting an evil plot is an easy, simple narrative, but the darkening of the globe with the resultant lowering of the IQ and the collapse of civilization won't benefit anyone including the Jews. This is short-term self-serving greed erecting its own death trap.

>> No.15581847

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.15581922
File: 881 KB, 1100x739, 1536090464238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Internally, of course, you have to genuinely feel like a woman
what is "internally feel like a woman"?. you are proposing gender is the mannierism, you only feel the manierism. literally there is no "feel like a woman". its as stupid as "feel like a man" with a poster of vin diesel displaying his biceps. you are feeling the cosmpolitan of being a woman. you dont know what is to be a woman you only know you like the fetishification of woman. its all so tiresome and stupid.

>> No.15581983

This topic of discussion is much better suited for a place called www dot reddit dot com, go ahead and check it out you might just feel at home there!

>> No.15582010

the tranny's saying that if you have the sudden urge to knit and wear sundresses, that is a female thought, but if you have the urge to drink beer from a can and do push-ups, that is a male thought. male and female thoughts cannot co-exist within the mind, it has to be one or the other, but they are at a constant battle of wills with each other and the winner decides what you are going to identify as for that day.